Another BOGO deal on HD DVD titles

Another BOGO deal on HD DVD titles
Following the recent trends on HD DVD sales, Amazon is offering a "buy one, get one free" (BOGO) deal on HD DVD discs from Universal and Warner.

The promotion began today and lists 39 popular titles as qualifying.

You can view the whole list here but a few of the hits offered are 'Knocked Up' 'Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire,' 'Serenity,' 'Hot Fuzz,' and 'The Big Lebowski'.

No word on how long the deal will last.

HD Digest

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 26 Dec 2007 18:03
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  • nrmsmith

    Usually known as "BOGOF" not "BOGO" ??

    27.12.2007 04:32 #1

  • OhCrap

    Same difference, buy one get one. BOGO has a better ring to it I think, it just rolls off the tongue easier. Plus they've gotta get rid of their HDDVD stock before they have to throw them in the trash.

    27.12.2007 09:23 #2

  • tavek

    Pardon my NOOBOLOGY but
    wtf is "BOGO" anyway

    27.12.2007 11:33 #3

  • tester22

    Ummmmm............'tavek'................did you read previous comments? The comment before yours states what BOGO means. Read from left to right amigo..............we write that way too in this country.

    27.12.2007 11:46 #4

  • DVDBack23

    Quote:Amazon is offering a "buy one, get one free" (BOGO) dealas quoted from the article ;)

    27.12.2007 12:04 #5

  • nrmsmith

    I commented because the article should have said:

    "Amazon is offering a "buy one, get one free" (BOGOF) deal ...

    It could have said:

    Amazon is offering a "buy one, get one" (BOGO) deal ...

    which would have been just as correct.

    (pendantic mode OFF)

    27.12.2007 13:47 #6

  • hughjars

    Indeed the 2nd HD DVD BOGO offer.

    This is the 2nd HD DVD offer, their first was this month too (and usually with a very restricted listing).

    The BDA has sponsored over TWENTY BOGO sales already in 2007 (and usually with listings which include some of the latest releases).

    Kind of takes the shine off of some of those much trumpeted Nielson stats IMO
    (and must be very costly to BD producers).

    28.12.2007 19:02 #7

  • borhan9

    Another advertising campaign. I feel that all these will eventually come down but the lists most of the time have not that many good movies may only consist of a handful of good movies.

    29.12.2007 17:57 #8

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