Hackers found a way to exploit firmware version 3.50 using the game Lumines. According to PSPupdates.com and our own users here, if you have a legitimate copy of Lumines then the exploit is very easy. Unzip a few files onto your Memory Stick in a certain directory and then hold Start at a certain point during the first loading screen of the game and that is all.
The newest version, 3.51 does not include any other changes helpful to the PSP, so the update was made specifically to block hackers from downgrading using 3.50.
In an funny turn, sales of Lumines increased drastically after the exploit was announced just as sales of GTA: Liberty City Stories did when the PSP exploit for the game was discovered.
The ball is back in your court PSP hackers.
Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 29 Jun 2007 14:48