The show blamed the majority of the problem on a TSST drive that is missing parts that stabilize the disc. Many Xbox 360 users have reported similar problems on web forums. "As we were not involved with the experiment of Kassa and have little insights in the testing methods, we are not able to respond in detail on the results. It is possible that scratches on discs originate from frequent use. However, we have no indication that the results of the tests from Kassa are a large scale problem," Microsoft said in a press statement.
"Of course it is important to us that our customers have the best possible game experience and therefore we take these test results very serious. Xbox owners who think their discs are scratched as reported by Kassa, should contact us. We will investigate the console and when needed repair it so it becomes a full functioning console. We will also inform Xbox owners how they can obtain replacements discs in case they require them."
Written by: James Delahunty @ 15 Apr 2007 18:53