This week, DFC announced a new initative entitled "Digital Freedom University" which is made specifically to counteract the MPAA and RIAA's propoganda on media and copyright issues.
According to a statement by DFC, "DFU will educate students about their fair use rights, encourage them to obtain content legally, and help them oppose efforts to restrict or violate their digital freedoms." DFC will help create student-led chapters at universities around the country in an attempt to get students to participate more in debates about file sharing, piracy and copyright laws.
To no ones surprise, the RIAA and MPAA have been strong critics of the DFC accusing them of taking a position on copyright and fair use outside of the mainstream while saying the RIAA was the real champions of fair use.
The RIAA and MPAA however, are not consistent with their words. They claim to be champions of fair use but lock their movies and music with DRM and other consumer freedom limiting restrictions. The RIAA has even gone so far as to suggest that ripping CDs may be unauthorized as well.
"The Digital Freedom University Initiative will fight to ensure that these thousands of college-age students, who represent future artists, innovators and consumers, fully understand their rights, and have a voice in the long- term solution."
All readers, students, and anyone else can show their support for the DFC by signing the group's petition which is intended to "show members of Congress how strong the movement to protect our digital rights has grown."
Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 2 Apr 2007 21:29