PSP getting a hard drive?

PSP getting a hard drive?
Sony Europe head David Reeves has recently said that the company has not ruled out introducing a hard drive for the PSP even though the PSP Slim is coming out soon.

"I think that it certainly is not ruled out,
Reeves said in an interview.

"The only thing I would say is that the flash memory is simply so cheap - you can get an 8GB Memory Stick for under 100 Euros, and on 8GB you can get a lot of content."

"I think the big debate is - there's a point in time when you have to put a stake in the ground and say we're going to go with flash memory or we're going to go with hard drive. I don't think they've put that stake in the ground just yet,"
he added.

"So they're thinking about it - I think they'll get through Christmas and think about what the next step would be. You might hear more later."

Should be interesting to see what is in store for the PSP.


Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 25 Aug 2007 17:31
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  • limelight

    hard drive in a portable??

    better make sure it can withstand all the jolts and vibrations of everyday use.

    25.8.2007 17:46 #1

  • Unfocused

    Sony seems to be coming out with all kinds of announcments lately...

    25.8.2007 17:46 #2

  • jutsu

    psp with HDD ? wew, they can fit ultra small portable hdd like ipod use, but, it will make PSP batt die fast.

    hmm maybe the batt will only last for less than 1hrs lol

    25.8.2007 18:12 #3

  • WierdName

    Originally posted by jutsu: psp with HDD ? wew, they can fit ultra small portable hdd like ipod use, but, it will make PSP batt die fast.

    hmm maybe the batt will only last for less than 1hrs lol
    Maybe they could make some sort of cut-off for when the HDD is not in use, such as when playing a game. It would only be used in saving, if you even save to it. That is, of course, provided you aren't playing an ISO of a game from the HDD...

    25.8.2007 18:41 #4

  • navi1199

    if your going to add all that crap into the psp why not just make a new psp

    25.8.2007 18:43 #5

  • Zippy84

    I doubt it. I wouldn't worry about the strength issue (Ipod anyone?). If you've ever taken apart a psp you know that theres no room for a hdd. If they removed the ms-duo slot you might have room for one of those ultra small hdd's, but they are fairly new so the manufacturing costs would be much higher. The PSP would need more than a hdd to justify a higher cost again.

    25.8.2007 18:48 #6

  • ZippyDSM

    Originally posted by Zippy84: I doubt it. I wouldn't worry about the strength issue (Ipod anyone?). If you've ever taken apart a psp you know that theres no room for a hdd. If they removed the ms-duo slot you might have room for one of those ultra small hdd's, but they are fairly new so the manufacturing costs would be much higher. The PSP would need more than a hdd to justify a higher cost again.they will do it anyway,put in a 100$ drive and charge 60$ per unit and tell people they are saving money on a practically dead hand held...

    25.8.2007 19:32 #7

  • WierdName

    Originally posted by ZIppyDSM: ...and tell people they are saving money on a practically dead hand held...What? Dead? Not by a long shot. Theres still homebrew =)

    25.8.2007 19:37 #8

  • ZippyDSM

    Quote:Originally posted by ZIppyDSM: ...and tell people they are saving money on a practically dead hand held...What? Dead? Not by a long shot. Theres still homebrew =)well ya if you want to go threw the time and effort to and not spend 300 more on a real laptop :P

    25.8.2007 19:43 #9

  • Unfocused

    If they did put a HDD in there, why couldn't they put one of those things in it that charges it based on movemoent like in some watches?

    On an unrelated note, how come Hard Disk and Floppy Disk end in "K", but Compact Disc ends in "C"?

    25.8.2007 19:44 #10

  • WierdName

    But a laptop is huge. What you need is one of those ultra mobile PCs.

    Thats kinda interesting. They could implement something that will chare the battery for movement back and forth on both the X and Y axis-es(anyone know what the plural is?). It could also contribute to the power output from the battery when the console is in use. As for the C and K in disc and disk, who knows. Maybe so "compact disc" can start and end in C.

    25.8.2007 20:03 #11

  • Andrew691

    If they built in Flash Memory it would be better. Smaller and lighter on the battery as well, can get it alot smaller as well.
    Still seems a bit of a waste of time though.

    Quote:On an unrelated note, how come Hard Disk and Floppy Disk end in "K", but Compact Disc ends in "C"?
    Ive always wondered that too, maybe someone here can shed some light on the situation.

    25.8.2007 20:12 #12

  • ZippyDSM

    Originally posted by WierdName: @ZIppyDSM-
    But a laptop is huge. What you need is one of those ultra mobile PCs.

    Thats kinda interesting. They could implement something that will chare the battery for movement back and forth on both the X and Y axis-es(anyone know what the plural is?). It could also contribute to the power output from the battery when the console is in use. As for the C and K in disc and disk, who knows. Maybe so "compact disc" can start and end in C.
    sorry I would rather have the 15-17inch screen :P

    25.8.2007 20:13 #13

  • WierdName

    Quote:Originally posted by ZIppyDSM: sorry I would rather have the 15-17inch screen :PHmmmmm, make it a 21 widescreen HD and sure, I'll go with you on that. Unless, if you put in 2GB DDR, 3Ghz, good video card, and a nice little 500GB internal HDD, then I would even go for a 13".

    25.8.2007 20:20 #14

  • ZippyDSM

    Quote:Quote:Originally posted by ZIppyDSM: sorry I would rather have the 15-17inch screen :PHmmmmm, make it a 21 widescreen HD and sure, I'll go with you on that. Unless, if you put in 2GB DDR, 3Ghz, good video card, and a nice little 500GB internal HDD, then I would even go for a 13".it probably be DDR 3 by the time they get the vid chipsets to be worth while for "multitasking" but :P

    anyway I am not found of ultra small portables.

    25.8.2007 20:30 #15

  • WierdName

    Originally posted by ZIppyDSM: anyway I am not found of ultra small portables.What? The only real problem they have is the interfaces (keyboard, mouse) and power. Which I guess... is kinda a big setback. It's a cool concept though. They just need to be improved.

    25.8.2007 20:36 #16

  • bzkilla

    psp is for playing.

    25.8.2007 22:11 #17

  • irata

    I saw a hard drive for the psp at gamestop. It was wierd and plugged into the memory stick slot. $100 for 8Gb, I passed on it. I've never seen them again or even seen them advertised.

    25.8.2007 22:55 #18

  • WierdName

    Originally posted by bzkilla: psp is for playing.Excellent point. However, just playing won't make Sony as much money... so they think.

    25.8.2007 22:57 #19

  • spydah

    I don't think the HD on a psp is a bad idea. They could do it few ways either keep having you nickel and dime yourself to death with the MS DUO memory cards that are extremely delicate which they are creating the 32GB one as well as the Toshiba 32 - 16 gb cards that would fit the psp which also will cost as much as a PS3 from what i seen just for that memory or give you a hard drive addon but if they do that then yeah i agree the battery would be drained everything your not plugged in. A ultra small drive would be nice but how durable will it be to drops of the game, left out in the heat as i seen a few people do in their cars, whether it can handle flashes like the MS DUO memory because you know people are going to do it and that will be a complete waste if your drive dies from and flash whether its a Sony flash or your own for homebrew. Again it does seem like Sony is trying to pull out all the stops as of late but if they do this hopefully its correct and not some lame throw together to get better sales and yes the price is always a factor on how it does.

    26.8.2007 08:55 #20

  • Iguana775

    I think it would be a pretty bad idea if it was an actual HDD. if it was a flash drive, that would be good though. Flash drives are getting bigger by the day. A 10 gig flash HD would be a nice addition and not very big.

    26.8.2007 09:38 #21

  • anubis66

    i think he phrased it wrong. i think in this, flash memory and hard drive represent external and internal. not what you are assuming. notice also a quote about how cheap flash memory is. i don't think the would do a hard drive disk, but a flash hard drive.

    26.8.2007 11:26 #22

  • Gil29483

    I think USb Technolgy getting better and if able to store up to 10gb would be a good solution. The PSP is too small for older adults with poor vision. Kids are not your only customers. I even hate the fact that cell phone are becoming smaller. I wish the PSP came with an optional larger screen.

    26.8.2007 17:08 #23

  • spydah

    Technically it will be more convenient when the slimmer version as they call it because of the tv out capabilities. That should be good enough for home be on the road is another story.

    26.8.2007 18:17 #24

  • albino92

    Now if it could get some good games to use the hard drive on.

    26.8.2007 18:21 #25

  • brad1150

    Well consider it this way, If they put in a hard drive, and you have common sense/basic knowledge of electronics, you can make a bit of money of hd repairs when they die.

    27.8.2007 04:36 #26

  • ZippyDSM

    Originally posted by brad1150: Well consider it this way, If they put in a hard drive, and you have common sense/basic knowledge of electronics, you can make a bit of money of hd repairs when they die.Normal HDs maybe but mini HDs 0-o

    27.8.2007 06:04 #27

  • maryjayne

    Quote:On an unrelated note, how come Hard Disk and Floppy Disk end in "K", but Compact Disc ends in "C"?Because there is no "C" in team!

    27.8.2007 08:17 #28

  • maryjayne

    I thought there were already hard drives available for the PSP.

    Granted these things are bulky, but the technology has already been developed.

    27.8.2007 08:23 #29

  • Allegro1

    Originally posted by Gil29483: I wish the PSP came with an optional larger screen.I think the new PSP slim will have a video out which will allow you to play your PSP on a TV. Then what do you have?

    A small, low resolution PS2.


    27.8.2007 12:49 #30

  • DJchemist

    Originally posted by Allegro1:

    A small, low resolution PS2.

    Up-converter my friend. its cheep technology, that imsure any video processor is gonna be capable of sooner or later.

    See....what i want to do to my PSP unit right put a 30 gig Ipod HDD in it.
    now im not sure if thats even possible.. being different voltages nstuff...i havn't gottin to hardcore into it just yet
    but im gonna place it inside my UMD slot (or rather where my umd slot was)

    i don't use my umd for anything...havnt since i baught eff it..away she goes.

    does anyone know of a site that does show it being done? or a thread on here...i searched and nothing came up..
    anyways..thats my rant :)


    PSP -> 2.60 TA-082 + 2.71 - 1.5 + 3.03 OE-A + OE-B + OE-C

    Hitachi 50" LCD 720p w/ 1080p processor

    Hardstyle or No Style baby. w000
    -DJ The Chemist

    27.8.2007 16:35 #31

  • Allegro1

    What you might want to do is to gut a portable DVD player and mount a PSP slim into it (or make a dock for it ala iPOD). Then you can have a larger screen, plenty of room for a notebook drive, and even more space for additional battery capacity all in the space smaller than a notebook computer.

    I said PSP slim because they will allegedly put a video out connection to the new model.

    28.8.2007 06:46 #32

  • kikzm33z

    guess what not a noob at psp but idk wtf u guys are talking about.not being off-topic or just hoping you smart psp people will tell me about this hdd or something.thanks people :D

    My PSP Life!

    1.5 - 2.71 - 3.11 - 3.40 - 3.50 - 1.5 - 3.40OE-A - Brick on purpose and used friends Pandora battery and now 3.40OE-A again :)

    28.8.2007 12:05 #33

  • Gnawnivek

    it's not confirmed, so i'm not even gonna put too much thinking into it. However, whether or not i'll buy it, that depends on cost and product designs. Extra space is always good, why? Well for one thing, with remote play, the PSP can access contents from the PS3 and if you want to download stuffs from the PS3, more space is needed.

    As to Computer Disk ending with "k" and Compact Disc ending with "c" i think i can explain that. When computer storage disks first introduced, they were square looking (the internal layer is disc shaped though) and were used for data storage. When CDs were introduced to the general market, they were meant for music and were circular shape (i.e. they were not storage media at the time, so they can't really be called "disks").

    31.8.2007 06:04 #34

  • brian00ze

    PSP HDD would be good if you are able to backup images of games for loading via a boot disk (or disc), similar to the setup with HD Loader/Advance on PS2.

    31.8.2007 11:31 #35

  • borhan9

    This would be a good investment for Sony and a hard drive is the way to go.

    1.9.2007 13:18 #36

  • ZippyDSM

    Originally posted by Gnawnivek: it's not confirmed, so i'm not even gonna put too much thinking into it. However, whether or not i'll buy it, that depends on cost and product designs. Extra space is always good, why? Well for one thing, with remote play, the PSP can access contents from the PS3 and if you want to download stuffs from the PS3, more space is needed.

    As to Computer Disk ending with "k" and Compact Disc ending with "c" i think i can explain that. When computer storage disks first introduced, they were square looking (the internal layer is disc shaped though) and were used for data storage. When CDs were introduced to the general market, they were meant for music and were circular shape (i.e. they were not storage media at the time, so they can't really be called "disks").
    were they not called compact discs?

    8GB flash drives are under 100$ but it would take more than that would it not?

    1.9.2007 15:50 #37

  • GernBlan

    Rather than thinking about a hard drive, why doesn't Sony wake up and give up on the stupid MemoryStick format? You can get an 8GB MemoryStick for 100 Euros? Well, I can only find 8GB MemorySticks for US$180, but I can get an 8GB SD card for US$70. Sony, Fuji, Olympus, etc., need to realize that MemoryStick, XD, and all the other formats are put in the dust for performance, price, etc., by SD. Even ancient CF is better than anything other than SD. Frankly, I won't buy a device that doesn't offer SD or CF slots, period. And no, I don't think I'm missing out on much.

    By all means, put a hard drive in the PSP -- more proprietary storage no-doubt made by Sony. It will probably be different than any other mini-hard drive on the market today, because that's just the way Sony operates. Morons.

    1.9.2007 19:50 #38

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