The iPod Touch also, for some reason, does not show up under Mac OS X as a drive, which will be disappointing for some and goes against Apple's own technical spec sheet for the device, which reads, "stores data via USB flash drive." Some have reported that the screen isn't as easy to view as that of the iPhone and the virtual keyboard is less responsive.
Last but definitely not least (and perhaps the most interesting) is the fact that some buyers ended up with an iPod Touch with no Mac OS X operating system. Instead, through some screw up, they got a model that had diagnostics software installed. The most interesting part of the diagnostics software is a Bluetooth icon with a red X marked over it, adding fuel to the rumor that the iPod Touch does have Bluetooth circuitry and may just need a firmware update to unlock it.
Written by: James Delahunty @ 14 Sep 2007 19:28