VoIP services fight for SunRocket's customers

VoIP services fight for SunRocket's customers
In the wake of SunRocket's sudden cease of operations, former VoIP rivals have begun fighting over SunRocket's 200,000 displaced customers.

Vonage has started offering two months of free service to former SR customers and 8x8 and Unified Communications were selected as "preferred" providers for SR's users.

Those that move to 8x8 will not have to pay the traditional $100 activation free and those moving to Unified will be given a discounted $12.95 monthly rate. By being given the title "preferred" service provider, both companies will have to pay a fee to SR's creditors for each customer that switches.


Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 19 Jul 2007 19:03
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  • MARK11111

    I found a great company VIATALK They offer a plan $199 a year for unlimited calling, just like sunrocket and they will give you in addition to the plan they offer you, up to 6 months free service , only if you were a sunrocket customer.

    for example , if you sign up for their service for $199 a year and had been a customer of sunrocket and you had 4 months left on your sunrocket plan.. they will give you 4 months free

    here is the link.. copy and paste this link in your browser

    use link below

    19.7.2007 19:23 #1

  • DMW

    Or there without the affiflaite link http://www.viatalk.com/

    Looks like a good time for these companies to be chasing the customers, but after being stung like this I'm sure the people will be carefull on who they choose!

    Did any of the customers get their money back if they had paid like a monthe before Sunrocket closed? A bit rough to loose $200 like that!

    20.7.2007 02:00 #2

  • MARK11111

    I found a great company VIATALK They offer a plan $199 a year for unlimited calling, just like sunrocket and they will give you in addition to the plan they offer you, up to 6 months free service , only if you were a sunrocket customer.

    for example , if you sign up for their service for $199 a year and had been a customer of sunrocket and you had 4 months left on your sunrocket plan.. they will give you 4 months free

    here is the link.. copy and paste this link in your browser

    20.7.2007 04:40 #3

  • ZzeusS

    Ok. Can we lose the viatalk affiliate shills? Any place that wants your entire year up front is a scam.

    20.7.2007 10:45 #4

  • duckNrun

    Yeah I have to agree....

    make a post and give a link to the service = ok, info provided

    make a post and give an affiliate link (presumably so as to to make money) = forum spam

    As for paying a year up front to get a discount isn't neccessarily bad, as long as the company guarantees satisfaction, a refund, and doesn't close up shop.

    20.7.2007 21:06 #5

  • kooah

    I don't find ViaTalk offer up to 6 months...only 3 months, according to the Link.

    I have been browsing VoIP to replace my Sunrocket. Two companies, Vonics and VoIPyourlife, got very good reviews. Anyone has any thoughts on these 2 companies?

    21.7.2007 07:03 #6

  • Voipman

    8x8 never charged $100 per activation. Their VoIP Company, Packet8, has always charged $29.99 for activation, and that fee is almost always waived through some type of special or another. Where did you get the $100 activation information for Packet8?

    Also, while Packet8 is charging more for their monthly service, they have been around for 20 years and have over 60 voip patents. The other company, Unified Communications, put up their voip website 3 days ago, after purchasing the domain name MyTeleblend.net.net on Monday.

    On another note, Packet8 is United States based, and United Communications is a Singapore based company. With VoIP companies like Sunrocket going under, and others like Vonage on the brink of collapse do to legal troubles, I would try to find the company that looks like it's going to last the longest, not the one who is the cheapest.

    On that note, the $12.95 per month rates on MyTeleblend.net.net are introductory only, and will go up to $19.95 per month according to the FAQ on their website.

    21.7.2007 08:46 #7

  • MP3Music

    Quote:Also, while Packet8 is charging more for their monthly service, they have been around for 20 years and have over 60 voip patents.What OS were they running on their servers? Windows '87? As an Sunrocket customer without a phone right now, We chose Vonics. Seemed to have good reviews, and when I called and talked to them, they actually stayed on the phone and answered all my questions.

    22.7.2007 17:08 #8

  • Voipman

    I had Packet8 for my company for 2 years without a problem.

    What is the crack about the 87 OS? I said the company has been around for 20 years, not that they've been selling voip for that long. They started selling voip in 2002.

    If I said Qwest was around for 20 years would you take a stab at me for saying they were selling voip for that long? Lots of companies that are now selling voip, like the cable companies and the old telecoms, have been around for a long time and can give a customer better service than a stand alone voip who just started it. that's all I'm saying.

    22.7.2007 22:19 #9

  • borhan9

    It did not take them long to come up with an alternative.

    23.7.2007 03:10 #10

  • rmillera1

    I have used Vonage for about a year now with no problems.

    23.7.2007 14:24 #11

  • apuzzi

    sunrocket ex customers, if you paid your yearly fee by credit card, you can file a dispute with credit card company and get your fee returned.

    23.7.2007 15:13 #12

  • MP3Music

    Sorry for the jab Voipman. I did not fully understand your post. Thanks for clarifying.

    23.7.2007 15:17 #13

  • ashton47

    I got stuck so I lost my $200.I am very scared now.

    24.7.2007 20:09 #14

  • Voipman

    Originally posted by MP3Music: Sorry for the jab Voipman. I did not fully understand your post. Thanks for clarifying.No problem MP3music.

    By the way Ashton47, there are a couple of companies now that will give you at least 3 months of free voip if you had 3 months left on your sunrocket contract.

    24.7.2007 22:43 #15

  • antonwood

    Among the various alternatives, I would suggest all SunRocket customers to choose Lingo. As a satisfied customer of Lingo, I surely direct you to Lingo. This is the best time to sign up with Lingo.

    They are now selling monthly ChatterBox plan plus Talk 365, an annual calling plan just for $195. There are special offers such as one month free, free shipping, free activation and free equipment.
    Click on www.lingo.com/sunrocket to get the best VOIP value with reliability.

    1.8.2007 00:05 #16

  • docsharp

    This is an excellent web site about VOIP. I have been looking for a VoIP Phone Service Provider and found one at

    5.2.2008 18:53 #17

  • docsharp

    I enjoyed reading the article about VoIP phone service because one is able to avoid toll charges by telephone companies.

    21.5.2008 12:33 #18

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