PlayStation 3 sales plummet in UK

PlayStation 3 sales plummet in UK
In its second week of release in the UK, Chart Track has revealed and confirmed that sales of the Sony PlayStation 3 have plummeted 82 percent.

Chart Track gathered the information from over 7000 UK retail outlets including Gamestation,, HMV and GAME.

After a strong first week it seems the demand for the PS3 has fallen substantially in the UK.

Also in this weeks charts it is revealed that sales of the top PS3 games; Resistance: Fall of Man and MotorStorm have dropped by over 60 percent.

Sony Computer Entertainment Europe has yet to comment on the numbers.


Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 3 Apr 2007 7:58
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  • Mik3h

    Any surprises here? Honestly, the PS3 is way ahead of our time, the hardware is far to expensive to manufacture and as a result customers cannot afford to pay around £500 for a new games console when the Xbox 360 which offers next to all the same games for a significantly lower price on a console which also costs a lot less.


    3.4.2007 08:08 #1

  • rihgt682

    I bet when the Black xbox 360 comes out the used core xbox 360 will be around $240 on ebay.

    3.4.2007 08:22 #2

  • Ankoku

    You know what, those numbers are completely misleading, this is like almost anything that is highly anticipated, no duh sales are going to be significantly higher in the first week of release! Everyone who really really wanted it, bought one, and now its your daily consumer...Not trying to say PS3>360 or vice versa, I support both, but just wanted to point out that these numbers are misleading

    3.4.2007 09:15 #3

  • cascadeuk

    I just look at it as i have paid 500 pounds for a very good BluRay player, and possibly a good games console in the future.

    3.4.2007 09:22 #4

  • ZippyDSM

    well rfist off its not really sold the 600K estimated,prehaps these numbers are from the retail side of things,in any case this is part of the numbers game and is jsut confusing and annoying to try and figure.

    the PS3 is selling but selling unstable the price and fanboy surge's are just adding to the "fun".

    wait a year and we will see that it sold 60-100K units world wide

    3.4.2007 09:47 #5

  • cedk

    What do people expect of course sales are going to be lower, britain was supplied with around 220,000 ps3's then 165,000 were sold in the first week. so that leaves around 55,000 ps3's left. so its not because there isn't a large demand its because there is less ps3's in general

    3.4.2007 09:49 #6

  • ZippyDSM

    Originally posted by cedk:What do people expect of course sales are going to be lower, britain was supplied with around 220,000 ps3's then 165,000 were sold in the first week. so that leaves around 55,000 ps3's left. so its not because there isn't a large demand its because there is less ps3's in generalDOH 165 not 600 LOL

    ah well they only sold the 165 to retailers they are misleading a bit with that "number"

    3.4.2007 09:56 #7

  • hade

    zippy what are you talking about? they sold/supplied to Retailers 1 million units, and of those they sold roughly 600,000 units to final end consumers. total ps3 sales to final consumers worldwide is near or just past the 3 million mark. they have sold/supplied 5 or 6 million(worldwide) to retailers to the best of my knowledge.

    demand was due to come down but what most probably don't know is that the ps3 launch in just one week sold more units than the 360 did during its launch month. so just like the demand for the 360 decreased, the same is happening here, but since sony launched with so many more units you'll see the decrease a bit sooner. also the drop in game sales is like a domino effect and is expected as most gamers don't own multiple copies of the same game, atleast i dont.

    3.4.2007 11:12 #8

  • rav009

    Not surprised at that price.

    3.4.2007 11:17 #9

  • muccione

    Originally posted by cascadeuk:I just look at it as i have paid 500 pounds for a very good BluRay player, and possibly a good games console in the future.
    Are you nuts? Its the cheapest BR player on the market and the gaming is great. Go buy will like it

    3.4.2007 11:20 #10

  • oofRome

    Originally posted by Ankoku:You know what, those numbers are completely misleading, this is like almost anything that is highly anticipated, no duh sales are going to be significantly higher in the first week of release! Everyone who really really wanted it, bought one, and now its your daily consumer...Not trying to say PS3>360 or vice versa, I support both, but just wanted to point out that these numbers are misleadingOn the flip side, you could also say the "record breaking" launch was also misleading, since Sony & retailers had ample time to build up stock for launch. It was one of the few launches in which everyone who wanted a system could actually get a system. As a result, the next week was an even bigger decline in sales than usual.

    Quote:What do people expect of course sales are going to be lower, britain was supplied with around 220,000 ps3's then 165,000 were sold in the first week. so that leaves around 55,000 ps3's left. so its not because there isn't a large demand its because there is less ps3's in general
    That theory supports only a 66% decline in sales. (Assuming all were sold, and no ps3's were shipped to retailers for the week)
    So I think it's more of a combination of factors than just "supply" or just "demand".

    edit** I see Hade was thinking along the same lines too.

    3.4.2007 11:21 #11

  • ZippyDSM

    Originally posted by hade:zippy what are you talking about? they sold/supplied to Retailers 1 million units, and of those they sold roughly 600,000 units to final end consumers. total ps3 sales to final consumers worldwide is near or just past the 3 million mark. they have sold/supplied 5 or 6 million(worldwide) to retailers to the best of my knowledge.

    demand was due to come down but what most probably don't know is that the ps3 launch in just one week sold more units than the 360 did during its launch month. so just like the demand for the 360 decreased, the same is happening here, but since sony launched with so many more units you'll see the decrease a bit sooner. also the drop in game sales is like a domino effect and is expected as most gamers don't own multiple copies of the same game, atleast i dont.
    I doubt such number can be calucaed so soon,so I doubt the numbers,as I did with the 360,these prices make them a bit harder to push the WII I can believe the numbers a bit more.

    3.4.2007 11:21 #12

  • ZippyDSM

    oh ya anyone care to comment on the 20GB being disconteuied?
    retailers wont touch it consumers don't really want it sony is quietly letting it go.

    SOny should have saved time and money and never released it to start with,and knocked 80 or 100 off the 60GB version.

    3.4.2007 11:26 #13

  • azndrake

    It’s not surprising this does not mean that PS3 is Plummeting; NO way can ps3 continue to sell 600k every week at Europe. Even wii only sold 335k worldwide at FEB that’s 4 weeks in 1 month which equals 83,750 consoles sold each week. With these stats the ps3 is still selling 108,000 consoles this week, (18% of 600k for the whole Europe), this does not even include Japan or USA console sales, SO WHAT NOW HUH. PS3 is selling more consoles than wii even with an 82% drop.

    If you think about it ps3 will continue to drop to wii's rate of consoles sold which are 83,750 consoles a week world wide. PS3 is still selling too fast right now compared to the Xbox and wii. It is out selling the Xboxes in a 2.5:1 ratio even after the plummet in sales so, stfu for people that can’t use their brain to do some simple math.

    3.4.2007 11:33 #14

  • azndrake


    Sony isn't a liar like Microsoft they don’t "trick" people about their sales. Sony's sales represent customers buying ps3s, while Microsoft’s represents Xboxes shipped to retailers. Xbox still has not hit 10m consoles "sold", only 10m (10.8m)"shipped".

    3.4.2007 11:36 #15

  • azndrake

    NO heres why:
    Originally posted by "larshaun":Yes, the X360 has indeed finally has 9 million in sales to consumers:

    Like a belief in Santa Claus, there are unfortunately a few out there who believe Microsoft sold 10+ million X360s worldwide to consumers by the end of 2006. It turns out they only shipped that amount (or "sold" to retailers), and instead sold around 7.7 million units to consumers by the end of the year, according to some estimates like from vgcharts. However, six weeks later on Valentine's day, they've now hit 9 million units sold to consumers.

    BTW, before you argue, even a Microsoft official admitted what we already found out from tracking numbers provided by research companies like NPD and Media Create:

    Quote:However Satchell's comments are likely to be questioned in some quarters because Microsoft has already publicly admitted that the 10.4 million consoles sold haven't all been purchased by consumers.

    and here from Peter Moore himself:

    Quote:What we're talking about is "sold." "Sold" means that we're a wholesaler of hardware and we sell it to a retailer, and that's the important criteria.

    So how long do you think before they do actually have 10 million consumers who have bought an XBox 360? April? Summer?

    Basically from launch to the end of 2006 the research companies show:

    4.5 million sold to U.S. consumers, NPD's numbers
    .25 million sold to Canada consumers, NPD's numbers
    .24 million sold to Japan consumers, Media Create's numbers
    1 million to 2.5 million sold to Europe consumers (my estimate partly using Chart Track references for UK sales to consumers)

    That's 7.7 million world wide.

    There you have it VGcharts is legit and is fake, so take those banners off.
    They only shipped 10.4 mil not sold :/

    Heres the source to back up what i said about Microsoft.

    3.4.2007 11:37 #16

  • muccione

    Originally posted by hade:zippy what are you talking about? they sold/supplied to Retailers 1 million units, and of those they sold roughly 600,000 units to final end consumers. total ps3 sales to final consumers worldwide is near or just past the 3 million mark. they have sold/supplied 5 or 6 million(worldwide) to retailers to the best of my knowledge.

    demand was due to come down but what most probably don't know is that the ps3 launch in just one week sold more units than the 360 did during its launch month. so just like the demand for the 360 decreased, the same is happening here, but since sony launched with so many more units you'll see the decrease a bit sooner. also the drop in game sales is like a domino effect and is expected as most gamers don't own multiple copies of the same game, atleast i dont.

    The people in the UK had 3 months to save up to buy this awesome system, so when it came out it was a field day, just like here. I resell on Ebay did anyone see how sales there when nuts? first day AVG price was 3-5000 second day 2-3000 third day 1-2000 then you were lucky to break even after the third day. I was lucky and sold 1 for 1600 and made enough to get mine free. the other 4 I sold for cost...morel of the story ..... the launch day is for the "real gamers" the other days are for the followers

    3.4.2007 11:39 #17

  • ZippyDSM

    Originally posted by azndrake:ZIppyDSM,

    Sony isn't a liar like Microsoft they don’t "trick" people about their sales. Sony's sales represent customers buying ps3s, while Microsoft’s represents Xboxes shipped to retailers. Xbox still has not hit 10m consoles "sold", only 10m (10.8m)"shipped".

    BS,BS,BS,BS,BS SOny is the same as MS in everyway doing what it takes to make money on the backs of consumers,have you paid no attention to sonys PR late?

    I see how 600K can be calucalted they sale them to retailers now all the retailers have to push them after that and not all of them are part of a chain thus infermation of "REAL" sales is going to be sketchy at best after acouple months and this thing was launched days ago.

    3.4.2007 11:40 #18

  • azndrake

    Final post, in conclusion if ps3 continues to sell it the launch pace, it would only take a little more than 1.5 months to outsell Microsoft. Now if you expect it to continue at this pace you are either a super sony fan or just a dumbass. I expect sony to sell only 300k consoles per a month to Microsoft's 200k in the upcoming months, while wii will sell 500k it my predictions :D.

    3.4.2007 11:43 #19

  • ZippyDSM

    Originally posted by azndrake:Final post, in conclusion if ps3 continues to sell it the launch pace, it would only take a little more than 1.5 months to outsell Microsoft. Now if you expect it to continue at this pace you are either a super sony fan or just a dumbass. I expect sony to sell only 300k consoles per a month to Microsoft's 200k in the upcoming months, while wii will sell 500k it my predictions :D.thous are reasonable numbers since the 360 has been out nearly everywhere for months,I wonder how much of it is buying a new consoel to replace the old 5-25%? 0-o

    oy I wish MS would get it fiixed already >>

    3.4.2007 11:47 #20

  • muccione

    SOLD means SOLD....MS and Sony don't give things away. They SELL them to businesses. Who then SELL them to consumers. If the retailer doesn't sell them right away its a hit on them NOT the wholesaler. SO if Sony and MS say 10 million sold...That is what THEY sold. Lest ask all the retailers to post there sales to get the real numbers..

    3.4.2007 11:51 #21

  • ZippyDSM

    Originally posted by muccione:SOLD means SOLD....MS and Sony don't give things away. They SELL them to businesses. Who then SELL them to consumers. If the retailer doesn't sell them right away its a hit on them NOT the wholesaler. SO if Sony and MS say 10 million sold...That is what THEY sold. Lest ask all the retailers to post there sales to get the real numbers..
    sold in this instance means sold to retailers/consuemrs some PR camps use them to misguide masses and such.

    Just because you sold most of your stock to retailers dose not mean the consumer will eat it up,you have to sustain sales in order to stabilize profits.

    3.4.2007 12:03 #22

  • janrocks

    Living in the UK and having 10 ps3's for sale retail I think some level input is needed..

    The climate in the UK this april isn't encouraging for yet another release of an expensive box of consumer electronics..

    Case in point.. council tax.. up on average 6%.. fuel/energy costs.. up 30% in the last 12 months.. Interest rates on borrowing/mortgages.. now running at close to 6% and on retail purchases/personal loans 9.2% credit cards 19%.. And everybodys tax bills for last year are now due.. water charges up 5%.. Mine is £180, to be paid by 5/4.. and I don't have the money for that even.

    Income in real terms.. down 5% in the last 12 months.. less real cash in your pocket.

    The result looking at the 10 on our shelves at MRP... they will probably stay there until we cut our losses and sell them at a discount. This isn't helped by there being no B/R disk outlet for miles, no blockbuster or anything. Now the "gotta have it" fanboy gamers, and the fly by night ebay cash in people have done the panic buying it will tail off. People have higher priorities like keeping a roof over their heads, paying bills and just staying afloat.
    I live in a pretty deprived area, where even a ps2 is seen as quite a large investment by the majority. This item costs more than I have available as disposable income in 8 months.. without considering the cost of games or films to watch on it. Then I will need a decent tv as well.

    That's why I know nobody who has bought one.. and only one or two who are even considering they might this year.. possibly for next christmas if the price drops significantly, and they can afford a hi-def tv to go with it.

    For all the people who get all emotional and start shouting the odds..

    Put yourself in the position of somebody working 50+ hours a week and struggling just to pay the bills.. Is a games console (when you probably have a good last gen one) and a dvd player (when you can get something to watch films on for £19 in aldi) a priority.. Hell no!
    Most people are more than happy with what they have, evidenced by the resale price of the ps2 and xbox which are holding their price nicely. #debian-women .. Stuff Vista.. Stuff Micro$oft!!
    The revolution has happened.. Now we just need to TELL people!

    3.4.2007 12:23 #23

  • NexGen76

    This should not surprise anyone the launch was just a week ago Sony had plenty of stock.Unlike M$ & Nintendo which had shortage problem that why there demand didn't die.

    Originally posted by azndrake:I expect sony to sell only 300k consoles per a month to Microsoft's 200k in the upcoming months, while wii will sell 500k it my predictionsI think thats about right but i don't think M$ demand is going to be that high.

    Originally posted by janrocks:The result looking at the 10 on our shelves at MRP... they will probably stay there until we cut our losses and sell them at a discount.Did you check the vend numbers on the back to see if these going to be the same PS3 when you come back next time? Because they are on the self is not a way to tell that these systems are selling or not.Sony has alot of stock during this launch more than any console launch every.

    3.4.2007 12:30 #24

  • janrocks

    I know they are the same 10 because I put them on the shelf. This isn't some huge retail chain outlet.. just an independent small town phone, dvd and games shop.
    There are 2 of us work the shop, and I work in the computer shop next door the other days. Money is so tight we can't afford to pay either of us full time.
    I'm on for a pint when we sell the first one. #debian-women .. Stuff Vista.. Stuff Micro$oft!!
    The revolution has happened.. Now we just need to TELL people!

    3.4.2007 12:48 #25

  • ZippyDSM

    in the US the PS3 is starting to glut.
    you can find new and used 60GB for 400+

    3.4.2007 12:52 #26

  • muccione

    Originally posted by janrocks:Living in the UK and having 10 ps3's for sale retail I think some level input is needed..

    The climate in the UK this april isn't encouraging for yet another release of an expensive box of consumer electronics..

    Case in point.. council tax.. up on average 6%.. fuel/energy costs.. up 30% in the last 12 months.. Interest rates on borrowing/mortgages.. now running at close to 6% and on retail purchases/personal loans 9.2% credit cards 19%.. And everybodys tax bills for last year are now due.. water charges up 5%.. Mine is £180, to be paid by 5/4.. and I don't have the money for that even.

    Income in real terms.. down 5% in the last 12 months.. less real cash in your pocket.

    The result looking at the 10 on our shelves at MRP... they will probably stay there until we cut our losses and sell them at a discount. This isn't helped by there being no B/R disk outlet for miles, no blockbuster or anything. Now the "gotta have it" fanboy gamers, and the fly by night ebay cash in people have done the panic buying it will tail off. People have higher priorities like keeping a roof over their heads, paying bills and just staying afloat.
    I live in a pretty deprived area, where even a ps2 is seen as quite a large investment by the majority. This item costs more than I have available as disposable income in 8 months.. without considering the cost of games or films to watch on it. Then I will need a decent tv as well.

    That's why I know nobody who has bought one.. and only one or two who are even considering they might this year.. possibly for next christmas if the price drops significantly, and they can afford a hi-def tv to go with it.

    For all the people who get all emotional and start shouting the odds..

    Put yourself in the position of somebody working 50+ hours a week and struggling just to pay the bills.. Is a games console (when you probably have a good last gen one) and a dvd player (when you can get something to watch films on for £19 in aldi) a priority.. Hell no!
    Most people are more than happy with what they have, evidenced by the resale price of the ps2 and xbox which are holding their price nicely.

    Wow....what a sad story.....If I was as poor as you I would sell my computer and turn OFF the internet, unload all my games just to eat. and not get it back till I could afford it..You are in no position to say anything about the PS3 because you are bitter about it because of your unstable financial position.. Not everyone is in dire straits like you or your village/neighborhood. (hope it gets better for you) You should never have got so many PS3s when the PS2 is having trouble selling. You might want to send some back so you don't loose your ass. Making your money problems worse..making you more bitter..

    3.4.2007 13:30 #27

  • oofRome

    Quote:Wow....what a sad story.....If I was as poor as you I would sell my computer and turn OFF the internet, unload all my games just to eat. and not get it back till I could afford it..You are in no position to say anything about the PS3 because you are bitter about it because of your unstable financial position.. Not everyone is in dire straits like you or your village/neighborhood. (hope it gets better for you) You should never have got so many PS3s when the PS2 is having trouble selling. You might want to send some back so you don't loose your ass. Making your money problems worse..making you more bitter..
    Wow. That was tactless and unbelievably rude.

    There isn't even any argument worth debating because the whole paragraph was asinine.

    3.4.2007 13:54 #28

  • ZippyDSM

    I hated it when I had to sell off my PSX/N64 collection ;_;

    3.4.2007 13:59 #29

  • Mr-Movies

    First off Sony lies as much or more then any other big business.

    Second, Why do you think they have soooo many in stock and why do you think they dropped the price??? I can tell you it isn't because they are being kind it's because they are TOOOO expensive and they are NOT selling no matter what smoke and mirrors you want to believe. Its common sense here folks and the reason you can't get a 360 or Wii is because they are selling as soon as they hit the shelves, pull your heads out please!

    Good try Zippy, as always..... :D

    3.4.2007 15:07 #30

  • ZippyDSM

    Originally posted by Mr-Movies:First off Sony lies as much or more then any other big business.

    Second, Why do you think they have soooo many in stock and why do you think they dropped the price??? I can tell you it isn't because they are being kind it's because they are TOOOO expensive and they are NOT selling no matter what smoke and mirrors you want to believe. Its common sense here folks and the reason you can't get a 360 or Wii is because they are selling as soon as they hit the shelves, pull your heads out please!

    Good try Zippy, as always..... :D

    the 360 is gluting more than the ps3 every will with MS slowly repalceing broken ones with new thiers goign to be a insane ammount of bad systems in the 2nd hand market 0-o

    3.4.2007 15:15 #31

  • djeazyg

    Quote:[quote]Wow....what a sad story.....If I was as poor as you I would sell my computer and turn OFF the internet, unload all my games just to eat. and not get it back till I could afford it..You are in no position to say anything about the PS3 because you are bitter about it because of your unstable financial position.. Not everyone is in dire straits like you or your village/neighborhood. (hope it gets better for you) You should never have got so many PS3s when the PS2 is having trouble selling. You might want to send some back so you don't loose your ass. Making your money problems worse..making you more bitter..
    I won't be as much of an ass as that guy but I will say WHY did you get so many? Small stores have loyal and mostly repeat customers and that means you should have had some idea how many PS3s you could sell to the customers that you have. Do you bother to talk to the people that come into your store? Sounds like you made a bad business decision.
    I have an idea..... The PS3 is expensive so if you sell the 10 that you have, do yourself a favor and only keep one on hand until it sells and then get another one.

    3.4.2007 16:51 #32

  • vinny13

    Ugh!!! I hate fanboys so much!

    Why can't people read the facts about things first before they start bragging. All my friends have Xboxs. I don't want one, so my friends start to brag how the 360 is better and how much cheaper it is, so that I might change my mind(examples of fanboys, most of them can't even spell "box"). Well, from what I've read, the PS3 will become a much better system over time, and if it were to release on the same date as the Xbox(in my area), the 60GB package would have been $50 more then the premium package. Most of the people bought it within the first 2 months at $600. Sure, maybe now there's a bigger difference in prices, but compared to what they payed, there isn't much.

    3.4.2007 16:53 #33

  • djeazyg

    Originally posted by ZIppyDSM:oh ya anyone care to comment on the 20GB being disconteuied?
    retailers wont touch it consumers don't really want it sony is quietly letting it go.

    SOny should have saved time and money and never released it to start with,and knocked 80 or 100 off the 60GB version.

    I agree that the 20 gig PS3 was a joke and should never have been offered. But your comment about the $80 or $100 price drop on the 60 gig version is a little much.
    Think about this.... PS3 doesn't need a "PS3 Elite" version to fix the problems with their console.
    You can either pay $600 for a PS3 now and nothing later or you can be like most 360 owners and pay $400 at release and then pay $479 to get one that you don't have to worry about breaking or starting on fire. That’s $879 minus $600 equals $279. If you trade in your old 360 you might get $200 for it. Probably less considering how bad stores will be swamped with traded in 360s. $279 minus $200 Equals $79. $79 for a system that is still less powerful than a PS3 and you still have to pay for online access.
    The Elite 360 will have a bigger hard drive and Nothing more. Also, Sony has a history of their systems lasting years longer than others.
    All things considered they are almost the same price. Even if you don’t own a 360 and buy the Elite for $479 that is only $120 less than a PS3. Online access for free, WIFI and Blue Ray sounds like a decent buy for $120.

    3.4.2007 17:19 #34

  • ZippyDSM

    Quote:Originally posted by ZIppyDSM:oh ya anyone care to comment on the 20GB being disconteuied?
    retailers wont touch it consumers don't really want it sony is quietly letting it go.

    SOny should have saved time and money and never released it to start with,and knocked 80 or 100 off the 60GB version.

    I agree that the 20 gig PS3 was a joke and should never have been offered. But your comment about the $80 or $100 price drop on the 60 gig version is a little much.
    Think about this.... PS3 doesn't need a "PS3 Elite" version to fix the problems with their console.
    You can either pay $600 for a PS3 now and nothing later or you can be like most 360 owners and pay $400 at release and then pay $479 to get one that you don't have to worry about breaking or starting on fire. That’s $879 minus $600 equals $279. If you trade in your old 360 you might get $200 for it. Probably less considering how bad stores will be swamped with traded in 360s. $279 minus $200 Equals $79. $79 for a system that is still less powerful than a PS3 and you still have to pay for online access.
    The Elite 360 will have a bigger hard drive and Nothing more. Also, Sony has a history of their systems lasting years longer than others.
    All things considered they are almost the same price. Even if you don’t own a 360 and buy the Elite for $479 that is only $120 less than a PS3. Online access for free, WIFI and Blue Ray sounds like a decent buy for $120.
    Well you see the main trouble abotu the PS3 is thats its 600,this is not goign to help console sales if they had any for sight they would have not touched the 20GB versions that would have saved money and let them knock at least 50 off the 60GB.

    Hell if sony had set the PS3 at 400 no one would question its issues or doubt its future,even devs would rush to it at 150 more than the WII and nearly 5X as powerful it would have fired up the gaming world but with the price as it is the issues and deleys its jsut more of the same.

    The only reason the 360 elite is nearly 500 MS now sees people are willing to spend mindlessly and has planed out a 200K launch to test the water and make some money.

    Last I checked the 65NM CPU might be in it tis not confrimed if it it its helpful at least in my mind it shows they are tryign to "fix" the problem not glaze over it however MS likes glaze and eats glue >>

    Furthering my MS bashing MS would have saved allot of time and moeny by just recalling the iffy hardware and lettign people mail for trade end for 6 months and get it done with.

    It cant be cheaper to upgrade the costumer service and repair depo AND extend the warranty by a year it boggles the mind at what they are doing.

    3.4.2007 19:01 #35

  • azndrake

    Last I checked the 65NM CPU might be in it tis not confrimed if it it its helpful at least in my mind it shows they are tryign to "fix" the problem not glaze over it however MS likes glaze and eats glue >>
    65nm is not in the xbox elite.

    Also ps3 will surpass xbox in sells by either the middle or end of 2008 if you like it or not.

    O yea 1 more thing they shipped 1 million consoles to retailers and sold 600k of it. so Zippy zip your mouth of lies.

    Also if you missed my previous post:
    It’s not surprising this does not mean that PS3 is Plummeting; NO way can ps3 continue to sell 600k every week at Europe. Even wii only sold 335k worldwide at FEB that’s 4 weeks in 1 month which equals 83,750 consoles sold each week. With these stats the ps3 is still selling 108,000 consoles this week, (18% of 600k for the whole Europe), this does not even include Japan or USA console sales, SO WHAT NOW HUH. PS3 is selling more consoles than wii even with an 82% drop.

    If you think about it ps3 will continue to drop to wii's rate of consoles sold which are 83,750 consoles a week world wide. PS3 is still selling too fast right now compared to the Xbox and wii. It is out selling the Xboxes in a 2.5:1 ratio even after the plummet in sales so, stfu for people that can’t use their brain to do some simple math.
    Numbers do not lie, People do.

    3.4.2007 19:09 #36

  • azndrake

    Originally posted by muccione:SOLD means SOLD....MS and Sony don't give things away. They SELL them to businesses. Who then SELL them to consumers. If the retailer doesn't sell them right away its a hit on them NOT the wholesaler. SO if Sony and MS say 10 million sold...That is what THEY sold. Lest ask all the retailers to post there sales to get the real numbers..You want real numbers VGCHARTS = real numbers google it and you will find the truth.

    Also don't doubt the retailer's ability to find out the numbers of stocks sold, because retailers have something called COMPUTERS that tracks every item sold. That’s how the GMs decide how many more units they buy. It is very easy for retailers to calculate how many units ps3 has sold to people by just clicking a couple of buttons on the computer

    3.4.2007 19:25 #37

  • Edgewise

    why argue sales? does it really affect each one of you which company sells 1 million more product than the other? buy what you like, have fun with it, and don't buy what you don't like. They're only games.

    3.4.2007 19:40 #38

  • ZippyDSM

    Originally posted by Edgewise:why argue sales? does it really affect each one of you which company sells 1 million more product than the other? buy what you like, have fun with it, and don't buy what you don't like. They're only games.
    true true,we should be agureing over whos edck is bigger :X

    meh musing over whos the better salesmen can be fun...but ga.....consumer sheeple will buy anyhting...becsue of that when MS or sony or nin dose wrong they dont have to act fast to fix it ><

    3.4.2007 19:44 #39

  • azndrake

    I just saw a interesting topic off

    Lair, Heavenly Sword not coming in May!!!
    ITS COMING out at the end of 2007.

    Now this is a interesting topic for all the ps3 haters :/.

    3.4.2007 19:50 #40

  • unicronic

    82% sales drop after one week or so of being on the shelf is bad news for Sony. I wanted to buy a PS3, any may still do so, but I will wait until the games are worth buying.

    The bottom line is that hardware can only sell itself so much, the software should always be the key sales driver. The key to a good launch or a good sales ramp is having software that makes you want to buy the hardware.

    Sony have made bad marketing decisions (overpriced, no backwards compatability, no rumble tech etc) and unless they release some killer games soon their sales should not be expected to increase too much over the upcoming months.

    So to reiterate, I want a reason to buy the PS3 but don't see any yet. I won't buy a Wii simply because I like HD & Digital sound etc. So maybe the 360 will have another user shortly.

    3.4.2007 20:30 #41

  • ZippyDSM

    Originally posted by unicronic:82% sales drop after one week or so of being on the shelf is bad news for Sony. I wanted to buy a PS3, any may still do so, but I will wait until the games are worth buying.

    The bottom line is that hardware can only sell itself so much, the software should always be the key sales driver. The key to a good launch or a good sales ramp is having software that makes you want to buy the hardware.

    Sony have made bad marketing decisions (overpriced, no backwards compatability, no rumble tech etc) and unless they release some killer games soon their sales should not be expected to increase too much over the upcoming months.


    good points,hopefully Sony will see the error of their ways and do something abotu BWC and the price in the UK market(I am sorry sellign a 600$ console for 50% more is assinie),if they effectively deal with BWC and keep it in the 500-599 range I can deal with that but if they lack on Games and BWC I refuse to put up with thier pompus BS.

    So to reiterate, I want a reason to buy the PS3 but don't see any yet. I won't buy a Wii simply because I like HD & Digital sound etc. So maybe the 360 will have another user shortly.

    3.4.2007 21:01 #42

  • janrocks

    10 was the number we were offered.. take em or leave em

    There was a lot of interest in the weeks leading up to the release, but we couldn't take money because until the release day we didn't have any to sell, and couldn't guarantee getting the ones we did (not being the kind of rip-off business that takes your money and lets you down)
    Between people saying they wanted them and the release date everybody got the council tax bills.....and the budget stuck lots of extra tax on everything... There are a lot of disappointed kids roaming around town.
    They will sell.. eventually, and we can afford to sit on them for a while.. I was just saying that they haven't exactly flown off the shelves, and I believe from going to the big town a few miles away this scenario isn't just us. I think this release.. In the UK is badly timed, just when everybody is thinking about large outgoings and tightening belts.

    @muccione I hope one day you understand the realities of being a single working self employed person with health issues, getting on with it instead of scrounging off parents or the state. (my parents have been dead and buried for years)
    Too many people on this site seem to live with parents with money.
    I was an IT professional for many years until my health let me down. Because I'm not always well enough to work every day I have to work the bits jobs I have.. full time employment isn't an option.
    See I'm not even annoyed.. I know you just don't understand that not everybody lives your privileged existence, where money isn't counted carefully, and hoarded for those rainy days when all the bills arrive at once. #debian-women .. Stuff Vista.. Stuff Micro$oft!!
    The revolution has happened.. Now we just need to TELL people!

    3.4.2007 21:42 #43

  • ZippyDSM

    I have seen teh damage retail has done to small privately owned stores you gots balls dear to be in it and need chrome steel ones to manage it,unlike other types of business have to sale in volume over what the bastards on high poo to you and things can go bad in a instant when half out of the 20 movies and games you got dont sale.

    thats why I say the indutry is protected to a large degree "losses" are placed on the back of "chain" retail and since "chain" retail can shuffle it other "chain" markets the monetary damage is smoothed out,for small devs pubs and retails death looms around every conner....


    3.4.2007 21:55 #44

  • fgamer

    Looks like the Sony fanboys are coming out to play... Anyways, I advise everyone to READ the article again, look at those percentages 82 percent, that's a very high number and can't be ignored. That is a huge problem for Sony weather fanboys want to believe it or not (it's fact). Numbers don't lie, clearly the PS3 is rediculously expensive and not worth the price tag for the current crappy game line up they have. As many analyst have been saying Sony may have shot themselvs in the foot. How many more signs do people need to know that the PS3 just might be a failure like the Sega Dreamcast weather you want to belive it or not. Also, to those saying Microsoft is a joke in realeasing the Elite, at least Microsoft gives you wayyyyyy more options at lower prices (Core=$299, Premium=$399, Elite=$479) to get into the next gen gaming, I think that's a good thing not a bad thing.

    3.4.2007 23:19 #45

  • ZippyDSM

    Originally posted by fgamer:Looks like the Sony fanboys are coming out to play... Anyways, I advise everyone to READ the article again, look at those percentages 82 percent, that's a very high number and can't be ignored. That is a huge problem for Sony weather fanboys want to believe it or not (it's fact). Numbers don't lie, clearly the PS3 is rediculously expensive and not worth the price tag for the current crappy game line up they have. As many analyst have been saying Sony may have shot themselvs in the foot. How many more signs do people need to know that the PS3 just might be a failure like the Sega Dreamcast weather you want to belive it or not. Also, to those saying Microsoft is a joke in realeasing the Elite, at least Microsoft gives you wayyyyyy more options at lower prices (Core=$299, Premium=$399, Elite=$479) to get into the next gen gaming, I think that's a good thing not a bad thing.whos numbers thats the problem,and how many of thos number really did make it to consumers.

    the only reason the DC failed was because Sega could not sustain manufacturing and dev of games,this could happen to sony but doubtful,I dotn see the PS3 "failing" I do see it landing on the ground and having to climb back up the moutain.

    the 360 is a fcking mess but offers better price options a more games.

    3.4.2007 23:29 #46

  • plazma247

    Would be intresting if someone could dig up the 360 sales from the first say 3 - 4 weeks to play against the ps3.

    How, its worth noting the launch of the ps/3 and 360 are not at the same time of year and im sure microsoft may have got a fair few more sales as xmas was round the corner when they launched.

    Tho, its worth remember that supply has a big effect on these figures. U put something out there with poor supply chain and high demand its gona sell well every week until demand is satisfied. However good supply depending on demand you would expect the numbers shifted to decline quicker.

    Although i think the real importance will be how many units were being shifited after say 1-2 months when u have cleared of the people who were going mad for one and get into the hopefully steady stream of sales that come after.

    4.4.2007 02:17 #47

  • muccione

    @muccione I hope one day you understand the realities of being a single working self employed person with health issues, getting on with it instead of scrounging off parents or the state. (my parents have been dead and buried for years)
    Too many people on this site seem to live with parents with money.
    I was an IT professional for many years until my health let me down. Because I'm not always well enough to work every day I have to work the bits jobs I have.. full time employment isn't an option.
    See I'm not even annoyed.. I know you just don't understand that not everybody lives your privileged existence, where money isn't counted carefully, and hoarded for those rainy days when all the bills arrive at once.[/quote]
    I wasn't trying to be mean or an ass. The PS3s position has nothing to do with you your town, city, state, or country. Its like sending 100 PS3s to a village in Brazil that has no tvs or power. Why not? They will not sell.
    If people have the money and want it they will buy it. The people that wanted it, bought it, thats the way it goes.

    Just so you know...I have a mortgage(30yr home loan)Car payment and 2 kids (13&4)Both my wife and I work 45+ HOURS A week opposite shifts and my 4yr old has NEVER had a sitter. And we make it just fine. We live well WITHIN our means. I am a factory worker and she works at a video rental store . We get help from no one, Closes family lives 3 hours away
    I truly hope your health get better

    4.4.2007 05:18 #48

  • Sandwich1

    Quote:Originally posted by fgamer:Looks like the Sony fanboys are coming out to play... Anyways, I advise everyone to READ the article again, look at those percentages 82 percent, that's a very high number and can't be ignored. That is a huge problem for Sony weather fanboys want to believe it or not (it's fact). Numbers don't lie, clearly the PS3 is rediculously expensive and not worth the price tag for the current crappy game line up they have. As many analyst have been saying Sony may have shot themselvs in the foot. How many more signs do people need to know that the PS3 just might be a failure like the Sega Dreamcast weather you want to belive it or not. Also, to those saying Microsoft is a joke in realeasing the Elite, at least Microsoft gives you wayyyyyy more options at lower prices (Core=$299, Premium=$399, Elite=$479) to get into the next gen gaming, I think that's a good thing not a bad thing.whos numbers thats the problem,and how many of thos number really did make it to consumers.

    the only reason the DC failed was because Sega could not sustain manufacturing and dev of games,this could happen to sony but doubtful,I dotn see the PS3 "failing" I do see it landing on the ground and having to climb back up the moutain.

    the 360 is a fcking mess but offers better price options a more games.
    I really can't see why you think that. ..If you're talking about the reliability, just wait for the PS3s to start failing, then you'll see.

    4.4.2007 06:37 #49

  • hade

    Quote:How many more signs do people need to know that the PS3 just might be a failure like the Sega Dreamcast weather you want to belive it or not. Also, to those saying Microsoft is a joke in realeasing the Elite, at least Microsoft gives you wayyyyyy more options at lower prices (Core=$299, Premium=$399, Elite=$479) to get into the next gen gaming, I think that's a good thing not a bad thing.
    so i guess m$ really did team up with BoogerKing! afterall you can get that crazy King racing game.

    new headline...m$ the new BoogerKing in the GamingMarket. ha, yeah all those choices they give you, must be nice

    4.4.2007 07:53 #50

  • ZippyDSM

    See what?

    the 360 hardware issues are a nightmare and much more than the 3-5% MS claims they would not have to extend their warranty to a year if it was a "normal" issue ,on one hand at their they are tryign on the other they are wapeing the consumer, and with the "3rd hand" they offer better online and more games I guess it balances out but the hardware issues are very down played.

    The PS3 seems to be all around better built I have heard of some broken consoles but then you are going to get a real 2-6% fail rate when you mass produce stuff,its going to take least till Xmas for it to prove itself in the real world,dose anyone know how long it took PS2 DREs to show? 6 months 20 months after launch?

    it didn't take a year to find out the hardware issues on the 360.

    For the PS3 to "fail" its going to have to have the same or higher level of hardware issues as well as devs ignoring it for the WII or 360 and then after that raise the price 100 even then they could keep pouring money into it and keep it going however that would make it almost like the Xbox and did did well enough....MS puling out of the console game or atari/sega getting back in is more likely than the PS3 discontinuing 0-o

    4.4.2007 08:26 #51

  • hade

    Quote:Looks like the Sony fanboys are coming out to play... Anyways, I advise everyone to READ the article again, look at those percentages 82 percent, that's a very high number and can't be ignored. That is a huge problem for Sony weather fanboys want to believe it or not (it's fact). Numbers don't lie, clearly the PS3 is rediculously expensive and not worth the price tag for the current crappy game line up they have. As many analyst have been saying Sony may have shot themselvs in the foot. How many more signs do people need to know that the PS3 just might be a failure like the Sega Dreamcast weather you want to belive it or not. Also, to those saying Microsoft is a joke in realeasing the Elite, at least Microsoft gives you wayyyyyy more options at lower prices (Core=$299, Premium=$399, Elite=$479) to get into the next gen gaming, I think that's a good thing not a bad thing.
    actually if one where to hold all things constant and assume that sony did not put out any more ps3s the week following launch, there would have inevitably been a decrease in the volume of sales as there would not have been the same allocation available for sale. basically meaning if you have 100 units available and 75 are sold the first day, the most you can sell the 2nd day is 25. so depending on how one looks at it, this would be a percentage drop in sales. 75% sold the first day, and only 25% the second day. in this example the item soldout entirely, but the sales percentage decreased the 2nd day and was to be expected. i think its clear that most of this has to do with how easily i/we can curve and interpret numbers.

    here is something most probably don't take into consideration. 2nd week sales of any console generally decrease dramatically and almost always drop to ZERO! the big DIFFERENCE here that most seem to be blindly overlooking is the point that sony launched with a far greater amount of units. the ps3's initial luanch week already surpassed 360 sales during its launch MONTH. that is quite a bit of consoles made available from day one that no other company was able to do, well atleast not m$. i don't know much about nintendo as im not too interested in the wii.

    i think the sales for that 2nd week for the ps3 were roughly around 30,000 units, and as i mentioned above and where i went to school, 30,000 is certainly better than ZERO no one can sell or buy something that isn't made available.

    something that could support my logic but...well read this quote and even though it doesn't fully support my thinking it does lead me to believe that my thoughts are plausible.

    Quote:Unfortunately, Chart-Track said it would not release comparable figures for Xbox 360 or Wii sales, which would add some context to the figures. Figures for previous week two console launches are unreliable due to the usual shortages problem.
    i guess the only fair way to look at things would be taking into account that all 3 companies launched their units with the SAME NUMBER of UNITS during the same TIMEFRAME. that didn't necessarily occur so let the feuding and fanboy rants continue...

    4.4.2007 08:42 #52

  • Mr-Movies

    Zippy is just over reacting a little as we all do from time to time. I have many friends with 360's and none of them have had problems with their 360's. Now that's not to say 360's don't have their problems, they do, anytime you put a new product on the self for the first time you will have unforeseen problems to deal with. It is almost impossible these days to fully regression test a product and even the revamped Wii has had its issues just like the PS3 will, that doesn't mean its bad necessarily.

    I will buy a PS3 if they lower the price to the rest of the world just for the BD player which will mean I'll get a free gaming console as well. The bottom line is that they haven't sold well in the US, they have a surplus, and after the hard core PSx people bought in the UK sales just dropped off the map. I also have heard that the software MFG's are staying away from the console because they don't have the market for them, so lets face it Sony screwed the pooch big time on their new console. That seems simple enough don't you think...

    4.4.2007 08:53 #53

  • ZippyDSM

    double post much?
    or I am in the bottle again 0-o(like apaper sack,I can never find my way out :P )

    anyway ya its looking like its true the more I read and read in between the liens the more it seems reasonable,but after the games they both play I tend be very skeptical and I am also a idiot with hairy breath :P

    its gettign to the point I don't care abotu the price anymore I want sony to double nay triple its efforts on BWC, game will come will come in time but I don't see a huge diffrances in the offerings 360/PS3 yet.


    4.4.2007 08:56 #54

  • ZippyDSM

    Originally posted by Mr-Movies:Zippy is just over reacting a little as we all do from time to time. I have many friends with 360's and none of them have had problems with their 360's. Now that's not to say 360's don't have their problems, they do, anytime you put a new product on the self for the first time you will have unforeseen problems to deal with. It is almost impossible these days to fully regression test a product and even the revamped Wii has had its issues just like the PS3 will, that doesn't mean its bad necessarily.

    I will buy a PS3 if they lower the price to the rest of the world just for the BD player which will mean I'll get a free gaming console as well. The bottom line is that they haven't sold well in the US, they have a surplus, and after the hard core PSx people bought in the UK sales just dropped off the map. I also have heard that the software MFG's are staying away from the console because they don't have the market for them, so lets face it Sony screwed the pooch big time on their new console. That seems simple enough don't you think...
    allite?!?!? when the 4 guys I know IRL have troubles with thier 360,2 rmas had to be ram'd and the 6 close online friends 5 had troubles with theres and 2 of them had to rma the rma and I know at least 2 people that had to do it 3+ times so this leads to the fail rate is more 10-20% its enough to say WTF is MS doing,at least they are tryign to help by extending the warranty.

    As for the PS3 I think Sony's arrogance in delays and gettign the system out made devs jump that and the lack of games has hurt it more than the price, sure the price will effect sales but the games are hurting it the most.

    1.lack of games
    The arrogances both MS and sony have when jacking the price up in other areas is also a issue I am well aware of vats and stuff but multi national corporations that can ship anythign anywhere cheap do not need to pad the price 30 or 40% ontop of a vat.....

    4.4.2007 09:07 #55

  • hade

    Originally posted by ZIppyDSM:hade
    double post much?

    your seeing things, i think someone had too much tea today ;-) i did change something, so your not going crazy....yet

    4.4.2007 09:41 #56

  • ZippyDSM

    I swore I saw the post above mine or in a diff thread ><

    *toss my eyeballs away,turns around and walks off a cliff*


    4.4.2007 09:47 #57

  • handsom

    While I'm proned to point and laugh, since I hate Sony; I'm not doing that right now. Sony is in their initial lull, it happens to all of them. The question is how quickly they pull themselves out. With *80* games scheduled for release in Q2 on the Nintendo Wii, it's a sure sign that companies can pull out of that lull quickly. The question is how fast will Sony do it? How quickly can they get their killer franchises in full form on their new platform? R&C Future is looking good, and while I'm not a fan Killzone has a lot of fans drooling; but Sony will need to hold on to their exclusives better, they're almost turning the way Nintendo did years back basically saying "We don't need third party, we're good with our own ip"... And that's not true for any company. They're expressing that they don't need exclusive games to stay on top, and while I think they've got a hugely successful franchise; I also think they're foolish to think that losing exclusivity with franchises like Metal Gear Solid and Grand Theft Auto won't hurt them - Those are system sellers.

    Really, their current sales don't mean they're failing, it's just a good chance to see how quickly they turn it around... And that's coming from someone who's pretty anti-Sony.

    4.4.2007 10:35 #58

  • ZippyDSM

    Originally posted by handsom:While I'm proned to point and laugh, since I hate Sony; I'm not doing that right now. Sony is in their initial lull, it happens to all of them. The question is how quickly they pull themselves out. With *80* games scheduled for release in Q2 on the Nintendo Wii, it's a sure sign that companies can pull out of that lull quickly. The question is how fast will Sony do it? How quickly can they get their killer franchises in full form on their new platform? R&C Future is looking good, and while I'm not a fan Killzone has a lot of fans drooling; but Sony will need to hold on to their exclusives better, they're almost turning the way Nintendo did years back basically saying "We don't need third party, we're good with our own ip"... And that's not true for any company. They're expressing that they don't need exclusive games to stay on top, and while I think they've got a hugely successful franchise; I also think they're foolish to think that losing exclusivity with franchises like Metal Gear Solid and Grand Theft Auto won't hurt them - Those are system sellers.

    Really, their current sales don't mean they're failing, it's just a good chance to see how quickly they turn it around... And that's coming from someone who's pretty anti-Sony.
    Pretty much Sony I see hitting that 4rth wall Nin did with the N64,Sony needs games and untill then needs to polish BWC so that people can update their system but play their old games,BWC is huge but the corporations fail to understand it and walk away from it damaging themselfs with ever step.

    4.4.2007 10:45 #59

  • NexGen76

    Why people are comparing numbers ? its to early for all this crap can people at lease look at the fact that both console are still young & has not dig deep yet to show there true potential.If you look both systems now i would say the PS3 is built for the long haul.I don't see how 360 can offer any more than what they have in the last 7 or 8 months trying to respond to Sony.People have a problem with PS3 price i understand but let not mix reality with a gaming console because you feel that the price is high some people dismiss the system is crazy because of your income level if you can afford a Premium 360 then you can afford a PS3.Also there to many tread point out issue with both system some people on this site need to wakeup every system going to have its issue neither going to be problem free.As a console owner i worry able how fast console maker can fix the issue.That why i think what Microsoft statement released a week ago promise that they would have you system back to you in a week is huge,I wish Sony did this because it takes them a month before you see you system(PS2 but PS3 might be the same).

    4.4.2007 11:43 #60

  • navsav

    Everyone seems to talk like this is blueray vs. HDDVD. its not like one of tehse systems is going to drop off the face of the earth. Sony, nintendo and MS will always be doing what they are doing and compete against eachother for a long long time.

    4.4.2007 14:57 #61

  • ZippyDSM

    Originally posted by navsav:Everyone seems to talk like this is blueray vs. HDDVD. its not like one of tehse systems is going to drop off the face of the earth. Sony, nintendo and MS will always be doing what they are doing and compete against eachother for a long long time.more like Nin vs. MS vs. Sony...hehehehe
    and I bash them all :P

    ....god I need a life :P

    4.4.2007 15:06 #62

  • Sandwich1

    I guess you're right at what you're saying ZIppyDSM. ..I should now all about 360s breaking, I'm on my 4th.

    5.4.2007 02:41 #63


    I'll be waiting for the price to drop to the price theyre sold for in the US. If it doesnt drop , I wont be buying.
    Us in the UK get fleeced left right and centre and it seems to me that people are voting with their wallets... ;)
    Tough luck Sony , we're not all the saps you thought we were..

    5.4.2007 08:26 #64

  • Mr-Movies

    I can see why your not pleased with the 360 given your friends track records I'd be B*tch'n too, that's horrible. I have at least 10 friends with 360's and none of them are having major problems and just love their consoles. I'm waiting until at least the Elite settles down before getting one myself, I hate paying big money to be a test bunny but understand why so many do.

    You also have to realize that there are some people that break anything they touch, so even though some are having problems is it self induced? I know that there are several problems with the new console so I'm not suggesting that everyone is screwing up their machines, but it does happen. I'm also not directing this at any one person it is just a generalization.

    So if you are bashing all does that make you B*tch'n.... :D

    5.4.2007 08:28 #65

  • oofRome

    For the record, I have yet to meet someone personally that has had 360 overheating/diskeating issues.

    Quote:the 360 hardware issues are a nightmare and much more than the 3-5% MS claims they would not have to extend their warranty to a year if it was a "normal" issue
    If it was a "normal" issue, Microsoft wouldn't extend the warranty until they had a system that would outlast the warranty. Companies don't put a year warranty out on a system that they think will break down in 2-3 months. The warranty hardly proves or disproves wether the 3-5% figure is true, but it does prove that MS has confidence that their systems will now last at least a year.

    5.4.2007 10:43 #66

  • ZippyDSM

    Meh I thinks its more 60/40 (40 to bad) than anything else its enough to make me hesitate but the newer 65Nm CPU in the slightly redesigned 360 will nip the hardware issues in the bud finally.

    well the hardware issues are something to worry over however it and the incomplete Hdef support tied with the wapeing of BWC are the 360's weakness's I would have had a 360 by now if it did BWC right but no they had to dck with it... I am putting off a PS3 till maybe Xmas of next year if Sony even thinks of dropping BWC support a inch they are on my btch list >>

    only a year :X

    Much like the old PS2 issues is not the end of the brand or the world but it gives you pause and helps you understand what issues might pop up when you have the system

    I am all abotu buying used and saving money as much as I can to spend it on stuff I like,Unless I can build a 360 from parts for 180 I think I'd be better off jsut buying new when they fix the issues I am worrying over.

    the 360 is a solid system I hate the online needs money and the the BWC was waped from it but in all its pretty good for what ti offers,the PS3 will be so too in time.


    5.4.2007 11:07 #67

  • oofRome

    Originally posted by ZIppyDSM:
    only a year :X
    Well considering the ps2 is still sporting a 3-month warranty, I'd say that it's pretty standard. The ps3 is under a 1-year warranty, as is the PSP, Wii (which is also available for a 90 day extension on top of that), DS, and that is all I care to look for now.

    5.4.2007 11:58 #68

  • Mr-Movies

    Very good point Zippy, your right the 65nm mask takes much less power therefore less heat and longer MTBF so it's better to wait which is exactly what I'm doing as well. And I would also prefer 1080p as you would so it will be the Elite for me.

    I still am hoping for a drop in the price point in the US for the PS3 since it would be nice to have the BD player as well as game play. What Sony doesn't seem to understand is that even if they loose money at first they will make it up down the road. The path they are on now could cost them big if software providers pull out because of a lack of market.

    There should be a minimum of 1 year warranty on a gaming console, 3 months is not adequate. But you know that gives the retailers a window to push their extended warranty which they totally make out on.

    For those of you who don't know what MTBF is: Mean Time Before Failure

    9.4.2007 08:22 #69

  • ZippyDSM

    Originally posted by Mr-Movies:Very good point Zippy, your right the 65nm mask takes much less power therefore less heat and longer MTBF so it's better to wait which is exactly what I'm doing as well. And I would also prefer 1080p as you would so it will be the Elite for me.

    I still am hoping for a drop in the price point in the US for the PS3 since it would be nice to have the BD player as well as game play. What Sony doesn't seem to understand is that even if they loose money at first they will make it up down the road. The path they are on now could cost them big if software providers pull out because of a lack of market.

    There should be a minimum of 1 year warranty on a gaming console, 3 months is not adequate. But you know that gives the retailers a window to push their extended warranty which they totally make out on.

    For those of you who don't know what MTBF is: Mean Time Before Failure
    from my understanding the white premiums of this fall will offer everything the elite dose but minus the 120HDD and it will definalty have a 65nm CPU unlike the elite witch at this point might not have them.

    As for the PS3 I think the price is wrong that combined with the failed 20GB they really should have just done the 60GB at 450 or 480 trying everything they can to keep in under 500 without losing Hdef or BWC now the PS3 is waffling to a BWCless and "let us contenuie" future while not as blind as MS sony has/is making some rather annoying mistakes.

    9.4.2007 10:50 #70

  • Sandwich1

    The fall elites won't have a HDMI port will they?..cus I'm not sure..

    9.4.2007 12:23 #71

  • ZippyDSM

    with the HD being at least 100 I dont see them putting that in the but updated chipset with new CPU I can see that however if they dont its not a huge loss since it is handicapped to start with.

    9.4.2007 15:29 #72

  • handsom

    HDMI was confirmed for elites, they *might* be standard when all the 65nm processor systems get released, but not the current model systems. But that's iffy. Also notable, the elites are not going to have the new 65nm processors, at least not yet.

    I'm torn, because mine is one of those nearly 100% of launch systems that isn't working anymore... But I still plan to replace it. I just want to see if I can get a two or three year warranty, so that I don't have to worry about it breaking eight times over.

    I'm not pleased with the quality, but let's not forget that Sony's PS3 is just out of the starting gate, and has plenty of time to try and 'catch up' to M$' pathetic numbers. lol. After all, PS2s had a less than glorious reliability record, I'm shocked that mine personally lasted nearly five years, but then again, it saw much less use and better care than normal.

    I think it's a good idea to get a warranty no matter what you choose, I even got one on my Wii, and anyone who's followed game systems knows that Nintendo has ALWAYS built em' rock solid, these things always last at least five good years at least. If you've got a good warranty(I'm going to start checking for 2-3 year warranties, some places do them), it doesn't really matter how often the system can break, so long as you can get it home before it does so, lol.

    Professional Grade Glass Etching - Get your favorite Game/Movie/Anime logos etched into glass, PM me for info.

    10.4.2007 12:34 #73

  • ZippyDSM

    Originally posted by handsom:HDMI was confirmed for elites, they *might* be standard when all the 65nm processor systems get released, but not the current model systems. But that's iffy. Also notable, the elites are not going to have the new 65nm processors, at least not yet.

    I'm torn, because mine is one of those nearly 100% of launch systems that isn't working anymore... But I still plan to replace it. I just want to see if I can get a two or three year warranty, so that I don't have to worry about it breaking eight times over.

    I'm not pleased with the quality, but let's not forget that Sony's PS3 is just out of the starting gate, and has plenty of time to try and 'catch up' to M$' pathetic numbers. lol. After all, PS2s had a less than glorious reliability record, I'm shocked that mine personally lasted nearly five years, but then again, it saw much less use and better care than normal.

    I think it's a good idea to get a warranty no matter what you choose, I even got one on my Wii, and anyone who's followed game systems knows that Nintendo has ALWAYS built em' rock solid, these things always last at least five good years at least. If you've got a good warranty(I'm going to start checking for 2-3 year warranties, some places do them), it doesn't really matter how often the system can break, so long as you can get it home before it does so, lol.

    *pounce noogies*
    where you been hiding?
    I miss your witty ranting ^^

    how long did it take for the 360 hardware issues to be known 6 months?
    so far the PS3 is just havign a time with bad pricing and poorly thought out "lite" system...and games....and online.....but then MS has a plague of its own :P


    10.4.2007 16:11 #74

  • oofRome

    To add fuel to the fire:

    UK sales this week
    Wii: 25000
    PS3: 17000
    360: 11000

    11.4.2007 18:22 #75

  • plazma247

    Buddy thats no fuel, thats a potential abomb of forum flame wars about to go off.


    12.4.2007 12:47 #76

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