IFPI issues statement on EC publication of piracy customs seizures

IFPI issues statement on EC publication of piracy customs seizures
The International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI) published a statement on its website yesterday concerning the European Commission's publication of 2006 Customs seizures of counterfeit and pirate goods. In 2006, over 23 million counterfeit CDs and DVDs were seized at European borders by customs, according to the European Commission.

The level of seizures increased 139% compared to 2005. The EC reports that over 93% of all pirated products seized came from China, a huge increase form 51% in 2005. "These statistics underscore the urgent need for the EU to step up pressure on China before the WTO. China is producing and exporting millions of pirate products around the world. This has to stop," Frances Moore, IFPI Regional Director for Europe, said.

IFPI estimates that a third of all CDs purchased in 2005 were pirate – 1.2 billion pirate CDs in total. The global traffic of pirate CDs was worth US$4.5 billion in 2005 based on pirate prices.

Press Release

Written by: James Delahunty @ 2 Jun 2007 8:58
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  • borhan9

    Quote:IFPI estimates that a third of all CDs purchased in 2005 were pirate – 1.2 billion pirate CDs in total. The global traffic of pirate CDs was worth US$4.5 billion in 2005 based on pirate prices.Wow!!! That is some figures they go there.

    2.6.2007 12:46 #1

  • hughjars


    I must admit I find those neat round numbers suspicious.

    ......and if it's anything like what the cops do in the UK with drug seizures (where the claimed 'street value' of certain drugs is ridiculously higher than what it is.....er, so I'm told) then the value of those goods that's been quoted is going to be wildly inflated above the real "pirate prices".

    I'm not going to condone an actual 'pirate industry' as seems to happen in certain countries (I don't want to be buying things like fake brake pads for my car or bike for instance) but equally I don't see why we need to be fed BS about what is going on either.

    Thankfully (for once) they have so far managed here to refrain from linking this pirating to terrorism, child porno or individuals at home doing nothing more sinister than a little P2P.

    2.6.2007 13:24 #2

  • Unfocused

    What happens to all of the recovered discs? Do these get recycled?

    20.7.2007 13:42 #3

  • borhan9

    Originally posted by Unfocused: What happens to all of the recovered discs? Do these get recycled?They get recycled into coffee coasters :P

    20.7.2007 15:50 #4

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