Apple wants to lower TV show prices

Apple wants to lower TV show prices
Apple is apparently considering a cut in TV show download prices. Sources familiar with their proposal have said Apple is informing television networks that they'd like to cut prices on most television episodes to the same $0.99 price most of their songs sell for.

In a recent and very public recent dispute with NBC Universal that included sales rights for television shows, Apple claimed that the studio wanted to increase prices while NBC said they simply didn't want a flat rate. Apple has been very clear in the past that they believe simple pricing is an important part of the iTunes business model.

Apple's insistence on any particular price model raises the question of how good an idea it is for a seller to dictate price to producers. Certainly a better deal for consumers may be one result, which is what Apple is betting on. However, it's also undeniable that not everything carries equal value to viewers. If other studios decide to follow NBC Universal's lead in taking their business, and content, to other outlets, Apple may have to compromise more on pricing.

The idea of across the board price cuts surely doesn't sit well with studio executives, but a reasonably simple two or three tiered price structure, allowing popular shows to sell for as much as, or more than they do currently might net more interest in the lowered prices among studio executives.

Source: Variety

Written by: Rich Fiscus @ 8 Sep 2007 15:44
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  • Pop_Smith

    Other then its loaded with Digital Restrictions Movement, downloading a show or two at a $2 (or $1 if this works out) is a pretty good deal.

    Unless of course you want a whole season, in that case its probably cheaper (and better quality) to just buy and rip the show you want.


    8.9.2007 15:55 #1

  • Pop_Smith

    Shoot, for some reason it double posted.

    If a mod comes along could you please delete this 2nd post.


    8.9.2007 15:55 #2

  • Rudeboi

    Apple loves to drop prices !

    We love it too, keep it coming Apple !

    8.9.2007 17:11 #3

  • WierdName

    Well when the hardware cost your left arm and right leg, the software, A.K.A. music, video, shows, etc. had better be cheap or the customer base will disappear very quickly leaving the scraps of die hard fans.

    Originally posted by Pop_Smith: Shoot, for some reason it double posted.

    If a mod comes along could you please delete this 2nd post.

    I'm pretty sure the mods can't/won't delete individual posts. Even when someone spams up the board, they will just edit the posts and ban the user.

    EDIT- Your not spamming, I mean spamming as in the people that post craploads of posts promoting their site(s), a product, etc.

    8.9.2007 19:58 #4

  • Unfocused

    Apple is flexing their muscle which is good for the consumer, but as evidenced by the results of the NBC negotiations, Apple may have gotten too big for itself. Not that they will see lost profit for themselves, but many consumers will not purchase something for $4 if they knew that at one point, they might have had it for $1.

    9.9.2007 18:40 #5

  • borhan9

    the fact is they can lower prices and also get rid of drm.

    11.9.2007 02:03 #6

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