A hacker by the name of "BtCB" posted the latest key, which begins with "45 5F" and ends with "2A B2" on the Freedom to Tinker website and the key has spread since then.
The AACS LA is obviously not pleased with the processing keys being posted over the internet, and has vowed to get them removed by cease and desist orders. That vow however, has only encouraged more hackers to post the keys and the hackers are always one step ahead.
This however has not stopped the AACS LA from pouring more money into the protection. It is even rumored that Blu ray discs with an added layer of protection called BD+ are coming soon. Lets see how long until the hackers crack that.
You can learn more about how the keys work at the source down below or in past Afterdawn articles.
Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 1 Jun 2007 11:31