Bush Administration on P2P trial decision

Bush Administration on P2P trial decision
According to the Bush administration, the recent jury decision that left a woman with a $220,000 bill for allegedly illegally sharing 24 files shows that the legal process is working against P2P-based piracy. Chris Israel, a former Time Warner employee, was appointed by President George W. Bush as the U.S. Coordinator for International Intellectual Property Enforcement in July 2005.

"Cases such as this remind us strong enforcement is a significant part of the effort to eliminate piracy, and that we have an effective legal system in the U.S. that enables rights holders to protect their intellectual property," Israel stated. He made the comments a day after the controversial decision.

The Bush administration has written trade deals that include anti-circumvention restrictions and in 2005, President Bush signed the Family Entertainment and Copyright Act, which strengthened punishment for file sharers. "Piracy impacts many of our most innovative industries, costs American jobs and is a huge threat to our economic competitiveness," Israel said.


Written by: James Delahunty @ 7 Oct 2007 17:28
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  • Solo_Tek


    Its funny that we can spend billions of dollars in countries that are not even ours and when a legit bill comes through to provide our children with the most basic of needs it is shot down. How is that not robbing us of our most basic right, and no one is putting Bush and the White House on trial? Yet they make comments like these!

    But we can let someone sue over music and get an outrageous settlement for it so the Rich become more Rich and the poor continue to act as drones and send our country into a downward spiral.

    7.10.2007 22:22 #1

  • nobrainer

    If the system is working then they DON'T need more intrusive anti consumer technology!

    The big money owns the studios and rules america so this is where the priorities lie!


    drink beer & get dumb america, stay in debt and be slaves.

    7.10.2007 23:30 #2

  • aabbccdd

    I'm out of debt and don't depend on ther goverment to take care of me from the cradle to the grave like some. you make you're own life/choices and depending on someone else is the lazy way out!!. so if you don't like the system get off you're ass and do something about it!! because the goverment is no anwser

    8.10.2007 00:25 #3

  • badkrma

    Once again it shows us that corporations are lining up against the people to suck every last dollar and life to fill their goals, not ours. For most of us we just want to live and let live and have enough for our families. Corporations are scared of the new wave of ideology that products should be affordable and usable in our best interests, not theirs. It comes down to both money and control. (do I sound paranoid?) :)

    8.10.2007 04:04 #4

  • club42

    Why does this not surprise me. Thank god for 08.

    8.10.2007 06:02 #5

  • themboots

    Strange coming from the Bush administration, considering that Dubya recently admitted listening to the Beatles on his iPod, and that he must have ripped it from a CD since the Beatles aren't available on iTunes. And during the recent trial, one of the label chiefs said that ripping music is a kindler/gentler way of saying stealing!

    In any case, consumers will now stay away from apps like Kazaa and eMule, in favor of private p2p software which is legal, such as GigaTribe: www.gigatribe.com

    8.10.2007 07:01 #6

  • edsrouter

    Quote:club42 (Member) 8 October 2007 10:02
    Why does this not surprise me. Thank god for 08.
    I hear that. It isn't soon enough. I can't believe we're almost half way into October and I still have the a/c on with this 90 degree heat. That's another topic.

    The next big case will be about some guy addicted to file-sharing and couldn't stop. You watch this defense will be soon.

    8.10.2007 08:46 #7

  • Kerpalguy

    Those who want to help fight the RIAA go here:


    8.10.2007 09:09 #8

  • WierdName

    Originally posted by aabbccdd: I'm out of debt and don't depend on ther goverment to take care of me from the cradle to the grave like some. you make you're own life/choices and depending on someone else is the lazy way out!!. so if you don't like the system get off you're a** and do something about it!! because the goverment is no anwserWow, someone on here actually has some sense...

    Quote:Cases such as this remind us strong enforcement is a significant part of the effort to eliminate piracy, and that we have an effective legal system in the U.S. that enables rights holders to protect their intellectual property,Cases such as this? When was the last time before this the RIAA, MPAA, or anyone like them actually won a case in court rather than scaring people into settling?

    And finally as a general statement, would all the Bush haters shut up? If you really wanted him out of office that bad, you should have started a petition or something to the government for a movement to have him impeached. Oh, but wait, now you have get someone else into office to replace him. I wonder how much worse they would be... They would probably be the extreme opposite which means that people would keep attacking the U.S. and the new president would just say "violence isn't the answer. We shouldn't go to war with them."

    8.10.2007 11:43 #9

  • windsong

    Originally posted by club42: Why does this not surprise me. Thank god for 08.Were you alive when Clinton was in office? That lying SOB did more to thwart P2P sharers than any other president. And Kerry would have been TEN times worse than Bush.

    Trying doing a little research.


    8.10.2007 12:39 #10

  • windsong

    Quote:I hear that. It isn't soon enough. I can't believe we're almost half way into October and I still have the a/c on with this 90 degree heat. That's another topic.They don't get any more gullible than this.

    8.10.2007 12:41 #11

  • ZippyDSM

    The childerns health care bill was a bit to middle class friendly,plus it also tried to cover adults living with parents...of coarse the fools cant see that if you are disabled and living with your rents you might..gee I dunno need it...try not being on anythign and you need 600 for teeth.

    people still need help and the middle class need all the help they can get to keep putting all the money into goverment.

    8.10.2007 13:18 #12

  • spydah

    I wont comment on this article to much because the title says it all and to the comment talking about the Bush haters, honestly i dont think a petition would have done a thing and furthermore what politician really gives two shiznits about anything other then money, publicity, and maintaining their current status.

    8.10.2007 16:00 #13

  • 24Lover

    Originally posted by spydah: I wont comment on this article to much because the title says it all and to the comment talking about the Bush haters, honestly i dont think a petition would have done a thing and furthermore what politician really gives two shiznits about anything other then money, publicity, and maintaining their current status.Amen on that 08 couldn't come so fast thanks GOD 1 more year with this clown Bush.

    8.10.2007 17:58 #14

  • WierdName

    Are you people truly that ignorant to think a petition won't do anything? If you actually construct it well, get enough publicity for it, and submit it to the proper government officials, it could actually accomplish getting an impeachment. Instead of even trying anything intelligent, and intelligent being the key word, people just complain and complain.

    8.10.2007 20:51 #15

  • aabbccdd

    people still need help and the middle class need all the help they can get to keep putting all the money into government.
    yes thats correct BUT if you vote liberal you're going to be paying more taxes period

    Quote:Were you alive when Clinton was in office? That lying SOB did more to thwart P2P sharers than any other president. And Kerry would have been TEN times worse than Bush.

    Trying doing a little research.
    you are right on there

    Quote:Amen on that 08 couldn't come so fast thanks GOD 1 more year with this clown Bush. hey 24Lover who do you think is going to save the day then? Hillary Clinton? HAAA!!
    yeah right

    and i guarantee you this article is left wing bias because both party's are guilty of this mess so lets don't bash Bush guys. theres plenty of blame to go around

    8.10.2007 23:14 #16

  • WierdName

    It's nice to see someone with some common sense on here.

    9.10.2007 00:21 #17

  • aabbccdd

    Originally posted by WierdName: @aabbccdd
    It's nice to see someone with some common sense on here.
    Thanks i won't put up with the Bush bashing. I wonder how the people here bashing him would like it if me or someone else was to bash there parents/family etc. bet it wouldn't fly so lets not bash the president of the great United States Of America i mean if its that bad move to Iraq

    goverment isn't going to fix you're problems people so make the right choices and get off you're ass and do it yourself!!

    9.10.2007 00:33 #18

  • WierdName

    I might not use that exact terminology but basically ya. If everyone who really complains that much would just do something about it, they could have had him out of office. Then again, after he would have been impeached, who would fill in? And more importantly, what would they be like? I think people just don't realize that, with politics, you just try to get the lesser of the evils. You aren't going to get someone perfect in office.

    9.10.2007 00:49 #19

  • hughjars

    Bush said in an interview that his iPod had the Beatles on it (before they were legally available).

    No chance of any 'enforcement' there tho, eh?

    Same old same old; one rule for the wealthy & powerful, 'examples' and ruined lives for the rest of us if 'they' decide to so.

    Evil bas*ards.

    9.10.2007 04:46 #20

  • ZippyDSM

    Originally posted by hughjars: Bush said in an interview that his iPod had the Beatles on it (before they were legally available).

    No chance of any 'enforcement' there tho, eh?

    Same old same old; one rule for the wealthy & powerful, 'examples' and ruined lives for the rest of us if 'they' decide to so.

    Evil bas*ards.


    9.10.2007 08:09 #21

  • nobrainer

    Originally posted by hughjars: Bush said in an interview that his iPod had the Beatles on it (before they were legally available).

    No chance of any 'enforcement' there tho, eh?

    Same old same old; one rule for the wealthy & powerful, 'examples' and ruined lives for the rest of us if 'they' decide to so.

    Evil bas*ards.
    bang on the money!

    9.10.2007 08:24 #22

  • jacsac

    We will see what happens in 08. I just don't see anything changing from the status quo unless someone Independent or maybe like a Ron Paul is elected. Since there is vote tampering and other under-handedness I don't see it. Donkey is to elephant as poo is to sh*t. There needs to be a change in lobbying and campaign finance. Props to Bush for appointing a corporate stooge from the very industry it is protecting, government of the people my ass.

    9.10.2007 09:29 #23

  • ZippyDSM

    Originally posted by jacsac: We will see what happens in 08. I just don't see anything changing from the status quo unless someone Independent or maybe like a Ron Paul is elected. Since there is vote tampering and other under-handedness I don't see it. Donkey is to elephant as poo is to sh*t. There needs to be a change in lobbying and campaign finance. Props to Bush for appointing a corporate stooge from the very industry it is protecting, government of the people my ass.
    Pretty much both parites have become neo nazis both sides of the coin'o'exstream there is no middle there is no balance either its the corporate nazis who try and use the bible to "placate" the people or the nanny nazis who hate fairness and would rather give everythign to whoever is presumed to be "the lesser"...all of that added on the attention span of a sound bite we only vote for teh pretty famous people populace....we in the US are screwed.....

    9.10.2007 09:33 #24

  • ivymike

    Message to Bush: Enjoy your life now you won't like spending eternity in Hell.

    9.10.2007 15:00 #25

  • nobrainer

    Originally posted by ivymike: Message to Bush: Enjoy your life now you won't like spending eternity in Hell.hell does not exist, religion is just a means of control. anyway bush signed his own immunity, get out of jail free card! in the form of the war crimes bill.

    Bush war crimes bill video!

    When Democracy Failed by Thom Hartmann video! (watch this ppl)

    What does Christianity, 911 and The Federal Reserve ... all » have in common?

    Track What Companies Have Edited Wiki http://wikiscanner.virgil.gr/ (very heavy load atm)

    10.10.2007 01:59 #26

  • ZippyDSM

    Quote:Originally posted by ivymike: Message to Bush: Enjoy your life now you won't like spending eternity in Hell.hell does not exist, religion is just a means of control. anyway bush signed his own immunity, get out of jail free card! in the form of the war crimes bill.

    Bush war crimes bill video!

    When Democracy Failed by Thom Hartmann video! (watch this ppl)

    What does Christianity, 911 and The Federal Reserve ... all » have in common?
    " target="_blank">http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=...index=0

    Hell in the Christian sense dose not exist,I do believe in good and evil and "hell" merely begin a place where evil lingers, not a place for punishment...that place is called earth ^^

    10.10.2007 15:32 #27

  • Mez

    Just another Bushism. Worry about pirates and killing rag heads instead of worrying about the US.

    15.10.2007 14:58 #28

  • pryme_H

    Just another perfect example of misappropriation of funds...

    Whatever's clever...

    15.10.2007 15:28 #29

  • borhan9

    I reckon if we show the bush admin the advantages about p2p he would like it as long as it grows money for the economy. I feel maybe they can see if they can catch the bad guys through p2p. :P

    18.10.2007 17:27 #30

  • nobrainer

    Originally posted by borhan9: I reckon if we show the bush admin the advantages about p2p he would like it as long as it grows money for the economy. I feel maybe they can see if they can catch the bad guys through p2p. :Pit matters not because the bankers pull the strings and own the media corporations and tell the government what laws they want.

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    telling the truth is a revolutionary act."

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    Please Please Please RESTORE The REPUBLIC America!
    Watch these on Google Video:
    1. "Freedom to Fascism"
    2. "Aaron Russo: The Architecture of the Prison Planet"
    3. "Money Masters" (MOST IMPORTANT)
    4. "Money As Debt"
    5. "Fiat Empire"
    6. "An Idea Whose Time Has Come" (The Action Plan)
    7. "911: Press for Truth"
    8. "911 Commission Report David Ray Griffin"

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    21.10.2007 07:39 #31

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