PlayStation 3 launches in Europe and Australia

PlayStation 3 launches in Europe and Australia
Sony Corp.'s PlayStation 3 (PS3) console has launched in Europe and Australia today, March 23rd 2007. The latest installment of the PlayStation franchise launched in both the North America and Japan in November 2006, but production problems led to an additional four month delay for PAL territories. The PS3 console is a powerful gaming console/home entertainment device/computer, striving to be the most powerful gaming console of the generation when pitted against Nintendo's Wii and Microsoft's Xbox 360.

While being last to the starting line, at least in Europe, the PS3 still has received phenomenal demand according to retailers, despite also being the most expensive console. It costs AUD$999 in Australia and the price in Europe is set at €599 but varies in many countries (€629 in Ireland, £425 in UK etc.). Another notable difference between the launch in PAL territories and the launch in NTSC territories is the absence of a 20GB model in Europe and Australia. Only the more expensive 60GB model is available for the launch.

The unit includes a high definition Blu-ray disc player, a feature that has helped to ensure strong movie studio support for the Blu-ray format. Its latest firmware update also adds support for the Stanford Folding@Home project, which simulates protein folding in an attempt to determine causes of many diseases. The project could get a significant boost from PS3 users if they choose to leave their console work on tasks while idle and connected to the Internet.

See: PS3 1.6 update adds Folding@Home

Later this year, PS3 owners will also be treated to Sony's upcoming PlayStation Home virtual world that brings social networking to the console. The selection of games is also growing fast and Sony has lately re-assured gamers that the new units will support over 1,000 PS2 games. The units sold in North America and Japan include hardware (emotion engine) for backwards-compatibly support for older PlayStation titles. To help reduce production costs, this was removed from the units that have shipped to PAL territories and replaced with software emulation.

See: PlayStation Home details and screenshots & Sony lists PS3-compatible older titles

In Australia, more than 500 retailers opened their doors in the early hours of the day to greet customers. Retailer Myer at Sydney's Pitt Street mall screened Casino Royale for gamers waiting to buy the console. Free popcorn and ice cream was handed out to customers. In the UK, HMV has teamed up with SEGA for the launch, with the first 150 customers receiving a free copy of Virtua Tennis. The store will host demos of the game and other promotion activities as the day progresses, starting 7:30am.

See: HMV teams up with SEGA for UK PS3 launch

Many retailer stores in the UK have opted for a midnight launch but Police have voiced their concerns about the safety of customers buying PS3 consoles during the late hours. This launch in Europe and Australia means the console war is now fully started, as Nintendo, Microsoft and Sony will compare hardware and software sales and keep up strong promotion to dominate the multi-billion worldwide video game market.

Written by: James Delahunty @ 22 Mar 2007 15:02
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  • ZippyDSM

    For thos that are buying this right now at these insane prices I hope you enjoy it,good luck!!

    22.3.2007 15:10 #1

  • BobbyBlu

    Congrats all EU & Aus PS3 owners you will see that the price tag justify the system thats the main concern i had before i got my system & I'm a very happy PS3 owner.

    22.3.2007 17:10 #2

  • sj512

    just got back from getting my ps3 will be up all night not a bad console at all all i need now is some blue ray films to play on it are i just buy
    a Blu-ray player i do not want to play films on my ps3 i think a console is for games only not for playing films on

    22.3.2007 17:17 #3

  • ZippyDSM

    Originally posted by BobbyBlu:Congrats all EU & Aus PS3 owners you will see that the price tag justify the system thats the main concern i had before i got my system & I'm a very happy PS3 owner.You do realize they are paying 200-300 more than the US?.....

    22.3.2007 17:32 #4

  • hade

    Quote:You do realize they are paying 200-300 more than the US?.....
    unfortunately something im sure they have become more than accustumed to. the 360's pricetag is higher over there as well ;)

    enjoy the ps3, the more people utilize the features of the system the more they will begin to realize how much of a bargain they really got. some killer apps wouldn't hurt either, but they are coming...

    oh and i just came across this, now im a little peev'd

    Quote:At the London launch everyone who bought a PS3 also received a free 46-inch HD television and a taxi home.

    22.3.2007 18:28 #5

  • BobbyBlu

    Quote:You do realize they are paying 200-300 more than the US?Thats has more to do with the country dollar value than it does Sony.But if the EU & Aussie are happy than I'm happy for them.

    Quote:i just came across this, now im a little peev'dBut they did have to wait almost 4 months to get a system i wonder what brand HD TV they got if its Sony i'm going to be really pissed.

    22.3.2007 19:42 #6

  • ZippyDSM

    ya by almost half of what the PS3 price hike is,the EU/UK consumers are gettign waped and I very very much dislike it.

    its like ok the US consumer is cheap lets price hike the rest of the world...oh cant do japan thats our number 1 base and Jp is having "rough" times......bloody hell.....this pricing scheme is insane I know 20-50% of it is terafs and vats and such but the corporate horde is price gouging >>

    22.3.2007 21:25 #7

  • baldy43

    I have been told that if you buy a PS3 you are beeing missled. All of your other PS games you will not be able to use on this machine. Ware I get all of my games from here in Adelaide in South Australia told me 3 weeks ago that he had been told of this problum. He did the right thing and told everyone that had it on order and if they liked to they could cancle their order. If you are going to buy one of the PS3 ask the store that if your older games will work on it and to signe a paper to say that if the old games will not work on it he will refund all of your money. BE WARNED.

    23.3.2007 03:07 #8

  • Filth

    Quote:Thats has more to do with the country dollar value than it does Sony.That's total BS. Euro is over 1,3 dollars. So, it should be cheaper here.

    23.3.2007 03:10 #9

  • ZippyDSM

    Originally posted by baldy43:I have been told that if you buy a PS3 you are beeing missled. All of your other PS games you will not be able to use on this machine. Ware I get all of my games from here in Adelaide in South Australia told me 3 weeks ago that he had been told of this problum. He did the right thing and told everyone that had it on order and if they liked to they could cancle their order. If you are going to buy one of the PS3 ask the store that if your older games will work on it and to signe a paper to say that if the old games will not work on it he will refund all of your money. BE are correct the EU/UK PS3s do not support as many PSX/PS2 titles,you are gettign less of a machine for more money,sony should be ashamed of them selfs for this tactic.

    Exsalcty ,I can understand a 18% hike for tax/vat then another 60$ for shipment compensation,but what they are doing is highway robbery.

    23.3.2007 03:37 #10

  • BobbyBlu

    Quote:That's total BS. Euro is over 1,3 dollars. So, it should be cheaper here.When the last time you check that country dollar value my friend.It suck bad there not to include the economy is at a stand still[alot of country right now] so you might want to look a little more into this.

    Sony has announced pricing plans for first-party PlayStation 3 titles, revealing that disc-based games will cost EUR 59.99 / GBP 39.99 at launch. Sony also hinted at pricing for downloadable games such as BlastFactor, flOw and Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection, which will be available via the PlayStation Network service. For an “introductory period”, they will cost between EUR 2.99 and EUR 9.99.

    No one crying about games being cheaper there so kill this price chatter you can't base country's price with each others.Every country economy is not the same.

    23.3.2007 04:24 #11

  • ZippyDSM


    funny Jp,USA,EU are abotu the same when it comes to a bad economy,I am sorry but they use this global pricing scheme ,to make double and tripple profits not to sale the item for the "going rate".
    when taxes/vats tripple if not double by trice something is very wrong with the picture......

    if you call it "normal" I call downloading modding and bypassing regions "boycoting".

    23.3.2007 04:33 #12

  • Filth

    Quote:When the last time you check that country dollar value my friend.It suck bad there not to include the economy is at a stand still[alot of country right now] so you might want to look a little more into this.Well, I can argue about these things all night but I won't because I do it for a living. I'm Master of Economic Sciences so, I know thing or two about these matters. I'm just saying that Sony's reasoning is total BS. They can price their PS3's how they like but I just hope they save us from that BS.

    23.3.2007 05:59 #13

  • ZippyDSM

    Quote:[quote]When the last time you check that country dollar value my friend.It suck bad there not to include the economy is at a stand still[alot of country right now] so you might want to look a little more into this.Well, I can argue about these things all night but I won't because I do it for a living. I'm Master of Economic Sciences so, I know thing or two about these matters. I'm just saying that Sony's reasoning is total BS. They can price their PS3's how they like but I just hope they save us from that BS.[/quote]Aint it so? MSRP is more the going rate they CAN sale things by,in the global economical world it dosent really cost them to ship thigns where they ship all thier other products so then when they tact on 30 or 60% to the post tax/vat "normal MSRP" its price gouging at tis finest....

    23.3.2007 06:06 #14

  • DancingWD

    Well, In us u will find that electroic good are ussually cheaper than in Europe :D and by the time they reach my country (Lithuania, EU, eastern europe).... welll lets just say that a ps2 was a super luxary good :D we still have to pay ~250$ for an new PS2. we could preorder a PS3 for 925$. or ~725e.
    And I must add that the retail price increase isn't as high as we were expecting :D

    23.3.2007 07:06 #15

  • ZippyDSM

    Originally posted by DancingWD:Well, In us u will find that electroic good are ussually cheaper than in Europe :D and by the time they reach my country (Lithuania, EU, eastern europe).... welll lets just say that a ps2 was a super luxary good :D we still have to pay ~250$ for an new PS2. we could preorder a PS3 for 925$. or ~725e.
    And I must add that the retail price increase isn't as high as we were expecting :D
    and if you imported it?

    23.3.2007 07:34 #16

  • DancingWD

    Quote:Originally posted by DancingWD:Well, In us u will find that electroic good are ussually cheaper than in Europe :D and by the time they reach my country (Lithuania, EU, eastern europe).... welll lets just say that a ps2 was a super luxary good :D we still have to pay ~250$ for an new PS2. we could preorder a PS3 for 925$. or ~725e.
    And I must add that the retail price increase isn't as high as we were expecting :D
    and if you imported it?
    and what about regions? Games I think work with all versions but what about movies? well getting a version from US would certainly be cheaper. but as I said thankfully ps3 doesnt seem to have such a high step-up price as ps2. so any real bargain is only with US version.
    but on the other hand ... there are still problems with our banking system . there is no way to get a cheap international online shoping capable credit cards (minimum income restrictions, high service fee's) so it's not that simple for a part-time working student.

    23.3.2007 08:51 #17

  • ZippyDSM

    Quote:[quote][quote=DancingWD]Well, In us u will find that electroic good are ussually cheaper than in Europe :D and by the time they reach my country (Lithuania, EU, eastern europe).... welll lets just say that a ps2 was a super luxary good :D we still have to pay ~250$ for an new PS2. we could preorder a PS3 for 925$. or ~725e.
    And I must add that the retail price increase isn't as high as we were expecting :D

    and if you imported it?
    and what about regions? Games I think work with all versions but what about movies? well getting a version from US would certainly be cheaper. but as I said thankfully ps3 doesnt seem to have such a high step-up price as ps2. so any real bargain is only with US version.
    but on the other hand ... there are still problems with our banking system . there is no way to get a cheap international online shoping capable credit cards (minimum income restrictions, high service fee's) so it's not that simple for a part-time working student.
    for the PS3 it is regoin EU/UK is EU UK while jap and usa will work both ways,this is a slap in the face for consumers,you might save soem moeny importing it from another part of the UK,but frnakly if you know English you are better off just spending the 600+50-100 import fee plus another 300 to get a NTSC TV than to spend 1000 on just the PS3 by itself,altho with HDMI,component and scart you don't need to worry abotu the PALL/NTSC issue.

    I feel for you guys in the UK I ma not a rich gamer by any strech of the imagination and to have the corporate mafia pull this sht saddens me,sometimes I have half a mind to run a Ebay store based on checks and money orders, and export systems at cost with only a a 50$ fee to handle returns and any issues that might develop 30 day warranty is not unreasonable to tact onto it,as long as the system is not moded/unopen it can always be shiped back and sent to sony for repair if needed...oh well thoughts I have plenty actions...not so much.

    23.3.2007 09:10 #18

  • djeazyg

    Damm Zippy you sure are strong willed. It’s admirable that you stick to your opinion but wow, let people make their own choices. Your opinion has been herd. Relax.
    You watch Microsoft do same thing with the updated Xbox. You know the 360 that you already paid $400 for is going to charge you another $400 or more for the new and improved Xbox ($800 just to have a console that is equal to the PS3)and the first one is not even 2 years old yet. I'm NOT bashing the Xbox, I have one and will get the new one if it is released but my point is still valid. It's called big business.
    They will all do it. Maybe you drive an imported car and I'll guarantee that you that if you do, you paid much more for it than if you lived in the country where it comes from.

    Anyway, I think PS3 will outshine everything in the long run as long as Sony gets their act together. It think it's worth every penny. For now.

    23.3.2007 09:50 #19

  • cashman91

    a 46" inch tv sweet

    23.3.2007 10:14 #20

  • ZippyDSM

    more like I lack life and a GF to district me form the net >>

    that and caffeine dose not help ><

    all in all the 360 and PS3 are well matched,currently the 360 is the better choice and I bet in 3 years the PS3 will dominate but in the end people will get what they want but I don't want anyone wasteing money when they dont have I care to much and think to little..mew I need to cuddle a rock in my cave *L*

    23.3.2007 10:21 #21

  • trainmstr

    ps3 rocks all day long. Its a bargain in itself for a standalone blue-ray player. The games are starting to churn out ... oblivion, tom clancy, baseball2k7, ect ect. The virtual community thing sounds good too.

    Now if they would enable simultaneous downloading while playing i'd be happy.

    23.3.2007 12:14 #22

  • shauntay

    guess what i been out shoppin and ps3's were in stock everywere, GAME had 30 ps3's in stock, hmv had a few and so did gamestation, now that cant be good for sony it not even selling out.

    im waitin for mine from my freind who works at sony as he gets a big discount but he only allowed one a month at the price

    23.3.2007 15:10 #23

  • trainmstr

    you gotta realize nowadays when these systems are selling out ..a HUMONGOUS QUANTITY is on ebay. People go and buy every Wii they find and resell them for double the money.

    The ps3 was priced high for 2 reasons ... one because of the technology..and 2 it would curb reselling ..because 600 is already high ..and the 1200 reselling tag didn't last long ...obviously very few were willing to pay that.

    Now ..if Wii had charged 500 then there wouldn't be the shortage either. the way it stands can fairly easily double your money selling one on ebay ... so the point is that most of the people buying these are not gamers..but scalpers ...and shame on nintendo for allowing it. ...

    you might argue nintendo has no right to do that ... they can do whatever the hell they want ..and totally forbit reselling the stuffon ebay ..voiding the warranty and making future support/upgrades null and void ... many companies do it ..and are many brands you don't find on ebay because of it.

    23.3.2007 19:51 #24

  • webe123

    Originally posted by trainmstr:you gotta realize nowadays when these systems are selling out ..a HUMONGOUS QUANTITY is on ebay. People go and buy every Wii they find and resell them for double the money.

    The ps3 was priced high for 2 reasons ... one because of the technology..and 2 it would curb reselling ..because 600 is already high ..and the 1200 reselling tag didn't last long ...obviously very few were willing to pay that.

    Now ..if Wii had charged 500 then there wouldn't be the shortage either. the way it stands can fairly easily double your money selling one on ebay ... so the point is that most of the people buying these are not gamers..but scalpers ...and shame on nintendo for allowing it. ...

    you might argue nintendo has no right to do that ... they can do whatever the hell they want ..and totally forbit reselling the stuffon ebay ..voiding the warranty and making future support/upgrades null and void ... many companies do it ..and are many brands you don't find on ebay because of it.

    Please show PROOF of your "claim" that companies can tell a person what they can and cannot sell on ebay! That is total BULL!

    They can control what another company does to re-sell it's product, but they cannot do a THING to an indivudial if they want to buy 10 wii units for example and sell them for 1/3 of the price.

    So try to back up your assertions with fact.

    24.3.2007 01:36 #25

  • xboxd00d

    We do have this high price tag in the UK but that is (as im told) the higher spec 1 (60gb HDD etc.), we cant buy the 20gb model unfortunately, sony obviously know the UK is full of mugs.

    24.3.2007 05:20 #26

  • djeazyg

    Quote:Originally posted by trainmstr:you gotta realize nowadays when these systems are selling out ..a HUMONGOUS QUANTITY is on ebay. People go and buy every Wii they find and resell them for double the money.

    The ps3 was priced high for 2 reasons ... one because of the technology..and 2 it would curb reselling ..because 600 is already high ..and the 1200 reselling tag didn't last long ...obviously very few were willing to pay that.

    Now ..if Wii had charged 500 then there wouldn't be the shortage either. the way it stands can fairly easily double your money selling one on ebay ... so the point is that most of the people buying these are not gamers..but scalpers ...and shame on nintendo for allowing it. ...

    you might argue nintendo has no right to do that ... they can do whatever the hell they want ..and totally forbit reselling the stuffon ebay ..voiding the warranty and making future support/upgrades null and void ... many companies do it ..and are many brands you don't find on ebay because of it.

    Please show PROOF of your "claim" that companies can tell a person what they can and cannot sell on ebay! That is total BULL!

    They can control what another company does to re-sell it's product, but they cannot do a THING to an indivudial if they want to buy 10 wii units for example and sell them for 1/3 of the price.

    So try to back up your assertions with fact.
    There is no need for him to show fact.
    They don't go after the person selling the console, they stop eBay from allowing the console to be sold thru their service. They can't stop you from selling it thru an ad the local newspaper either but they can tell your local newspaper not to run the ads .
    You should really think about these things before you respond.

    And YES they can stop you from buying 10 consoles and selling them for a different price. There is a phrase used all the time in retail outlets especially during a large sale “limit 2 per customer, while supplies last”. I’m sure you’ve heard that before.

    24.3.2007 11:32 #27

  • trainmstr

    thank you. Yes any manufacturer can stop ebay from allowing sales of products. You ever heard of distribution/seller contracts?

    See... what usually happens is some prick that knows nothing about item A gets his hands on several of them.

    Well item a costs 1000 in a store. The store has paid to stock it ..and pays to keep it in stock so you and I can go see it. The only way stores do this is with legally binding contracts saying they will sell for certain price and will continue so long as the manufacturer doesnt dump a bunch of the same product on ebay ..or the net.

    So the product might indeed really only cost 600usd ... but that 400 profit goes to overhead ..where someone on ebay hss virtually zero overhead and most sell from dropshippers anyway. They also have very little knowlege of the product they are selling.

    Right now its the opposite ... retailers aren't allowed to sell over the amount Nintendo has said to sell for ..but there is nothing stopping you or me or anyone else from buying one and reselling it on ebay for double the money ... and legally Nintendo or wherever you purchased it from doesnt have to honor the warranty or a return when this happens ...because you infact have become the retail outlet and the place you purchase it from only another distributor.

    This is rarely enforced because of the complication of proving it ...but it is in fact a law.

    So ... this point could go on and on ...but again .. shame on Nintendo for allowing this.

    The wii is the ultimate yuppie toy anyway .. can throw it right there with the 5g ipod along with amstel light beer and a harley sportster heh. Nothing wrong with yuppies btw.

    24.3.2007 22:41 #28

  • oofRome

    I realize how much you guys like to make assertions without some sort of evidence, but I would appreciate any proof you have that Sony or Nintendo could stop Ebay from posting the auctions.

    26.3.2007 17:24 #29

  • lovjubly

    US PS3 in the UK

    Hi all,

    I am thinking of buying a US PS3 from New York to use in the UK as it's around £300 rather than £500.

    Do you think this is a good idea?

    3.4.2007 04:46 #30

  • ZippyDSM

    as long as your TV dose HDMI or has component you can skip the NTSC/PAL nightmare but the US console dose not play EU games ;_;

    3.4.2007 07:39 #31

  • xboxd00d

    Originally posted by ZIppyDSM:lovjubly
    as long as your TV dose HDMI or has component you can skip the NTSC/PAL nightmare but the US console dose not play EU games ;_;

    PS3 games have no region but the Blu Ray Movies DO, so the USA console will work in the UK but the power supply will need to be changed or you will need a transformer to reduce 230v UK to 110v USA use.

    Personally I would wait a bit untill the price drops because then you will be able to use Region 2 blu ray movies.

    5.4.2007 14:19 #32

  • baldy43

    Sony should be made to recall all of the boxws and have them fixed so that you can play all of their older games not just some. If this was a car maker they would be made to recall the cars to have them fixed. I will leave it at that, as I would not buy one at the price asking for something that did not work right.

    5.4.2007 15:19 #33

  • ZippyDSM

    Quote:Originally posted by ZIppyDSM:lovjubly
    as long as your TV dose HDMI or has component you can skip the NTSC/PAL nightmare but the US console dose not play EU games ;_;

    PS3 games have no region but the Blu Ray Movies DO, so the USA console will work in the UK but the power supply will need to be changed or you will need a transformer to reduce 230v UK to 110v USA use.

    Personally I would wait a bit untill the price drops because then you will be able to use Region 2 blu ray movies.
    look again the EU games ARE regioned so are movies,sony lies when they say "region" free its cross regoined US and JP work fine with each other however the UK version outputs to PAL and they decided to hold some of the region spec for it.

    Pal games also only work on PAL systems.

    US/JP games and USA/JP movies will work on the EU system but only if the TV runs on digital output

    HDMI,componat (digital video output) works regardless of pal/NTSC but tis still a issue for normal PAL TVs.

    IT dose work but you have to have the right equipment.

    sadly they are going to be like MS and "fix" things as they go along.

    5.4.2007 15:52 #34

  • djeazyg

    Originally posted by baldy43:Sony should be made to recall all of the boxws and have them fixed so that you can play all of their older games not just some. If this was a car maker they would be made to recall the cars to have them fixed. I will leave it at that, as I would not buy one at the price asking for something that did not work right.To fix it would mean that it is broken. It's not. It works exactly as Sony told you it would work. They told you it would not play all the games. It's not broken, it's just a bad idea to take the emotion chip out of it. But they told you it was going to be that way so there is nothing to fix. I live in the states so mine plays everything but I still think you guys got screwed when they took the emotion chip out it. Bad idea. But on the other hand if they had a better selection of games at launch then this would not be such a big problem.

    5.4.2007 18:16 #35

  • ZippyDSM

    Emulation can be great if they give a damn and put effort into it,graphics tweaks better loading,ect,ect even simplstic cheats and save states,console devs need to get out of the prustis/minimalist approach to things I'd be happy to buy the upgraded emulation but indavendaul games that I already own no they need to do something about the games that are out.

    5.4.2007 18:55 #36

  • djeazyg

    Originally posted by ZIppyDSM:djeazyg
    Emulation can be great if they give a damn and put effort into it,graphics tweaks better loading,ect,ect even simplstic cheats and save states,console devs need to get out of the prustis/minimalist approach to things I'd be happy to buy the upgraded emulation but indavendaul games that I already own no they need to do something about the games that are out.
    That would take time away from them making new games. And god knows they seem to need all the time they can get. Pushing back games like Heavenly Sword really pisses me off. I would rather not bother them about tweaking old games. Give me new games.

    If they are going to advertise backwards compatibility then I think you should get it without emulation or updates. Either play the old games or don't. I don't get why people need it in the first place. After a while you'll stop playing the old games anyway. And if you want to play PS2 games.... play them on the PS2. I don't know about you but I don't throw away the old system after I get a new one.
    Seems kind of pointless to me but they offer it so I use it.

    5.4.2007 19:26 #37

  • ZippyDSM

    Mef the new games can wait they need all the time they can get to be made right the rushing to make them the deleys to fix the rushing is killing gaming.

    Besides its not like they can not hire more people to fill the emulation side of things and make it a coherent and nice feature of the system,the whole point of BWC is to add value to the system the BWC mess for the 360 stopped me from buying it instead I bought a used Xbox and some games for 200.

    coherent BWC also helps a console when it has a game all I support BWC more than online but then I am a odd gamer that keeps his games I dont sell off the old to buy new.

    5.4.2007 19:39 #38

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