Early Wednesday,
Apple said it had begun shipping its Apple TV. With Apple TVs release, Apple hopes to solidify its hold on the digital entertainment industry and expand to markets they are currently not a part of.
"The device acts as a link between iTunes on the computer and a user's big-screen television by using a preexisting Wi-Fi network. For faster transfer, the device would use 802.11n technology. It includes a 40GB hard drive to store the information locally to the device, negating the need to download it before each viewing."
You can read more about the Apple TV in this article:
Apple TV
Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 21 Mar 2007 19:59
This is going to be just like the speaker that apple made for ipod. meaning not going to sell well.
21.3.2007 20:18 #1
so uh.... im still not exactly sure what this apple tv does...
so far it sounds like a hardware device that connects to your tv and acts as an interface to the net so you can purchase and download tv shows and other videos from the net then watch them on your tv.
so whats this thing do better than just downloading the tv shows for free from p2p and then usuing a wireless usb tv adaptor to watch it wirelessly on your tv? so the apple tv has fancy menues, big deal. my way is FREEEEEEEEE!
seriously, people who are too dumb to download are propping up these monopolistic dinosours. STOP IT! the sooner everyone learns how to download the faster consumers will take control.
22.3.2007 07:06 #2
Originally posted by georgeluv:so uh.... im still not exactly sure what this apple tv does...
so far it sounds like a hardware device that connects to your tv and acts as an interface to the net so you can purchase and download tv shows and other videos from the net then watch them on your tv.
so whats this thing do better than just downloading the tv shows for free from p2p and then usuing a wireless usb tv adaptor to watch it wirelessly on your tv? so the apple tv has fancy menues, big deal. my way is FREEEEEEEEE!
seriously, people who are too dumb to download are propping up these monopolistic dinosours. STOP IT! the sooner everyone learns how to download the faster consumers will take control.Your way is free but not legal ;)
22.3.2007 10:38 #3
Quote:Originally posted by georgeluv:so uh.... im still not exactly sure what this apple tv does...
so far it sounds like a hardware device that connects to your tv and acts as an interface to the net so you can purchase and download tv shows and other videos from the net then watch them on your tv.
so whats this thing do better than just downloading the tv shows for free from p2p and then usuing a wireless usb tv adaptor to watch it wirelessly on your tv? so the apple tv has fancy menues, big deal. my way is FREEEEEEEEE!
seriously, people who are too dumb to download are propping up these monopolistic dinosours. STOP IT! the sooner everyone learns how to download the faster consumers will take control.Your way is free but not legal ;)neither is thier way buying off the goverment to make fair use illict,its gettign to the point where I say downloading is the same as buying used,they make no profit in it thus have no right to complain if they refuse to get with the times and offer the downloads for a fair price,screw them its not worth the loss of money.
22.3.2007 15:02 #4
Quote:Originally posted by georgeluv:so uh.... im still not exactly sure what this apple tv does...
so far it sounds like a hardware device that connects to your tv and acts as an interface to the net so you can purchase and download tv shows and other videos from the net then watch them on your tv.
so whats this thing do better than just downloading the tv shows for free from p2p and then usuing a wireless usb tv adaptor to watch it wirelessly on your tv? so the apple tv has fancy menues, big deal. my way is FREEEEEEEEE!
seriously, people who are too dumb to download are propping up these monopolistic dinosours. STOP IT! the sooner everyone learns how to download the faster consumers will take control.Your way is free but not legal ;)explain to me how simply downloading a video from the net is illegal, im not sharing. from all my legal sluthing i cannot find how simply downloading is illegal. its no diferent than taping a show off tv, and even if i am downloading shows from chanels i do not subscribe too (premium) its still legal. so i say my way IS legal, please provide legal precident to the contrary if you dont think so.
23.3.2007 06:56 #5
more info, a foxnews.com review of the apple tv, and its quite long.
guess what? it wont work with non-widescreen tvs and its video quality isnt so hot, especialy if you have a discriminating eye and a huge hd tv. it costs 300 beans....
and after that review i can say that all you need to do the exact same thing for free (legaly no less) is a wireless tv adaptor and a fasttrack or gnutella client with sharing turned off.
apple tv is to video what itunes is to music, only people unfamiliar with technology need apply.
23.3.2007 09:50 #6
Quote:[quote=georgeluv]so uh.... im still not exactly sure what this apple tv does...
so far it sounds like a hardware device that connects to your tv and acts as an interface to the net so you can purchase and download tv shows and other videos from the net then watch them on your tv.
so whats this thing do better than just downloading the tv shows for free from p2p and then usuing a wireless usb tv adaptor to watch it wirelessly on your tv? so the apple tv has fancy menues, big deal. my way is FREEEEEEEEE!
seriously, people who are too dumb to download are propping up these monopolistic dinosours. STOP IT! the sooner everyone learns how to download the faster consumers will take control.
Your way is free but not legal ;)
explain to me how simply downloading a video from the net is illegal, im not sharing. from all my legal sluthing i cannot find how simply downloading is illegal. its no diferent than taping a show off tv, and even if i am downloading shows from chanels i do not subscribe too (premium) its still legal. so i say my way IS legal, please provide legal precident to the contrary if you dont think so.are trying to tell me that downloading tv shows from p2p is legal...i dont see how that is not illegal
23.3.2007 10:01 #7