First impressions of iPod Touch circulate

First impressions of iPod Touch circulate
As some Apple fans were lucky to get their hands on a new iPod Touch nice and early, some details have been spread around the web that may be of interest to readers. Firstly, the hacks for the iPhone to add additional software don't seem to work with the iPod Touch, but many are left hoping that its just a minor setback and this goal will be achieved later.

The iPod Touch also, for some reason, does not show up under Mac OS X as a drive, which will be disappointing for some and goes against Apple's own technical spec sheet for the device, which reads, "stores data via USB flash drive." Some have reported that the screen isn't as easy to view as that of the iPhone and the virtual keyboard is less responsive.

Last but definitely not least (and perhaps the most interesting) is the fact that some buyers ended up with an iPod Touch with no Mac OS X operating system. Instead, through some screw up, they got a model that had diagnostics software installed. The most interesting part of the diagnostics software is a Bluetooth icon with a red X marked over it, adding fuel to the rumor that the iPod Touch does have Bluetooth circuitry and may just need a firmware update to unlock it.


Written by: James Delahunty @ 14 Sep 2007 19:28
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  • WierdName

    Quote:The most interesting part of the diagnostics software is a Bluetooth icon with a red X marked over it, adding fuel to the rumor that the iPod Touch does have Bluetooth circuitry and may just need a firmware update to unlock it.Or maybe that red X is there because... [caps lock]it doesn't exist[/caps lock]. It could just be in the software because maybe the software was wrote with a later model in mind that would support it. Then again, it's Apple so who knows. They could just be screwing everyone by giving them the hardware but not that software to use it.

    14.9.2007 21:37 #1

  • Dela

    Quote:Quote:The most interesting part of the diagnostics software is a Bluetooth icon with a red X marked over it, adding fuel to the rumor that the iPod Touch does have Bluetooth circuitry and may just need a firmware update to unlock it.Or maybe that red X is there because... [caps lock]it doesn't exist[/caps lock]. It could just be in the software because maybe the software was wrote with a later model in mind that would support it. Then again, it's Apple so who knows. They could just be screwing everyone by giving them the hardware but not that software to use it.Right, but its just the fact that the diagnostic software shows a Bluetooth icon and there are rumors that it does in fact have Bluetooth hardware so that's why it sorta backs it up. Apple could be waiting for something to come through to provide some kind of unlocking firmware for it.

    14.9.2007 21:48 #2

  • WierdName

    Maybe they wanted to put out the hardware to get some profits coming in while they touch up the firmware. We'll never know, until after something happens.

    14.9.2007 21:52 #3

  • hankchill

    There's no way I'd spend the amount of money they're asking for a 16GB iPod Touch... For the same price you get the 160GB iPod Classic, and for $100 less the 80GB iPod Classic. Touch is just a gimmick and a money-grabber.

    15.9.2007 05:01 #4

  • AxFactor

    THERE IS NO BLUETOOTH!!!!! The guys over at iFixit took it apart and confirmed that there never was any built in bluetooth.

    15.9.2007 07:32 #5

  • gallagher

    Originally posted by AxFactor: THERE IS NO BLUETOOTH!!!!! The guys over at iFixit took it apart and confirmed that there never was any built in bluetooth.

    Your" target="_blank">
    Your own link specifically states: Quote:UPDATE 2: From iFixit: We're looking into it. It's hard to say because they can disguise bluetooth antenna on the PCB and the chip could be integrated into something else. I'll see what I can dig up.They don't seem to know if there is or isn't.

    15.9.2007 10:28 #6

  • DMW

    Originally posted by AxFactor: THERE IS NO BLUETOOTH!!!!! The guys over at iFixit took it apart and confirmed that there never was any built in bluetooth.

    " target="_blank">

    Well, as you trust that link so much maybe you should read it all, i.e. the 2 updates at the bottom.....

    Quote:UPDATE 1: We're talking more to iFixit on the matter. There was a faulty consensus that their lack of report on Bluetooth implied that there was no Bluetooth. That was our mistake.Basically, because it wasn't mentioned, they assumed, it wasn't there and other people then believe it isn't there on their say so.

    Quote:UPDATE 2: From iFixit: We're looking into it. It's hard to say because they can disguise bluetooth antenna on the PCB and the chip could be integrated into something else. I'll see what I can dig upThey're going to keep looking into it as they can't be sure.

    Not being an ass about it, just seems to me it would be a very intersting addition to an iPod and very beliveable it could be acitvated with a flash at a later date. I have seen a lot of people on various sites screaming that it has no bluetooth, but let's wait and see, someone has to be wrong.

    PS, I'm not affected either way as my 1GB card in my SE phone is more than enough for the amount of music I listen to on the move lol.

    Later peeps

    EDIT: Did it really take me 10mins to write this post while the above one said what I was saying :D lol.

    15.9.2007 10:38 #7

  • borhan9

    Nice and interesting :)

    15.9.2007 13:37 #8

  • yojacks

    if the ipod touch had at least 30 gigs it would be the ultimate ipod they should've just put a harddrive in it and made it 80 gigs But that would cripple the sales of the ipod classic so im thinking they deliberately used flash so they could just make money of both device because if the ipod touch had massive storage there would be no point for ipod classic.

    bottom line go for sleek and new technology or go for mass storage.i'm going to wait a little longer though as the space in the iphone went up in 66 days and the price dropped dramatically im gonna wait till christmas and stick with my 80gb video ipod for now.

    22.9.2007 19:48 #9

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