The press release claims that monthly downloads on Xbox Live Video are now on a double-digit month to month growth, and overall have increased about 400 percent since XLV went live in November.
In the press release Microsoft also claims that XLV is the top downloading service "in the living room" and number two in downloading services behind iTunes.
iTunes has about 1,000 hours of content available for download while Microsoft claims 1,500 hours on XLV.
Microsoft also reminds that XLV is the only download service to offer HD programming at the moment. There are rumors however, that iTunes will begin to offer HD programming alongside the launch of Apple TV.
However, the HD content available on XLV does have its drawbacks. HD content take up much more room than non-HD content, and Xbox 360s have small 20 GB HDDs.
Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 20 Mar 2007 12:13