Sony boss says Wii is a 'wonderful device'

Sony boss says Wii is a 'wonderful device'
In a yet to be aired interview with the American PBS program CEO Exchange, Sony boss, Sir Howard Stringer is noted to have called Nintendo's Wii console "a wonderful device." Nintendo's Wii has topped the console sales for both January and February in the United States. Honesty exists in the games industry, but it is rare, and is always followed with some form of a "but..".

Naturally, Stringer sang praises for the PlayStation 3 (PS3) console, referring to it as the "Mercedes of the video game field". "If we fail, it is because we positioned PS3 as the Mercedes of the video game field." he said in the interview. "PS3 is after a different audience and it can be whatever it wants — a home server, game device, even a computer."

He also expects Blu-ray to win the format war with HD DVD, mainly due to increased movie studio support.


Written by: James Delahunty @ 19 Mar 2007 18:07
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  • azndrake

    i wish i can get a wii but its always sold out :((

    19.3.2007 19:32 #1

  • duckNrun

    yeah unlike the PS3's sitting on the shelves of NUMEROUS local vbix stores...

    19.3.2007 23:32 #2

  • bobiroc

    "If we fail, it is because we positioned PS3 as the Mercedes of the video game field." he said in the interview. "PS3 is after a different audience and it can be whatever it wants — a home server, game device, even a computer."

    Now I may be wrong but a huge chunk of the gaming world is made up of middle class working people and they are targeting their device at the rich spoiled kids with lots of indespensable money.

    I am sorry, but I don't have a rich Mommy and Daddy to go out and buy me a new game system and I do not feel like spending 25% of my monthly salary (after taxes) on a game system. I have things like a mortgage, utility bills, and other costs of living. I just want a system to play some games on in my spare time.

    20.3.2007 08:50 #3

  • lionhart2

    "PS3 is after a different audience and it can be whatever it wants — a home server, game device, even a computer."

    I'm getting tired of hearing this, its always like: "psX is more than a gaming system~~~, it can also be this and that." The problem is we, gamers, dont give a darn about whether it can wash your laundry while making u eggs, all we want is a game device that plays "games." I'm pretty sure almost everyone on this planet already owns a computer, so why would we want to pay a kidney to get something we already have?

    20.3.2007 18:36 #4

  • dorkydork

    i agree it is too expensive but i also have to agree i want to play my media, video and music, internet and other things a "computer" can do on my living room tv. although i still haven't seen any cool visual music generators since the atari jaguar or was it 3DO. i should say interactive (the visuals would respond to the music and the controller.)

    wow, remember the 3do? i completely forgot about that till now.

    23.3.2007 06:34 #5

  • DancingWD

    Originally posted by bobiroc:"If we fail, it is because we positioned PS3 as the Mercedes of the video game field." he said in the interview. "PS3 is after a different audience and it can be whatever it wants — a home server, game device, even a computer."

    Now I may be wrong but a huge chunk of the gaming world is made up of middle class working people and they are targeting their device at the rich spoiled kids with lots of indespensable money.

    I am sorry, but I don't have a rich Mommy and Daddy to go out and buy me a new game system and I do not feel like spending 25% of my monthly salary (after taxes) on a game system. I have things like a mortgage, utility bills, and other costs of living. I just want a system to play some games on in my spare time.

    25% :D pfff ... i'm counting if I eat bread and water for 5 months then I'll be able to buy it :D ... now then i'll just have to sell my kidney to get a HDTV.
    No seriously 25% isnt't that much ... go by bus, less drinking parties, don't buy those cool new shoes .. that you dont't really need and if you still don't feel like it divide it in two months :D it's all about the priorites and what you like and what you want (and it seems since you obviously dont whant want it that badly). PS3 isn't cheap but so are many other good things in life and it's a hell lot more powerfull than a Wii or an avarage PC for that matter.
    Well I beleave that the current lack of games for ps3 is a lot more discouraging than it's price (especialy since im an jRPG fan).

    It's simple - if you think that your need can be satisfied by Wii :D well chears to you ( I do thinkl that Wii is a great machine by the way) but if you don't then stop your biaching and cough-up the extra cash.
    I think it's lame to say that smth is bad because it casts more. this isn't bread or water if you can't aford ps3 don't blame sony for that.

    oh and ppl :D if you do have some sort of pathology about such things go after Ferrari :D

    23.3.2007 08:03 #6

  • bobiroc

    You're right I do not want it that badly and as of now I do not want it at all. It all comes down the machine is overpriced. Yeah it plays Blu-ray movies and has lots of power, but lets be honest with each other. I feel that many people will do what they have always done and go out and get a separate movie player and probably one that plays both Blu-ray and HD-DVD in one unit. That would kind of make the Blu-ray Movie Player a wasted feature now wouldn't it. When it comes to the online features it is nice that gamers can play online with each other, but I cannot see doing a whole lot of internet browsing on a game console. They have tried webTV type devices to death and they all have failed. People rather have a computer for that experience and no matter what they say a PS3 cannot match a computer.

    So in short I think a game console should be just that. Lets play video games and not try to take over the world starting with the living room.

    P4 3.06 w/HT, 1GB Ram, 40GB HDD for OS, 80 GB HDD for Data
    GeForce 6200, SB Audigy 2 Plat. Pioneer DVD-ROM, SONY DVD±RW
    Windows XP MCE 2005
    "Media Center Computer"
    AMD Athlon 64 X2 4400+, 2GB Ram, 400GB's of HDD Space, GeForce 6600, DVD-ROM, 16X DL DVD±RW
    Windows XP 64 Professional
    "My Dual Core Power House"

    23.3.2007 08:26 #7

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