Blu-ray Disc Association reports about the PS3 and movie sales

Blu-ray Disc Association reports about the PS3 and movie sales
News coming from the Blu ray Disc Association for months have suggested that the impact of the PlayStation 3 on Blu ray disc movie sales in North America and Japan have been "significant".

They also note that a similar sales trend is occuring in Western Europe right now.

Industry stats for the period of January to May show a huge change in the European HD movie market. Up until the PS3's launch in late March, HD DVD was outpacing Blu ray by a hefty amount. Since the launch of the console, Blu ray movies have consistently outsold its rival, and by a large margin as well, almost 3 to 1.

The Association concludes that the stats seem to justify Sony's decision to include a Blu ray drive into the PS3, as the console is greatly helping in a format war Sony cannot afford to lose.


Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 21 May 2007 19:12
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  • akaangus

    I don't necessarily think it matters which of the two formats is winning, what really matters is how much is DVD outselling both combined?

    First consumers must actually want either before any format can start deciding who will "win". I mean, why even bother fighting for what at this point is a very niche market?

    21.5.2007 19:32 #1

  • chubbyInc

    You'd think with all the advertising Blu-ray has done it should have won the format war by now or at least gone belly up broke.

    Anything to justify Sony's decisions too... Well I guess people have to resort to Movies on the PS3, with the limited crappy games they offer on it.

    21.5.2007 20:08 #2

  • fgamer

    For some reason I just want Blu-ray to fail.

    21.5.2007 21:12 #3

  • borhan9

    Ive read so many articles about both HD DVD and Blu-ray and im still going to sit on the fence.

    21.5.2007 21:28 #4

  • StewieGri

    HD-DVD is doomed. Remeber the song and dance made by HD-DUD camp about cheap HD-DUD players? Well, there are cheap Blu-ray players coming too, and these are rumoured to be what Walmart were always intending to buy.. LOL...


    Funny that a mere week ago Microsoft said they were never going to release a Blu-ray addon for the 360.. Lets see how long they hold out on that one, before breaking another promise...

    22.5.2007 00:43 #5

  • NexGen76

    Where our buddy Hugejars i can't wait to see his post on the but i guess this is all PR....LOL

    Originally posted by fgamer:For some reason I just want Blu-ray to fail.Why? Im a Blu-ray supporter but i dont want to see HD-DVD go away because with both formats in this war its driving cost down really fast which is good because whoever win you then support them & also saved money.If it was one format on the market right now we would not eeven see a HD-DVD player for 300. buck or a Blu-ray player for 500.

    22.5.2007 04:29 #6

  • StewieGri

    Eveone wants both formats to co-exist to keep prices low, but at the same time, they want the format they have invested money in, to be the winner!!! The 2 aint compatible... Someone will end up a loser (and as every day goes by, it's looking more and more like HD-DVD).

    22.5.2007 05:35 #7

  • hughjars

    "Blu-ray Assoc says Blu-ray is fantastic & best thing since dawn of time"

    - Jayzuss wept, so format propaganda from the format's own PR mouth-piece is now to be treated uncritically as if it were real news now is it?

    Did the phrase 'they would say that, wouldn't they?' ever occur?

    'Course the BD Assoc will not be talking about how disappointed the BD supporting movies studios are that 3 million PS3s have only managed to shift 1.2 million BD movies.

    ......and NexGen76, it's from the BD Assoc (didn't you notice?) so of course it's just more PR flannel. ;)

    (same as it would be if it was from the HD DVD PR side)

    22.5.2007 06:07 #8

  • ChromeMud

    @ hughjars

    Too right.
    I was fully expecting the Blu-ray Disc Association to negatively report about the PS3 and movie sales.
    I am so SHOCKED!

    22.5.2007 07:01 #9

  • BludRayne

    Blu-ray will win solely because of it's name. For the non techy average consumer, Blu-ray is easier to say and remember. People won't be able to remember h d - d v d. Blu-ray has a catchy name.

    22.5.2007 07:41 #10

  • ChromeMud

    Financial Analyst to Sony Executive:-

    "You're in BIG trouble.You're sinking further into dept because
    your sales are below target.What are you going to do?"

    Sony Executive to Financial Analyst:-

    "What we always do.LIE.
    We forecast GOOD news and pump up our sales strategy.We get our
    partners like the Blu-ray Disc Association to predict an early win.
    Do you want to keep your job to feed your family?
    Above all,never tell the truth or we are all FU##ED!
    You're not wearing a WIRE are you?"

    22.5.2007 08:10 #11

  • hughjars

    Originally posted by BludRayne:blu-ray will win solely because of it's name. For the non techy average consumer, Blu-ray is easier to say and remember. People won't be able to remember h d - d v d. Blu-ray has a catchy name. - Ha ha ha ha ha


    If you're really going to comment on the names it's surely the other way around (if you're going to try and be serious and taken to have the slightest credibility)/

    In a world of HD TVs, BBC HD, Sky HD satellite TV, Virgin HD cable TV, Discovery HD channel, Sci-Fi HD channel and where TV channels across the globe talk about their HD shows and everything else 'HD'
    you seriously reckon and would have us believe (presumably with a straight face) that putting HD and DVD together is going to confuse the consumer and they won't understand what name means!?

    Wow, some of you BD/PS3/Sony fanboys really are so shameless (or willfully blind) it's priceless.

    Blu-ray sounds a bit too much like 'Blu-loo' lavatory cleaner here in the UK or maybe something to do with porno.
    Mmmmm great randon associations for the uninformed general public, not.

    22.5.2007 08:43 #12

  • BludRayne

    You give the average consumer too much credit. The HD-DVD will confuse them. They won't know if it's the new generation of disc or if it's some DVD with special content on it. Blu-ray rolls off the tongue nicely and has a bigger selection of movies. Blu-ray 2 syllables, HD-DVD 5 syllables, don't underestimate the laziness of us Americans.

    I hate Sony, but I think Blu-ray has a better chance of winning.

    22.5.2007 08:57 #13

  • hughjars

    Originally posted by BludRayne:You give the average consumer too much credit. - An obvious patronising contempt for the consumer is the worst mistake of all (and one of the reasons why Sony has such a bad rep these days, talk about your PR back-firing on you).

    You underestimate the advantage of familiarity.

    HD is very familiar to many people (even those without it thanks to it being mentioned more and more on regular media outlets) and DVD could hardly get any more widly known in the developed world.

    I'd also advise a little less of the US-centric view, the USA is a single market of anywhere between 280-300million (depending on stat source)
    whereas the EU is a single market of somewhere around the 500million level.

    Europe may well be the key to this little 'war', not the USA and in Europe HD DVD is very well regarded.

    Besides by any serious measure Blu-ray = PS3;
    BD stand-alones for the a/v market are invisible (and those that are there to be seen are far far too expensive).

    No matter what claims some make for PS3's possible potential the PS3 is not going to become the DVD player of the family in future and that is where HD DVD and it's much lower pricing wins everytime.

    22.5.2007 09:04 #14

  • eatsushi

    Quote:Europe may well be the key to this little 'war', not the USA and in Europe HD DVD is very well regarded.I would have to disagree with this point. I think the region where HDTV's first become mainstream will be the "key to this little war" as you say it. As you yourself have previously pointed out, the market penetration of HDTV's in the EU is lagging behind the US (and Japan). Unless this trend is reversed then I think the EU will play only a minor part in the whole picture.

    22.5.2007 09:14 #15

  • hughjars

    Originally posted by eatsushi:I would have to disagree with this point. I think the region where HDTV's first become mainstream will be the "key to this little war" as you say it. - I might have agreed with you on this were it not for the slow up-take we've seen to date.

    As the Universal CEO said a couple of months back, when each format can report several titles with peak week sales in the hundred thousands (as opposed to the present performance of barely into 5 figures on a handful of titles since this started) that's when things will be happening.

    In short neither side are selling anything like enough titles right now.

    It's also perfectly possible for different formats to 'win' in different regions.
    Japan seems to have decided to go BD already and China has gone HD DVD (or a domestic and closely related version of it and the red laser HD VMD type format).

    Originally posted by eatsushi:As you yourself have previously pointed out, the market penetration of HDTV's in the EU is lagging behind the US (and Japan). - That's true.

    But then again IMO this just gives things time.

    It's also true that sales of all TVs sold presently, in the UK at least, 50% are now HD TVs.

    Originally posted by eatsushi:Unless this trend is reversed then I think the EU will play only a minor part in the whole picture. - I don't know about that, obviously it's speculation but interesting to a point, given what we know.

    IMO the low penetration of HD TVs simply allows the formats time.
    Time to get established, to get a model range worked out and to work out lower pricing etc etc.
    Time which was far more valuable to HD DVD than it was BD.

    It also allowed HD DVD to work to it's strategy; this was - or is - a much more long-term effort than BD's more short-term & straight-forward attempt to quickly knock HD DVD out of the game.

    HD DVD needed time to get the manufacturing plant up and running so as to capitalise on the economies of scale (which BD was bound to enjoy with a multi-million production PS3 & related components) in addition to their inherent lower costs (the HD DVD drive itself does not require as many parts or parts of the same higher spec as the BD drive, only vast production numbers allow the BD drive costs to approach HD DVD's - in otherwords all things being equal HD DVD will always be less expensive than BD.......providing they too benefit from multi-million production numbers).

    This has now happened as the Chinese plant will be turning out 3 brands of inexpensive HD DVD player in the USA (and slightly later presumably beyond) beginning in Q3 of this year.

    The Toshiba HD A2 is already at $250 - $200 by X-Mas?

    Where the Chinese players then, eh? $100 - $150?

    In which case the seamless switch to HD DVD might be a lot easier than some folks imagine.

    I don't doubt that an answer of sorts may begin to become obvious in the USA later this year if the inexpensive HD DVD players really take off but then again I am really not expecting things to be decided until the end of 2008 or maybe the end of 2009.

    But nevertheless the longer this goes on the better for HD DVD.

    .....and as I said BD has a fundamental & horrendous flaw in it's obvious and almost total reliance on PS3.

    22.5.2007 09:41 #16

  • eatsushi

    Quote:This has now happened as the Chinese plant will be turning out 3 brands of inexpensive HD DVD player in the USA (and slightly later presumably beyond) beginning in Q3 of this year.

    I don't doubt that an answer of sorts may begin to become obvious in the USA later this year if the inexpensive HD DVD players really take off but then again I am really not expecting things to be decided until the end of 2008 or maybe the end of 2009.
    You just proved my point. The major battleground for this "little war" will be in the USA and not in Europe.

    22.5.2007 09:58 #17

  • pigfister

    what i cant understand is all the ppl saying which one is winning the so called hd war (imo retarded) when they hold less than 5% market share in films atm. both formats are scratching less that 30,000 between the hd formats for a title sold but dvd's average is 12 million copies in the first week! they have only just sold over a million ffs between them.

    btw who won the war over dvd- and dvd+?

    22.5.2007 11:19 #18

  • StewieGri

    Funai to produce cheap Blu-ray players....

    Blu-ray-players/" target="_blank">

    22.5.2007 11:32 #19

  • flyingv

    Some people just don't get it guys!

    22.5.2007 12:01 #20

  • mglez86

    so you say that China has three cheap players coming out, ok, but as far as i can remember, people from the states hate the chinesse market don't they? i remember always hearing about how bad quality comes from China. oh well X_X

    22.5.2007 12:01 #21

  • flyingv

    That all depends which prison camp the products came from! That is the main reason most of the people I know why have a problem with China imports.

    "...Just another brick in the wall" -Pink Floyd.
    Please, don't become another "Brick!!!"
    You have a brain, use it!!!

    22.5.2007 12:07 #22

  • NexGen76

    Originally posted by mglez86:so you say that China has three cheap players coming out, ok, but as far as i can remember, people from the states hate the chinesse market don't they? i remember always hearing about how bad quality comes from China. oh well X_X
    That would be no because that hasn't stop Wal-mart from being the power retailer they are just about everything in there stores are made from china.

    Originally posted by pigfister:what i cant understand is all the ppl saying which one is winning the so called hd war (imo retarded) when they hold less than 5% market share in films atm. both formats are scratching less that 30,000 between the hd formats for a title sold but dvd's average is 12 million copies in the first week! they have only just sold over a million ffs between them.Look that comment on this board has really run tired HD formats are not here to over take DVD only a enhancement.DVD & HD are not against each other they share a totally different market you cant compare one or the other.Let just keep this on topic HD-DVD vs Blu-ray which is a HighDef market not standard.Two totally different markets.

    22.5.2007 13:45 #23

  • REAM

    whats with all the fu(king fanboys.

    i mean at every opportunity is fanboys here and fanboys there about two formats that are going now where for a few year, or until they make a dent in the SD dvd market.

    i bet that most of you dont even own the players.

    its causing unnecessary unrest.

    and if you note, its mainly HD DVD fanboys at every opportunity hunting down BR and attacking sony.
    just caus you too poor to own both formats, that you back the less mainstream, cheaper option.

    what happens of BR does win....what are you going to do then

    PS same goes to you BR fanboys.

    22.5.2007 14:13 #24

  • Halen5150

    Quote:and if you note, its mainly HD DVD fanboys at every opportunity hunting down BR and attacking sony.
    just caus you too poor to own both formats, that you back the less mainstream, cheaper option.

    HAHAHAHAH don't try and act like you're neutral about the situation when you just get done condescending the HD camp. It defeats your purpose of trying to 'not sound like a fanboy' and trying to keep peace.

    "Sales Have Been improving significantly since the console's release."

    uhh..yeah.....that's probably because all the Sony fanboys haven't bought their consoles yet. I bet that when all those pathetic sony fanboys have their hands on a player; sales will plummet.

    It's almost like how the lord of the rings movies have the regular 2 disc edition and the extended edition which is like 8 discs..LOL.
    --One is for the die hard fans; and one is for the average buyer.
    But as you can see; not many care to buy the extended edition because when you walk into any best buy you notice how many extended edition copies there are; but the regular version is dang near sold out.

    Well; the same applies to Blu-ray here. When all the fanboys have truly bought their consoles and the average consumer is dooped by some retarded best buy salesman to buy the BD format; who will be left? That's right; no one. Every one of those other people left will be the HD fans. After that; Sony will have nothing more to gloat about. It's as simple as that.

    p.s. PREDICTION: After some retarded sony fanboy reads this post; I bet like 20 bucks that somebody will reply to me with a retort about how BD is going to waste HD in the format war or something of the like simply because they can't take harsh reality---I just can see it coming already; so I figured I'd call it before hand:)lol

    22.5.2007 14:41 #25

  • REAM

    now it may seem liek that to you, but if EVERYONE is bashing BR, dont think these BR fanboys can stand up to u lot. i like both formats, and am not jumping on the band wagon, but over the past month all i read is hd fans out and out speaking hatred for BR....

    its just liek my m8s who love manu and shove it in ur face, that in the end, becase of them, u start to hate manu...same is appeneng here. everyone will start to push HD, ad hate Br, so a select few, who like to be the opposite, will come in and start liking BR..then at one point it may be 50 50, and BR might be tipped in favour,a nd then ppl will go to hd.

    its everones constant bashing of BR, that makes me lean towards it, btu im still not going to take the plunge with any yet.

    same goes with vista.... a few peopel start bashing vista, like they did XP when XP came out, and then a band wagon starts. and most peopel who don liek vista, have never tried it for themselves, to see if they will liek it or not. if you are not a custom pc builder, and buy dells or ready made PCs, then in the future vista will be all you can have, and you will end up likeing it, probably, jsut liek what happened to XP.

    when i say you i mean one. so to everyone, not just adressed to one person.


    Quote:p.s. PREDICTION: After some retarded sony fanboy reads this post; I bet like 20 bucks that somebody will reply to me with a retort about how BD is going to waste HD in the format war or something of the like simply because they can't take harsh reality---I just can see it coming already; so I figured I'd call it before hand:)lolBR !$ G()!NG 2 W@$T3 HD!!!!111!11!ZOMG!11!!!1TEH!111!1!!one

    im am soooooooo l337


    22.5.2007 15:40 #26

  • geemack

    Blu-ray smokin' HD-DVD? Sounds like a lot of hype to me. The only major difference between the two in my opinion, is that That blu spends a lot more money on advertising propaganda and libels HD-DVD on it's official website and at every other turn like a seedy politician.

    So what HD-DVD has a little less storage capacity, it's cheaper and the picture quality is just as good as the boys in Blu. The last time I checked 1080p is 1080p, right? I own neither at this point, but if I were to make a HD purchase today I would go with HD-DVD because equal quality with frugal pricing keeps more ducats (cha-ching!!!!) in my pockets where it belongs. I can live without a little more storage space, how about you?

    22.5.2007 16:32 #27

  • Halen5150

    Originally posted by geemack:Blu-ray smokin' HD-DVD? Sounds like a lot of hype to me. The only major difference between the two in my opinion, is that That blu spends a lot more money on advertising propaganda and libels HD-DVD on it's official website and at every other turn like a seedy politician.

    So what HD-DVD has a little less storage capacity, it's cheaper and the picture quality is just as good as the boys in Blu. The last time I checked 1080p is 1080p, right? I own neither at this point, but if I were to make a HD purchase today I would go with HD-DVD because equal quality with frugal pricing keeps more ducats (cha-ching!!!!) in my pockets where it belongs. I can live without a little more storage space, how about you?

    Thank You! Amen!

    Quote: Quote:p.s. PREDICTION: After some retarded sony fanboy reads this post; I bet like 20 bucks that somebody will reply to me with a retort about how BD is going to waste HD in the format war or something of the like simply because they can't take harsh reality---I just can see it coming already; so I figured I'd call it before hand:)lol

    BR !$ G()!NG 2 W@$T3 HD!!!!111!11!ZOMG!11!!!1TEH!111!1!!one

    im am soooooooo l337


    You owe me 20 bucks:)lol

    22.5.2007 17:40 #28

  • limelight

    Tech junkies like myself are always looking for more storage space. Especially now, since Hi-def movies take up...more space.

    10 years ago i thought cd-r had plenty of space. "How many mb?? OMG!!"

    5 years ago i thought i would never fill a single layer dvd. That didnt last long.

    And of course, in 10 years from now (or less) i'll look back and wonder how i ever got by with "only" 50gb of space on a disc.

    Time will tell i suppose. :)

    22.5.2007 18:45 #29

  • geemack

    Originally posted by limelight:Tech junkies like myself are always looking for more storage space. Especially now, since Hi-def movies take up...more space.

    10 years ago i thought cd-r had plenty of space. "How many mb?? OMG!!"

    5 years ago i thought i would never fill a single layer dvd. That didnt last long.

    And of course, in 10 years from now (or less) i'll look back and wonder how i ever got by with "only" 50gb of space on a disc.

    Time will tell i suppose. :)
    This so-called format war is just like everything else American; there will always be something that is "bigger" or "better", so everyone with a hole in their pocket will run to get it just so they can say, "Look at what I got!" I mean it makes me think of a classic George Carlin routine call "Stuff". Pretty soon you have so much storage spa... oops, I mean stuff that you have to pay more to store your stuff, off-site so to speak. Has anyone ever heard of information overload? I just want to know one more thing, people: When is enough, enough?

    22.5.2007 19:14 #30

  • pigfister

    Originally posted by NexGen76:Look that comment on this board has really run tired HD formats are not here to over take DVD only a enhancement.DVD & HD are not against each other they share a totally different market you cant compare one or the other.Let just keep this on topic HD-DVD vs Blu-ray which is a HighDef market not standard.Two totally different markets.but to understand who is winning, you have to look at the market and the hd format market is pathetic in comparison to dvd, which is not off topic imo its about "film sales", yes the blur-ray helped sales because of the redemption vouchers with blu-rays and ps3 in US and Japan for 1/4 cost blu-ray's which was a PR stunt to dupe consumers to believe that there is a huge take up of this format but the total sales suggest that the marketing on both sides are talking dog turd.

    blu-ray offers me little in the way of an upgrade from my dvd player other than loads of cripple ware and HDCP incompatibilities so why waste your cash on an anti consumer product?

    HDCP: beta testing DRM on the public?
    Originally posted by arstechnica:Joe Consumer, the beta tester

    Fast forward to today. On occasion we hear reports of HDCP snafus, primarily from readers who are upset with HDCP/HDMI implementation on their cable boxes. As it turns out, this stuff doesn't work reliably for even the basic stuff like showing video flawlessly, let alone securing outputs. I even have a HDCP/HDMI issue with my TiVo, which decides that my TV is no longer secure about once a month, requiring a reboot.

    Stranger reports have arisen from PlayStation 3 owners who are experiencing blinking displays when connected to some HDTV sets. When playing games, occasionally the sound cuts out and the entire display would blink on and off. As it turns out, the HDCP technology in the PS3 would freak out and sputter if a connected TV could not consistently and quickly indicate it was copy-protection ready. No one knew that this was the case until the guys at Popular Mechanics pinned the tail on the donkey.
    who won the dvd- or dvd+ war?

    23.5.2007 00:27 #31

  • hughjars

    It's hilarious how any info challenging the regular and outrageous bias, half-truth and out-right lying BS the BD side have made their 'trademark' now gets labelled as "hate".

    Perhaps if the BD side had kept to just putting the facts of their case and not slamming HD DVD at every opportunity then regular people wouldn't take an interest in trying to make sure the the full facts were put up for discussion about this every time.
    They have only themselves to blame.
    Talk about counter-productive.

    It's very very funny to hear the whine about 'poor little BD' when they have done so much to try and mislead and manipulate the public over this stuff
    (and as a deliberate company 'strategy').

    I suppose anyone complaining about or even mentioning the infamous 'Sony root kit fiasco' was just trying to spread "hate"!?

    23.5.2007 02:29 #32

  • NexGen76

    Originally posted by hughjars:It's hilarious how any info challenging the regular and outrageous bias, half-truth and out-right lying BS the BD side have made their 'trademark' now gets labelled as "hate".

    Perhaps if the BD side had kept to just putting the facts of their case and not slamming HD DVD at every opportunity then regular people wouldn't take an interest in trying to make sure the the full facts were put up for discussion about this every time.
    They have only themselves to blame.
    Talk about counter-productive.

    It's very very funny to hear the whine about 'poor little BD' when they have done so much to try and mislead and manipulate the public over this stuff
    (and as a deliberate company 'strategy').

    I suppose anyone complaining about or even mentioning the infamous 'Sony root kit fiasco' was just trying to spread "hate"!?
    Post like this is what REAMtalking about no matter how the facts are put in front of HD fan-boys.They still ignore all the facts that BD has over taken HD-DVD open your eyes & stop thinking everyone out to get you.Facts are fact but you are trying to turn nothing into something stop trying to reach info that you think is the truth which isn't.

    23.5.2007 03:14 #33

  • hughjars

    Originally posted by NexGen76:Post like this is what REAMtalking about - Try decaff NexGen76, you might calm down a little.

    Originally posted by NexGen76:no matter how the facts are put in front of HD fan-boys. - I'm not a 'fanboy' of anything (except maybe my Mrs) not at my age NexGen76, better luck next time.

    But as they say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery I'll take that as a compliment :P

    Just because on balance I much prefer HD DVD to BD I'm no blind fanboy of it.

    But maybe you'd like to point out, specifically, just which "facts" were wrong then, hmmmm?

    Was it wrong that Sony screwed their paying customers with that root kit business?
    Was it wrong that Sony made a selling point of the additional layers of DRM inherent in BD?
    Was it wrong that Sony's PR campaign has tried to trash HD DVD at every turn?

    I think not.

    Originally posted by NexGen76:They still ignore all the facts that BD has over taken HD-DVD - Er, when I have put the figures up myself (that BD has sold approx 1.2 million movies to HD DVd's 998,000) perhaps you'll explain how this "ignores" that "BD has over taken HD DVD" in sales?

    Originally posted by NexGen76: open your eyes & stop thinking everyone out to get you. - LMAO.

    Pointing out the lies and the misinformation is not example of paranoia, actually.

    Wake up.

    Originally posted by NexGen76:Facts are fact but you are trying to turn nothing into something stop trying to reach info that you think is the truth which isn't. - Then go ahead, let's have it.
    Challenge my facts.

    Tell me how BD's now almost total reliance on PS3 is 'a good thing'?

    Tell me how that situation is a positive strategy for taking the a/v market?

    Tell me I'm wrong to point out the meaningless of barely 2 million total high def sales when SD DVD sells over 750million?

    Tell me that there has not been licencing and manufacturing agreements with China for 3 brands of very inexpensive HD DVD to come to the US in Q3 of this year or that this is not significant to the tiny immature high def market?

    Tell me how great it is that the 3 million PS3s have shifted approx 1.2 million BD movies?

    Tell me where the mountainous 'we've already won' BS is in any way credible when both formats sell so little?

    Awwwwww what's up NexGen76, does this all spoil the impact of the 'viral message'?

    ......or would you try and con people that 'viral marketing' on websites like this one is just a rumour & a figment of a paranoid mind, huh?


    23.5.2007 03:31 #34

  • pigfister

    @ hughjars:

    just to extend your post a little! it seems that sony are reliant on ps3 for the Blu-ray sales but as npd sales information shows, not many ppl in the US or Japan actually want one so where does this leave the format war?

    apparently, the internet is to blame for poor ps3 sales, not that sony have lost public trust after the rootkit (xcp), exploding batteries because of cheaper than cheap components, leading the push of DRM around the world or any of the other pr lies they have told or completely ripped everyone off especially in euro where price fixing seems the norm for sony

    The Toughest Job in Video Games: Sony PR
    Originally posted by Sony moron PR dpt chief tosser Dave Karraker:That's kind of a tough question to answer. I am pretty sure if you asked just about any real gamer out there if they would like to have a PS3, their answer would be a resounding "Yes!" I think a lot of this goes back to the proliferation of the Internet, where a very vocal minority can make a lot of noise and potentially alter perceptions of the masses, whether they are accurate or not. A lot of this, naturally, is driven by the media who seem focused on taking swipes at us lately, without taking in the full picture.

    23.5.2007 04:20 #35

  • NexGen76

    Quote:Was it wrong that Sony screwed their paying customers with that root kit business?
    Was it wrong that Sony made a selling point of the additional layers of DRM inherent in BD?
    Was it wrong that Sony's PR campaign has tried to trash HD DVD at every turn?
    Mr.Jars BD isn't just Sony & age don't define if you are a fan-boy or not.

    Who developed Blu-ray?

    The Blu-ray Disc format was developed by the Blu-ray Disc Association (BDA), a group of leading consumer electronics, personal computer and media manufacturers, with more than 180 member companies from all over the world. The Board of Directors currently consists of:

    Apple Computer, Inc.
    Dell Inc.
    Hewlett Packard Company
    Hitachi, Ltd.
    LG Electronics Inc.
    Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.
    Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
    Pioneer Corporation
    Royal Philips Electronics
    Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
    Sharp Corporation
    Sony Corporation
    Sun Microsystems, Inc.
    TDK Corporation
    Thomson Multimedia
    Twentieth Century Fox
    Walt Disney Pictures
    Warner Bros. Entertainment

    If your going to flame with all this totally nonsense a lease know who Blu-ray is then we can continue with this misinformation you continue to spill on these board trying to defect the truth.

    Quote:1.2 million movies to HD DVd's 998,000Last time i checked which it don't take a math major to see is 1.2 is bigger.But that nimber not counting total sales because no one has that yet but Sony & Tosh.Lets not forget that Blu-ray had a huge gap they closed on HD-DVD within a months time & now is growing not as fast but its growing.

    23.5.2007 04:20 #36

  • pigfister

    Originally posted by NexGen76 :Mr.Jars BD isn't just Sony & age don't define if you are a fan-boy or not.

    Who developed Blu-ray?
    what is really interesting is WHO holds the patents!

    23.5.2007 04:23 #37

  • hughjars

    Originally posted by NexGen76:Mr.Jars BD isn't just Sony & age don't define if you are a fan-boy or not.

    Who developed Blu-ray?
    - A consortium - but that still does not mean Sony were not the primary developer.

    I think pigfister has already asked you to go look that up re patents.

    As for fanboy?
    A preference based on the facts is not blind belief......but your own continual & selective ignoring of the factual points raised is speaking plenty about your own fanboy staus.

    Originally posted by NexGen76:If your going to flame with all this totally nonsense a lease know who Blu-ray is then we can continue with this misinformation you continue to spill on these board trying to defect the truth. - OK then, go for it, forget you're besides and (deliberately?) missing the point 'cut n pastes'; lets see you deny Sony hold the most BD patents and are the primarty developer of BD as well as the rest of the points I raised.

    Originally posted by NexGen76:Last time i checked which it don't take a math major to see is 1.2 is bigger. - Yeah and I provided that set of numbers and yet you accussed me of ignoring facts I myself had posted up myself?!

    How does that one work in your world?

    Originally posted by NexGen76:But that nimber not counting total sales because no one has that yet but Sony & Tosh. - Er, that'll be why I mentioned the 'approx'.

    But the facts are that people besides Sony & Toshiba do know approx numbers as far as movie disc retail numbers go, they're not exactly something that Sony & Toshiba themselves solely control.

    .....and let's cut the cr@p here, why are you pretending about this anyways?

    That 1.2 million sales is to march 2007 and from the BD Assoc themselves.

    *busted* :P

    Wake up and get to know the subject a little better, eh?

    Originally posted by NexGen76:Lets not forget that Blu-ray had a huge gap they closed on HD-DVD within a months time & now is growing not as fast but its growing. - Neilson showed that gap grew to just over 70:30 (at the start of the year just after the PS3 launches - with their 7 X $10 money off movie vouchers - and when HD DVD releases had come to a virtual standstill).

    Neilson now shows the gap reduced to 60:40, actually, that's a shrinking gap not a growing one.

    23.5.2007 04:46 #38

  • mglez86

    sony probably holds more patents on BD because they probably figured it would be good to invest in it, it's what the market has "always" done, they think they find something worthwhile, they invest in it, it's no surprise, so we shouldn't just atack one investor, anyways, if you like space, like storage space, you probably won't care about a few more dollars to pay for it, i had a single dvd burner, and bought a double layer dvd burner just because of the extra space to save stuff, i didn't care that double layer dvd's are expensive, i just care about the space, if they sell me a BD burner for my computer, i will probably buy it, not because of the HD, because of the storage, because i can save anything: data, music, videos, movies, anything, with that kind of space, taking the same physical space in my room, so like i tried to say, if you like storage space go for it, if what you care about is your money, don't, but pleaseee, stop the fussing, i think it's still the same as the pc and mac fight, both are still out, buy the best pc probably for about 2k, where the best mac can go around 20k, it's about wheter you are willing to pay for the performance, wheter you go for the "good enough" or the "oh yeah" and i too am willing to bet that someone will come with a fuzz about what i said, oh well, i guess someone will owe me 20 bucks too, lol. x_x

    23.5.2007 06:50 #39

  • hughjars

    Originally posted by mglez86:sony probably holds more patents on BD because they probably figured it would be good to invest in it - You can't just 'buy' patents as an investment like that.

    Sony hold the majority of the BD patents because Sony were and are the primary developer behind it.

    That's a matter of record not interpretation.

    23.5.2007 07:41 #40

  • Halen5150


    Dude--just give up in this thread--you're getting pwn3d left and right by hughjars. So just give it up and spread your pathetic propaganda elsewhere.

    And for the record; Dvd no matter what kicks the SH*T out of both of these formats because it's simply trusted more by the consumer atm. And YES, whether you want to believe it or not; Sony is relying on the PS3 to carry their sales. Seriously, read every damn sony report and count how many times they mention the ps3 in an article about the high def market. You'd be surprised.

    p.s. since I [once again =p] see it coming already; I'm just gonna bet another 20 bucks that NexGen76 is going to post another pathetic reply to my post and tell me about how much better Blu-ray is.

    My point is; You're a retard to be backing Sony--they're the most anti-consumer company in the market. So; laugh all you want at dvd/Hd-dvd, or any other disc format for that matter; but @ least I'm not the one getting F***ed in the rear end by some major corporation that only cares about sales of the ps3 in conjunction with BD movies and ripping off their consumers with endless amounts of DRM=P

    23.5.2007 12:09 #41

  • pigfister

    blu-ray's demise = very poor sales of the ps3, high costs, impossible for most 3rd party support (Japan ps3 houses already dropping the machine in favor of the wii) dam hard to code for, they can only press a very limited amount of discs a day and the factory's need to be from ground up, sony arrogance, very very bad press due to constant sony anti consumer campaign's, sony's pr dave karakker & phil harrison constantly making complete fools out of the brand with ridiculous failed stunts and moronic opaque comments(lies).

    and the ps2 was such a masterpiece wtf did they do :-/

    imho sony ps3 = so long and thanks for all the fish!

    23.5.2007 12:42 #42

  • NexGen76

    Quote:My point is; You're a retard to be backing Sony--they're the most anti-consumer company in the market. So; laugh all you want at dvd/Hd-dvd, or any other disc format for that matter; but @ least I'm not the one getting F***ed in the rear end by some major corporation that only cares about sales of the ps3 in conjunction with BD movies and ripping off their consumers with endless amounts of DRM=PYou think my comments are dumb look i never said anything bad about HD-DVD so you can take they trash some where else i cant help the fact that a few of you cant look pass your own nose.You guys argue with news thread on this site every day not going to change the out come Blu-ray is the leading HD format right now find me a link or so call proof that its not? HD-DVD is a good format but the problem i have with them is right now look at all there movie releases.More than half of them are old titles i already have & most people do to.Far as DRM i have yet to have a problem with.Some of you guys are backwards you think any company going to support you making copies of a disc regard less if to bought it they have the right to protect there content.Show me one company that support not copyright there product.Please show me just one.

    23.5.2007 19:35 #43

  • akaangus

    Quote:Show me one company that support not copyright there product.Please show me just one.Sun Microsystems gives away StarOffice to anyone who says they're a student or NPO without a CD Key or anything. Apple has NO CD Key or serial whatsoever for OS X or its upgrades.

    Thousands of...
    - Software Apps
    - Music Songs
    - Movies
    are licensed under the GPL which is essentially a non-copyright, and some of the above are put out by major corporations.

    Sorry, that was more than one. My bad.

    25.5.2007 10:10 #44

  • mglez86

    you only said "thousands" and "major corporations", but you donīt say which ones, oops, my bad, i caught you. any way, apple has a OS which is made for their computers, which "they" make, so that doesnīt count, most of the GPL licenses come from regular people not the corporatios, the corporation starts the apps, then people like you and me make it better, most of the stuff on them is made by regular people who support the corporation just for saying: "hey look at me, i support GPL", what ever!!!!!, i don't think anyone cares about that any ways, all this BS is just for sony, no one cares about a format, all these people who talk BS just hate sony, not the format, so pretty much i'm not gonna listen to anyone until i see what happens, tough i do like this kind of Bs, it's what keeps prices falling, keep up the BS!!!!

    28.5.2007 06:24 #45

  • geemack

    Originally posted by hughjars:It's hilarious how any info challenging the regular and outrageous bias, half-truth and out-right lying BS the BD side have made their 'trademark' now gets labelled as "hate".

    Perhaps if the BD side had kept to just putting the facts of their case and not slamming HD DVD at every opportunity then regular people wouldn't take an interest in trying to make sure the the full facts were put up for discussion about this every time.
    They have only themselves to blame.
    Talk about counter-productive.

    It's very very funny to hear the whine about 'poor little BD' when they have done so much to try and mislead and manipulate the public over this stuff
    (and as a deliberate company 'strategy').

    I suppose anyone complaining about or even mentioning the infamous 'Sony root kit fiasco' was just trying to spread "hate"!?
    Sounds a lot like what I said the day before. Your right, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Thank you for standing up, sincerely

    28.5.2007 15:40 #46

  • mglez86

    still, even when they try to concenctrate on talking about the good things they have, there are people spreading hate, cause that's all they want, i read the article at the ps web, they talked about the features they had and people started talking about crap again, they talked about their processor and people once again brought up the stupid stuff about format wars, what the ....??? x_x haters just do that, hate, they don't care about wheter it's good or not, they are mislead by the companies who take advantage of so many naive people, once again i will just sit back and watch all of this until we have good prices. x_x

    29.5.2007 10:31 #47

  • hughjars

    Quote:Show me one company that support not copyright there product.Please show me just one. - Have you checked the latest news?
    DRM-free EMI catalogue arrives on iTunes

    1.6.2007 10:02 #48

  • mglez86

    that's not my idea of free, but it could work, i mean, i don't really understand everything they said, it sounds to me like they still want to charge for the songs, so... x_x

    - MG -

    1.6.2007 12:33 #49

  • hughjars

    Originally posted by mglez86:that's not my idea of free - Yeah ok but the comment was originally about copyright/DRM free.

    1.6.2007 13:31 #50

  • NexGen76

    Quote:[quote]Show me one company that support not copyright there product.Please show me just one. - Have you checked the latest news?
    DRM-free EMI catalogue arrives on iTunes[/quote]

    However, if you are planning to download the new DRM-free music and share over P2P networks, forget about it. All files you download are embedded with your name and email address, which will definetely come back to haunt you if you were to get caught illegally uploading the new songs.

    I guess you didn't read the whole thats not support

    1.6.2007 14:38 #51

  • hughjars

    Originally posted by NexGen76:I guess you didn't read the whole thats not support - Well actually I did.

    But you'll find that this method equates to a form of 'managed copy' (which incidentally happens to be a mandatory part of the HD DVD standard, unlike BD where it is merely optional).

    It's not perfect but it's nothing like the kind of DRM or 'copyright protection' the BD side want to impose on everybody or that you claimed 'everybody' went in for.

    Still, no doubt you'll try to keep on wriggling over this so work away.

    1.6.2007 14:58 #52

  • akaangus

    Originally posted by mglez86:you only said "thousands" and "major corporations", but you donīt say which ones, oops, my bad, i caught you. any way, apple has a OS which is made for their computers, which "they" make, so that doesnīt count, most of the GPL licenses come from regular people not the corporatios, the corporation starts the apps, then people like you and me make it better, most of the stuff on them is made by regular people who support the corporation just for saying: "hey look at me, i support GPL", what ever!!!!!, i don't think anyone cares about that any ways, all this BS is just for sony, no one cares about a format, all these people who talk BS just hate sony, not the format, so pretty much i'm not gonna listen to anyone until i see what happens, tough i do like this kind of Bs, it's what keeps prices falling, keep up the BS!!!!I am not trying to defend Blu-ray (actually, the opposite!), but trying to debunk that not everyone is worried about copyrights. I said thousands not because I didn't have examples, but because it would be tedious and unnecessary to list them all.

    And as for Apple, have you looked into the x86 project? There are AFAIK no attempts to shut that down by Apple, and by design it is meant to run on what is not 'their' hardware.

    And you trying to argue this without knowing either many examples of corporate-supported GPL or saying that nobody cares about GPL apps just shows your ignorance to the subject.

    2.6.2007 23:49 #53

  • Unfocused

    Long live DVD!

    15.6.2007 15:04 #54

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