Sony commits to PS3 for next decade

Sony commits to PS3 for next decade
Playing down concerns of underachieving sales figures, Sony America president Jack Tretton has confirmed that the company has long term plans for the PlayStation 3, at least for the next decade.

"We didn't get into PS3 for the first six months of 2007 - we're into this for the next 10 years and beyond,"
said Tretton.

"A million units one way or another at this point isn't going to worry us."

In agreement with Tretton's argument was IDC analyst Billy Pidgeon. "The PS3 is ahead of the market, while the Xbox 360 and the Wii were designed for immediate market impact," he said.

Pidgeon also said he expected sales of the PS3 to increase during 2008.

However, Kyoshi Shin of Japan's International Game Developers' Association, did not agree and implied that many developers were changing their focus to the rival Nintendo Wii.

"When people talk about the PS3 on chat forums, they say it's like going to a very expensive restaurant and not getting anything to eat,"
he added.


Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 14 May 2007 14:53
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  • neo1000

    I didn´t buy a ps2 till it was $130 as i always tought it was an overpriced system,i´ll wait for the ps3 to come down in price too since i don´t need some features that make it very expensive.

    14.5.2007 15:04 #1

  • BcMester

    Heh, sour grapes:
    Quote:"A million units one way or another at this point isn't going to worry us."Quote:"...we're into this for the next 10 years and beyond"
    You seem to lose the console war, and now you say you don't even care? OK man, plan for the next decade, but what if halfway into that time your competitors come up with something even more advanced and amazing...?

    14.5.2007 15:23 #2

  • djeazyg

    Quote:OK man, plan for the next decade, but what if halfway into that time your competitors come up with something even more advanced and amazing...?It doesn't say that they won’t come up with something new.

    It sounds like to me that they are letting us know that they aren’t going to abandon the PS3 any time soon. Failure or no failure, 10 years from now support and games will still be there. Reassurance to those of us that bought the PS3 that we didn’t waist our money.

    14.5.2007 15:50 #3

  • limelight

    I bet there's millions of people waiting for the price to come down. Then i believe that once that happens, sony will retake the market like they did with the ps1 and ps2.

    14.5.2007 15:53 #4

  • 26r0cK

    I remember when i bought the ps2 for 450$ and look how amazing the ps2 is now. if ps2 can do it then ps3 can as well. Im not doubting sony one bit. :P

    14.5.2007 16:57 #5

  • scorpNZ

    Is it any wonder the PS3 aint do'n so good there's how many PS2 's out there still, i spose i'm not suprised a reasonable amount of 360's have sold this time round but that's only because people know that the xbox 1 was pretty good but lets face it the xbox 1 did'nt really do that well as it was a new console and unknown,but this time round i don't believe either will do well untill a few years,it's not only the cost of the unit but to make full use of the hardware you've gotta get a tv that supports it and not some old cruddy CRT like i got so basicly give it time things will pick up

    14.5.2007 17:31 #6

  • escalante

    I don't doubt Sony either. I'm confident that it will all work out well. Heck, I'm still hooked on Resistance Online! Gonna go on a game spree soon so I'm all excited!

    14.5.2007 18:00 #7

  • borhan9

    Quote:"When people talk about the PS3 on chat forums, they say it's like going to a very expensive restaurant and not getting anything to eat," he added.LOL!!! This is a great plug for the ps3. So what this means is we get a flashy plate that is empty.

    14.5.2007 18:21 #8

  • escalante

    Quote:"When people talk about the PS3 on chat forums, they say it's like going to a very expensive restaurant and not getting anything to eat," he added.Quote:LOL!!! This is a great plug for the ps3. So what this means is we get a flashy plate that is empty.Games are gonna come out soon enough. Good food takes time :D. Actually, Fancy restaurants do take time to prepare your food, but when it comes it's mostly good!

    14.5.2007 18:24 #9

  • ZippyDSM

    More PR spewage...this is my take on it the PS3 will sale slowly untill the price is dealt with the slow launch and games jumping ship have hurt them the price has hurt them but the one thing that has not hurt them is the sheer power the PS3 offers while you can garrenty a new Xbox 2 in 4 years the PS3 has the power to make it 8-11 years befor the PS4 is launched,the only way the PS3 will fail is if devs turn there nose up to the codeing the PS3 requires so far thats not happening.

    14.5.2007 18:52 #10

  • booga1134

    The PS3 is a failure. The continuing bad press will soon bury this overpriced, over-hyped machine. Everyone (the MAJORITY) wants a Wii, not a ps3.

    14.5.2007 19:37 #11

  • ZippyDSM

    Originally posted by booga1134:The PS3 is a failure. The continuing bad press will soon bury this overpriced, over-hyped machine. Everyone (the MAJORITY) wants a Wii, not a ps3.its not failure yet it still has far to fall before it hits ground :X
    the Xbox was more of a failure if you look at the numbers no one but MS could afford doing it that way,altho it did help them lay foundation for their brand.

    14.5.2007 19:54 #12

  • jetyi83

    Originally posted by booga1134:The PS3 is a failure. The continuing bad press will soon bury this overpriced, over-hyped machine. Everyone (the MAJORITY) wants a Wii, not a ps3.the majority of people i know think the wii is ok for kids.. fun but gets old fast. Its a kids console.not worth 250 bucks imo.

    ps3 is far from failing.. sailes will rise in 2008.. i agree, i plan to buy a ps3, and i know a few others that plan to buy one as well.. but probably not until 2008. No reason to buy one yet when there arent that great of games out.

    14.5.2007 20:15 #13

  • SProdigy

    10 years? I give it till 2010 before they're talking up PS4 and how advanced it is over the market leaders Wii and 360. Sony is pulling a Sega Saturn here. The original PlayStation kicked the tar out of the Saturn, and Sega had the Dreamcast out a few years later, and though superior, so many people had turned on Sega that the system was doomed to fail. It's early to write anyone off, but Sony needs to do something to spark interest fast. As a day 1 PS2 owner, I already own a 360 and Wii, and have no interest in a bloated Blu-ray player.

    14.5.2007 20:23 #14

  • ZippyDSM

    Quote:Originally posted by booga1134:The PS3 is a failure. The continuing bad press will soon bury this overpriced, over-hyped machine. Everyone (the MAJORITY) wants a Wii, not a ps3.the majority of people i know think the wii is ok for kids.. fun but gets old fast. Its a kids console.not worth 250 bucks imo.

    ps3 is far from failing.. sailes will rise in 2008.. i agree, i plan to buy a ps3, and i know a few others that plan to buy one as well.. but probably not until 2008. No reason to buy one yet when there arent that great of games out.


    they said the same thing about the Cube and it out did the Xbox,Plus Metroid prime is not a kiddy game and they are gettign manhunt 2 only noobs run the kiddie banner for the WII, the 360 hardware has had so many issues they have had to push the warranties up frankly the current 360 is not worth 300,now the new one with HDD and GPU/CPU would be well worth 300.

    the PS3 is not worth 600,its barely worth 450 even if it had more games the price needs to be 400 for it sale.

    14.5.2007 20:26 #15

  • ZippyDSM

    I would not be surprised however the PS3 is a nice system they need to dropping its price to lure devs back to it.

    Also sega was known for making consoles hastily.

    MS should be rolling out the new Xbox 2 in 09-011 the WII might be replaced in 011-013,I see no real reason for the PS3 to be replaced..altho mindless suits will try the stupidest things to rake in money...

    the PS3 is not selling half as many consoles as it should be selling being the replacement for the PS2...thus its sales currently fail much much too weak..and the main reason is its price..

    14.5.2007 20:31 #16

  • rihgt682

    I can't wait to see sony's face when Halo 3 comes out. and mario galaxy and Metroid prime. Face it sony lost this war from day 1. Even Final fantasy can't help them.

    14.5.2007 22:09 #17

  • xhardc0re

    well @$600 for entry into the fine restaurant, $$$ony has failed to convince me they are anything but for the elite. And their games? So far they = tehSuck.
    Sorry $$$ony, but until you release some games & good content your system=FAIL. Total fail. A lack of content (come ON now...anything?!?!) makes the system a worthless buy. I'd rather spend $600 on a pair of rims for my ride than on a PS3. Come back in about 6 mos, no show here. $$$ony has a chance, but it's slipping by the day. and this is coming from a PS2 player who's invested in over 60 games & uploaded your d@mn videos to YouTube. Stop letting me down!
    360 or Wii FTW.

    14.5.2007 23:52 #18

  • pigfister

    well with comments like these!

    Originally posted by la times :The Los Angeles Times, has quoted a Japanese representative from the IGDA (International Game Developer's Association) who suggests that many studios may be shifting their focus to the Wii and away from Sony’s console.

    The article quotes Kyoshi Shin of the International Game Developers Association (IGDA) in Japan as saying, "When people talk about the PS3 on chat forums they say it's like going to a very expensive restaurant and not getting anything to eat,"
    and the fact that exclusives from EA and Square and other companies are dropping like flies makes you wonder if the ps3 can even last 2 years never mind 10! i'm sure i saw soul calibur screen shots on a wii the other day does that mean namco has also fled the boat like the proverbial rat.

    the last thing sony needs is a backlash from the Japanese market after very poor sales in the US but I'm sure Sony will overcharge the Euro market to subsidise the rest of the worlds poor sales, i'm certain this strategy will *work*

    story =,1,2315594.story

    This must be the start of Sony's aggressive marketing campaign for PS3 and Blu ray then!

    story here: Japanese developers favoring Wii over PS3

    15.5.2007 01:47 #19

  • themind

    Isn't the world going to end in 2012? I dont see this as next gen more like the last gen.....

    15.5.2007 02:37 #20

  • Shinraboy

    there is no console war. those who like xbox like xbox, ps3-ps3, and wii-wii. So i dont know........

    15.5.2007 03:54 #21

  • hughjars

    Seeing as they have already been talking publicly about planning for PS4, 5 & 6 it's pretty clear only the most blinkered and wishful 'thinking' members of the fanclub will believe this 10yr+ hype garbage.

    (and with supposedly no BD drive planned to be coming with the PS4 that's a bit of blow for the format)

    Maybe it'll be like PS1 & 2 and be (technically) available (somewhere) as a dodgy low-numbers/low level import almost no-one would ever bother with in 10yrs
    but what kind of self-delusion & fantasy is it that imagines actual and real 'life' in the thing in 10yrs time?

    A few of the serious problems the PS3 has are that -
    (1) it's got a bloated price-tag like a millstone around it's neck in most markets
    (2) it was primarily intended to push BD so Sony could dominate the video/movie business with this gen and so is awkward for game developers,
    (3) besides 'in house' exclusive games it offers nothing that can't be had elsewhere a much lower costs
    (4) every unit's costing Sony money so the prices won't be dropping by enough anytime soon and
    (5) it's late and that's not late as in 'they had more time for development' late.
    It's just very late as the frozen design was awaiting the mass production of the BD parts it needed.

    The PS3 is so close to the performance of the XBox 360
    (one is slightly more capable in one small area of performance and the other in another)
    that claims about it's supposed 'power' or
    (and this one is hilarious, a definite contender for the 'sounds good on a superficial level for 10secs but is an utterly meaningless vacuous load of drivel' award if ever there was)
    'being ahead of the market' are just empty spin & nonsense.

    But nevermind, the fanclub gallery lap this empty idiotic rubbish up and refuse to see the way they are actually being laughed and treated as ignorant fools who'll listen to any infantile nonsense coming from their 'beloved'.......

    ......and as the 'short fanboy - a/v enthusiast rush followed by sales that fell off of a cliff and continue to bump alone at that low level' record shows very very clearly, everyone else just refuses to buy it.

    That's the nub of the problem right there, this time the fanclub & all this preaching to the converted isn't enough.

    They have apparently 'shipped' 6 million PS3s and only sold 3 million of them.

    They have done too much to alienate the 'regular' punter with this one & it would not surprise me if it really does turn out to be a dud, a dud that sells in millions, for sure, but nevertheless a dud that does little but cost Sony huge amounts in the longer term.

    .....and writing off the reasonable concerns of the 'regular punter' as "hate"
    (or funniest of all starting up a laughably tangental rant about the XBox or Wii)
    just makes a bad situation a whole lot worse for them.

    15.5.2007 04:29 #22

  • jonny-x

    Billy Pidgeon = best name ever.

    15.5.2007 04:41 #23

  • SolShrike

    I realize that trying to convince a die-hard Sony fan that the PS3 is a bad console is an exercise in futility. The same could also be said for Nintendo and Microsoft console supporters. So far, in the console wars between the Xbox360, Wii, and PS3, the clear loser is (unfortunately) the PS3. I'm not saying that its a bad console; not by a long shot. It comes down to marketability and appealing to gamers of all market niches and age demographics, not just a the hard-core gamers. What Sony had failed to realize is that people are, in general, not willing to pay $600+ for a unit that doesn't either have clearly enough games with good content and replay value or a price tag that people can afford.

    Yes, people have bought the PS3 and some are undoubtedly enjoying it. I don't fault them for that. If people were to take off thier "fan-boi" blinders and look up from thier console prejudice long enough to see raw fact, they could look at the sales numbers and you'll see where the future is going. Xbox360 and Wii sales have been skyrocketting, while PS3's still sit on retail shelves gathering dust. Parents/Guardians are not going to shell out the price tag for a PS3 when a console with a MUCH bigger game base is almost half the price less, and likely more fun as a result of having much more variety of gameplay that (once again) appeals to a wider age and game habit demographic.

    I don't see the PS3 lasting much more than 2 - 3 years unless they pull some magic out of thier hat and decide to get serious with thier console. Yes, the PS1 and PS2 have been and are wildly popular. That doesn't mean that every console they've put out since (aka PS3) or any in the future will succeed. Take a look at Nintendo. For all intents and purposes all of thier consoles up until the GameCube were smash-hits... then the GC was released and the sales just honestly weren't there. Sure it was around for awhile, but compared to sales of old, it wasn't a big success. Then the Wii came and BAM! they're back in the game in a really big way.

    Unless Sony comes up with some new innovative measures to get back thier consumer base and create new customers, I'm afraid the outcome is fairly grim for the future of the PS3.

    Those are just my two cents... take it as you will, with a grain of salt.

    - SolShrike

    15.5.2007 05:29 #24

  • ChromeMud

    That 10 year life span for the PS3 is worth nothing to the punters who have PS3's but have to wait for games to appear.
    People who actualy use their brains won't buy
    it until it atleast matches the competition for content.
    Either that or buy a cheaper games console now that is similar
    in ability,has far more games and avoid waiting for a price drop
    on the PS3.

    The situation for Sony looks bad also because it is following the old Xbox-vs-PS2 dilema.The Xbox was technicaly better but late
    in the market with an initial high price which made it a hardcore
    gamers-machine whereas the PS2 was competent enough to hold it's own
    with a lower price and an early start, it grabbed the market before
    Microsoft could do anything about it.

    I'm not mentioning the Wii as I think it has a slice of the gamers-market all to itself which was a great move by Nintendo and was worth
    the gamble with its control method and cheaper price.
    Nintendo have proved to me they are above all,a succesful business with balls and have proved to the market that their vision is one
    to admire.

    I hope Sony gets out of the quagmire and proves itself because I believe competition is GOOD.I think Sony made a mistake with it's
    Blu-Ray inclusion because if it was sold with a DVD player over
    a year ago,things would be better for them.
    Blu-Ray vs HD-DVD is holding people back from buying a PS3.If it loses the format war then people have bought a PS3 with a defunct
    HD movie player.Thats what makes the other consoles better value.
    They are about games NOT HD movies.

    I havn't bought a HD TV yet.I could buy one any time but the prices
    are constantly falling and the specs are improving so I'm waiting.
    Laser TV's and LED type set's are just around the corner offering
    far better colour definition,faster response and contrast in 1080p at 60FPS and 24FPS Classic Movie-Mode.
    Why anyone wants to beta test HD movies right now is beyond me.
    Get back to me when the dust is settled and the technology is mature.

    Gaming NOW for the WIN!

    15.5.2007 06:45 #25

  • jetyi83

    Originally posted by SolShrike:I realize that trying to convince a die-hard Sony fan that the PS3 is a bad console is an exercise in futility. The same could also be said for Nintendo and Microsoft console supporters. So far, in the console wars between the Xbox360, Wii, and PS3, the clear loser is (unfortunately) the PS3. I'm not saying that its a bad console; not by a long shot. It comes down to marketability and appealing to gamers of all market niches and age demographics, not just a the hard-core gamers. What Sony had failed to realize is that people are, in general, not willing to pay $600+ for a unit that doesn't either have clearly enough games with good content and replay value or a price tag that people can afford.......

    - SolShrike
    i kind of disagree. I dont see sony as failing. Maybe they havent sold as many units as they first wanted, but you have to see the differences in their target markets. the wii sold a lot of units because its relatively cheap.. less than half the price of a ps3, and the 360 sold a bunch because they came out first. The ps3 is super expensive so no one has really bought one yet, and actually bought a cheaper unit like the wii just to hold them until the ps3 comes out with good games. But as time goes on the wii will fall behind due to their lack of graphical sophistication. 360 is a good console, as good as ps3 for now, but since ps3 has more potential to outperform the 360, then im betting one day it will outperform the 360. The 360 is great but it breaks.. hopefully the blackbox will fix that though.

    but i do forcast ps3 sales increasing and 360 and wii sales decreasing in the next 1-2 years. there might be spurts of sales for the 360 and wii, but i believe it will be significantly decreasing none the less. Once ps3 comes out with at least 3-4 good new games, i think their sales will jump and continue to stay constant for a little while.

    if the ps3 is like a fancy restaurant with no food, just wait until they start making good food

    15.5.2007 07:07 #26

  • chubbyInc

    All this talk of Food and Restaurants is making me hungry.

    For Sony to do better it needs better games and a cheaper console price.
    If Xbox can still bring out quality games and give all those horny bastards Halo 3, then it should be able to hold off The PS3.

    It seems like PS3 used the Blu-ray as some sort of marketing scam, Trying to win people who want a $600 Blu-ray player instead of $800 for standalone. At least the Wii brought in new buyers by using innovation!

    Companies can make all the promises they want, but if for some reason PS3 completely stopped selling units (Not saying it will just example) then I'm sure the support would end within a couple years.

    15.5.2007 07:53 #27

  • ZippyDSM


    I think sony was way to arrogant in tis approach no one out of technophiles and fanboys and the rich can afford the PS3 if they striped it down offed Ethernet and a basic 20GB HDD and wired controllers sold it for 380 they would have won hands down but know they took the pompous corporate approach and forces a 600$ machine on to a unwilling market and they have been paying for it since.

    15.5.2007 08:22 #28

  • pigfister

    Originally posted by chubbyInc:It seems like PS3 used the Blu-ray as some sort of marketing scam, Trying to win people who want a $600 Blu-ray player instead of $800 for standalone. Thats exactly what Sony Europe VP Matt Brown said in an interview with the guardian. this is something that sony has totally denied in all other press reports stating that the Blu-ray was included because of gamers and the need for a larger storage medium but with 160+ employees being laid off in euro because of changing markets and i quote "a move towards on-line distribution of media" as a reason for the job cuts kind of makes ppl suspicious of sonys spin and piffle.

    Is the PlayStation 3 a Trojan horse to help sell Blu-ray films?
    Originally posted by"The PS3 is going to help us do the job," says Brown. He explained that by selling the PS3, they bring the number of Blu-ray owners up. That way, even if consumers actually prefer the HD-DVD format, they'll have a Blu-ray drive by default and that gives them a compelling reason to use it and buy Blu-ray discs with games and movies in wont let me insert the link to the story as the url contains Blu-ray in the address!: Blu-ray-/pg/49/aid/88299" target="_blank">

    15.5.2007 08:32 #29

  • SProdigy

    Yeah Zippy, someone in Sony's hierarchy got real wide-eyed when they say how many PS2's were sold worldwide. Since PS2 broke the barrier with a built-in DVD player, when DVD players were not all that common or cheap, the powers that be figured they could shove Blu-ray onto people too. That may be the reason why stand-alone Blu-ray players cost more than the PS3 and also why Samsung (and not Sony) had the first commercial Blu-ray player. Hate to break Sony's heart, but the consumers saw through this b.s. Most of the intial sales weren't to technophiles, rather, eBay scam artists looking to make a buck.

    Microsoft still hasn't broken a profit yet with the 360, which makes me wonder just how much money Sony is losing. They lose money on every console, and stagnant sales aren't helping push games or Blu-ray movies out the door like they had hoped.

    On the other hand, you have Nintendo, which sells every Wii and DS for a profit out of the box! No wonder they can pack a game with the system! And it's $250. Joe Consumer breaks down the cost of a game, wiimote, nunchuk, ability to play GC games, web browser, and the overall Wii price, and sees value. Virtual Console is a "money grab" that's icing on the cake. This is the total benefit that MS, and to a larger extent, Sony, is missing.

    I won't get into the HD argument, but Nintendo hit the proverbial nail on the head. They'll have a huge lead before the Wii becomes super-outdated in the graphics department and by then it won't matter, as they can easily match the 360 or PS3 with a newer console that will still be cheaper years down the road.

    15.5.2007 08:40 #30

  • bomber991

    I just wanted to say here that I don't understand why everyone is so crazy about the Wii. It seems like the wii has this "We're going back to gaming" thing going for it, but when I look at the games they seem the same as all the other games out there.

    But the wii is cheap as hell compared to the other 2, and people consider it next gen, so I guess that's all that matters.

    Anyways, all I'm saying is I'm buying me a ps3 once the thing drops to $300 or less, which wont be for a long time. What is it right now? $500 for the cheap one and $600 for the nice one? Shit that's way too expensive.

    However you have to compare the PS3 to Xbox 360 w/ xbox live. I love playing my games online, but that $6/month adds up quick with the xbox. That's an extra $72/yr. After 2 years that makes the 360 the same price almost.

    15.5.2007 09:36 #31

  • mal75

    Originally posted by bomber991:I just wanted to say here that I don't understand why everyone is so crazy about the Wii. It seems like the wii has this "We're going back to gaming" thing going for it, but when I look at the games they seem the same as all the other games out there.

    But the wii is cheap as hell compared to the other 2, and people consider it next gen, so I guess that's all that matters.

    Anyways, all I'm saying is I'm buying me a ps3 once the thing drops to $300 or less, which wont be for a long time. What is it right now? $500 for the cheap one and $600 for the nice one? Shit that's way too expensive.

    However you have to compare the PS3 to Xbox 360 w/ xbox live. I love playing my games online, but that $6/month adds up quick with the xbox. That's an extra $72/yr. After 2 years that makes the 360 the same price almost.
    Xbox live is only $49 for a year subscription.

    15.5.2007 10:22 #32

  • pigfister

    Originally posted by bomber991:I just wanted to say here that I don't understand why everyone is so crazy about the Wii. It seems like the wii has this "We're going back to gaming" thing going for it, but when I look at the games they seem the same as all the other games out there.

    But the wii is cheap as hell compared to the other 2, and people consider it next gen, so I guess that's all that matters.

    Anyways, all I'm saying is I'm buying me a ps3 once the thing drops to $300 or less, which wont be for a long time. What is it right now? $500 for the cheap one and $600 for the nice one? Shit that's way too expensive.

    However you have to compare the PS3 to Xbox 360 w/ xbox live. I love playing my games online, but that $6/month adds up quick with the xbox. That's an extra $72/yr. After 2 years that makes the 360 the same price almost.
    this topic has nothing to do with the 360 or the wii but to clarify the points you raised:

    the wii is family fun which is why its appealing, its the new board game, unlike the 360/ps3/ps2/dreamcast, ect that have little timmy battling for hours in a darkend room not speaking a word until he "just finishes this bit" 5 hours later... get my point?

    as for xbox live it is a chargeable service but has very good servers and supports all games, the ps3 online *FREE* service is not going to support 3rd party games and they were told by sony that they didn't care how they funded the service(customer subscription) but under no conditions were sony going to pay for them, a shining example of this was sega tennis. When you total it up maybe the one off yearly payment will be cheaper than numerous subscriptions but any pricing strategy has yet to be announced.

    "In a world of universal deceipt, telling the truth ia a revolutionary act." George Orwell 1984

    15.5.2007 10:27 #33

  • motautis

    OO yea like the xbox 360 has SOO many more good games than the PS3 right now, heres my take on it:

    "im getting tired of all the people saying the ps3 is lacking in software compared to the 360.

    This is stolen from egm, just some of the big exclusives that should be for this year.

    Unchartedrakes Fortune (sounds tight)
    Heavenly Sword (nice)
    Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of destruction
    Ninja gaiden sigma

    Xbox 360:
    Blue Dragon
    Forza 2
    Halo 3
    Lost Odyssey
    Mass Effect
    Project gotham 4
    Splinter Cell Conviction
    Too Human

    The PS3 Lost exclusiveness on DMC 4, Vf 5, Unreal tournament 3, and mercenaries 2. Put those back on ps3 and its definetely stronger and this is its first year! As is, I like the PS lineup overall more but bioshock and mass effect put the 360 maybe a smidgen over the ps3 this year. Those games just sound awesome, i dont care that much for the other games on the 360 list though. I'd buy halo, pgr, maybe blue dragon, splinter cells cool but meh, seems like the ps3s lineup is more fresh.

    what does the 360 have over ps3 right now anyways, it has some games, but its not that big of a difference imo.

    TO ME, it seems like the ps3 is the better fit. I play my shooters on PC, so i dont really care about those on 360 that much. The console games i like to play are what Playstation has, GoW, MGS, sports games, games like lair, racing games, rpgs, etc. Add in the Blu-ray player and free online play, and the decision seems pretty easy to me anyways.

    15.5.2007 10:34 #34

  • NexGen76

    My God a console only out for 6 months & its there is a reason people is buying the Wii because its cheap first then its a kiddie console thats why, not because its fun & all that other crap.Okay 360 been stuck on 10 million console for 3 months now & not even the elite could save 360 which is at a stand still right now the small fan boy rush is over.360 only have one killer app in 1 year i find that laughable when people want to bring up PS3.When people bring that up to a Microsoft fan boy they say wait til guess what GoW is the best game on that system you going to see not even Halo going to be better beside all the dates its been pushed back & thats real sad that Microsoft going to have a third party game better than there first party.

    15.5.2007 10:52 #35

  • SProdigy

    motautis - you forgot the game that essentially made the PS2 what it is and is no longer a Sony exlusive: GTA IV.

    15.5.2007 12:34 #36

  • BurningAs

    wow this is like fan boy heaven.

    i think its a bad idea to support ps3 for a decade. thats stupid.

    15.5.2007 12:58 #37

  • cartucho

    y do you think is ps3 is overprice??... is exactly the same as the 360.... 360 elite with HDMI and the HD-DVD attachment = ps3 with bluray... y do people argue so much about the price??? eventually you gonna have to buy an hd movie player anyways ... next thing you know blockbuster is going to be all about hd.

    15.5.2007 13:23 #38

  • SolShrike

    The reason why people are up in arms about the price of the PS3 is because of how high it is. Seriously, $600+ (in Canada) for a console, part of which is simply that high because it has Blu-ray? Just how many people actually have a Blu-ray player at home to watch thier movies on? The argument that "A regular stand-alone Blu-ray player costs 1500 dollars! The PS3 is a steal!" doesn't hold any water. You're still paying what would effectively be $600+ for a movie player. The Xbox360 Elite is for the hard core gamers who love to have the little details in everything... but Microsoft has the standard option which has been rocking retail shelves since it launched, which is $350 - $400 dollars depending on where you go. It really IS about price. If I have them both sitting side by side (game variety aside), you can be damned sure that myself and the majority of people are going to go with the cheaper console. NOW factor in the game selection and Xbox Live and, well, its fairly easy to see why PS3 isn't doing so well. As I mentioned before, I'm not going to even try to convince a Sony fan that something else is better... I'm just presenting a perhaps different perspective.

    15.5.2007 15:11 #39

  • djeazyg

    Originally posted by SolShrike: NOW factor in the game selection and Xbox Live and, well, its fairly easy to see why PS3 isn't doing so well. As I mentioned before, I'm not going to even try to convince a Sony fan that something else is better... I'm just presenting a perhaps different perspective.Xbox live is not that great. Matter of opinion I think. Some people think free is better.

    For your “hard core” gamers price is not an issue and you have to include all the next gen consoles plus the latest and greatest PC hardware. Your hard core gamers (which I am except for the Wii) will own all of these no matter the cost so they can play anything and everything. Buy the same game twice for 2 different systems just so you can play the extra level the other system doesn't have. It's an addiction. An expensive addiction. Is $600 too much money for the PS3? Hells yea, but your hard core gamer doesn't care cause all they want to do is play.
    I just can’t see why people don’t think the Elite 360 isn’t overpriced. I think the Premium 360 at launch should have all the things that the Elite has and still be $400.

    There is one edge that the PS3 has over the 360. It doesn’t justify the $600 price tag but it is still an edge.…… 6 months and no failures that I have heard of. If I remember correctly the 360’s started to show problems at this point in its life.

    15.5.2007 17:08 #40

  • gallagher

    "We didn't get into PS3 for the first six months of 2007 - we're into this for the next 10 years and beyond." Uhhh . . . there is no way that the PS3 will be active in 2017. He is full of it. The mere fact that he said this shows they are desperate and will shout out lies.

    15.5.2007 17:28 #41

  • windsong

    djeazyg I agree. Xbox360 has great games but an extremely unreliable system in the long term. PS3 is a great system but no great games for 2 years at least (as compared to the xbox360). I've heard nothing but horror stories about the xbox going under even before warranty expiration dates. Can't say the same about the ps3.

    15.5.2007 20:33 #42

  • motautis

    how does the ps3 have no games?? what did the xbox have this at this time? xbox 360 got perfect dark zero, ps3 has resistance, 360 got dead rising, ps3 got motorstorm, 360 got fight night, ps3 has fight night, ps3 has nba street now, 360 didnt have that in its first 8 months, ps3 got oblivison now, 360 got oblivion in about the same time frame, ps3 has VF5, 360 had DOA4 or whatever. Now though, the ps3 has a crapload of good games coming to it throughout the rest of the year. 360 didnt have crap except for GoW and what? viva pinata???

    and 10 years isnt too far of a stretch, just look at how long the ps2 has lasted, it'll be like what? 7, 8 years old in a couple months?

    15.5.2007 21:59 #43

  • ThaJazz

    people if you think for one second that the games on the ps3 is as good as the ones on the 360 you are truely a fanboy.and nothing can be said to you about your beloved console.and befor you open fire i own a ps3 and a wii alo so no fanboy this way.but the 360 has more to offer at a better price.and so what live is not free if you have a job then free dont matter

    16.5.2007 04:38 #44

  • SProdigy


    16.5.2007 08:41 #45

  • ZippyDSM

    ummm ya 3 or so months in the 360 lauch the 360 games sucked as bad....thus MR fanboy get off your high horse ur poo sticks.

    seriously the PS3 needs about 12-16 months for it heal from the launch...much like the 360......

    Sony is not sega they are not that blind.
    Hell at this point and time if sony drops the price 300-400 the 360 will be shot below the WII.

    16.5.2007 08:52 #46

  • pigfister

    maybe this explains the recent job cuts over at sony gaming division but how long will the investors want to bail out a dead donkey? what's that old metaphor "Don't put all your eggs in one basket."

    PS3 losses drive Sony profits down

    Originally posted by link gamepro:Sony's financial report for the previous fiscal year has finally been published, revealing a 68.3% drop in operating income, mostly due to the extravagant costs associated with the PS3 launch. Yet, the company's outlook still remains positive that it will be on the rebound for this coming fiscal year.or for another look at it from ars technica:

    Sony earnings: games division a financial albatross around corporate neck

    Originally posted by ars technica link:The higher sales and lower cost of entry for the Nintendo Wii are also causing developers to look towards Nintendo for their future projects, and a loss of Japanese developers could do go a long way towards ending any sales momentum Sony is hoping to create for its newest system.

    With Ken Kuturagi's resignation and the challenge of improving the financial outlook of the gaming division falling onto Sir Howard Stringer, it wouldn't be surprising to see even more shakeups at Sony. Sony has over $4.2 billion in cash on hand but also has about $11.3 billion in total debt on the books, and it's not clear what the company can do in both the short or long term to staunch the flow of yen leaving the gaming division. What is clear is that their current strategy with the PlayStation 3 has yet to pay off.

    "In a world of universal deceipt, telling the truth ia a revolutionary act." George Orwell 1984

    16.5.2007 09:53 #47

  • ZippyDSM

    Could be more a reshuffling of staff its only a 2billoin loss since spider man 3 brought in 50 billion sony is not really hurting just yet, what sony needs to do is cut the PS3 in half something they should have done to begin with that way they have their losses planed out unlike currently where they will pretty much sustain losses until the console hits 400 or they have 3 times as many games as the 360....

    16.5.2007 10:00 #48

  • djeazyg

    Originally posted by SProdigy:PS3 IS DREAMCAST!

    Now here's a true fanboy. WOW!! I got some stock I would like you to buy. Make the check payable to me and I guarantee it will go thru the roof.
    This guy will believe anything he reads on the internet.

    Originally posted by ZIppyDSM:ThaJazz
    ummm ya 3 or so months in the 360 lauch the 360 games sucked as bad....thus MR fanboy get off your high horse ur poo sticks.

    seriously the PS3 needs about 12-16 months for it heal from the launch...much like the 360......
    Thank You. Couldn’t have said it better myself.

    16.5.2007 10:42 #49

  • pigfister

    @ ZIppyDSM

    /agree. a price reduction and some AAA+ games is the only thing that can save the PS3 but with exclusives dropping their allegiance to the behemoth of sony, a bunch of very bad ports and Japanese developers moving to the wii due to lower overall costs is far from happy reading over at the sony camp, and is very concerning for gamers because of the shift in the market companies may start pulling titles from the ps3 release list.

    Good Games cancelled so far on the PS3:

    WWE SmackDown! vs. Raw 2007
    Endless Saga
    Saints Row

    *edit* there may be hope yet as sony sells off its mobile network service. 16/5/2007, 1:48 PM EST

    RealNetworks buys Sony NetServices
    Quote:RealNetworks Inc. has announced today the acquisition of European music download service Sony NetServices for $9 million in cash. Prior to Sony NetServices purchase, RealNetworks had acquired South Korea-based mobile music services provider WiderThan, expanding its mobile entertainment portfolio and strengthening its market position in Europe.9 million in cash omg!

    "In a world of universal deceipt, telling the truth ia a revolutionary act." George Orwell 1984

    16.5.2007 10:56 #50

  • SProdigy

    Must I repeat, I am a fanboy of none of the console manufacturers! In the previous gen, I purchased the PS2 first, Gamecube second and Xbox last. Now, I bought my Wii first, then got a 360 after being disappointed with the Wii graphics (but not gameplay), and I have yet to buy a PS3 for all the obvious reasons. I was merely pointing to an article quoting Peter Moore.

    Honestly, everyone here keeps stating that IF Sony were to cut the PS3 price tag, THEN it would succeed. Hello folks, Sony is bleeding money with every PS3 they ship! Like I said earlier, MS and Sony are BOTH taking hits on selling the console for LESS than it costs to make, while Nintendo is winning market share with a console that they profit from TODAY. Sony cannot afford to cut the PS3 price tag!

    I also agree about the 360 launch titles, and if MS launched with Sony and Nintendo on the same day, I think the 360 would be the dog, and who knows, maybe Nintendo would have sold EVEN MORE consoles as consumers wouldn't have jumped the next-gen gun a year early by purchasing a 360. It's just a theory.

    Conclusion: MS and Sony are trying to sell consoles at a loss to make it up with royalties and other revenue streams. (Think of it as an inkjet printer, where the printer is sold for less than the cost of replacement ink cartridges in most cases.) Nintendo is winning with the Wii and DS, because they are CHEAPER for the consumer and CHEAPER for Nintendo to make, thus, they are raking in the profits.

    Sony tried to push the PS3 as a Blu-ray trojan horse, and too bad they forced developers to actually use Blu-ray, as they could quickly dump it for a DVD-9 drive and format, and introduce a lower end system for a fraction of the cost. Don't kid yourself, Blu-ray is EXPENSIVE. Until Blu-ray becomes the next DVD, which it may never become, the PS3 will NOT be cost effective to Sony or the consumer.

    16.5.2007 12:05 #51

  • NexGen76

    Originally posted by ThaJazz:people if you think for one second that the games on the ps3 is as good as the ones on the 360 you are truely a fanboy.and nothing can be said to you about your beloved console.and befor you open fire i own a ps3 and a wii alo so no fanboy this way.but the 360 has more to offer at a better price.and so what live is not free if you have a job then free dont matter
    I would say that first gen PS3 games are on the same level as 360 which has a 1 year edge on PS3.I found that to be real sad because PS3 games are going to get better.GOW is that only game on 360 that stand out between any game on either system.Thats one game in one year i find that pitifully on Microsoft part because they live on third party game support & not first.Second & thrid party support run Microsoft they can do what the hell they want because they know Microsoft depend on them but second & third party can't do Sony like that,reason being you hear all the crying about how hard games are to develop for the PS3 because Sony not going to treat them like babies & cater to them like Microsoft does.

    16.5.2007 12:19 #52

  • SProdigy

    This is going to open a whole can of worms, but if history serves as a lesson, Sony should open up their programming to be a bit more friendly to the devs. Everyone knows what happened when Windows launched against the giant that was IBM. Like it or not, Windows crushed everything it its path.

    16.5.2007 12:27 #53

  • ThaJazz

    why is people being so foregiving to sony are they not the big boys on the block when they put out a system with tech noboby want and charge 600.00 for we are to buy it no question asked.and why do we have to wait 2years for good games from the god of console makers.and iam not a 360 fanboy just saying that you get more for less money and if you cant see that then you are blind as hell.i like the ps3 but right now i enjoy my 360 more than my ps3

    16.5.2007 15:42 #54

  • ThaJazz

    and why do people always bring Gears of War up like its the only good game on the 360 go to gamestop and look around.

    16.5.2007 15:45 #55

  • djeazyg

    Originally posted by ThaJazz:and why do people always bring Gears of War up like its the only good game on the 360 go to gamestop and look around.Gears of War is about as good as it gets on the 360. Just like God of War 2 is about as good as it gets in the PS2. If you’re going to compare you need to compare with the strongest game the system has to offer and a game that is exclusive to that particular system. I thought this was common knowledge.

    16.5.2007 16:03 #56

  • ThaJazz

    you thought wrong.

    16.5.2007 17:44 #57

  • NexGen76

    Originally posted by ThaJazz:and why do people always bring Gears of War up like its the only good game on the 360 go to gamestop and look around.
    Name me another game on 360 that has stand out like GoW has none as of now so this argument that PS3 don't have any good game can be said about 360 also.One blockbuster title in one year Sony has two so far in 6 months RFOM & MS.Both are first party titles.Lets not forget that Heavenly Sword, Metal Gear 4,ninja gaiden sigma & Killzone 2 are due to drop this year.In mean while 360 fan boys still waiting on Halo 3....LOL this game has lived its course,How long before Microsoft unplug the life support cord they are living on from HALO.

    17.5.2007 04:11 #58

  • ThaJazz

    well if you think the only good game on the 360 is GoW then that is your opinion and thats that.i know that there are more but if you say not it must be true.and yes GoW is the best so far in terms of looks but RB6V is not to far behind and crackdown was good and saints row, testdrive,SCDA,and the 360 has its own share of good games coming out also.i never said that the ps3 was a bad console its just the 360 has a better offer right now for a better price.and if you cant see that then too bad.

    17.5.2007 05:28 #59

  • djeazyg

    Originally posted by ThaJazz:you thought wrong.and your welcome.

    17.5.2007 11:18 #60

  • pigfister

    omg now HDMI is a connection of the past wtf is sony going to do this next ten years, back to the coaxial i suppose!

    DisplayPort takes the lead over UDI and HDMI for computer displays
    Originally posted by DailyTech:Consumers have made one thing clear about the tech industry over the past several years: format wars are confusing and often times deliver more issues than solutions. Display technologies consisting of DisplayPort, HDMI and UDI have all been ferociously vying for industry support over the past two years. Despite a strong push from all three standards, DisplayPort crossed a major milestone in April when it received approval by VESA to be an industry standard.

    Kettler showed a LCD that was only half an inch in thickness. The panel also incorporated speakers and a microphone. Audio and video signals route through a single DisplayPort cable. DisplayPort LCD panels will be available later this year, Kettler claims.

    The DisplayPort standard recently wowed consumers by adopting a standard that takes advantage of fiber optic cables for signaling. Using technology from a leading DisplayPort task force member named Luxtera, DisplayPort devices that use fiber optics will be able to accept cable lengths unheard of in the industry.

    "In a world of universal deceipt, telling the truth ia a revolutionary act." George Orwell 1984

    Tor: anonymity on-line STOP the spying!

    18.5.2007 11:46 #61

  • Djisas

    Still complaining about the price??
    Take a look ate Nvidea's cards, the GTX is near 600$ the ultra goes well beyond 700$, just for a graphic card, ad the cpu, no current cpu priced over 1000$ matches the cell, blu ray player, more 600$; etc...
    A pc matching the console power would cost well over 2500$, if its possible to build one...

    19.5.2007 08:22 #62

  • hughjars

    Originally posted by Djisas:A pc matching the console power would cost well over 2500$, if its possible to build one... - BS.

    One of the cheapest E4300 Core 2 Duo CPUs & one of the £120 or - much - less Nvidia 8500/8600 cards running VC2 decoding can easily handle any high def video that any games console can.

    PowerDVD is all you need in terms of software
    (and Windows Media Player Classic and CoreAVC for *cough* other types of HD *cough* ).

    Sorry no offence but that kind of claim is exactly what we get treated to regularly in these discussions, it's just typical myth & ill-informed utterly wrong nonsense.

    .....and as those of us using the XBox 360 HD DVD add-on with a PC can easily see those kind of claims that hugely expensive and huge computing power is needed is just nonsense in that instance too.

    It's also worth noting that when it's used with a PC all the supposed 'limitations' of the XBox 360 HD DVD add-on (in terms of the 720p/1080i resolution & 'only' DD sound) disappear with the kind of kit that is pretty common now.
    1080p & 7.1/8.1 sound is down to you and your hardware & software.

    19.5.2007 08:43 #63

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