RIAA ordered to pay attorney fees

RIAA ordered to pay attorney fees
After losing a suit against an Oklahoma woman for supposedly "vicariously" aiding copyright infringement, the RIAA has been ordered to pay nearly $70,000 in legal bills for the defendant.

Deborah Foster, whose daughter Amanda the RIAA won a default judgement against because she failed to defend herself, has always said she had no knowledge of any such activity.

The RIAA had the case against her dismissed without prejudice, meaning they reserve the right to bring further action against her for the same alleged activities, which would normally protect them from paying her legal fees. However, Foster's filing against the RIAA argues that she deserved the judgement because "the RIAA makes a practice of repeatedly bringing claims and then dismissing with prejudice after inflicting substantial litigation costs on the opposing party and the judicial system."

The EFF (Electronic Frontier Foundation) also filed a "Friend of the Court" brief on her behalf, stating "a fee award would deter the RIAA from continuing to prosecute meritless suits that harass defendants it knows or reasonably should know are innocent."

Sources: EFF, CNet News

Written by: Rich Fiscus @ 17 Jul 2007 8:54
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  • maxsixer


    17.7.2007 09:16 #1

  • little155

    About Fu--ing Time.

    17.7.2007 09:20 #2

  • dude845

    So the mighty giant got a pretty nice hit there but we need more of this stuff before we see them die off ;).

    17.7.2007 09:30 #3

  • Sir-Age

    Quote:$70,000That all? I'm sure there's a few ways that you can disguise expensive lunches with your lawyer as legal bills, what about a brand new car to get to court. The RIAA should pay $700,000 to get a taste of their own medicine!

    17.7.2007 09:32 #4

  • little155

    You're right, Sir-Age, but at least it's a start.

    17.7.2007 09:35 #5

  • noncomjd

    Quote:The RIAA had the case against her dismissed with prejudice... if this is accurate, that mean the RIAA is barred from refiling the action. With Prejudice bars further claims, without prejudice would permit it.

    17.7.2007 11:18 #6

  • vurbal

    Quote:Quote:The RIAA had the case against her dismissed with prejudice... if this is accurate, that mean the RIAA is barred from refiling the action. With Prejudice bars further claims, without prejudice would permit it.
    Good catch. The typo has been fixed.

    17.7.2007 11:26 #7

  • blackvamp


    17.7.2007 12:18 #8

  • morguex

    Hot damm!!!!!!

    Man this is so sweet, it's like having double choclate cake and then putting hot fudge on top.

    How's it feel RIAA?
    Stings a little I bet.
    And this is just the beginning RIAA.

    Peace all

    17.7.2007 12:23 #9

  • nonoitall

    The bad part is that the RIAA weaseled out of paying 40% of her expenses. (Her actual expenses were over $100,000.)

    17.7.2007 12:43 #10

  • DVDdoug

    Sometimes the system works!

    This should have two positive effects:

    1-It should make the RIAA a little less aggressive, especially when they don’t have any evidence.

    2- It should encourage more lawyers to take defense cases against the RIAA.

    Actually, "the system" usually does work. Especially when you have a jury of 12 regular citizens using their common sense. (I don't think there was a jury in this case.) ...Of course, every once in a while a jury makes a really stupid decision too.

    17.7.2007 12:44 #11

  • blackvamp

    Originally posted by DVDdoug:
    ...Of course, every once in a while a jury makes a really stupid decision too.
    OJ :P

    17.7.2007 12:54 #12

  • vurbal

    Originally posted by nonoitall: The bad part is that the RIAA weaseled out of paying 40% of her expenses. (Her actual expenses were over $100,000.)
    From what I've read from the actual decision the judge made the decisions on what was and wasn't a legitimate charge and there was no input from the RIAA and the charges that weren't reimbursed were for hours he didn't believe she should have been charged in the first place. I doubt he would have listened to any input they had anyway given his reaction to their reasoning as to why reimbursing the defendant wasn't warranted under the law. They brought examples of cases that were similar and pointed out that nothing had been reported about legal fees being awarded, but after a little research on his own he found that in some of those same cases the award had been made and not reported in the media. At that point he all but called them liars.

    17.7.2007 13:47 #13

  • jcur31


    Well another 14 frivolous lawsuits are going out tonight to recover the cost of this loss.

    17.7.2007 14:54 #14

  • spydah

    I hope people keep kicking the crap outta them fools. They have way to much power. Every little triumph helps.

    17.7.2007 17:33 #15

  • WierdName

    Well they may have lost this battle but we need way more of these for the RIAA to lose the war. Hopefully more people take extreme legal action against the RIAA.

    17.7.2007 17:57 #16

  • noncomjd

    The RIAA will never give up short of Congress changing the copyright laws, or Courts taking a more serious attitude with holding the RIAA's feet to the fire in terms of proof etc. $70,000, even $700,000 is a drop in the bucket to them. I am really surprised they gave up, they seem to have a "damn the torpedoes" attitude. They must have had some serious holes in the case. In addition I can only imagine the amount of money they have extorted already from people, that has given them lots of ammo.
    Defense lawyers wont take these because the RIAA has bucks and can drag these out, most people can't afford it and secondly these cases usually don't come out thin air and have some basis..IP addresses are a bitch.

    I don't like the RIAA or the MPAA or BREIN one bit. I think they are all chasing their tails and will never stop P2P, or whatever comes next, and like Microsoft is learning every time they come up with a DRM scheme or program registration scheme it gets cracked. These problems are only going to get worse for them. It seems to me that the Microsoft cracks are coming faster and faster. These guys need to figure out ways to make money in this new environment. What really cracks me up is companies like NBC that have their programing on TV, on the web and yet get pissed when people download the very programs they are trying to get out there via TV and the net.
    I don't listen to music much anymore,so I don't know what CD prices are like now, but, the one noticeable effect "piracy" has had on DVD's is the prices have dropped like a rock to what are now reasonable prices. Hell you can now rent DVD at red box for a buck.
    Pay attention RIAA, MPAA.

    17.7.2007 18:13 #17

  • borhan9

    Well done Deborah. :)

    17.7.2007 18:20 #18

  • Jlhfit

    HAHAHA RIAA... THis is a good blow for the people vs biotches like RIAA... once again ha, fukn HA..... TIme for every person to ban together an sue the RIAA, just for spite..... Hey this is America, land of the free home of the law suit...

    17.7.2007 18:20 #19

  • eric2728

    Originally posted by noncomjd: The RIAA will never give up short of Congress changing the copyright laws, or Courts taking a more serious attitude with holding the RIAA's feet to the fire in terms of proof etc. $70,000, even $700,000 is a drop in the bucket to them. I am really surprised they gave up, they seem to have a "damn the torpedoes" attitude. They must have had some serious holes in the case. In addition I can only imagine the amount of money they have extorted already from people, that has given them lots of ammo.
    Defense lawyers wont take these because the RIAA has bucks and can drag these out, most people can't afford it and secondly these cases usually don't come out thin air and have some basis..IP addresses are a bitch.

    I don't like the RIAA or the MPAA or BREIN one bit. I think they are all chasing their tails and will never stop P2P, or whatever comes next, and like Microsoft is learning every time they come up with a DRM scheme or program registration scheme it gets cracked. These problems are only going to get worse for them. It seems to me that the Microsoft cracks are coming faster and faster. These guys need to figure out ways to make money in this new environment. What really cracks me up is companies like NBC that have their programing on TV, on the web and yet get pissed when people download the very programs they are trying to get out there via TV and the net.
    I don't listen to music much anymore,so I don't know what CD prices are like now, but, the one noticeable effect "piracy" has had on DVD's is the prices have dropped like a rock to what are now reasonable prices. Hell you can now rent DVD at red box for a buck.
    Pay attention RIAA, MPAA.
    Well i know people whom rent a video and then rip it

    17.7.2007 19:04 #20

  • WierdName

    The RIAA has their place, but they have stepped well out of it with all of their stupid lawsuits backed with no evidence and just assumptions that someone is illegally downloading just because they are using the full bandwith they paid for. They are supposed to be there to stop the people that upload the craploads of content that others download, but they have left that goal to pursue everyone and anyone that won't put up a fight.

    17.7.2007 22:34 #21

  • Unfocused

    Yeah! Time to start measuring them for their coffin! Does everybody have a hammer and some nails?

    17.7.2007 23:07 #22

  • webe123

    There is a saying that goes: "What goes around...COMES AROUND!" Seems like the RIAA and MPAA BOTH have it comming to them big time.

    17.7.2007 23:54 #23

  • spydah

    I gotta saying for all people to do to them. Everybody raise your right hand place thy hand over your left shoulder and slap the shiznit outta the RIAA and MPAA.

    18.7.2007 04:21 #24

  • ChiknLitl

    Legal arguments are often decided upon precedents set by previous legal cases. This case is landmark insomuchas it is highly visible and sets the precedent that the RIAA should have to reimburse costs for lost/dismissed cases. This allows anyone who has been tormented by them and "won" to argue for the recoupe of their costs. Perhaps it may give the RIAA pause when filing frivilous and seemingly random allegations against innocent citizens. They no longer have carte blanche to terrorize and extort.

    18.7.2007 05:54 #25

  • vurbal

    Originally posted by ChiknLitl: Legal arguments are often decided upon precedents set by previous legal cases. This case is landmark insomuchas it is highly visible and sets the precedent that the RIAA should have to reimburse costs for lost/dismissed cases. This allows anyone who has been tormented by them and "won" to argue for the recoupe of their costs. Perhaps it may give the RIAA pause when filing frivilous and seemingly random allegations against innocent citizens. They no longer have carte blanche to terrorize and extort.
    Excellent post. This is exactly why I see the decision as important and exactly why the RIAA is down playing it every time they're asked. It's also the point the EFF was making in their brief.

    Precendents are law. The only way to overturn precedence is a ruling by a higher court or rewrite of the laws.

    18.7.2007 06:02 #26

  • noncomjd

    Quote:Well i know people whom rent a video and then rip itIf it is for your own home use, is that really so terrible? You can legally copy a movie off TV and watch it forever. No crime. If you rent a movie and rip it for your own use, is it really so different? Is it really so terrible? I realize all the arguments you can make, you take money from the artist, actor, studio and the rest, but the same argument can be made for TV taping.

    We all know what goes on here (with piracy I mean, not here) and it will never stop. Never. There are people that would d/l or pirate anything just because it is there. Software and media companies spend a fortune to stop this stuff and it never will.

    I think what really irks people the most, me included, is why I shouldn't be able to make copies (for my use) of movies I bought. I have small kids. I have loads of kid movies I bought (on dvd). Kids wreck dvd's in a heart beat. I should be able to make a copy of the movie so I can let the kids destroy the copy and still have the movie.

    The one other thing I have noticed and I'm not sure if is as a result piracy or just a normal market shakeout; but the other day I was in a computer store and I noticed there was decidedly less software then there used to be.

    18.7.2007 06:17 #27

  • xempler

    The RIAA right now are pretty much running around pointing a loaded gun at anyone they suspect of piracy. Their scare tactics need to stop and I hope this is the first step.

    Last year the RIAA made nearly $100 million by suing P2P users. This isn't about stoping piracy imo...they found a way to line their own pockets.


    RIAA Profits Nearly $100 Million by Suing P2P Users -
    Posted in News, Editorials (Friday March 31, 2006 at 4:17 pm)

    As of today, an estimated 18,337 Internet users have had suit filed against them by the RIAA for the alleged distribution of copyrighted materials.

    I get these figures from a Janurary 2006 article at Slyck.com, in which Slyck states that as of January 31st there have been 16,837. Since then, in the month of February and the month of March there has been 750 more sued for each, resulting in the number at the top.

    Most RIAA lawsuits against individual file-swappers result in the defendant settling with the RIAA to avoid going to court and possibly losing against the multi-billion dollar organization.

    Generally, these suits are settled at $3,000 USD to $6,000 USD. I have seen in the past few years a $2,000 or a $7,000 every now and then, but for argument’s sake, we will say the average settled lawsuit is $5,000, since this appears most frequently.

    Let’s say all 18,337 USA citizens sued have settled for $5,000 USD each, to avoid going to court and possibly losing their homes. That would give the RIAA massive profits of $91,685,000! The RIAA has profited nearly $100million by suing individual who are too helpless to fight back, since their ’sue em’ all’ campaign began, years ago.

    Despite Music Industry studies which indicate that P2P users are more likely to purchase music, and P2P does not damage music sales, the RIAA continues to sue the magic number of 750 people a month.

    Since the beginning of the RIAA’s sue-em-all campaign, file-sharing has only increased in the United States and globally. This proves that the RIAA is completely inaffective in deterring users from downloading music ‘illegally’.

    Therefore, there can only be one true motive lying behind the lawsuits, that being monetary gain, of course. With their campaign proving inaffective, their profits higher than ever, and domestic studies proving P2P does not damage sales, the RIAA continues to sue to make mass-profits for their own pockets.

    Nearly $100 million stolen by the hands of the RIAA, and our government standing by idly, allowing it to happen.

    18.7.2007 07:05 #28

  • whitechoc

    I love the RIAA!! Let's think. Without a fundamental organization serving to protect the interests and intellectual assets of music artists, society would run rampant with anarchy. Like the great John Locke once said, Quote:Humans are, by nature, evil and self-indulged. He's right; we are all a bunch of greedy losers, meaning those who fileshare are money-stealing bastards detracting from the financial welfare and intellectual good of music producers and writers nationwide. Anybody who fileshares is retarded and is contributing to the decline of the US economy and to the increase of subprime lendors and to the collapse of numerouse hedge funds.

    Take that Afterdawn.

    19.7.2007 08:00 #29

  • morguex

    Whitechoc, I hope your kidding, if not let me know.
    I tell you whats causing the collapse of the american economy, well as a matter of fact, the whole north american economy.
    And if you are kidding,HA HA!!! good one
    Peace all.

    19.7.2007 09:04 #30

  • svtstang

    Quote:I love the RIAA!! Let's think. Without a fundamental organization serving to protect the interests and intellectual assets of music artists, society would run rampant with anarchy. Like the great John Locke once said, Quote:Humans are, by nature, evil and self-indulged. He's right; we are all a bunch of greedy losers, meaning those who fileshare are money-stealing bastards detracting from the financial welfare and intellectual good of music producers and writers nationwide. Anybody who fileshares is retarded and is contributing to the decline of the US economy and to the increase of subprime lendors and to the collapse of numerouse hedge funds.

    Take that Afterdawn.
    The end of that rant made no sense at all I am afraid. Please do tell how file sharing increases the amount of subprime loans. Just so you know, it is the poor/those with shit credit are the ones that take out subprime loans....not the wealthy. It would make me happy to see the big wigs for the RIAA/MPAA have to resort on a negative arm loan though, suits them right.

    And filesharing is leading to the collapse of hedge funds??? Are you on some type of illicit drug?? How in god's name do you equate filesharing to negatively impacting equity markets???? You do know the stock market as a whole is solid as hell right now...right??

    You fail logic 101 sir, I hope you were kidding.

    19.7.2007 11:56 #31

  • whitechoc

    Sirs I am most certainly not kidding. As my bold and unfortunately mentally slow counterpart Mr. Svtstang has incorrectly stated:

    Quote:You do know the stock market as a whole is solid as hell right now...right??I must correct him by saying that the markets are showing signs of weakening. The stock market is a volatile and an important factor in determining economic productivity, but ONLY a factor. We are in what is called a Darwinian Economic Cycle, or DEC. When markets reach a cap of 12,000 in our SOL, it indicates the beginnings of overreach by investors. At this point, these stocks are overinflated; their values are unproportiantely high compared to corporate value and are now being pushed higher and higher to the point where recession is imminent, and thus a correction of the markets will ensue bringing the stock market back down to 8,000 or so.

    How does this relate to filesharing? Simple. People fileshare. RIAA complains. Music artists complain. Attorney Generals must deal with this complaining, and DOJ is flooded with complaints. This in turn leads to salutary neglect of its duties regarding checks and balances on companies and corporations. Investors benefit as stock values are pushed higher and higher, destroying actual worth values. Hedge funds eventually become worthless, as demonstrated by Bear Stearns June failing. In the words of Wall Street Investor Jacob MacMichael:

    Quote:The Darwinian Economic Cycle has wreaked havoc on the DOJ and the NASDAQ for several financial quarters, and the issue will only degenerate unless filesharing is stopped in its tracks. I support all anti-filesharers and in the name of patriotism and Patrick Henry, "GOD BLESS AMERICA!"I hope this straightens our misunderstandings out kind sirs.

    19.7.2007 12:21 #32

  • svtstang

    I think you are stretching the truth a bit. Dow Jones just hit 14k today. Overvalued?? No, just a bull market. Cyclical, there will be a correction as there always has. Showing signs of weakness?? Not in the slightest, the S$P just reached an all time high, and as I just pointed out, so did the Dow. The global economy is booming....yes file sharing is KILLING the economy....

    Bear Stearns failed partly do to societies overwhelming reliance on negative arm loans. File sharing is to blame?? I honestly dont see the connection...why? Because there isnt one! Contrary to your beliefs, Bear Stearns had and has a faulty business model, relying heavily on debt financing to pay off current debt....kinda stupid eh? Blame savings and loans for this, they are the ones whom happily gave people these junk mortgages and are screwing over the economy. And just so you know, equity markets are prospering DESPITE the financial sector....god only knows how well the markets would be doing if sub prime didnt exist!

    Saying file sharing leads to increased sub prime loans and overpriced equity markets is ludicrous. Kinda reminds me of that retard who claimed that piracy was hurting farmers do to the decrease in popcorn sales in movie theaters.....LMAO! Yes file sharing is in fact impacting certain segmants do to decreased sales(this is open for arguments, pirates wouldn't buy the media they are pirating), but the impact is not as overwhelming as you are trying make us believe.

    It is within the forum rules ddp, i swear!! :P

    19.7.2007 13:13 #33

  • morguex

    What site did you cut and paste that crap from?
    There might be a little bit of truth in what you repeated, but not much.

    You know what, forget it, because not matter what I or anyone else says to you, your not going to belive it anyway.

    If you think people sharing files on the internet is causing the american economy to collapse, well sir your just plain old NUTS!!
    But hey i guess you don't see anything wrong with american companies shipping millions of manufacturing jobs to china. Lowering your standard of living. Oil companies making 30-40 billion a year in profits, while people go broke trying to get back and forth to work and school or driving around trying to find a new job after they lost there's because some multi-billion dollar company decided 10 billion a year profit wasn't enough. If I seem annoyed, your damm right I am,
    because people like you have no idea.

    19.7.2007 13:29 #34

  • morguex

    And one more thing, svtstang is far for mentally slow, he has made many posts on this site and I find him to be quite intelligent and reasonable.

    Peace all


    19.7.2007 14:11 #35

  • svtstang

    LOL I didnt even notice him taking a shot at me for showing him how illogical he is! Im in a decent mood, so I will forgo playing the name calling game for now.

    Thanks for the comment morguex :)

    It is within the forum rules ddp, i swear!! :P

    19.7.2007 14:21 #36

  • ddp

    whitechoc, i have some swampland for sale & if you believe that bs then you better go to a mental institute because what you just posted is full of bs.

    19.7.2007 14:32 #37

  • morguex

    NP svtstang, and whitechoc is probaly just a troll anyway.


    Peace all


    19.7.2007 14:49 #38

  • morguex

    And one last thing whitechoc, you probaly believe all that crap that rick cotton spews also.

    Peace all


    19.7.2007 14:55 #39

  • WierdName

    Whitechoc, I don't think your factoring in inflation with your little equation there.

    Morguex, you need to add [img] before that link and [/img] after for it to show up as a picture. I.E. [img*]http://address.pic/picture.jpg[/img*] (remove the * symbols. I had to add them so it wouldn't execute the img command)
    Otherwise, it will show up as just an text address, like it is.

    EDIT- fixed example

    19.7.2007 15:17 #40

  • svtstang

    Rick Cotton! That was the retard I was referring to LOL!


    If that swap comes with a croc I will buy it. Hello by the way :)


    Inflation is the last thing in the world he needs to consider! First on the list would be a decent psychiatrist that is lenient with the medicine! Hello to you also :)

    It is within the forum rules ddp, i swear!! :P

    19.7.2007 15:22 #41

  • WierdName

    Originally posted by svtstang: First on the list would be a decent psychiatrist that is lenient with the medicine!Actually, there's not a doctor or psychiatrist in the world lenient enough... although he could try mars. If his little theory is true, it would prove the impossible is possible, and he may find an advanced race who will gladly give him all the meds he needs. Also, hello to you too.

    EDIT- actually, a straightjacket and a padded room would be much easier.

    Doesnt expecting the unexpected make the unexpected expected and therefore mean your expecting the expected which was the unexpected until you expected it?
    Opinions are imunities to being told we're wrong.

    19.7.2007 15:28 #42

  • ddp

    hello svtstang. the croc has a stomach ache from bad meat. guess who? we better stay on topic now.

    19.7.2007 18:46 #43

  • whitechoc

    I am displeased to see personal hatred being directed at me, but I guess that's the price I pay for my intellectual pursuits. I will turn my head to a new post, one where I will be embraced with passion.

    20.7.2007 04:44 #44

  • blackvamp

    Originally posted by whitechoc: I am displeased to see personal hatred being directed at me, but I guess that's the price I pay for my intellectual pursuits. I will turn my head to a new post, one where I will be embraced with passion.Translation: Crap, I just got owned.

    20.7.2007 07:27 #45

  • morguex

    Hey whitechoc, what color is the sky in your world?
    I directed no hatred toward you, but I do kinda feel sorry for you, if you truly believe the crap you posted in here.
    The problem is you got owned and you know it.
    But hey no ill will, good luck with your future endevaors.

    Peace all

    20.7.2007 08:05 #46

  • bWileyMwB


    20.7.2007 09:24 #47

  • rondack

    [img][/img]IT'S ABOUT TIME!!! Goodbye RIAA!

    20.7.2007 09:41 #48

  • svtstang

    Originally posted by whitechoc: I am displeased to see personal hatred being directed at me, but I guess that's the price I pay for my intellectual pursuits. I will turn my head to a new post, one where I will be embraced with passion.Best use of the synonym feature in Word I have ever seen!


    Mes is sad at uz being mean to me, itz ok cause im still teh l33t. I will go to da next thread where I can troll in peace.

    It is within the forum rules ddp, i swear!! :P

    20.7.2007 10:07 #49

  • morguex

    Well all that was alot of fun, maybe we'll all run into whitechoc in another post.
    But if's he's as smart as he thinks he is, he'll stay outta afterdawn.

    Peace all

    20.7.2007 11:20 #50

  • morguex

    Whitechco is in here now http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/537342#3253829
    spewing more garbage.

    Please can someone not ban him or at least turn down his volume knob to 0
    Peace all

    20.7.2007 12:52 #51



    if the economy is so bad right now then how come my investments are up by as much as 3.5% for the month? and continuing to climb. This happens all the time. it goes up an astronomical amount for maybe a few months and then there's a correction or two to sort of balance everything out. it's the nature of the beast.

    20.7.2007 14:37 #52

  • dufas

    Don't you know that the USA if not the worlds economy revolves around the entertainment industry ???

    This is a fact as stated by Barbra Streisand, Martin Sheen, Sonny Tufts, Rob and Carl Reiner, thousands of musicians, and a whole range of entertainment elitists.

    Hollywood says something and every politician on the planet jumps.....

    20.7.2007 18:59 #53

  • rokmsokm

    Quote:Sirs I am most certainly not kidding. As my bold and unfortunately mentally slow counterpart Mr. Svtstang has incorrectly stated:

    Quote:You do know the stock market as a whole is solid as hell right now...right??I must correct him by saying that the markets are showing signs of weakening. The stock market is a volatile and an important factor in determining economic productivity, but ONLY a factor. We are in what is called a Darwinian Economic Cycle, or DEC. When markets reach a cap of 12,000 in our SOL, it indicates the beginnings of overreach by investors. At this point, these stocks are overinflated; their values are unproportiantely high compared to corporate value and are now being pushed higher and higher to the point where recession is imminent, and thus a correction of the markets will ensue bringing the stock market back down to 8,000 or so.

    How does this relate to filesharing? Simple. People fileshare. RIAA complains. Music artists complain. Attorney Generals must deal with this complaining, and DOJ is flooded with complaints. This in turn leads to salutary neglect of its duties regarding checks and balances on companies and corporations. Investors benefit as stock values are pushed higher and higher, destroying actual worth values. Hedge funds eventually become worthless, as demonstrated by Bear Stearns June failing. In the words of Wall Street Investor Jacob MacMichael:

    Quote:The Darwinian Economic Cycle has wreaked havoc on the DOJ and the NASDAQ for several financial quarters, and the issue will only degenerate unless filesharing is stopped in its tracks. I support all anti-filesharers and in the name of patriotism and Patrick Henry, "GOD BLESS AMERICA!"I hope this straightens our misunderstandings out kind sirs.
    : ) what an idiot.... It's all about the $$$$ filesharing p2p networks, RIAA, MPAA, US Gov.... the list goes on and on.... without p2p we would still be getting in our cars driving to the record shop and paying waaaayyyyyy to much for worthless cd's. At least now we can purchase each song we like not what Britney says we should like....BTW DJI hit $14,000 for the first time in history..... yeah... it's gotta slow down sometime.... funny thing though... it took 7 years to go from 11,000 to 12,000 but only a year to get to 14,000.

    21.7.2007 12:34 #54

  • keith49

    well said ddp re whitechoc i think the bow was stretched a bit too long to blame file sharing as recking the economy of the usa. i would think bad decision of a current president and his cohorts like going to war in iraq to "save the poor iraq's from themselves" when it is actually all about oil and bushes rich mates in the oil business who have pushed this line. we have a very rich economy here at the moment in australia but it only because of the mineral boon going on because of china and india BUT when that slows down we are literally F----D because like america all our jobs have been exported overseas (asia).
    Originally posted by ddp: whitechoc, i have some swampland for sale & if you believe that bs then you better go to a mental institute because what you just posted is full of bs.

    21.7.2007 17:40 #55

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