"Pandora's Battery" can unbrick your PSP

Pandora's Battery can unbrick your PSP
It seems that thanks to a couple of legends in the PSP homebrew scene, that the hackers have won, as a universal downgrader was released, for free, yesterday.

The software, known as Pandora's Battery is the work of well known names, Adrahil, Booster, Cswindle, Dark_AleX, Ditlew, Fanjita, Joek2100, Jim, Mathieulh, Nem, Psp250, Skylark, and TyRaNiD.

According to Dark_AleX himself, "The battery lets to downgrade any firmware version (including those that Sony releases in the future), and to unbrick bricked psp's (whatever bricked by software PSP, not only the ones bricked by that retard of Serafin), in all current hardware. Of course, we cannot be sure about future hardware, but the Firmware Update game has finally come to the end for all current psp's."

Although it is unclear whether this will work on the upcoming PSP Slim, Fanjita said the software was finally released as the it had somehow hit the blackmarket and was selling for over $1000 USD, making some people a fortune off potentially stolen software.

What makes this even more special is the opportunity to unbrick a bricked unit, making the worries of trying to downgrade a thing of the past.

Although we cannot link directly to the software, it can be found at the source link for those interested.

For those needing help, please do not post in the news comments but instead visit our discussion forums here.

Max Console

Special thanks to PeasInaPod for the News Submission.

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 23 Aug 2007 7:42
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  • narmo

    cool but.... is this free?

    23.8.2007 07:55 #1

  • DVDBack23

    yes its free :)

    23.8.2007 07:57 #2

  • narmo

    Originally posted by DVDBack23: yes its free :)
    cool thnx bud

    23.8.2007 07:59 #3

  • Riorio99

    Go noobz! If they keep beating sony like this, sony are going to have to give up. Plus fanjita has that secret flash exploit. Homebrew wins!

    23.8.2007 08:02 #4

  • LastMastr

    ZOMG!!! rofl

    23.8.2007 09:32 #5

  • svtstang

    Works well, unbricked a psp last night!

    @dvd, the files are legit, nothing copyrighted. There should be a link.


    The link to the help thread redirects here...nice

    23.8.2007 10:21 #6

  • waiski

    Originally posted by svtstang: The link to the help thread redirects here...niceLinks fixed

    23.8.2007 10:27 #7

  • svtstang

    Thanks, I see the files are posted in that thread...disregard my lat post :/

    It is within the forum rules ddp, i swear!! :P

    23.8.2007 10:28 #8

  • swarmpack

    this is an awsome tool to have in case of emergencies.also holy crap look at that list of devlopers.

    23.8.2007 11:03 #9

  • DVDBack23

    Originally posted by svtstang: Thanks, I see the files are posted in that thread...disregard my lat post :/Yeah no worries buddy, something was wrong with the link that obviously needed admin help so now it works :P

    23.8.2007 11:37 #10

  • tefarko

    I have only two words for those guys: thank you!!!

    23.8.2007 12:06 #11

  • SilvaJDS


    23.8.2007 12:07 #12

  • Unfocused

    Rock on. See what happens when all of the "pirates" band together?

    23.8.2007 12:40 #13

  • venomX05

    jesus f'ing christ...that is why technology is cool...def. thanks to all those hackers out there who put out all that hard effort and work to make our enjoyment that much easier!

    23.8.2007 14:31 #14

  • jimmer

    time to buy some bricked psp's :D

    23.8.2007 15:10 #15

  • Spartan28

    WOW! AMAZING I had a bricked psp for a long time, and was going to get it fix from this ebay guy who can unbricking (using technique probably). So I was about to fix it or send it and thought of buying another bricked psp. So I bought it for 60$ last week received it yesterday. Now with 2 bricked psp i was suppose to ship it to this guy til I read the news about this pandora, WOW. I just saved myself about $70, 40 for first to unbrick and additional 30 for second. Gonna borrow my friends psp tomorrow and create this battery and unbrick both of my bricks tomorrow. YAY! Now I was looking for more cheap bricks, but they are up now to about 70+ on ebay. Good timing, once fixed gonna sell one of them and buy the new psp and that will be homebrew!! Sony just loss big time!

    23.8.2007 16:34 #16

  • Darkness8

    Yes alright!

    23.8.2007 21:36 #17

  • ShoeBark


    24.8.2007 09:46 #18

  • truehaven

    i've already downloaded it, i just need an extra battery/memory card

    24.8.2007 11:41 #19

  • simpsim1

    Word of warning guys. Best to keep a spare battery and Mem stick for this baby, as the hacked battery doesn't work with the PSP normally. OK, so you can change it back again, but it's a good idea to keep it spare, just in case.

    24.8.2007 12:06 #20

  • truehaven

    Originally posted by simpsim1: Word of warning guys. Best to keep a spare battery and Mem stick for this baby, as the hacked battery doesn't work with the PSP normally. OK, so you can change it back again, but it's a good idea to keep it spare, just in case.what happens if you dont have a spare memory card? will the same thing happen as the battery?

    24.8.2007 14:21 #21

  • kikzm33z

    Edited because some dickhead is going to say something about this.

    24.8.2007 14:48 #22

  • 713tex

    Here thay say that the old battery can fit PSP Slim and Sony will be offering replacement battery plates.

    24.8.2007 15:33 #23

  • svtstang

    The battery will in fact work in a psp slim, just wont sit flush.

    It is within the forum rules ddp, i swear!! :P

    24.8.2007 16:23 #24

  • stuntman_

    so can I use this to downgrade my 3.0 PSP, to 1.5 and put custom firmware on it to run homebrew?

    24.8.2007 19:25 #25

  • gunotman

    dam...i still cant believe it. this is the best thing that ever happened to the psp :D Sony is sh1tting their pants lol.

    24.8.2007 20:56 #26

  • svtstang

    Originally posted by stuntman_: so can I use this to downgrade my 3.0 PSP, to 1.5 and put custom firmware on it to run homebrew?Yes you can, but you need a homebrew enabled psp to create the modified mem stick and battery.

    It is within the forum rules ddp, i swear!! :P

    24.8.2007 22:14 #27

  • stuntman_

    I am a little bit confused....are you saying that I have to have a second PSP with custom firmware already on it to downgrade my PSP with the latest firmware?

    24.8.2007 22:28 #28

  • plazma247


    Looking at the read me, this will take you down to the official 1.5 firmware.

    From there u should be able to go upto 3.40 AE or what ever the current home brew number is, get the new flash on there as you get double the cpu speed and it plays higher resolution video.

    However it worth remember the higher cpu means shorter batter life, however u might want to invest in some of the new double capacity batteries that have appeared all over the place ;-)

    25.8.2007 03:38 #29

  • simpsim1

    Originally posted by stuntman_: I am a little bit confused....are you saying that I have to have a second PSP with custom firmware already on it to downgrade my PSP with the latest firmware?
    You need a homebrew enabled PSP to create the JigKick battery and the memory stick files. If you don't have one, try and find someone who does.

    25.8.2007 06:49 #30

  • svtstang

    Originally posted by plazma247: svtstang,

    Looking at the read me, this will take you down to the official 1.5 firmware.

    From there u should be able to go upto 3.40 AE or what ever the current home brew number is, get the new flash on there as you get double the cpu speed and it plays higher resolution video.

    However it worth remember the higher cpu means shorter batter life, however u might want to invest in some of the new double capacity batteries that have appeared all over the place ;-)
    That has nothing to do what I said lol....for the second time you need a 1.5 or cfw psp BEFOREHAND to create the battery and mem stick. Key word, BEFOREHAND...having a 3.52 will do you no good with this unless you have the means to make the battery and magic mem stick.

    Read simpsim1's post also lol....

    It is within the forum rules ddp, i swear!! :P

    25.8.2007 09:31 #31

  • plazma247

    Originally posted by svtstang: Originally posted by plazma247: svtstang,

    Looking at the read me, this will take you down to the official 1.5 firmware.

    From there u should be able to go upto 3.40 AE or what ever the current home brew number is, get the new flash on there as you get double the cpu speed and it plays higher resolution video.

    However it worth remember the higher cpu means shorter batter life, however u might want to invest in some of the new double capacity batteries that have appeared all over the place ;-)
    That has nothing to do what I said lol....for the second time you need a 1.5 or cfw psp BEFOREHAND to create the battery and mem stick. Key word, BEFOREHAND...having a 3.52 will do you no good with this unless you have the means to make the battery and magic mem stick.

    Read simpsim1's post also lol....
    Sorry cheif, rubs eyes and reads again properly ;-)

    25.8.2007 09:33 #32

  • max171717

    Originally posted by svtstang: Works well, unbricked a psp last night!

    @dvd, the files are legit, nothing copyrighted. There should be a link.


    The link to the help thread redirects here...nice

    So it really works??? i wanna downgrade to 1.50 but im terrified of bricking mine, how did ya brick urs?

    Theres a light at the end of every tunnel...

    Just pray its not a train.

    25.8.2007 09:39 #33

  • stuntman_

    can you buy a jig kick battery and mem card if you don't know someone who has a PSP with custom firmware?

    25.8.2007 09:51 #34

  • svtstang


    Lol simple misunderstanding :)


    Unbricked a neighbor's kids, no idea how he bricked it.


    Im sure somebody is trying to make a profit off of this. A certain site has people that will do it for free (you pay shipping), pm me if you want the link to the particular thread.

    It is within the forum rules ddp, i swear!! :P

    25.8.2007 11:07 #35

  • kikzm33z

    Originally posted by 713tex: @kikzm33z
    Here thay say that the old battery can fit PSP Slim and Sony will be offering replacement battery plates.
    omfg!i never knew that!ah well...im not gonna replace it anywayz...

    My PSP Life!

    1.5 - 2.71 - 3.11 - 3.40 - 3.50 - 1.5 - 3.40OE-A - Brick on purpose and used friends Pandora battery and now 3.40OE-A again :)

    25.8.2007 12:19 #36

  • Reakeem

    Originally posted by kikzm33z: the psp slim will be selling out so badly because of this...all the psp slim buyers all had 3.52 fw...now its been hacked by pandora's battery they're gonna sell really badly...AND NO! the pandora battery will not work on psp slim as all psp slims will have the new fw(3.60)and anyway, old psp batterys wont fit in it...unless someone hacks 3.60 and then makes a pandora battery for that...dont get ppl confused on using pandoras battery on psp slim...IT WILL NOT FIT!sorry for caps i was shouting YEs they say it fit u edited

    25.8.2007 12:46 #37

  • kikzm33z

    Originally posted by Reakeem: I,Reakeem is a edited fat ass.I like to suck on edited and darn it sure is tasty!You can call me a pedo if you want.I'm ok with that.I might grow up to be one.Of course when i get my pedo license which will be when I'm 80.Crazy bitch.edited!Sorry mods but i had to because he was being a foolish edited.

    25.8.2007 13:09 #38

  • simpsim1

    Now now children! I believe that bedtime was several hours ago lol.

    @stuntman_ I'm guessing that there will be a few hacked batteries and memory cards showing up on eBay sometime soon. No doubt also, that there will be some extortionate prices charged for this sort of kit. My advice would be to avoid them like the plague and find a friend with a homebrew enabled PSP. If you do end up having to pay for them, just be careful.

    25.8.2007 16:39 #39

  • DVDBack23

    you kids need a little break from aD ;)

    MAX OUT DOWNLOAD SPEEDS USING UTORRENT http://www.afterdawn.com/guides/archive/utorrent_guide.cfm
    RAR playback and extraction guide http://www.afterdawn.com/guides/archive/winrar_guide.cfm
    How to convert .avi to DVD with Menus http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/1/272946

    25.8.2007 19:32 #40

  • PeeEssPee

    LOL. Is this what AD does to you? I better quit while i'm ahead. :P

    So I've heard you can get your battery back after doing this Pandora thing, but can you get your mem stick back? Or doesn't it do anything to the memory stick?

    Thanks in advance.

    PSP Firmware History:

    2.71 -> Got PSP modded (Waste Of Money) 3.40 -> Downloaded DAX's 3.40 OE-A -> 1.5; soon to be going back to 3.40 OE-A.

    25.8.2007 20:00 #41

  • dEEz_nUtz

    ^You can continue using your "magic" memory stick as normal if you like...

    25.8.2007 22:04 #42

  • PeeEssPee

    Ooooh, so that means you can do this Pandora thing without losing anything.. provided you do it correctly. AWESOME. ^^,

    PSP Firmware History:

    2.71 -> Got PSP modded (Waste Of Money) 3.40 -> Downloaded DAX's 3.40 OE-A -> 1.5; soon to be going back to 3.40 OE-A.

    25.8.2007 22:16 #43

  • dEEz_nUtz

    Originally posted by PeeEssPee: Ooooh, so that means you can do this Pandora thing without losing anything.. provided you do it correctly. AWESOME. ^^,Basically your psp becomes invincible now...Provided you dont accidently sit on it or something! But yeah, no fear of bricking anymore for sure...

    25.8.2007 22:38 #44

  • PeeEssPee

    Thanks for the help. I'll try do it to my friend's 2.81 and 3.52



    I saw this on another site

    "Hardware Requirements:

    Two separate PSP's: * A PSP you want reflashed * A non-bricked PSP to prepare the files on. This PSP must also be capable of running 1.50 homebrew.

    In theory, this could be done with one PSP. However, this PSP would need to be non-bricked, and capable of running homebrew. It would be much more efficient to use a homebrew flasher in that case. Therefore, the Pandora Battery should only be used to downgrade PSP's or un-brick PSP's.
    A spare battery, of any make. After this process is complete, the PSP will not boot into its normal state with this battery
    A spare Memory Stick Pro Duo, at least 256MB, less than 4GB. The Memory Stick Duo will not work, it must be a Memory Stick Pro Duo. "


    I know that the first one is no longer true but what about the memory stick?

    PSP Firmware History:

    2.71 -> Got PSP modded (Waste Of Money) 3.40 -> Downloaded DAX's 3.40 OE-A -> 1.5; soon to be going back to 3.40 OE-A.

    26.8.2007 13:09 #45

  • kvsingh

    wonderful news now i can just keep upgrading to new custom firmwares without any risk.THANKS ALL OF YOU FOR UR EFFORT

    27.8.2007 11:35 #46

  • simpsim1

    Originally posted by PeeEssPee: I know that the first one is no longer true but what about the memory stick?Memory stick is fine and can be used as normal after unbricking (The bit about what type you have to use still applies though). If you wish, you can delete the Unbricking files from the PSP\GAME folder. Leaving them there however, will do no harm, as long as the battery has been restored to it's proper state.

    27.8.2007 13:52 #47

  • PeeEssPee


    PSP Firmware History:

    2.71 -> Got PSP modded (Waste Of Money) 3.40 -> Downloaded DAX's 3.40 OE-A -> 1.5; soon to be going back to 3.40 OE-A.

    28.8.2007 00:33 #48

  • naj94

    So i got Firmware 3.51 are you sayin i can downgrade that and then put custon firmware on it and play iso's? if yes can you e-mail me the info about where i can get the 'pandora's battery' to edited

    28.8.2007 11:30 #49

  • dEEz_nUtz

    Originally posted by naj94: So i got Firmware 3.51 are you sayin i can downgrade that and then put custon firmware on it and play iso's? if yes can you e-mail me the info about where i can get the 'pandora's battery' to whoops@hotmail.co.ukYou should probably edit out your email address for starters before a mod or staff member sees that....

    Also, you dont "get" a pandoras battery..You have to make one using a spare battery, and a memory stick pro duo (a 256MB will do the trick)-and the battery has to be created on a PSP that is already homebrew-friendly, one with either 1.50, or custom firmwares...You would not be able to create the battery, because you are using official firmware 3.51..Your best bet is to find someone that is already running 1.50 fw and/or custom fw to make a battery for you so you can downgrade...If you cant find someone that has a homebrew-able psp, you could also try eBay-I have seen a few sellers offering pre-made battery/memory stick combos...But they don't come cheap though...
    HERE is a link to an easy to understand guide, as well as the files needed to create the battery...

    Good Luck

    28.8.2007 13:08 #50

  • simpsim1

    Email spambot coming to this webpage soon LOL!!!

    29.8.2007 13:08 #51

  • PeeEssPee

    I used my 4 GB and it worked fine with this. So you can use 4 GB and lower up to like 256 mb. :]

    PSP Firmware History:

    2.71 -> Got PSP modded (Waste Of Money) 3.40 -> Downloaded DAX's 3.40 OE-A -> 1.5; soon to be going back to 3.40 OE-A.

    30.8.2007 02:48 #52

  • kvsingh

    hey guys,
    i know there lots of forums about the pondoras battery out there but i just want to get a clear idea about what i want to do.
    i have a cfw psp.
    so if i buy a spare battery and memory card, do i create pandoras battery straight from my psp, or i need another psp with it?
    also what is the minimum sized memory card i can get away with?

    30.8.2007 09:05 #53

  • dEEz_nUtz

    Originally posted by kvsingh: hey guys,
    i know there lots of forums about the pondoras battery out there but i just want to get a clear idea about what i want to do.
    i have a cfw psp.
    so if i buy a spare battery and memory card, do i create pandoras battery straight from my psp, or i need another psp with it?
    also what is the minimum sized memory card i can get away with?
    Yeah, you can create the battery using your psp that has cfw on it...A good size memory stick to have would be a 256MB pro duo-

    30.8.2007 11:38 #54

  • PeeEssPee

    You don't really need a spare battery and a memory stick.

    31.8.2007 01:16 #55

  • LastMastr

    Hey my previous comment was removed.. oh well


    Well i did it, took me a while to make the magic stick but once i did i flew by the rest of the instructions and brought a psp back from the dead :D

    It works like a charm... ;)

    31.8.2007 01:44 #56

  • borhan9

    To the names mentioned above thanks for the great inovation to this device i gather many psp users will be delighted.

    31.8.2007 14:12 #57

  • PeeEssPee


    31.8.2007 16:23 #58

  • Shinraboy

    Im sorry, im just sooo confused. My question, Is this or is this not going to work on the slim psp?

    Here are pictures of slim taken apart if it helps


    As you can see it has Firmware 3.60

    1.9.2007 04:44 #59

  • PeeEssPee

    I dont think many people are interested in the PSP Slim..

    1.9.2007 04:51 #60

  • Shinraboy



    Theoretically, if you just put a thick batt into the slim with the latch open, it should work!!!

    Also, Play-Asia has spare new batteries too. The only reason I want the slim is for this

    Final Fantasy VII Bundle!


    1.9.2007 05:01 #61

  • PeeEssPee

    We're not sure if Pandora's Batt will work with it yet.

    1.9.2007 05:07 #62

  • dEEz_nUtz

    Originally posted by Shinraboy: THE BATTERIES ARE THE SAME!!!! THE BATTERIES ARE THE SAME!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!


    Theoretically, if you just put a thick batt into the slim with the latch open, it should work!!!

    Also, Play-Asia has spare new batteries too. The only reason I want the slim is for this

    Final Fantasy VII Bundle!

    " target="_blank">http://www.play-asia.com/paOS-01-77-2-49...kr.html

    I have read that you can use the battery that you are using now in the psp slim, and that sony will be offering replacement battery covers when its released...The new psp's batteries have half of the life than that of the original...The only problem is that it will stick out like a sore thumb with the fat battery....

    1.9.2007 10:00 #63

  • naj94

    Originally posted by naj94: So i got Firmware 3.51 are you sayin i can downgrade that and then put custon firmware on it and play iso's? if yes can you e-mail me the info about where i can get the 'pandora's battery' to editedSorry i didn't know that i wasnt allowed to put my e-mail dwn sorry

    1.9.2007 14:09 #64

  • PeeEssPee

    Everyone makes mistakes.. :]

    1.9.2007 19:57 #65

  • Shinraboy

    There are now multiple reports that Pandora's battery does not work on the new PSP Slim & Lite and there is absolutely no response from the MSD. It seems as if Sony has well and truly blocked it in their new firmware v3.6 which will ship on every new PSP Slim & Lite



    2.9.2007 17:34 #66

  • PeeEssPee

    Originally posted by Shinraboy: There are now multiple reports that Pandora's battery does not work on the new PSP Slim & Lite and there is absolutely no response from the MSD. It seems as if Sony has well and truly blocked it in their new firmware v3.6 which will ship on every new PSP Slim & Lite


    Dont buy them, then

    2.9.2007 22:56 #67

  • pballer99

    I need to double check a couple things before i do this:

    1. Can i use pandora with a TA-082/IC1003 mobo?

    2. What does pandora do to your battery?

    5.9.2007 17:37 #68

  • plazma247

    Originally posted by pballer99: I need to double check a couple things before i do this:

    1. Can i use pandora with a TA-082/IC1003 mobo?

    2. What does pandora do to your battery?
    Yes should be fine as i reconise the numbers as an older model.

    It will recovered a bricked psp which has a corrupt firmware on it.

    6.9.2007 05:22 #69

  • alexrodri

    the psp phat batteries fits on the new psp slim u can try this. it worked for me i didnt have to mess up my psp slim battery

    16.2.2008 20:13 #70

  • alexrodri

    Originally posted by alexrodri: the psp phat batteries fits on the new psp slim u can try this. it worked for me i didnt have to mess up my psp slim battery if u want to make pandoras battery here is a detailed way there is a youtube video at the bottom
    and go to 'dark-alex.org and download this

    16.2.2008 20:19 #71

  • vineshety

    So, Can I create Pandora battery Myself,
    & can I get it back into normal one,
    to use it for normal use.....
    please help me

    8.5.2008 05:17 #72

  • alexrodri

    yes u can

    8.5.2008 20:45 #73

  • 540G

    i have a psp. and i made the pandora battery because i was trying to downgrade the psp from 3.95. so i had to make the pandora battery in order to downgrade it & install the firmware (3.71 m33). So i put the stuff on it the memory stick and followed each step by step really close. But now when the psp starts it says " Press X to install 3.71 m33" "Press O to install original 3.71" "Press BOX to dump the Nand" and the last option is "Press L+R+START+HOME to restore nand dump phisically( dangerous! ) thats what it says in a dark screen. i have did all of the above and notting has happend and the psp wont start up at all. what am i doing wrong and what do i need to do to fix this problem? do i need a regular battery and memory stick for it to go back to normal or what? can some one PLEASE HELP =[

    23.5.2008 16:18 #74

  • binaryfun

    I bought a Pandora battery Here. Ha..It sure beats having to open up the psp battery and hard modding it. :P

    10.6.2008 16:42 #75

  • vineshety

    Thank U dEEz_nUtz ,
    I created Pandora Battery successfully,
    & installed CFW.
    If I can, then anyone Can...!

    10.6.2008 21:45 #76

  • mohammer

    can i unbrick my psp (version i think 5) with any pandora battery

    2.2.2009 19:05 #77

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