Pirate Bay gives diploma to King of Sweden

Pirate Bay gives diploma to King of Sweden
Never shy of making the headlines, Bittorrent indexing site ThePirateBay.org announced in a blog that it has awarded a diploma to the King of Sweden. The site state that it is a "congratulatory diploma" regarding its "joint efforts in making Sweden famous globally when it comes to technology and culture".

The blog continues, "In these progressive days we've spread more files than ever. We've made history. We now have the honour to report that The Pirate Bay now archives 200 000, by the citizens donated, documents of culture and we're tracking more then 500 000 cultural treasures globally. This is a new world record." Has TPB decided to go cultural?

The Pirate Bay is notorious throughout the tech world for poking fun at major corporations and catching the attention of the masses. The fact that the site was raided by U.S.-backed Swedish Police raid in May of last year only appeared to boost the site's popularity. In fact, within a few days, it had bounced back with a larger following and a cheeky new logo (pictured).

Even more recently, The Pirate Bay came up with the idea of possibly creating its own country -- free from any governing body -- a place where digital content could be freely shared in peace. Whether or not the idea will materialize remains to be seen, however keen followers have already coughed up over USD 20,000 towards the idea.

The diploma to the King of Sweden is serious and legitimate, however, judging by the way the statement is written and taking into account TPB's history for mocking large organizations and authorities, one suspects this may be another headline-seeking tactic.

"We hope the King will appreciate our efforts and we have asked for an audience with the King or preferably the princess Madeleine," finishes the blog.

Pirate Bay

Written by: Ben Reid @ 12 Mar 2007 9:45
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  • eiffel65

    I'd love to live there.

    12.3.2007 10:03 #1

  • joe777

    The author of this article is asking if TPB is displaying a publicity stunt? The worlds largest torrent site vying for publicity to stay up there with the rest? My friend wake up and smell the coffee, the good folks at TPB dont give a toss for ratings, only freedom of speech be it oral or text. Listen to Bill Hicks " I am not trying to corner the market" Bollocks to advertising, marketing and hear-say for popularity. Long live TPB

    12.3.2007 12:00 #2

  • mystic

    a country on to it self... interesting thought.... why not create a world with in a program like "second life" there they could have a country or even a world for file sharing? not that I would know anything about it couldnt someone program a world where you enter with out your name or ip being watched and with in the program it could alow for the files to be shared? and then host the server with in a country who's laws allow for less active persuit of downloaders then some country under the thumb of the US government?

    12.3.2007 14:29 #3

  • domie

    Originally posted by joe777:The author of this article is asking if TPB is displaying a publicity stunt? The worlds largest torrent site vying for publicity to stay up there with the rest? My friend wake up and smell the coffee, the good folks at TPB dont give a toss for ratings, only freedom of speech be it oral or text. Listen to Bill Hicks " I am not trying to corner the market" Bollocks to advertising, marketing and hear-say for popularity. Long live TPBoh yeah that's right, that's why on just one particular page
    they spam their users with not one but FOUR different advertisements with 4 different ad networks ranging from fake rolexes to sex contacts, i suggest you open your eyes and then wake up and smell the coffee, making a profit from piracy , that's what they are all about, it's not even arguable...the evidence is there if you just take a minute to see it.

    12.3.2007 14:39 #4

  • ZippyDSM

    Quote:Originally posted by joe777:The author of this article is asking if TPB is displaying a publicity stunt? The worlds largest torrent site vying for publicity to stay up there with the rest? My friend wake up and smell the coffee, the good folks at TPB dont give a toss for ratings, only freedom of speech be it oral or text. Listen to Bill Hicks " I am not trying to corner the market" Bollocks to advertising, marketing and hear-say for popularity. Long live TPBoh yeah that's right, that's why on just one particular page
    they spam their users with not one but FOUR different advertisements with 4 different ad networks ranging from fake rolexes to sex contacts, i suggest you open your eyes and then wake up and smell the coffee, making a profit from piracy , that's what they are all about, it's not even arguable...the evidence is there if you just take a minute to see it.
    so how much dose the network cost and how much are they getting from advertising mmm?

    12.3.2007 14:47 #5

  • likus

    domie, can't see any ads... Wait, must be some kind of magical ad blocking working there. Ever heard of that?

    12.3.2007 15:13 #6

  • reanueax

    Originally posted by joe777:The author of this article is asking if TPB is displaying a publicity stunt? The worlds largest torrent site vying for publicity to stay up there with the rest? My friend wake up and smell the coffee, the good folks at TPB dont give a toss for ratings, only freedom of speech be it oral or text. Listen to Bill Hicks " I am not trying to corner the market" Bollocks to advertising, marketing and hear-say for popularity. Long live TPByou said oral

    but no this is really great
    I would do more torenting but now they have cgrid

    12.3.2007 15:17 #7

  • ZippyDSM

    Quote:Originally posted by joe777:The author of this article is asking if TPB is displaying a publicity stunt? The worlds largest torrent site vying for publicity to stay up there with the rest? My friend wake up and smell the coffee, the good folks at TPB dont give a toss for ratings, only freedom of speech be it oral or text. Listen to Bill Hicks " I am not trying to corner the market" Bollocks to advertising, marketing and hear-say for popularity. Long live TPByou said oral

    but no this is really great
    I would do more torenting but now they have cgrid
    Censor grid is laughable,so much for universities to be areas of free thought.

    12.3.2007 15:20 #8

  • domie

    Originally posted by likus:domie, can't see any ads... Wait, must be some kind of magical ad blocking working there. Ever heard of that?then turn off your adblocking options in your browser or security suite or if that scares you too much , take a look at this screenshot that i uploaded especially for smartasses like you


    just because you have your system configured to block all ads doesn't mean that they aren't there, trying to make money. read and learn.

    12.3.2007 15:34 #9

  • ZippyDSM

    Quote:Originally posted by likus:domie, can't see any ads... Wait, must be some kind of magical ad blocking working there. Ever heard of that?then turn off your adblocking options in your browser or security suite or if that scares you too much , take a look at this screenshot that i uploaded especially for smartasses like you


    just because you have your system configured to block all ads doesn't mean that they aren't there, trying to make money. read and learn.
    ever think that with all the ad blocking stuff they need more on the page and hope some with gain money and not just site there being ignored?

    12.3.2007 15:42 #10

  • fungyo

    Quote:oh yeah that's right, that's why on just one particular page
    they spam their users with not one but FOUR different advertisements with 4 different ad networks ranging from fake rolexes to sex contacts, i suggest you open your eyes and then wake up and smell the coffee, making a profit from piracy , that's what they are all about, it's not even arguable...the evidence is there if you just take a minute to see it.
    How much do you think it costs to keep a site like TPB and their traffic numbers up and running?
    They also have a political party fighting for freedoms, which large corps are continually robbing us of, especially those of the US.
    I don't believe they profit at all, I also believe they're doing us all a favour, and no, I'm not talking about illegal downloads.

    13.3.2007 00:58 #11

  • joe777

    Many big guns have tried to imply that TPB is making money. But they are a non profit registered company. Go look for your self then roll your eyes and think WTF was I talking about.

    13.3.2007 08:32 #12

  • domie

    good grief you people are easily fooled, doesn't anybody check out the facts before they post in here shouting their mouths off ?
    let's take just one of the 6 companies that advertise on the pirate bay and see what they charge

    yup, that's right, over $ 1000 a month for a single text advert ( and they have at least 4 ) which makes $ 4000 in my book, multiply that by the other networks advertising on pirate bay and a conservative estimate would be about $ 20,000 a month, plus the fact that the site is the 288th biggest websites in all of the net ( check alexa traffic ranks ).

    do you people have any idea how much the top 300 websites in the world make from advertising ?

    a non-profit run organisation ? STOP, YOU ARE CRACKING ME UPyou believe that because they tell you ?

    the owners tell you they are doing all this from the goodness of their heart and you believe them no questions asked ? well why not, plenty believe they are going to buy an entire country with their $ 20,000 + donations.

    a fool and his money are easily parted they say.

    please analise these proven facts before you reply with "that's not true but i have nothing to prove my case with but that won't stop me shouting my mouth off "

    a simple 5 minutes of internet searching will prove beyond any doubt that these swedes are absolutely coining it in and laughing all the way to the bank.

    13.3.2007 12:17 #13

  • domie

    and if you needed further proof

    The Pirate Bay's jaunty image was blemished when a July 5 article in the Swedish daily paper Svenska Dagbladet revealed the site's hidden financial life for the first time. Posing as an internet firm seeking advertising on the Bay, the paper phoned Eastpoint Media, which sells banner ads for the Pirate Bay in Scandinavia. Eastpoint revealed to the reporter that they place 600,000 Kr of ads per month -- about $84,000 U.S.

    Eastpoint takes 50 percent of that off the top, and part of the remainder likely goes to Random Media, a Swiss company that directly manages all the Bay's ad placements. But the implication of the report was clear -- a website dedicated to a selfless ideal, and which solicits donations, was turning a tidy profit.

    The owner declines to say more, on advice of the Pirate Bay's defense counsel.
    seems my $ 20,000 estimate was a little off target, yeah, the pirate bay are really good guys who make no profit at all !!!

    the very fact that they use a separate swiss company to handle all their advertising should be proof enough for most people who aren't blind.

    13.3.2007 12:37 #14

  • joe777

    Seems to me that you need a reality check my friend. Under swedish law. What type of business is TPB running. Profit or non profit? And I hear you bitching, and calling in figures from ads? So how much does it cost to support 12,000 hits per second? Come on smarty pants tell me!!! And how much do server installs cost, and these servers are capable of 12,000 hits per second? Who are you, government Agent? Private eye? or japs eye?

    14.3.2007 13:42 #15

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