Blu-ray and retailers start new promotion

Blu-ray and retailers start new promotion
Starting yesterday, Blu-ray, Best Buy, and Circuit City began a new "buy one, get one free" promotion on Disney Blu-ray titles.

The same deal is available online through Amazon. There is no set list for the retailers, but all include user favorites 'Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest,' 'Apolocalypto' and 'The Prestige.'

The promotion is set to last until the end of the week or until supplies run out, whichever happens first.

Seems like a good deal for those looking for early holiday gifts.

HD Digest

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 16 Oct 2007 13:12
Advertisement - News comments available below the ad
  • hughjars

    All this does is prove how desperate they are to try & avoid Transformers putting HD DVD sales over those of Blu-ray.

    You can bet that it's costing them a fortune.....adding to the already higher costs Blu-ray incurs.

    I wonder what Warner is going to make of all that, hmmmmm?

    Warner's membership of the Blu-ray Assoc is up for renewal at the end of Oct.
    They are also patent holders for HD DVD (and they don't hold BD patents).

    Can you guess what the next 'big news' is coming soon, eh?


    16.10.2007 14:13 #1

  • club42

    I agree this is definitely to counter transformers release. I have to admit I hope hd-dvd does the same for upcoming blueray releases.

    16.10.2007 14:34 #2

  • glasssd

    They are also patent holders for HD DVD

    Could you post a link for that info?

    Good thing that Tosh never does any counter deals like giving away 3,5 or 7 free disk. Giving away players with a HDTV purchase.

    Do you realy think that Blu Ray is desperate?

    16.10.2007 15:31 #3

  • djeazyg

    Originally posted by club42: I agree this is definitely to counter transformers release. I have to admit I hope hd-dvd does the same for upcoming blueray releases.And why wouldn't they try to counter the Transformers release? It is all about the getting the customer to buy your product and that’s what Sony is doing. The “why” doesn’t matter to the people getting the great deal. You honestly think Sony is going to roll over and play dead because the Transformers movie is on HD DVD and not BR? You people are ridiculous. Anything to bash Sony. This is bordering on childish.

    16.10.2007 17:04 #4

  • 26r0cK

    Quote:Good thing that Tosh never does any counter deals like giving away 3,5 or 7 free disk. Giving away players with a HDTV purchase.
    hahah Glassed im sure many readers picked up on your sarcasm cuz we all know about those HD deals. Funny thing, i've seen many different Transformers movie comercial and they all said sumthin like "own it today on DVD" ...yet not a single one of them said "also available on HD-DVD" nor shows a shot of the HD-DVD box version in it. I dunno how badly HD DVD wants to win, but they're not doing a good job at promoting it. Especially when Transformers utilizes the HD factor.

    Back to topic, sounds like a good deal for anybody that owns or is thinking about getting a Blu-ray player/PS3..a thought, that these Disney blu-rays would look good when Kingdom Hearts 3 comes out for PS3 :D

    16.10.2007 17:28 #5

  • jagstilv

    Quote:Originally posted by club42: I agree this is definitely to counter transformers release. I have to admit I hope hd-dvd does the same for upcoming blueray releases.And why wouldn't they try to counter the Transformers release? It is all about the getting the customer to buy your product and that’s what Sony is doing. The “why” doesn’t matter to the people getting the great deal. You honestly think Sony is going to roll over and play dead because the Transformers movie is on HD DVD and not BR? You people are ridiculous. Anything to bash Sony. This is bordering on childish.I completely agree with you. What the hell is the purpose of bashing a company for promoting their product? Are the people bashing BD all of a sudden economic analysts? Because it sure sounds like you have a lot of insider information on costs and potential moves of studios.

    16.10.2007 17:35 #6

  • PirateDan

    I was just in Best Buy before work to get my copy of Transformers on HD-DVD. And there was someone asking what the difference was between the two formats. So the ability to say that they are leading in sales (Blu-ray) will try and sway those that don't know.

    16.10.2007 17:41 #7

  • hughjars

    Originally posted by glasssd: They are also patent holders for HD DVD

    Could you post a link for that info?
    - Of course I do.

    Quote:But a group of consumer electronics companies that compete with Sony and Blu-ray partner Matsushita, led by Toshiba, NEC and Sanyo, has developed a high-def format of its own--dubbed HD DVD--based more closely on current DVD standards for which Toshiba and others, including Warner, hold technology patents and copyrights.

    16.10.2007 19:33 #8

  • banshee07

    Quote:Originally posted by glasssd: They are also patent holders for HD DVD

    Could you post a link for that info?
    - Of course I do.

    Quote:But a group of consumer electronics companies that compete with Sony and Blu-ray partner Matsushita, led by Toshiba, NEC and Sanyo, has developed a high-def format of its own--dubbed HD DVD--based more closely on current DVD standards for which Toshiba and others, including Warner, hold technology patents and copyrights.

    " target="_blank">

    That is what Warner holds pantents and copyrights on not HD-dvd please take your commercials somewhere else and stop feeding lies. still think you are an employee of the hd-dvd camp cuz you sure are in love with that format. and do you really think the 15 people that pay attention to the format war on AfterDawn really are going to change their mind one way or another becuase of your shameless spam?

    16.10.2007 20:58 #9

  • club42

    Quote:And why wouldn't they try to counter the Transformers release? It is all about the getting the customer to buy your product and that’s what Sony is doing. The “why” doesn’t matter to the people getting the great deal. You honestly think Sony is going to roll over and play dead because the Transformers movie is on HD DVD and not BR? You people are ridiculous. Anything to bash Sony. This is bordering on childish.
    Thats not sarcasm kid. I actually believe that HD-DVD is way behind in promoting themselves. Just because I'm an hd-dvd supporter doesn't mean I won't point out their flaws. Quote:I agree this is definitely to counter transformers release. I have to admit I hope hd-dvd does the same for upcoming blueray releases. Quote:why wouldn't they try to counter the Transformers release? It is all about the getting the customer to buy your product and that’s what Sony is doing. Did I not just say that? Did I say it was a horrible move by the "evil" sony. No I said I wish HD-DVD did the same thing as I believe it is a smart move. Read before you wright noobs.

    16.10.2007 21:50 #10

  • hughjars

    Originally posted by banshee07: That is what Warner holds pantents and copyrights on not HD-dvd - Actually before you go getting your panties in a wad over this you might just stop & think.

    Firstly, that because of the close relationship between DVD & HD DVD some of those DVD patents might also apply to HD DVD and
    secondly that you might have just asked if I had anything more instead of leaping to make pathetic personal comments.

    For your information.......
    Quote:First Meeting of HD DVD Patent Holders Held
    Thursday, October 04, 2007; Posted: 02:03 PM

    MPEG LA announced today that the first meeting of essential HD DVD patent owners, currently consisting of 16 companies, was held in Los Angeles on September 11 for the purpose of creating a joint license providing fair, reasonable, non-discriminatory access to essential patents, as an alternative to negotiating separate licenses. Initial participating companies include LG Electronics Inc.; Microsoft Corporation; Mitsubishi Electric Corporation; NEC Corporation; Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.; SANYO Electric Co., Ltd.; Sonic Solutions; TDK Corporation; Thomson Licensing; Toshiba Corporation; Victor Company of Japan, Ltd.(JVC); and Warner Bros. Home Entertainment Inc.

    - I think that settles this once and for all, k?

    Originally posted by banshee07: please take your commercials somewhere else and stop feeding lies. - As you can see I haven't lied about anything.

    Feel free to show me anything that shows Warner are Blu-ray patent holders (and therefore royalty earners).
    I can't wait.

    Meantime you might like to reflect on what this is likely to really mean for the future of Blu-ray.
    Jan 2008 is the whisper I've heard.
    You heard it here first.

    Originally posted by banshee07: still think you are an employee of the hd-dvd camp cuz you sure are in love with that format. - Actually I love movies, that's all.
    I'm retired in fact.

    I just enjoy puncturing the myths and lies the Blu-ray side have made their own in this.
    They are just reaping what they sowed.

    Funnily enough I do know Sony employees involved in this, you should hear what they have to say about this privately (and how embarrasing they find the types to be, they just make their job so much harder.)

    Originally posted by banshee07: and do you really think the 15 people that pay attention to the format war on AfterDawn really are going to change their mind one way or another becuase of your shameless spam? - Do you really think I could really care less what the PS3/Blu-ray fanclub here think?

    There are more than a few who have expressed appreciation for seeing the other side in this put.

    16.10.2007 22:13 #11

  • djeazyg

    Quote:Quote:And why wouldn't they try to counter the Transformers release? It is all about the getting the customer to buy your product and that’s what Sony is doing. The “why” doesn’t matter to the people getting the great deal. You honestly think Sony is going to roll over and play dead because the Transformers movie is on HD DVD and not BR? You people are ridiculous. Anything to bash Sony. This is bordering on childish.
    Thats not sarcasm kid. I actually believe that HD-DVD is way behind in promoting themselves. Just because I'm an hd-dvd supporter doesn't mean I won't point out their flaws. Quote:I agree this is definitely to counter transformers release. I have to admit I hope hd-dvd does the same for upcoming blueray releases. Quote:why wouldn't they try to counter the Transformers release? It is all about the getting the customer to buy your product and that’s what Sony is doing. Did I not just say that? Did I say it was a horrible move by the "evil" sony. No I said I wish HD-DVD did the same thing as I believe it is a smart move. Read before you wright noobs.

    If you don’t want it to sound like sarcasm then don’t write sarcastic.
    First off please don't call me kid and I’m definitely no noob. All this name calling is exactly the reason I say this is getting childish. Grow Up and relax!
    I didn't accuse you of anything. I also didn’t attack you. All I did was disagree and state that the fact that this is to counteract the release of Transformers is pointless and doesn't matter. The smart guy above you is why I mentioned those that are bashing Sony. Your post just happens to be the one I quoted. I apologize but if you can’t handle people disagreeing with you then that’s just sad.

    16.10.2007 22:25 #12

  • glasssd

    Thank you banshee. Warner holds partial patents on "DVD". Not HD DVD. Can you show me some real info on them owning patents on HD DVD?

    16.10.2007 23:51 #13

  • ChromeMud

    HD-DVD really needs to advertise their format because I've noticed Blu-Ray adverts on DVD Movie trailers for weeks now.
    Blu-Ray seem to be at full attack mode lately and if HD-DVD don't get their act together and advertise then I don't see them staying in the market for much longer.
    I really don't like Blu-Ray BD+ as it is very anti-consumer.I'm also not into formats that keep changing their specifications and requiring firmware updates every few months either.
    So frikkin' get it together HD-DVD or I'll skip HD altogether.

    17.10.2007 07:14 #14

  • hughjars

    Originally posted by glasssd: Thank you banshee. Warner holds partial patents on "DVD". Not HD DVD. Can you show me some real info on them owning patents on HD DVD? - Why are you now lying?

    I already posted this and it clearly states Warner are HD DVD patent holders......

    Quote:First Meeting of HD DVD Patent Holders Held
    Thursday, October 04, 2007; Posted: 02:03 PM

    MPEG LA announced today that the first meeting of essential HD DVD patent owners, currently consisting of 16 companies, was held in Los Angeles on September 11 for the purpose of creating a joint license providing fair, reasonable, non-discriminatory access to essential patents, as an alternative to negotiating separate licenses. Initial participating companies include LG Electronics Inc.; Microsoft Corporation; Mitsubishi Electric Corporation; NEC Corporation; Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.; SANYO Electric Co., Ltd.; Sonic Solutions; TDK Corporation; Thomson Licensing; Toshiba Corporation; Victor Company of Japan, Ltd.(JVC); and Warner Bros. Home Entertainment Inc.

    17.10.2007 08:30 #15

  • OhCrap

    Quote:- Actually I love movies, that's all.
    I'm retired in fact.

    I know this is off topic but I thought you said in another post you were in your mid thirties. How on god's green earth did you retire so young? No wonder you have so much time on your hands.

    17.10.2007 10:01 #16

  • hughjars

    Originally posted by OhCrap: I thought you said in another post you were in your mid thirties. - Where did I ever say that, eh?

    17.10.2007 11:06 #17

  • OhCrap

    A few months back I thought.

    17.10.2007 12:05 #18

  • hughjars

    Originally posted by OhCrap: A few months back I thought. - No. I'm not in my mid 30's, mid 40's.

    17.10.2007 12:55 #19

  • glasssd

    - Why are you now lying?

    Firstly, that because of the close relationship between DVD & HD DVD some of those DVD patents might also apply to HD DVD and
    secondly that you might have just asked if I had anything more instead of leaping to make pathetic personal comments.

    Thank you, that statement is correct. Warner holds no patents on HD DVD. We are not lying and we are not spreading fud.

    17.10.2007 14:01 #20

  • glasssd

    This is a format war. There is no doubt that Disney and Sony did this to even out the #s for this week. Would the military put their guns down because a wave of soldiers was charging them? NO, they would fight harder.

    17.10.2007 14:05 #21

  • hughjars

    Originally posted by glasssd: Warner holds no patents on HD DVD. We are not lying and we are not spreading fud. - Oh I see, so you don't call it lying, you're just prefering to ignore the fact that Warner are listed as HD DVD patent holders then and pretend you can't see it, eh?

    Quote:First Meeting of HD DVD Patent Holders Held
    Thursday, October 04, 2007; Posted: 02:03 PM

    MPEG LA announced today that the first meeting of essential HD DVD patent owners, currently consisting of 16 companies, was held in Los Angeles on September 11 for the purpose of creating a joint license providing fair, reasonable, non-discriminatory access to essential patents, as an alternative to negotiating separate licenses. Initial participating companies include LG Electronics Inc.; Microsoft Corporation; Mitsubishi Electric Corporation; NEC Corporation; Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.; SANYO Electric Co., Ltd.; Sonic Solutions; TDK Corporation; Thomson Licensing; Toshiba Corporation; Victor Company of Japan, Ltd.(JVC); and Warner Bros. Home Entertainment Inc.

    17.10.2007 15:48 #22

  • NexGen76

    Originally posted by hughjars: Warner's membership of the Blu-ray Assoc is up for renewal at the end of Oct.
    They are also patent holders for HD DVD (and they don't hold BD patents).

    Significant Progress Made Toward Creation of Joint Blu-ray DiscTM Patent License
    Fourth Meeting of Patent Holders Held
    (Chevy Chase, Maryland USA - 21 February 2007) - MPEG LA announced today that the fourth meeting of essential Blu-ray DiscTM patent owners, currently consisting of 18 companies, was held in New York on February 6-7 for the purpose of creating a joint license providing fair, reasonable, non-discriminatory access to essential patents, as an alternative to negotiating separate licenses. Significant progress has been made in identifying licensing terms for Blu-ray DiscTM products such as players, recorders, drives, software, recordable discs and prerecorded discs. Participating companies include CyberLink Corporation; Dell Inc.; Hewlett-Packard Company; Hitachi Ltd.; Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.; LG Electronics Inc.; Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. (Panasonic); Mitsubishi Electric Corporation; Pioneer Corporation; Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.; Sanyo Electric Co., Ltd.; Sharp Corporation; Sonic Solutions; Sony Corporation; TDK Corporation; Victor Company of Japan, Ltd.; and Warner Home Video Inc.

    Busted now who really telling lies ? I don't think you can down play that this is from MPEG LA official site.

    17.10.2007 18:44 #23

  • hughjars

    Originally posted by nextgen76: Busted now who really telling lies ? - LMAO.

    Are you sure you used enough bold there nextgen?

    Anyhoo, so where exactly did I lie then?

    Did it turn out to be the case that Warner are HD DVD patent holders or not?

    I think it did and I proved that to be the case.

    ......and as far a Warner holding Blu-ray patents goes then you may be right, kinda.

    Cos they must be holding some for their 'Total HD' discs.

    (see the difference is that if I'm wrong and shown to be wrong I'm happy to be corrected, cos I'm interested in the facts of the matter not blinkered flag-waving)

    Quote:Because of manufacturing complexities, the Total HD disc will not contain a standard format version, said Kevin Tsujihara, the president of Warner Brothers Home Entertainment Group. However, several months ago the company filed patents for a new disc incorporating all three formats, which it could produce in the future.

    - Pretty touchy about being called a liar there aren't you nextgen76?
    Maybe if you stopped pretending that Blu-ray has the most available and exclusive movie content - despite being shown proof to the contrary several times - then people wouldn't be able to prove you're lying.

    17.10.2007 20:25 #24

  • blair99

    what is better blu-ray or hd dvd? i hear it is blu-ray

    also what will the video sellers start to care blu-ray or hd dvd?

    17.10.2007 20:45 #25

  • glasssd

    I stand corrected jughjars. Warner holds the patent of putting HD Dvd on one side of a disk and SD dvd on the other side of the disk. You are correct. They have stoped doing that havent they. Warner in no way helped develop the patend for HD DVD. You are correct that they have a patent involving HD DVD thow. You notice that I did not call you a liar and you did will producing facts. Injoyed the talk.

    17.10.2007 20:45 #26

  • blair99

    never mind i got an answer

    17.10.2007 23:02 #27

  • sciascia

    Maybe if you stopped pretending that Blu-ray has the most available and exclusive movie content - despite being shown proof to the contrary several times - then people wouldn't be able to prove you're lying.
    I never have, nor do I know anyone who buys movies based on this fact. To use it as an argumentative point only goes to show who is "blinkered flag-waving", as you put it. Have you honestly watched a whole movie with the commentary turned on? I'd hope you wouldn't have so much free time. Although you do use a lot of it to try and shine a light on your opinion of the format war, so who knows.

    17.10.2007 23:52 #28

  • hughjars

    Originally posted by sciascia: I never have, nor do I know anyone who buys movies based on this fact. To use it as an argumentative point only goes to show who is "blinkered flag-waving", as you put it. - S'funny but, right up until they lost being able to claim they had the most content, this used to be something the Blu-ray fanclub claimed was very important.

    It may or may not bother you but having the largest amount of available, exclusive & potential content matters to a lot of people (particularly when the 'lead' is - as it is in exclusive movie content - over 1/3rd more).

    Originally posted by sciascia: Have you honestly watched a whole movie with the commentary turned on? - Of course, I might not watch it more than once like that but I can assure you that I look at everything on the discs I buy at least once.

    ......but there is a damned signt more to the high def extras than a mere commentary track.

    Originally posted by sciascia: I'd hope you wouldn't have so much free time. Although you do use a lot of it to try and shine a light on your opinion of the format war, so who knows. - LMAO.
    Lame tactic.

    Look matey, coming in here for a few minutes a couple of times a day is hardly a lot of time.

    But your little weak digs trying to 'shoot the messanger' are noted.

    18.10.2007 07:27 #29

  • sciascia

    - S'funny but, right up until they lost being able to claim they had the most content, this used to be something the Blu-ray fanclub claimed was very important.
    Good thing I don't belong to it. I could care less what the new format will be. As long as the new players still play standard DVDs, myself and many others will be pleased.

    And I'll admit, although it was a weak shot at you, it is kind of hard as a passerby not to see you as annoying. Especially when you seem to argue with such passion over something as passionless as two big corporations trying to take over the home video market. Internets is serious business.

    18.10.2007 08:05 #30

  • hughjars

    Originally posted by sciascia: Good thing I don't belong to it. - Well one has to wonder if you're trying to say or imply that the "exclusive content" being discussed is the 'extras' on discs as opposed to more movies being exclusive to HD DVD than Bluy-ray.

    Originally posted by sciascia: I could care less what the new format will be. - Well perhaps you haven't noticed just how massive an impact the outcome of this will have on the movie business?

    Originally posted by sciascia: As long as the new players still play standard DVDs, myself and many others will be pleased. - Yeah, right up until all you're seeing is an endless diet of gormless 'PS3 demographic' so-called 'action' movies.

    Originally posted by sciascia: And I'll admit, although it was a weak shot at you - Well at least you admit it.

    Originally posted by sciascia: it is kind of hard as a passerby not to see you as annoying. - I guess that depends on where you're coming from.
    Like I said there are those who have expressed their appreciation for my putting the other side.

    Originally posted by sciascia: Especially when you seem to argue with such passion over something as passionless as two big corporations trying to take over the home video market. - If you don't love film then I guess you'll never get it......but you're seriously trying to say you find it odd that some people do?

    I can't abide being lied to and lies and half-truth are something the Blu-ray side have employed big stylee in this (especially with the idiotic - embarrassing, even to Sony - out-of-control Frankenstein that has become).

    So I'm happy to challenge or put another POV in this.
    They're merely reaping what they sowed.

    18.10.2007 08:54 #31

  • sciascia

    Impact the movie industry? I'm not saying it wont somewhere down the line, I mean it will probably change the way movies are doccumented behind the scenes and whatnot, but I don't see how it could be so dramatic. Could you provide some more input on that?

    In my opinion, the format war has nothing to do with film or movies itself, but moreso business. I'm pretty sure Blu-Ray and HD camps could care less what they put on their media just so long as it sells enough to push the other out of the way. C.R.E.A.M. my friend, look it up.

    I do not find it odd that people love film, that is a complete misunderstanding. No matter which trillion dollar company's format becomes the new standard, I'll still watch movies the same way, it will make no difference.

    I love film and movies, and for you to say I do not simply because I could care less which format beats which is pretty ridiculous, and kind of funny.

    18.10.2007 14:05 #32

  • club42

    Quote:All I did was disagree and state that the fact that this is to counteract the release of Transformers is pointless and doesn't matter. Being that this is a "war" among formats, observing how each side attempts to counteract the others momentum is not irrelevant.
    Transformers just out did any HDM to date for 1st week and 1st day sales.

    22.10.2007 21:21 #33

  • borhan9

    well this is just another marketing ploy.

    23.10.2007 07:51 #34

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