The blog continues, "In these progressive days we've spread more files than ever. We've made history. We now have the honour to report that The Pirate Bay now archives 200 000, by the citizens donated, documents of culture and we're tracking more then 500 000 cultural treasures globally. This is a new world record." Has TPB decided to go cultural?
The Pirate Bay is notorious throughout the tech world for poking fun at major corporations and catching the attention of the masses. The fact that the site was raided by U.S.-backed Swedish Police raid in May of last year only appeared to boost the site's popularity. In fact, within a few days, it had bounced back with a larger following and a cheeky new logo (pictured).
Even more recently, The Pirate Bay came up with the idea of possibly creating its own country -- free from any governing body -- a place where digital content could be freely shared in peace. Whether or not the idea will materialize remains to be seen, however keen followers have already coughed up over USD 20,000 towards the idea.
The diploma to the King of Sweden is serious and legitimate, however, judging by the way the statement is written and taking into account TPB's history for mocking large organizations and authorities, one suspects this may be another headline-seeking tactic.
"We hope the King will appreciate our efforts and we have asked for an audience with the King or preferably the princess Madeleine," finishes the blog.
Pirate Bay
Written by: Ben Reid @ 12 Mar 2007 9:45