"Leaseweb is to file an appeal against the preliminary injunction relating to the 'Everlasting' bit torrent site hosted by Leaseweb,” the release states. “This means that the court of appeal in Amsterdam will hear the full case against the Brein foundation again. The reason for this is that Leaseweb is of the opinion that upholding the judgment resulting from the preliminary injunction proceedings would constitute an unacceptable and unjustified violation of the freedom of expression which is inherent to the internet and the protection of privacy. Instead of awaiting the result of this, Brein has continued to harass Leaseweb and has not shown itself open to reasonable discussions.”
LeaseWeb also reiterated the fact that they remove "illegal" content when all proper channels are followed, and noted that BREIN used a process that is shallow, unsubstantiated, and undermined privacy and freedom of speech.
“In addition, Leaseweb values the freedom of speech and is not willing to lock out sites from the internet without proper substantiation and/or careful deliberation. This is why Leaseweb initiated preliminary injunction proceedings against Brein relating to the Everlasting website. The only thing that Leaseweb is trying to achieve is that Brein furnishes its requests to make websites inaccessible and to provide name and address details with better and more careful substantiation. But Brein restricts itself to standard demand letters without any substantiation.”
Its good to see LeaseWeb not going down without a fight, especially against bullies such as BREIN.
Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 30 Jun 2007 13:56