New PSP has longer battery life and more RAM

New PSP has longer battery life and more RAM
Some new details have been revealed about the lighter, slimmer PSP including added RAM as well as better battery life.

The Slim PSP will have a new UMD caching that loads game data into the on-board added RAM, which should drastically improve loading times.

The new system was showed off at E3 using firmware version 3.60.

Another new addition is a USB charging feature which will allow gamers to charge their PSPs via their computers.

Finally, Sony spokespeople said the battery life was now increased to 10 hours using the new hardware, which is double the current battery life.


Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 15 Jul 2007 19:14
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  • vinny13

    Very nice, but not enough to make PSP owners trade in the old for the new. And they also say that the origional batteries will work with the new PSP, but the cover won't fit over it so their supposed to come out with an extra battery package for that... so I've heard. I hope that these new batteries will work with the older ones like mine. Tey would be too small but you could just stick in a piece of electrical tape over it and stick in a small piece of sponge just to keep it from jumping out and disconnecting itself in the PSP with the battery cover on.

    *Oh ya, how long to those extra batteries that you can buy for $30.00 last? Or are they the same? Because the extras they sell say stamina on the package, and any Sony battery with stamina last sometimes a lot longer then just the regulars.

    15.7.2007 20:04 #1

  • BroSmooth

    ya i agree that people arent gonna go trade their fat psp and loose 50ish bucks, i have 2 psps and am selling one soon, and im thinking about getting it

    15.7.2007 20:10 #2

  • BroSmooth

    sorry, i always wondered how people double posted (my bad)

    15.7.2007 20:10 #3

  • pbailey

    The reason any real psp user won't trade thier psp in at the beginning will be due to the firmware, plain and simple.

    I bought two psp's, one for me and my partner (she uses hers more than mine, but mulitplayer is a blast) both original 1.5's that have gone thru all se and oe fw's to 3.4oe, haven't bothered with russia milita group gun name m33 fw bollocks yet, but awesome to see it's out.

    And not because of piracy or firmware, simply because we can make iso's of our existing umd's and play them quicker with less battery drain.

    Go the sexy Tekken 5 tournaments!1!ONE!one1EXCLAMATION1 lol.

    I'm drunk and been smokin some fine herbz.

    if it's slimmer, the normz batt won't fit, but you can expect longer life slim line batts in the future, cause they physically make the batt smaller, then increase the capacity, exactly the same as what happened with the psp v1.0 battery.


    Personally, i wouldn't give up either psp, cause my long ass fingers have hard enough time bending to play normz psp, let alone something even thinner. Bt maybe it all depends on how one holds it. Peace out mahfukkas.

    15.7.2007 20:25 #4

  • ZippyDSM

    interesting, but still trying to make a sandwich out of day stale bread.

    hey would do better to save this money for the PSP 2 but oh is delaying the inevitable...

    15.7.2007 20:28 #5

  • vinny13

    Originally posted by pbailey: The reason any real psp user won't trade thier psp in at the beginning will be due to the firmware, plain and simple.

    I bought two psp's, one for me and my partner (she uses hers more than mine, but mulitplayer is a blast) both original 1.5's that have gone thru all se and oe fw's to 3.4oe, haven't bothered with russia milita group gun name m33 fw bollocks yet, but awesome to see it's out.

    And not because of piracy or firmware, simply because we can make iso's of our existing umd's and play them quicker with less battery drain.

    Go the sexy Tekken 5 tournaments!1!ONE!one1EXCLAMATION1 lol.

    I'm drunk and been smokin some fine herbz.

    if it's slimmer, the normz batt won't fit, but you can expect longer life slim line batts in the future, cause they physically make the batt smaller, then increase the capacity, exactly the same as what happened with the psp v1.0 battery.


    Personally, i wouldn't give up either psp, cause my long ass fingers have hard enough time bending to play normz psp, let alone something even thinner. Bt maybe it all depends on how one holds it. Peace out mahfukkas.
    I don't know... they said that they would fit in the GameSpot review, it's just that you would need a bigger battery cover to fit over it. The new PSPs are just thinner, they still have basicly the same layout, with maybe something here moved to there.And people always find out new ways to downgrade firmware, so I dought that v3.60 will be any different from past firmwares.

    15.7.2007 20:38 #6

  • vinny13

    Originally posted by ZIppyDSM: interesting, but still trying to make a sandwich out of day stale bread.

    hey would do better to save this money for the PSP 2 but oh is delaying the inevitable...
    Well it's only been 2-3 years... give them another 2-3 years and they'll have something.

    I wonder if the "PSP 2" will use Blu-Ray UMDs for higher quality games and so on. And they'll probably have their OLED screens. I saw this one video and it had an OLED screen made by Sony in Japan, crystal clear quality, about the same size as a PSP screen and it was almost as thin as paper! Imagine, TVs as thin as CD cases!

    15.7.2007 20:44 #7

  • ZippyDSM

    Quote:Originally posted by ZIppyDSM: interesting, but still trying to make a sandwich out of day stale bread.

    hey would do better to save this money for the PSP 2 but oh is delaying the inevitable...
    Well it's only been 2-3 years... give them another 2-3 years and they'll have something.

    I wonder if the "PSP 2" will use Blu-Ray UMDs for higher quality games and so on. And they'll probably have their OLED screens. I saw this one video and it had an OLED screen made by Sony in Japan, crystal clear quality, about the same size as a PSP screen and it was almost as thin as paper! Imagine, TVs as thin as CD cases!
    and prices as much as high end gaming rigs *L*

    depends on if they can miniaturize the BR spec,if they can not get the hardware as small as DVD can be.

    but frankly a 300$+ hand held is stupid,even at or above 200 you are going to not sale it well unless you keep the price games and movies low...

    15.7.2007 21:20 #8

  • pbailey

    Yeah, well see zippy, that's the problem isn't it? It's all relative. If you want gaming on ps2 levels on the go, as well as movies on a kick ass screen, music wifi internet and multiplayer, and you can afford it, than there really isn't another option close to it.

    I have multiple consoles and pc's, laptops etc, and i play them all liberally, sitting in bed on a lazy day with my special lady friend playing multiplayer tekken or gta or whatever on a psp is just part of that whole crazy puzzle.


    15.7.2007 22:28 #9

  • ZippyDSM

    Originally posted by pbailey: Yeah, well see zippy, that's the problem isn't it? It's all relative. If you want gaming on ps2 levels on the go, as well as movies on a kick ass screen, music wifi internet and multiplayer, and you can afford it, than there really isn't another option close to it.

    I have multiple consoles and pc's, laptops etc, and i play them all liberally, sitting in bed on a lazy day with my special lady friend playing multiplayer tekken or gta or whatever on a psp is just part of that whole crazy puzzle.

    All I am saying is the PSP is not doing well its hanging on only because sony has money to toss at it,if it was not hacked into a media machine it would not be selling half as good as it is,Sony needs to wake up and understand they would do far better by opening it up abit(letting it play movies and stuff out of the box place some easily bypassable DRM system in it to make the RIAA go away but yet let users have fun with it) and keeping "movie" prices to half that of DVD prices even adding them to their DVDs if they ignore it and do nothing to revitalize it it will just linger there costing them money in the long run.

    15.7.2007 22:40 #10

  • L-Burna

    The new PSP design is nothing special and I would have liked to have seen another analog and an L2 and R2 button for PS1 games.I guess Sony likes slim things,just like the PSTwo system.The PSP is not a bad system,but if your going to make PS1 games compatible with it you might as well build the system to support it.I don't know that is just common sense to me.

    16.7.2007 01:40 #11

  • navi1199

    meh now they have another reason to over-price it...

    16.7.2007 04:23 #12

  • narmo

    makin it slimmer will only make it more vulnerable to break if u accidentaly drop it most ppl bought the original psp because u can play homebrew and backups and movies battery life and a slim psp is not gonna get a alot of ppl interested in buying it even though the tv output is nice i bet there would be a future tv output that u can get that would go in the usb or somethin
    and also the firmware version is too high 3.6 if there is gonna be a downgrader for that its gonna take a long time to do that since there is also 3.51 to be downgraded

    16.7.2007 06:16 #13

  • borhan9

    Quote:Another new addition is a USB charging feature which will allow gamers to charge their PSPs via their computers.Wow i thought that the psp had already got the usb connection. What a shocker.

    17.7.2007 17:51 #14

  • rdxtreme

    Quote:Originally posted by ZIppyDSM: I saw this one video and it had an OLED screen made by Sony in Japan, crystal clear quality, about the same size as a PSP screen and it was almost as thin as paper! Imagine, TVs as thin as CD cases!OLEDs are here been here and integrated into our society. Its funny OLED is basically an innovation that didn't happen the way it could have.

    sure they have the potential to be super thing screens imagine pulling down a board like when using a projector except no projector, the rollup board was the screen. but no, OLEDs have been diminished to screens on the back of cameras and a few other handhelds.

    18.7.2007 12:51 #15

  • rdxtreme

    Quote:Quote:Another new addition is a USB charging feature which will allow gamers to charge their PSPs via their computers.Wow i thought that the psp had already got the usb connection. What a shocker.yes, but it didn't charge the psp. really though it had gotten popular enough that i would keep a miniUSB to USB cable a few years ago in high school kuz people always had media theyd want on their psp (or razr) or i'd want on my laptop

    18.7.2007 12:53 #16

  • narmo

    Quote:Quote:Originally posted by ZIppyDSM: I saw this one video and it had an OLED screen made by Sony in Japan, crystal clear quality, about the same size as a PSP screen and it was almost as thin as paper! Imagine, TVs as thin as CD cases!OLEDs are here been here and integrated into our society. Its funny OLED is basically an innovation that didn't happen the way it could have.

    sure they have the potential to be super thing screens imagine pulling down a board like when using a projector except no projector, the rollup board was the screen. but no, OLEDs have been diminished to screens on the back of cameras and a few other handhelds.

    well doesn't that suck for us imagine the space we could save for other things instead of a big screen tv that is thick enough to take up space though some of us have plasmas an OLED screen who have saved more space than a plasma or lcd

    18.7.2007 12:56 #17

  • akaangus

    I bought a USB Y-Cable from Balls-mart for like 6 bucks that was mini USB on one strand and power on the other. I also got a cool 6-in one USB cable from dealextreme that has mini usb, PSP charge, DS charge, GB Micro charge and iPod (but I don't have one).

    I bet Sony's new "feature" is nothing but a Balls-mart cable!

    20.7.2007 17:27 #18

  • core2kid

    Quote:I guess Sony likes slim things,just like the PSTwo system.
    Don't forget the original PlayStation and the PSOne, lol.

    My Systems (In order of getting them):
    PS2, GBA SP, N64, Dreamcast, PSP, PS2 (free from friend), Nintendo DS, GameBoy Micro, Atari 2600.
    Turn your 2.5GB of Gmail Space into free online storage with Gspace

    20.7.2007 19:16 #19

  • akaangus

    Quote:I guess Sony likes slim thingsLike slim profit margins and slim pickins when it comes to PS3 games


    Representing Canada one post at a time!
    Check out my videos on DailyMotion:

    20.7.2007 20:27 #20

  • pbailey

    Quote:Quote:I guess Sony likes slim thingsLike slim profit margins and slim pickins when it comes to PS3 games



    Originally posted by ZIppyDSM: I saw this one video and it had an OLED screen made by Sony in Japan, crystal clear quality, about the same size as a PSP screen and it was almost as thin as paper! Imagine, TVs as thin as CD cases!

    OLEDs are here been here and integrated into our society. Its funny OLED is basically an innovation that didn't happen the way it could have.

    sure they have the potential to be super thing screens imagine pulling down a board like when using a projector except no projector, the rollup board was the screen. but no, OLEDs have been diminished to screens on the back of cameras and a few other handhelds.
    They showed screens at one of the tech expos at the end of last year, around 32" at a contrast ratio of 1,000,000:1 it wasn't like you're saying about the roolup etc, but as i was told that that was a different technology utilising something similar to oleds, that are printed onto a plastic backing. They were talking about the rollup screens about 3-5 yrs ago, so it will eventually come about.

    21.7.2007 23:01 #21

  • rdxtreme

    sony plans to start making OLED screens next year (they were supposed to this year but we can guess why they aren't venturing into new territory)

    nobody is pursuing the paper thin extremely flexible screens. but go dig out a scientific magazine from 2004 about the OLED innovation so you can see where this could have taken us.

    24.7.2007 03:49 #22

  • Unfocused

    Has the PSP outsold the original Game Boy?

    18.8.2007 11:45 #23

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