HD DVD cancels CES conference

HD DVD cancels CES conference
In response to yesterday's news that Warner Bros. had decided to go Blu-ray exclusive, the HD DVD Promotional Group has announced they have canceled their upcoming CES press conference.

The group, along with Microsoft and Toshiba had planned to tout the Q4 heavy sales of its players and discs. It seems that Warner did not give the group any advanced notice of its decision thus ruining whatever the group had had planned to say.

There is still controversy behind the reasoning for Warner's decision. The studio actually helped in the development of HD DVD and has endorsed the format since its inception. It is also a key member of the DVD Forum, from where HD DVD was born. Many industry insiders have argued that Sony offered Warner a large incentive to go exclusive, somewhere in the ballpark of $400 million for one to two years of exclusivity.

"Based on the timing of the Warner Home Video announcement today, we have decided to postpone our CES 2008 press conference scheduled for Sunday, January 6th at 8:30 p.m. in the Wynn Hotel. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause,"
the HD DVD Promotional Group said in an e-mail.

"We are currently discussing the potential impact of this announcement with the other HD DVD partner companies and evaluating next steps. We believe the consumer continues to benefit from HD DVD's commitment to quality and affordability -- a bar that is critical for the mainstream success of any format,"
the e-mail added.

Toshiba on the other hand, released its own press statement in which it expressed extreme disapproval of the decision. The company even suggested that Warner had violated contractual agreements in leaving.

"Toshiba is quite surprised by Warner Bros.' decision to abandon HD DVD in favor of Blu-ray, despite the fact that there are various contracts in place between our companies concerning the support of HD DVD. As central members of the DVD Forum, we have long maintained a close partnership with Warner Bros. We worked closely together to help standardize the first-generation DVD format as well as to define and shape HD DVD as its next-generation successor,"
the release stated.

"We were particularly disappointed that this decision was made in spite of the significant momentum HD DVD has gained in the US market as well as other regions in 2007. HD DVD players and PCs have outsold Blu-ray in the US market in 2007."

We will continue to update you with any more announcements from either camp as CES gets underway.


Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 5 Jan 2008 17:15
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  • DXR88

    hhahahhha so the war and finger pointing contnues. in other news
    the new format dubbed hddvvdvddvbd has just anounced by working to gether with blu-ray and hd-dvd these to companies have created a disc that can store 1 terrabyte. there expecting sells to slop for the years to come because the earths pop. is now 750,000

    back to you lucifer,

    thanks deformed baby eating demon thats good news to know

    we have to go but thanks for listning to 666 channel news. you home for apocolyptic whether by the 6

    5.1.2008 17:28 #1

  • error5

    They were blindsided - no doubt about it.

    I think this was a wise move on their part since they will be asked about what their next step will be. They need time to formulate a response. Do they pack it all in or do they put up a fight? It takes more than a weekend to come up with a plan IMO.

    OTOH they could have pushed through with the cocktail party, brought in a lot of booze, maybe hired a few strippers (they're in Vegas anyway), and got everyone plastered.

    At least that's how some people deal with rejection.

    5.1.2008 17:36 #2

  • red2tango

    was this the event that hd-dvd fanboys were talking about and said that something big was going to happened for hd-dvd.i remember hughjars said that hd-dvd would come out on top there.but obviously it was kind of unpredictable that warner did switch to blu-ray.but oh well.RIP Hd-DVD,you were great competition.hooray for blu-ray :D we now have 1 format (and imo its the best one that could've been).

    5.1.2008 17:38 #3

  • vinny13

    Looks like they're takin' some of my advice... Nice to see that they're packin' up and leavin' town for a while to think some things over.

    I do agree though with error5... Distraction is the key to forgetting things ever happened :P

    5.1.2008 17:41 #4

  • error5

    vinny13: They're not leaving town. They'll still have their booth at the exhibit hall. Only their much-anticipated press event has been cancelled.

    5.1.2008 17:46 #5

  • lecsiy

    The war aint over! Do you really think toshiba with all te $$ they ave invested are just gonna roll over like that?

    Trust me, you havent seen anything like the end of HD-DVD yet..

    5.1.2008 17:46 #6

  • glasssd

    Originally posted by lecsiy: The war aint over! Do you really think toshiba with all te $$ they ave invested are just gonna roll over like that?

    Trust me, you havent seen anything like the end of HD-DVD yet..
    You are awake, this is not a bad dream. It is real. It's over.

    5.1.2008 17:58 #7

  • vinny13

    Originally posted by error5: vinny13: They're not leaving town. They'll still have their booth at the exhibit hall. Only their much-anticipated press event has been cancelled.Because they're skippin' town :P

    A booth is nothing compared to a 2 hour show, correct? Not too much goin' on there.

    5.1.2008 17:59 #8

  • DVDBack23

    Quote:Originally posted by lecsiy: The war aint over! Do you really think toshiba with all te $$ they ave invested are just gonna roll over like that?

    Trust me, you havent seen anything like the end of HD-DVD yet..
    You are awake, this is not a bad dream. It is real. It's over.
    This is billions of dollars in investments...trust me, its nowhere NEAR over.

    5.1.2008 18:11 #9

  • NexGen76

    Originally posted by lecsiy: The war aint over! Do you really think toshiba with all te $$ they ave invested are just gonna roll over like that?

    Trust me, you havent seen anything like the end of HD-DVD yet..
    CES is the highest level of any show to display your product if they cancel there News Conference what does that tell you ? The only thing they going to have is boths & a floor presents.Its over & they know it thank God they didn't try to drag it out.

    5.1.2008 18:13 #10

  • DVDBack23

    Quote:Originally posted by lecsiy: The war aint over! Do you really think toshiba with all te $$ they ave invested are just gonna roll over like that?

    Trust me, you havent seen anything like the end of HD-DVD yet..
    CES is the highest level of any show to display your product if they cancel there News Conference what does that tell you ? The only thing they going to have is boths & a floor presents.Its over & they know it thank God they didn't try to drag it out.
    It only means they needed more than 2 days to put together an action plan for 2008, its nowhere near over...Microsoft, toshiba, paramount and universal are not going to sit around and let billions of investment dollars go to waste just because Warner moved to blu-ray...

    5.1.2008 18:24 #11

  • NexGen76

    Originally posted by DVDBack23: Quote:Originally posted by lecsiy: The war aint over! Do you really think toshiba with all te $$ they ave invested are just gonna roll over like that?

    Trust me, you havent seen anything like the end of HD-DVD yet..
    CES is the highest level of any show to display your product if they cancel there News Conference what does that tell you ? The only thing they going to have is boths & a floor presents.Its over & they know it thank God they didn't try to drag it out.
    It only means they needed more than 2 days to put together an action plan for 2008, its nowhere near over...Microsoft, toshiba, paramount and universal are not going to sit around and let billions of investment dollars go to waste just because Warner moved to blu-ray...
    So i guess the question is what can they do to change this? Try to change a studio stand which not going to happen.FOX & MGM is locked into BD because of BD+,Disney isn't going anywhere because they have been more vocal than Sony, Sony not moving because..we know that story.This is pretty much out of there hands.They could get smaller studios to move but that isn't going to make any kind of impact.

    5.1.2008 18:31 #12

  • redux79

    Well it looks like sony finally won something, it might have been a sucker punch but they won. I guess I'll stick to sd dvd until bd+ is destroyed or optical disc formats become obsolete.

    All of you who side with blu-ray I have to ask you why? How is it any different from hd-dvd? Aside from higher price, region locking, and crazy drm. Is this just some kind of told you so hahaha we were right?

    In the end no one wins, there is no more competition and sony has no reason to drop prices or change their anti-consumer stance. If I hear "make it blue" one more time I think my head is going to explode. Of course make it blue really means “Everyone open wide here's some tasty drm for you to choke on” and then you turn blue.

    5.1.2008 18:41 #13

  • hughjars

    HD DVD have been damaged, of course.

    But you'd have to be pretty daft to imagine that having the 2nd & 3rd largest Hollywood studios exclusively tied to the format (and a host of smaller & independents) means you're 'dead', 'dying' or 'finished'.

    Some people need to get a sense of perspective and see reality.

    The fact is that Warner have publicly expressed a desire for the studios to unite around the one format.

    As if.

    The Hollywood studios are still significantly divided.

    If you want Iron Man, Shrek, Transformers etc etc you can't have them if you're only Blu-ray.

    For as long as that is true Blu-ray will not be taking DVD's place.

    5.1.2008 18:46 #14

  • elfman12

    Originally posted by redux79: All of you who side with blu-ray I have to ask you why? How is it any different from hd-dvd?
    The truth is, I think, most of the "HAAHAHA BLU RULEZ!" posters are kids/people who got/bought a PS3 and then, realizing they had a blu-ray movie player, just jumped on board. The PS3/XBOX360 smack talk is their model, really.

    Now there are many who are seriously behind BR, and have tech reasons for doing so, and I respect that. And I think those people are just as irritated with the kid stuff.

    5.1.2008 18:59 #15

  • vinny13

    Originally posted by hughjars: HD DVD have been damaged, of course.

    But you'd have to be pretty daft to imagine that having the 2nd & 3rd largest Hollywood studios exclusively tied to the format (and a host of smaller & independents) means you're 'dead', 'dying' or 'finished'.

    Some people need to get a sense of perspective and see reality.

    The fact is that Warner have publicly expressed a desire for the studios to unite around the one format.

    As if.

    The Hollywood studios are still significantly divided.

    If you want Iron Man, Shrek, Transformers etc etc you can't have them if you're only Blu-ray.

    For as long as that is true Blu-ray will not be taking DVD's place.
    1 down, 2 to go.

    I don't like any of those movies lmao

    5.1.2008 19:02 #16

  • vinny13

    Quote:Originally posted by redux79: All of you who side with blu-ray I have to ask you why? How is it any different from hd-dvd?
    The truth is, I think, most of the "HAAHAHA BLU RULEZ!" posters are kids/people who got/bought a PS3 and then, realizing they had a blu-ray movie player, just jumped on board. The PS3/XBOX360 smack talk is their model, really.

    Now there are many who are seriously behind BR, and have tech reasons for doing so, and I respect that. And I think those people are just as irritated with the kid stuff.
    Well it's kind of stupid not to lmao

    I have a PS3. So now I'm gonna spend another 300 for a HD-DVD player? What's the point?

    5.1.2008 19:05 #17

  • tefarko

    incentive?... that´s 400 million "incentives"...

    it´s all about money... the highest bidder takes it all...

    I guess that movie companies´s executives will sell their souls as soon as they find a way to put some DRM on them...

    5.1.2008 19:16 #18

  • hughjars

    I've seen $1+ billion split between Fox & Warner mentioned in several places.

    Here's the latest.....

    Sony have just raised the price of their BDP S300 models from $299.99 to $399.99.

    I see the latest Fox BD movie is BD+, 25gb & MPEG2.

    Welcome to the mediocre world you wanted PS3 guys.
    No complaining now, y'all wanted this remember?

    5.1.2008 19:19 #19

  • juankerr

    Originally posted by DVDBack23: This is billions of dollars in investments...trust me, its nowhere NEAR over.If so much was at stake then why didn't Toshiba match the alleged $500M that BluRay offered Warner?

    5.1.2008 19:48 #20

  • NexGen76

    Originally posted by Hughjars: The Hollywood studios are still significantly divided.

    If you want Iron Man, Shrek, Transformers etc etc you can't have them if you're only Blu-ray.
    We haven't heard from Paramount or Universal but if you call 5 major studio's vs 2 spit so be it.Paramount going to let there 18 months exclsive deal run out.Its runs until jan09 just in time for next years CES.

    Originally posted by hughjars: Sony have just raised the price of their BDP S300 models from $299.99 to $399.99.
    " target="_blank">http://www.sonystyle.com/webapp/wcs/stor...d=27898

    That price drop was for the Holidays only.BB & CC move the price back the day after Christmas.

    Originally posted by hughjars: I see the latest Fox BD movie is BD+, 25gb & MPEG2.All FOX movies are going to be on BD+ because this is what FOX wanted in order to get a deal with BDA.

    I hope this clear these so call issues your trying to makeup.

    5.1.2008 20:07 #21

  • ramone515

    Pff everyone fighting over what disc we will use in 4-5 years.

    Until then most movies will be streamed or downloaded anyway.

    5.1.2008 20:19 #22

  • kishan73

    The FACTS: The movie industry has been seriously hurt by the gaming industry. Since Sony occupies both the gaming and movie industry, they've been trying to use their clout to persuade the gaming industry and the movie industry to move to their new hi-def format. Sony, as a company, hasn't been doing to well lately. They've sold off a lot of divisions within Sony in order to make ends meet. They've done a terrific marketing campaign to support Blu-Ray. Blu-Ray IS NOT better than HD DVD. They're equivilant. Blu-Ray and HD DVD have a 50 gb disc so space isn't an issue. Difference is, Toshiba & Microsoft are PC companies with no REAL ties to the movie industry. All they have to offer is $. Sony is offering $ and partnerships. The bottom line, Sony has more to offer the movie & gaming industry since they're involved in both. Warner, Disney, and the rest of the movie industry have no loyalty to Toshiba or Microsoft.

    It's unfortunate because I really wanted HD DVD to prevail. I like the fact that they have a combo disc which means I can watch it on an HD DVD player and a regular DVD player whereas with Blu-Ray, I'm confined to only watching it on a Blu-Ray player.

    I have both, a blu-ray plyaer and an HD DVD player. My Blu-Ray player is my PS3, of course. Just like everyone elses Blu-Ray player. The PS3 needs something 'cause the games they have now kinda suck in comparison to the Xbox360.

    5.1.2008 21:07 #23

  • lawndog

    you know whats sad is all yall got your panties bunched in wads, and are wet between the legs over this stuff. Nobody has really considered the popularity of movies via internet, movies on scan discs, and other media formats. Wheres this war gonna be 5 years from now is the question on everybodies mind. But the real question maybe will a new format be intruduced before this war is over?? Just my 2 cents, may be stupid questions, thats why it's only 2 cents and not 3.

    5.1.2008 21:08 #24

  • camaro17

    Originally posted by hughjars: No complaining now, y'all wanted this remember?
    i dont know about anyone else, but i wanted you to talk like a regular person and say you all not y'all.lol.

    5.1.2008 21:16 #25

  • camaro17

    Quote:Many industry insiders have argued that Sony offered Warner a large incentive to go exclusive, somewhere in the ballpark of $400 million for one to two years of exclusivity. One word.


    Why is it so hard to believe that warner just wanted to pick the better format, and the format that was best for their(and all) movies.


    5.1.2008 21:19 #26

  • spydah

    Quote:Originally posted by hughjars: No complaining now, y'all wanted this remember?
    i dont know about anyone else, but i wanted you to talk like a regular person and say you all not y'all.lol.

    Damn man that was hilarious. I looked at that and didnt pay it any mind until i read your post. lmao

    5.1.2008 21:42 #27

  • lfzombie

    wow it just gets better wb has a game,move & television division sure a move like this will hurt hd-dvd but they are looking at the market place in a way that we dont (whats going on today and what will happen in the future) after all at waht point will they start putting blu-ray on one side and hd-dvd on the other side just to stop dealing with all this crap ?

    5.1.2008 21:49 #28

  • DVDBack23

    Quote:Quote:Many industry insiders have argued that Sony offered Warner a large incentive to go exclusive, somewhere in the ballpark of $400 million for one to two years of exclusivity. One word.


    Why is it so hard to believe that warner just wanted to pick the better format, and the format that was best for their(and all) movies.

    Are you in the industry? Didn't think so, so I don't see how your word is more relevant than theirs.

    5.1.2008 22:01 #29

  • glasssd

    If they cancel the conference, how are they going to make the HUGE anouncement that Hug has been throwing in our face for a month. Nothing to see here, nothing to se here.

    I guess now that Blu has won, Disk dont matter anymore. Everyone will be downloading 25 gig's worth of movies that will take 12 hours to down load. If thats the case, why was Tosh not smart enough to see that and quit making HD DVD.

    How many times have I heard that HD DVD is almost the same as DVD and not much $ invested in it.

    For all of you that unfortunatly were on a sinking ship, are you going to let one guy here hang onto your leg as he and ship go down.

    Ebay just went HD-DVD exclusive.

    5.1.2008 22:33 #30

  • vinny13

    Originally posted by camaro17: Originally posted by hughjars: No complaining now, y'all wanted this remember?
    i dont know about anyone else, but i wanted you to talk like a regular person and say you all not y'all.lol.
    Ya'll dun' come beck now! Ye hear? Ahihick :P

    Lol first it was his logic and now it's how he types words. I'm starting to feel sorry :(

    5.1.2008 23:34 #31

  • NexGen76

    Quote:Quote:Many industry insiders have argued that Sony offered Warner a large incentive to go exclusive, somewhere in the ballpark of $400 million for one to two years of exclusivity. One word.


    Why is it so hard to believe that warner just wanted to pick the better format, and the format that was best for their(and all) movies.

    Warner has already address this issue afterdawn hasn't put the story up yet.But does it really matter if they did paid them off? HD-DVD(Microsoft) paid off Paramount so what the differents this whole thing is about money point blank.

    Warner: No Payoff for Move to Blu-ray

    Warner Home Entertainment President Kevin Tsujihara says the studio took no pay-offs to exclusively back Blu-ray.

    In a post-announcement conference call, Tsujihara flatly denied rumors that studio had accepted anywhere from 250M to $500M in exchange for dropping its HD DVD format support.

    According to the exec, Warner's sole motivation in dropping its HD DVD format support was to ensure growth of the "category" and the long-term health of the industry.

    "The packaged media business is a $42 billion dollar business worldwide at the retail level, and we [Warner] have the largest market share of anybody," said Tsujihara. "From our perspective, the most important piece of this whole puzzle is, "How do we get growth back into this category?" That far outweighed anything else."

    This [decision] was one hundred percent around what makes the most sense for the consumer, the retailer and the industry. This was not a bidding war. This was all about what was best, strategically, for us."


    6.1.2008 00:03 #32

  • DVDBack23

    Quote:Originally posted by camaro17: Originally posted by hughjars: No complaining now, y'all wanted this remember?
    i dont know about anyone else, but i wanted you to talk like a regular person and say you all not y'all.lol.
    Ya'll dun' come beck now! Ye hear? Ahihick :P

    Lol first it was his logic and now it's how he types words. I'm starting to feel sorry :(
    Make relevant comments or enjoy a break from AD, i am starting to get annoyed.

    6.1.2008 00:15 #33

  • red2tango

    Originally posted by kishan73: The FACTS: The movie industry has been seriously hurt by the gaming industry. Since Sony occupies both the gaming and movie industry, they've been trying to use their clout to persuade the gaming industry and the movie industry to move to their new hi-def format. Sony, as a company, hasn't been doing to well lately. They've sold off a lot of divisions within Sony in order to make ends meet. They've done a terrific marketing campaign to support Blu-Ray. Blu-Ray IS NOT better than HD DVD. They're equivilant. Blu-Ray and HD DVD have a 50 gb disc so space isn't an issue. Difference is, Toshiba & Microsoft are PC companies with no REAL ties to the movie industry. All they have to offer is $. Sony is offering $ and partnerships. The bottom line, Sony has more to offer the movie & gaming industry since they're involved in both. Warner, Disney, and the rest of the movie industry have no loyalty to Toshiba or Microsoft.

    It's unfortunate because I really wanted HD DVD to prevail. I like the fact that they have a combo disc which means I can watch it on an HD DVD player and a regular DVD player whereas with Blu-Ray, I'm confined to only watching it on a Blu-Ray player.

    I have both, a blu-ray plyaer and an HD DVD player. My Blu-Ray player is my PS3, of course. Just like everyone elses Blu-Ray player. The PS3 needs something 'cause the games they have now kinda suck in comparison to the Xbox360.
    i agree with the beginning but you're wrong in your last paragraph.the 360 has no variety in games.halo 3 was over hyped by fanboys and it flopped,mass effect is actually a copy of an older game and it isnt that great,viva pinata(do i even have to go any further?).gears of war is the only solid game on the 360.360 can only look forward to the sequel of gears,fable and alan wake.these are not system sellers.

    the ps3's sales will increase because most ps2 buyers are waiting until their sequels come out like:metal gear solid 4(system seller),killzone 2(have u seen the gameplay?),socom confrontation(Who doesnt love the greatest multiplayer on ps2),little big planet,final fantasy 13(do i have too expand?),gran turismo 5(seen the screenshots?),haze(amazing storyline which is rarely seen in any fps),and more.

    ps3 has no solid games other than warhawk,uncharted and resistance yet it managed to sell more than 360 in its first year(also 360 didnt have any competition in its first year).in 08 its done,and with blu-ray coming out on top,there's no way microsoft can release the ultimate which wouldve included hd-dvd but would put them in further debt.

    6.1.2008 00:36 #34

  • edschmoe

    Quote:would put them in further debt.
    Funniest line in the whole thread.

    6.1.2008 01:04 #35

  • vinny13

    i agree with the beginning but you're wrong in your last paragraph.the 360 has no variety in games.halo 3 was over hyped by fanboys and it flopped,mass effect is actually a copy of an older game and it isnt that great,viva pinata(do i even have to go any further?).gears of war is the only solid game on the 360.360 can only look forward to the sequel of gears,fable and alan wake.these are not system sellers.

    the ps3's sales will increase because most ps2 buyers are waiting until their sequels come out like:metal gear solid 4(system seller),killzone 2(have u seen the gameplay?),socom confrontation(Who doesnt love the greatest multiplayer on ps2),little big planet,final fantasy 13(do i have too expand?),gran turismo 5(seen the screenshots?),haze(amazing storyline which is rarely seen in any fps),and more.

    ps3 has no solid games other than warhawk,uncharted and resistance yet it managed to sell more than 360 in its first year(also 360 didnt have any competition in its first year).in 08 its done,and with blu-ray coming out on top,there's no way microsoft can release the ultimate which wouldve included hd-dvd but would put them in further debt.I agree. Gears of War was a PC rip and Halo was a MAC rip. They don't really have any stunners of their own...

    Lol I remember last year when they were saying that they were just about to begin making profits off of sales when they then dished out 1 billion dollers because of all of the class action lawsuites against the quality of their systems :P

    6.1.2008 01:09 #36

  • Sazaziel

    Quote:Originally posted by kishan73: The FACTS: The movie industry has been seriously hurt by the gaming industry. Since Sony occupies both the gaming and movie industry, they've been trying to use their clout to persuade the gaming industry and the movie industry to move to their new hi-def format. Sony, as a company, hasn't been doing to well lately. They've sold off a lot of divisions within Sony in order to make ends meet. They've done a terrific marketing campaign to support Blu-Ray. Blu-Ray IS NOT better than HD DVD. They're equivilant. Blu-Ray and HD DVD have a 50 gb disc so space isn't an issue. Difference is, Toshiba & Microsoft are PC companies with no REAL ties to the movie industry. All they have to offer is $. Sony is offering $ and partnerships. The bottom line, Sony has more to offer the movie & gaming industry since they're involved in both. Warner, Disney, and the rest of the movie industry have no loyalty to Toshiba or Microsoft.

    It's unfortunate because I really wanted HD DVD to prevail. I like the fact that they have a combo disc which means I can watch it on an HD DVD player and a regular DVD player whereas with Blu-Ray, I'm confined to only watching it on a Blu-Ray player.

    I have both, a blu-ray plyaer and an HD DVD player. My Blu-Ray player is my PS3, of course. Just like everyone elses Blu-Ray player. The PS3 needs something 'cause the games they have now kinda suck in comparison to the Xbox360.
    i agree with the beginning but you're wrong in your last paragraph.the 360 has no variety in games.halo 3 was over hyped by fanboys and it flopped,mass effect is actually a copy of an older game and it isnt that great,viva pinata(do i even have to go any further?).gears of war is the only solid game on the 360.360 can only look forward to the sequel of gears,fable and alan wake.these are not system sellers.

    the ps3's sales will increase because most ps2 buyers are waiting until their sequels come out like:metal gear solid 4(system seller),killzone 2(have u seen the gameplay?),socom confrontation(Who doesnt love the greatest multiplayer on ps2),little big planet,final fantasy 13(do i have too expand?),gran turismo 5(seen the screenshots?),haze(amazing storyline which is rarely seen in any fps),and more.

    ps3 has no solid games other than warhawk,uncharted and resistance yet it managed to sell more than 360 in its first year(also 360 didnt have any competition in its first year).in 08 its done,and with blu-ray coming out on top,there's no way microsoft can release the ultimate which wouldve included hd-dvd but would put them in further debt.
    Did you really just type that shit. you were better off adding the fact that this was in your own arrogant opinion. Every videogame out is a copy of some other game. Whether it gets over hyped or not the money still talks in the end. The end result of it all is that you, I, and even everyone else fit in the category of one of those consumers.

    6.1.2008 01:37 #37

  • saltynuts

    Quote:Originally posted by kishan73: The FACTS: The movie industry has been seriously hurt by the gaming industry. Since Sony occupies both the gaming and movie industry, they've been trying to use their clout to persuade the gaming industry and the movie industry to move to their new hi-def format. Sony, as a company, hasn't been doing to well lately. They've sold off a lot of divisions within Sony in order to make ends meet. They've done a terrific marketing campaign to support Blu-Ray. Blu-Ray IS NOT better than HD DVD. They're equivilant. Blu-Ray and HD DVD have a 50 gb disc so space isn't an issue. Difference is, Toshiba & Microsoft are PC companies with no REAL ties to the movie industry. All they have to offer is $. Sony is offering $ and partnerships. The bottom line, Sony has more to offer the movie & gaming industry since they're involved in both. Warner, Disney, and the rest of the movie industry have no loyalty to Toshiba or Microsoft.

    It's unfortunate because I really wanted HD DVD to prevail. I like the fact that they have a combo disc which means I can watch it on an HD DVD player and a regular DVD player whereas with Blu-Ray, I'm confined to only watching it on a Blu-Ray player.

    I have both, a blu-ray plyaer and an HD DVD player. My Blu-Ray player is my PS3, of course. Just like everyone elses Blu-Ray player. The PS3 needs something 'cause the games they have now kinda suck in comparison to the Xbox360.
    i agree with the beginning but you're wrong in your last paragraph.the 360 has no variety in games.halo 3 was over hyped by fanboys and it flopped,mass effect is actually a copy of an older game and it isnt that great,viva pinata(do i even have to go any further?).gears of war is the only solid game on the 360.360 can only look forward to the sequel of gears,fable and alan wake.these are not system sellers.

    the ps3's sales will increase because most ps2 buyers are waiting until their sequels come out like:metal gear solid 4(system seller),killzone 2(have u seen the gameplay?),socom confrontation(Who doesnt love the greatest multiplayer on ps2),little big planet,final fantasy 13(do i have too expand?),gran turismo 5(seen the screenshots?),haze(amazing storyline which is rarely seen in any fps),and more.

    ps3 has no solid games other than warhawk,uncharted and resistance yet it managed to sell more than 360 in its first year(also 360 didnt have any competition in its first year).in 08 its done,and with blu-ray coming out on top,there's no way microsoft can release the ultimate which wouldve included hd-dvd but would put them in further debt.

    your kidding right?

    6.1.2008 02:34 #38

  • saltynuts

    Quote:Quote:Originally posted by kishan73: The FACTS: The movie industry has been seriously hurt by the gaming industry. Since Sony occupies both the gaming and movie industry, they've been trying to use their clout to persuade the gaming industry and the movie industry to move to their new hi-def format. Sony, as a company, hasn't been doing to well lately. They've sold off a lot of divisions within Sony in order to make ends meet. They've done a terrific marketing campaign to support Blu-Ray. Blu-Ray IS NOT better than HD DVD. They're equivilant. Blu-Ray and HD DVD have a 50 gb disc so space isn't an issue. Difference is, Toshiba & Microsoft are PC companies with no REAL ties to the movie industry. All they have to offer is $. Sony is offering $ and partnerships. The bottom line, Sony has more to offer the movie & gaming industry since they're involved in both. Warner, Disney, and the rest of the movie industry have no loyalty to Toshiba or Microsoft.

    It's unfortunate because I really wanted HD DVD to prevail. I like the fact that they have a combo disc which means I can watch it on an HD DVD player and a regular DVD player whereas with Blu-Ray, I'm confined to only watching it on a Blu-Ray player.

    I have both, a blu-ray plyaer and an HD DVD player. My Blu-Ray player is my PS3, of course. Just like everyone elses Blu-Ray player. The PS3 needs something 'cause the games they have now kinda suck in comparison to the Xbox360.
    i agree with the beginning but you're wrong in your last paragraph.the 360 has no variety in games.halo 3 was over hyped by fanboys and it flopped,mass effect is actually a copy of an older game and it isnt that great,viva pinata(do i even have to go any further?).gears of war is the only solid game on the 360.360 can only look forward to the sequel of gears,fable and alan wake.these are not system sellers.

    the ps3's sales will increase because most ps2 buyers are waiting until their sequels come out like:metal gear solid 4(system seller),killzone 2(have u seen the gameplay?),socom confrontation(Who doesnt love the greatest multiplayer on ps2),little big planet,final fantasy 13(do i have too expand?),gran turismo 5(seen the screenshots?),haze(amazing storyline which is rarely seen in any fps),and more.

    ps3 has no solid games other than warhawk,uncharted and resistance yet it managed to sell more than 360 in its first year(also 360 didnt have any competition in its first year).in 08 its done,and with blu-ray coming out on top,there's no way microsoft can release the ultimate which wouldve included hd-dvd but would put them in further debt.
    Did you really just type that shit. you were better off adding the fact that this was in your own arrogant opinion. Every videogame out is a copy of some other game. Whether it gets over hyped or not the money still talks in the end. The end result of it all is that you, I, and even everyone else fit in the category of one of those consumers.

    well said if this guy love sony then so be it but dont lie and say that the delaystation3 has better games than the 360.lie to youreslf not us.

    6.1.2008 02:38 #39

  • ZippyDSM

    Ouch thats not a good sign but prehaps soemthing more worthwhile (consumer wise) will come to pass from them canceling.

    6.1.2008 02:54 #40

  • AXT

    Quote:i agree with the beginning but you're wrong in your last paragraph.the 360 has no variety in games.halo 3 was over hyped by fanboys and it flopped,mass effect is actually a copy of an older game and it isnt that great,viva pinata(do i even have to go any further?).gears of war is the only solid game on the 360.360 can only look forward to the sequel of gears,fable and alan wake.these are not system sellers.

    the ps3's sales will increase because most ps2 buyers are waiting until their sequels come out like:metal gear solid 4(system seller),killzone 2(have u seen the gameplay?),socom confrontation(Who doesnt love the greatest multiplayer on ps2),little big planet,final fantasy 13(do i have too expand?),gran turismo 5(seen the screenshots?),haze(amazing storyline which is rarely seen in any fps),and more.

    ps3 has no solid games other than warhawk,uncharted and resistance yet it managed to sell more than 360 in its first year(also 360 didnt have any competition in its first year).in 08 its done,and with blu-ray coming out on top,there's no way microsoft can release the ultimate which wouldve included hd-dvd but would put them in further debt.
    Did you just say Halo 3 was a flop? Look at the sales figures before making such a comment.

    6.1.2008 03:48 #41

  • ZippyDSM

    Quote:Quote:i agree with the beginning but you're wrong in your last paragraph.the 360 has no variety in games.halo 3 was over hyped by fanboys and it flopped,mass effect is actually a copy of an older game and it isnt that great,viva pinata(do i even have to go any further?).gears of war is the only solid game on the 360.360 can only look forward to the sequel of gears,fable and alan wake.these are not system sellers.

    the ps3's sales will increase because most ps2 buyers are waiting until their sequels come out like:metal gear solid 4(system seller),killzone 2(have u seen the gameplay?),socom confrontation(Who doesnt love the greatest multiplayer on ps2),little big planet,final fantasy 13(do i have too expand?),gran turismo 5(seen the screenshots?),haze(amazing storyline which is rarely seen in any fps),and more.

    ps3 has no solid games other than warhawk,uncharted and resistance yet it managed to sell more than 360 in its first year(also 360 didnt have any competition in its first year).in 08 its done,and with blu-ray coming out on top,there's no way microsoft can release the ultimate which wouldve included hd-dvd but would put them in further debt.
    Did you just say Halo 3 was a flop? Look at the sales figures before making such a comment.
    I believe halo 3 is one the top 5 most selling new games or soemthing..... personally I hate it for being under dev'd....but sheessshhhhhh its sold more than 6 milloin titles.

    and the 360 has sold 19+ million units the PS3 only 8ish

    Also viva pinata is a cute fun lil game just because its cute dosent make it bad...I could continue to correct our blu bomber boy but whats the point talking to a viral spam bot.

    6.1.2008 04:00 #42

  • hade

    most knew a decision was coming, but probably not before CES. atleast i wasn't expecting anything. what a huge kick in the sac just two days before their press conference. i don't think a certain someone will be grinning come CES, grinding teeth, sure. wonder how long it'll be till universal goes neutral. how bought paramount? guess m$ couldn't write the checks fast enough.

    anyone remember that statement from m$ last year about the 360 having the potential or ability for a Blu-ray add-on? i know i do. hey, may be that was the BIG ANNOUNCEMENT from CES ole hughy was always talking about. nah probably not.

    6.1.2008 04:18 #43

  • ZippyDSM

    Originally posted by hade: most knew a decision was coming, but probably not before CES. atleast i wasn't expecting anything. what a huge kick in the sac just two days before their press conference. i don't think a certain someone will be grinning come CES, grinding teeth, sure. wonder how long it'll be till universal goes neutral. how bought paramount? guess m$ couldn't write the checks fast enough.

    anyone remember that statement from m$ last year about the 360 having the potential or ability for a Blu-ray add-on? i know i do. hey, may be that was the BIG ANNOUNCEMENT from CES ole hughy was always talking about. nah probably not.
    MS would need a cheap supplier of BR add ons tho and I doubt they would get them from sony ..altho...... sony dose need money and they make cheap product....*dodge*


    6.1.2008 04:28 #44

  • xtago

    Originally posted by hughjars:
    I see the latest Fox BD movie is BD+, 25gb & MPEG2.
    and whats the name of this single movie?

    heaps of Blu-ray that are 50gig disks, but you bring up 1 movie.

    There's over 300 Blu-Ray titles.

    6.1.2008 05:34 #45

  • ZippyDSM

    Quote:Originally posted by hughjars:
    I see the latest Fox BD movie is BD+, 25gb & MPEG2.
    and whats the name of this single movie?

    heaps of Blu-ray that are 50gig disks, but you bring up 1 movie.

    There's over 300 Blu-Ray titles.
    Ya BR 50GB is almost regularly used for film,as it should be they can cope with the price and bring it to the consumer for 20-40$.

    Its not like 50GB is badly needed but its good to see them use it, I wish they use it more effectively to bring more product(TV episodes) to the consumer at a lesser price.

    6.1.2008 05:41 #46

  • ali2007



    Originally posted by kishan73:
    The FACTS: The movie industry has been seriously hurt by the gaming industry. Since Sony occupies both the gaming and movie industry, they've been trying to use their clout to persuade the gaming industry and the movie industry to move to their new hi-def format. Sony, as a company, hasn't been doing to well lately. They've sold off a lot of divisions within Sony in order to make ends meet. They've done a terrific marketing campaign to support Blu-Ray. Blu-Ray IS NOT better than HD DVD. They're equivilant. Blu-Ray and HD DVD have a 50 gb disc so space isn't an issue. Difference is, Toshiba & Microsoft are PC companies with no REAL ties to the movie industry. All they have to offer is $. Sony is offering $ and partnerships. The bottom line, Sony has more to offer the movie & gaming industry since they're involved in both. Warner, Disney, and the rest of the movie industry have no loyalty to Toshiba or Microsoft.

    It's unfortunate because I really wanted HD DVD to prevail. I like the fact that they have a combo disc which means I can watch it on an HD DVD player and a regular DVD player whereas with Blu-Ray, I'm confined to only watching it on a Blu-Ray player.

    I have both, a blu-ray plyaer and an HD DVD player. My Blu-Ray player is my PS3, of course. Just like everyone elses Blu-Ray player. The PS3 needs something 'cause the games they have now kinda suck in comparison to the Xbox360.

    i agree with the beginning but you're wrong in your last paragraph.the 360 has no variety in games.halo 3 was over hyped by fanboys and it flopped,mass effect is actually a copy of an older game and it isnt that great,viva pinata(do i even have to go any further?).gears of war is the only solid game on the 360.360 can only look forward to the sequel of gears,fable and alan wake.these are not system sellers.

    the ps3's sales will increase because most ps2 buyers are waiting until their sequels come out like:metal gear solid 4(system seller),killzone 2(have u seen the gameplay?),socom confrontation(Who doesnt love the greatest multiplayer on ps2),little big planet,final fantasy 13(do i have too expand?),gran turismo 5(seen the screenshots?),haze(amazing storyline which is rarely seen in any fps),and more.

    ps3 has no solid games other than warhawk,uncharted and resistance yet it managed to sell more than 360 in its first year(also 360 didnt have any competition in its first year).in 08 its done,and with blu-ray coming out on top,there's no way microsoft can release the ultimate which wouldve included hd-dvd but would put them in further debt.

    well stop kidding the fact is i like metal gear solid and halo 3 although i like ps3 i was forced to buy xbox 360 for the fact halo 3 and mass effect both of these games are awesome.
    i am gamer i like games , i don,t care what console make games i like games to be games , you have to enjoy just because ps3 di not halo 3 doesn't mean ps3 is bad console, what if sony had created halo 3 , just like games not consoles

    6.1.2008 06:59 #47

  • hughjars

    Originally posted by xtago: and whats the name of this single movie? - Go check it out for yourself.

    60.87% of all Fox releases are on BD25 25gb discs.
    41.18% of all Buena Vista releases are on BD25 25gb discs.
    48.48% of all Lionsgate releases are on BD25 25gb discs.
    76.92% of MGM releases are on BD25 25gb discs.
    34% of Sony releases are on BD25 25gb discs.
    52.04% of Warner releases are on BD25 25gb discs.
    81.82% of Magnolia releases are on BD25 25gb discs.
    100% of Discovery releases are on BD25 25gb discs.
    60% of Eagle Rock releases are on BD25 25gb discs.

    Originally posted by xtago: heaps of Blu-ray that are 50gig disks, but you bring up 1 movie.

    There's over 300 Blu-Ray titles.
    - There are not over 300 BD 50 titles though, are there?

    Number of Blu-ray BD25 25gb movie discs = 213
    Number of Blu-ray BD50 50gb movie discs = 216

    Codecs - MPEG2 = 36.09
    AVC = 35.86
    VC-1 = 28.05


    So it'a just a tad more than the "1 movie" you seem to want to claim it to be.

    They have only just tipped over into a very slight BD50 majority, give it 3mths and my bet is that we'll see 25gb back in the majority.

    6.1.2008 08:54 #48

  • NexGen76

    Quote:Originally posted by xtago: and whats the name of this single movie? - Go check it out for yourself,
    all the Fox releases to date are on BD25 single layer discs.

    Originally posted by xtago: heaps of Blu-ray that are 50gig disks, but you bring up 1 movie.

    There's over 300 Blu-Ray titles.
    - There are not over 300 BD 50 titles though, are there?

    Number of Blu-ray BD25 movies = 213
    Number of Blu-ray BD50 movies = 216

    Codecs - MPEG2 = 36.09
    AVC = 35.86
    VC-1 = 28.05


    So it'a just a tad more than the "1 movie" you seem to want to claim it to be.

    They have only just tipped over into a very slight BD50 majority, give it 3mths and my bet is that we'll see 25gb back in the majority.

    I sorry hughjars but don't try to misuse information in you favor.You discount the facts that there is 50.53% BD50 movies & 49.65BD25.Here is the whole chart & not what you pick out trying to makeup issues.It don't matter what codec they use it depend on how good of job the studio does doing the movie Transfer.There have been movies on VC-1 BD that looked like crap...Superman returns.

    Average Retail Price $37.29
    Average US Box Office $68.8M
    BD25 213 49.65 %
    BD50 216 50.35 %

    Region Free 237 67.71 %
    Not Region Free 113 32.29 %
    Exclusive 278 62.05 %
    Not Exclusive 170 37.95 %
    MPEG2 157 36.09 %
    AVC 156 35.86 %
    VC-1 122 28.05 %

    Buena Vista 54 13.37 %
    DreamWorks 3 0.74 %
    Fox 46 11.39 %
    Lionsgate 33 8.17 %
    MGM 13 3.22 %
    Paramount 30 7.43 %
    Sony 101 25.00 %
    Warner 104 25.74 %
    Magnolia 11 2.72 %
    Concert Hot Spot 4 0.99 %
    Discovery Channel 5 1.24 %

    Lossless 282 62.95 %
    LPCM 188 41.96 %
    DTS-HD:MA 65 14.51 %
    TrueHD 40 8.93 %
    DTS-HD 21 4.69 %
    DD+ 2 0.45 %
    DTS 22 4.91 %
    DD * 124 27.68 %
    24 bit 70 15.63 %
    20 bit 3 0.67 %
    96 kHz 3 0.67 %
    7.1 14 3.13 %
    6.1 13 2.90 %
    3.0 1 0.22 %
    2.0 2 0.45 %
    1.0 1 0.22 %
    * when DD is primary audio

    6.1.2008 09:04 #49

  • hughjars

    Before leaping in to make you comments you might just hang on a little moment or 2 until I have finished editing and completing my post.

    hughjars (Member) 6 January 2008 8:54

    This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 6 January 2008 9:07

    NexGen76 (Member) 6 January 2008 9:04

    Quite clearly I had realised I had a filter set wrongly and was editing to correct my error as you rushed in to post.

    You can complain all you like but the (corrected) figures and stats given in my post are correct.

    6.1.2008 09:10 #50

  • hughjars

    Interesting that you were nowhere to be seen when xtago was trying "to misuse information".

    Obviously you could care less about anyone "misusing information" and deliberately creating a wrong impression "to makeup issues" when you think it favours Blu-ray.

    Eh? :P

    6.1.2008 09:15 #51

  • NexGen76

    Originally posted by hughjars: Interesting that you were nowhere to be seen when xtago was trying "to misuse information".

    Obviously you could care less about anyone "misusing information" and deliberately creating a wrong impression "to makeup issues" when you think it favors Blu-ray.

    Eh? :P
    All he got wrong was the numbers of BD movies titles but who can keep up with titles been released every week.

    But i still don't see your point about the FOX releasing a movie on BD 25 with MPEG2 because i did some research & this is what came up.

    The Last movie titles Fox released with BD25 & MPEG 2 was.

    The Hills Have Eyes 2: Unrated [Blu-ray]Fox 2007-10-23 MPEG2 BD25

    Home of the Brave:[Blu-ray] Fox 2007-10-23 MPEG2 BD25.

    But you said:

    Originally posted by hughjars: I see the latest Fox BD movie is BD+, 25gb & MPEG2Here is the latest Fox movies that was released:

    Live Free or Die Hard [Blu-ray] Fox 2007-11-20 AVC BD50

    Die Hard [Blu-ray] Fox 2007-11-20 AVC BD50

    Die Hard 2 - Die Harder [Blu-ray] Fox 2007-11-20 AVC BD50

    Die Hard Collection (Die Hard/ Die Hard 2 - Die Harder/ Die Hard with a Vengeance/ Live Free or Die Hard) [Blu-ray] Fox 2007-11-20 AVC BD50

    Die Hard With a Vengeance [Blu-ray] Fox 2007-11-20 AVC BD50

    So i don't know where you got that info but from what i can see the last releases from Fox was on Nov 20 2007, Die-Hard series & they all are on BD50 with AVC codecs.Correct me if im wrong?

    6.1.2008 09:48 #52

  • ChiknLitl

    This is truely a "kick in the sack" to HD-DVD, as someone posted earlier in the thread. I do like the format, if for no other reason than to be able to rip and transfer the video to my HTPC, PMP, etc. Sure you can do that with BR for the time-being but with BR+ for how long? Come to think of it, didn't slysoft(?) report that the next gen of anydvd HD was going to have some sort of AI to counter BD+, or did that already come out?

    BTW, I am not a fanboy for either format but I enjoy reading Hughjars comments. They are certainly informative, usually non-inflammatory, and appropriate. I respect his passion for debate on this topic. I think that as with debate on any other subject, observers should check their facts and rebutt as appropriate, not resort to personal attacks or "I told you so's". My 2 cents.

    6.1.2008 10:10 #53

  • red2tango

    Quote:Quote:Quote:i agree with the beginning but you're wrong in your last paragraph.the 360 has no variety in games.halo 3 was over hyped by fanboys and it flopped,mass effect is actually a copy of an older game and it isnt that great,viva pinata(do i even have to go any further?).gears of war is the only solid game on the 360.360 can only look forward to the sequel of gears,fable and alan wake.these are not system sellers.

    the ps3's sales will increase because most ps2 buyers are waiting until their sequels come out like:metal gear solid 4(system seller),killzone 2(have u seen the gameplay?),socom confrontation(Who doesnt love the greatest multiplayer on ps2),little big planet,final fantasy 13(do i have too expand?),gran turismo 5(seen the screenshots?),haze(amazing storyline which is rarely seen in any fps),and more.

    ps3 has no solid games other than warhawk,uncharted and resistance yet it managed to sell more than 360 in its first year(also 360 didnt have any competition in its first year).in 08 its done,and with blu-ray coming out on top,there's no way microsoft can release the ultimate which wouldve included hd-dvd but would put them in further debt.
    Did you just say Halo 3 was a flop? Look at the sales figures before making such a comment.
    I believe halo 3 is one the top 5 most selling new games or soemthing..... personally I hate it for being under dev'd....but sheessshhhhhh its sold more than 6 milloin titles.

    and the 360 has sold 19+ million units the PS3 only 8ish

    Also viva pinata is a cute fun lil game just because its cute dosent make it bad...I could continue to correct our blu bomber boy but whats the point talking to a viral spam bot.
    did u pull 19 mill out your ass.nextgenwars is not a reliable site,vgchartz.com

    6.1.2008 10:21 #54

  • error5

    Originally posted by hughjars:
    They have only just tipped over into a very slight BD50 majority, give it 3mths and my bet is that we'll see 25gb back in the majority.
    I disagree. I think it's better to look at trends.

    For the entire year of 2007 it was about 60% BD50.

    But if you look at releases from October 2007 to January 2008 the numbers from the MAJOR studios shows:

    BD50 - 85 titles
    BD25 - 14 titles

    or about 85 percent BD50. What this tells me is that the replication facilities are getting better at their BD50 yields. This also shows that the major studios are not compromising on their encodes/extras.

    A good number of the BD25's during that period were nature and documentary titles (i.e. Antarctica Dreaming) from minor studios - which I did not include in my count.

    From December 2007 to January 2, 2008 its 31 titles BD50 and 3 titles BD25.

    (Someone pls. recheck my numbers. I may be off by a few but the trend is still the same.)

    6.1.2008 10:44 #55

  • lecsiy

    Quote:the ps3's sales will increase because most ps2 buyers are waiting until their sequels come out like:metal gear solid 4(system seller),killzone 2(have u seen the gameplay?),socom confrontation(Who doesnt love the greatest multiplayer on ps2),little big planet,final fantasy 13(do i have too expand?),gran turismo 5(seen the screenshots?),haze(amazing storyline which is rarely seen in any fps),and more. Seriously are you joking?

    The ps3's sales are failing!

    Nextgen : 360 14mil
    PS3 7mil

    Vgchartz: 360 16mil
    Ps3 8mil

    Theres nothing you can say that will change the numbers. The 360 is outselling the ps3 at present and thats simply bullocks about them waiting for the sequels to come out...

    6.1.2008 11:41 #56

  • hughjars

    Originally posted by nextgen76: All he got wrong was the numbers of BD movies titles but who can keep up with titles been released every week. - LMAO

    He clearly implied that there was 1 title being referred to.

    Originally posted by nextgen76: But i still don't see your point about the FOX releasing a movie on BD 25 with MPEG2 because i did some research & this is what came up.

    The Last movie titles Fox released with BD25 & MPEG 2 was....etc etc

    Correct me if im wrong?
    - Happily.

    Unless I am reading the releses wrong the latest Fox movie releases are Behind Enemy Lines, Fantastic Four, Kiss the Dragon, The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, The Omen, Speed & The Transporter.

    They are all on 25gb single layer discs - and will in fact take 25gb Blu-ray movies releases back into the majority (seeing as the gap was a mere 3.

    Only coming Fox release the 'Kingdom of Heaven (Directors Cut)' is a BD50 release.

    6.1.2008 13:46 #57

  • vinny13

    Originally posted by lecsiy: Quote:the ps3's sales will increase because most ps2 buyers are waiting until their sequels come out like:metal gear solid 4(system seller),killzone 2(have u seen the gameplay?),socom confrontation(Who doesnt love the greatest multiplayer on ps2),little big planet,final fantasy 13(do i have too expand?),gran turismo 5(seen the screenshots?),haze(amazing storyline which is rarely seen in any fps),and more. Seriously are you joking?

    The ps3's sales are failing!

    Nextgen : 360 14mil
    PS3 7mil

    Vgchartz: 360 16mil
    Ps3 8mil

    Theres nothing you can say that will change the numbers. The 360 is outselling the ps3 at present and thats simply bullocks about them waiting for the sequels to come out...

    I wouldn't say that... 360 is selling more, but the PS3 looks like it is slowly catching up because it wasn't 2:1 before...

    6.1.2008 14:09 #58

  • NexGen76

    Quote:Originally posted by nextgen76: All he got wrong was the numbers of BD movies titles but who can keep up with titles been released every week. - LMAO

    He clearly implied that there was 1 title being referred to.

    Originally posted by nextgen76: But i still don't see your point about the FOX releasing a movie on BD 25 with MPEG2 because i did some research & this is what came up.

    The Last movie titles Fox released with BD25 & MPEG 2 was....etc etc

    Correct me if im wrong?
    - Happily.

    Unless I am reading the releses wrong the latest Fox movie releases are Behind Enemy Lines, Fantastic Four, Kiss the Dragon, The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, The Omen, Speed & The Transporter.

    They are all on 25gb single layer discs - and will in fact take 25gb Blu-ray movies releases back into the majority (seeing as the gap was a mere 3.

    Only coming Fox release the 'Kingdom of Heaven (Directors Cut)' is a BD50 release.
    Why do i waste my time....?

    Just read my post you said the latest release which means current.Those release are here.

    Fantastic Four [Blu-ray] Fox 2006-11-14

    Behind Enemy Lines (Blu-Ray) Fox 2006-11-14

    The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen [Blu-ray] Fox 2006-11-14

    Kiss of the Dragon (Blu-Ray) Fox 2006-11-14

    The Omen [Blu-ray] Fox 2006-11-14

    Speed (Blu-ray) Fox 2006-11-14

    The Transporter (Blu-Ray) Fox 2006-11-14

    Kingdom of Heaven (Director's Cut) [Blu-ray] Fox 2006-11-14


    All those releases was a year(06) ago & didn't have BD+ because BD+ didn't get approved til June 07 this wasn't what you was implying to so i guess your wrong again.I posted the link with the filter so you can see for yourself.....Correct me if I'm wrong

    6.1.2008 14:35 #59

  • glasssd

    I thought this was about HD DVD canceling their conference cause they have NOTHING to talk about. Who got this off of topic.

    6.1.2008 14:59 #60

  • SuBze0

    This is nothing but good news for the consumer market, wether it be Blu-Ray or HD DVD
    I’m sure that everyone agrees that consumers only need one of the products for movie content, Perhaps the format war may come to an end and consumers will be able to make the move to Hi Definition movies
    with peace of mind that their media will have a life span greater then a year.

    It’s a shame that none of these companies have learnt from the VHS vs BetaMax war !


    6.1.2008 16:27 #61

  • HughFart


    Another desperately weak Blu-ray 'win'.

    They have a 10:1+ advantage in the number of players and yet they can't even manage a 2:1 lead in movie disc sales.


    The Blu-ray lead is only 1.56:1 - which incidentally works out to the 'since inception' number too.

    It's also a fact that the BDA has sponsored over 20 BOGO sales already in 2007.

    HD DVD has just run just 2 - both this month.

    You'll find that HD DVD offer a pretty restricted (tho still good) selection on it's BOGO whilst Blu-ray's BOGOs have included huge blockbuster films like the Pirates Of the Caribbean films, Casino Royale, Night At the Museum, X-Men: Last Stand, and many others.
    They've also included recent releases like 28 Weeks Later, The Fly, Day After Tomorrow just a mere 2 weeks after their debut.

    It must be costing Blu-ray a fortune (and adding costs to an already costly format for the producers).

    Only a few weeks to CES 2008.
    Can't wait.

    6.1.2008 17:03 #62

  • hughjars


    Oh dear, a real brain-dead dreary little troll went to the trouble of inventing a new account just to reveal his (unlikely to be a her) stupidity.


    Hmmm Nextgen, looks like I may have mixed some of the release dates up (not hard to do with Fox seeing as they have been so an & off with the releases, eh

    *or does that confusion/mixed up reason only get a fair hearing & apply when it's one of your pro-Blu-ray mates/ accounts doing it, huh? lol *

    Tell me about 'Me, Myself & Irene', that's new.
    Thats 25gb and that's done in MPEG2, right?

    So too is 'Ice Age' right?

    Is see 'Wall Street' is done in MPEG2 and so is 'Independence Day' and 'I Robot' and 'Man on Fire'.

    Mmmmmmm, that MPEG2 quality. Not.


    6.1.2008 17:32 #63

  • duckNrun

    It's getting to the point where AD is just a flame war, name calling, my [fill in the blank] can beat up your [fill in the blank], insults as debate, not worth reading posts anymore site.

    Really too bad.... use to be the first site I read everyday.

    I appreciate the actual input people have made.

    AD needs to clean up this childish crap or continue to sink with it.

    just my 2 cents worth.

    Guess I'll take a vacation for awhile


    6.1.2008 17:57 #64

  • hade

    reports are coming in that Target a major retailer is going Blu-ray exclusive. interesting if true. still waiting for your reply to my comment about your repetitive and off the wall statements a few weeks back about some "HUGE CES ANNOUNCEMENT THAT WOULD HAVE YOU GRINNING, OLE HUGHJARS?" i think its fair to ask what it was going to be since you continually stated that. and to think your the poster child for HD-DVD here. shoulda, coulda, woulda...hmmm just how "factual" are your inputs after all? sure you take relative and known information but how you argue and interpret that info is where you, like HD-DVD fall short...

    i hope your announcement at CES wasn't the whole internal 360 hd-dvd drive...

    someone in another forum threw this out there that i thought was comical, but certainly plausible. could the Paramount deal actually been a hidden sign of the times. most analyzers couldn't really understand the move given the timing and circumstances. why would a major studio go exclusive on a format that is always second best? i know, i know the whole cheaper production line, but clearly warner put that to rest. now didn't they?

    so i suppose the whole payoff of some 150 MILLION DOLLARS seems a little more realistic. given this it seems clear now why Paramount made the move. Why? well, $150million TODAY is always better than $150million TOMORROW. so understanding this logic and realizing that consumer acceptance in this market hasnt been too stellar, profits can't be through the roof,why not make a SHORT-TERM DEAL? let the conspiracy theories roll...

    looking forward to Transformers on BLU in the not so distant future...

    oh god, before it was the redundant cheap chinese players coming to the market, attachment rate arguments, now what is it going to be? MPEG-2. ha, when will you understand

    6.1.2008 18:13 #65

  • error5

    Originally posted by hughjars: Mmmmmmm, that MPEG2 quality. Not.What has to be pointed out though is that MPEG2 can also give you great results. All you need is a skilled encoder, a good source/master, and enough disc space.

    The following MPEG2 encoded discs had very good PQ scores on highdefdigest.com:

    Tears of the Sun - 4.5/5
    Dreamgirls - 5/5
    The Covenant - 5/5
    Big Fish - 4.5/5
    Catch and Release - 4.5/5

    My favorite MPEG2 encode is actually on HD DVD:


    6.1.2008 18:16 #66

  • vinny13

    Originally posted by error5: Originally posted by hughjars: Mmmmmmm, that MPEG2 quality. Not.What has to be pointed out though is that MPEG2 can also give you great results. All you need is a skilled encoder, a good source/master, and enough disc space.

    The following MPEG2 encoded discs had very good PQ scores on highdefdigest.com:

    Tears of the Sun - 4.5/5
    Dreamgirls - 5/5
    The Covenant - 5/5
    Big Fish - 4.5/5
    Catch and Release - 4.5/5

    My favorite MPEG2 encode is actually on HD DVD:

    " target="_blank">http://hddvd.highdefdigest.com/144/bestofgetoutv1.html

    What format are they supposed to be?

    6.1.2008 18:20 #67

  • vinny13

    Originally posted by duckNrun: It's getting to the point where AD is just a flame war, name calling, my [fill in the blank] can beat up your [fill in the blank], insults as debate, not worth reading posts anymore site.

    Really too bad.... use to be the first site I read everyday.

    I appreciate the actual input people have made.

    AD needs to clean up this childish crap or continue to sink with it.

    just my 2 cents worth.

    Guess I'll take a vacation for awhile

    Just stay away from Disc Format, Gaming and Goverment articles, and you'll be fine... I find this kind of pointless as well but some people make very good points and it's something to do :)

    6.1.2008 18:20 #68

  • NexGen76

    Originally posted by hughjars: LMAO

    Oh dear, a real brain-dead dreary little troll went to the trouble of inventing a new account just to reveal his (unlikely to be a her) stupidity.


    Hmmm Nextgen, looks like I may have mixed some of the release dates up (not hard to do with Fox seeing as they have been so an & off with the releases, eh

    *or does that confusion/mixed up reason only get a fair hearing & apply when it's one of your pro-Blu-ray mates/ accounts doing it, huh? lol *

    Tell me about 'Me, Myself & Irene', that's new.
    Thats 25gb and that's done in MPEG2, right?

    So too is 'Ice Age' right?

    Is see 'Wall Street' is done in MPEG2 and so is 'Independence Day' and 'I Robot' and 'Man on Fire'.

    Mmmmmmm, that MPEG2 quality. Not.

    HD-DVD has made a statement that you might find some positives to.

    Toshiba Defiant After HD DVD Setback

    LAS VEGAS (AP) -- Toshiba Corp. executives had a tough moment Sunday, when they had to face reporters just two days after its HD DVD movie disc format was dealt a potentially fatal blow by the defection of Warner Bros. Entertainment to a rival technology.

    "It's difficult for me to read the comments of the pundits that HD is dead," said Jodi Sally, vice president of marketing for digital audio and video at Toshiba America Consumer Products. She was speaking at a news conference ahead of the International Consumer Electronics Show, which starts here Monday.

    Sally indicated that Toshiba would continue its fight with a Sony Corp.-led group to dominate the market for a replacement to the DVD.

    Heres the whole story:


    error5: what about Crank that was one of the Best MPEG2 to date.But the movie was a let down but the Transfer was awesome.

    6.1.2008 18:24 #69

  • DVDBack23

    Originally posted by duckNrun: It's getting to the point where AD is just a flame war, name calling, my [fill in the blank] can beat up your [fill in the blank], insults as debate, not worth reading posts anymore site.

    Really too bad.... use to be the first site I read everyday.

    I appreciate the actual input people have made.

    AD needs to clean up this childish crap or continue to sink with it.

    just my 2 cents worth.

    Guess I'll take a vacation for awhile

    I completely agree, and Ive already made it clear to a few members (they have posted in this thread) that they need to clean up their act or get a break from AD, and it wont be a voluntary one.

    7.1.2008 01:47 #70

  • lawndog

    wow reading all those posts was real comical, good for a before bed laugh thanks all. Oh yeah go BETA
    seriously can tell yall are passionate about it and thats cool. Evn if the stats that yall post aren't always acurate, but unless you actually read and count the numbers yourself, whos to know whos stats are acurate.

    7.1.2008 02:16 #71

  • ali2007

    who ever is feeling blu, is a fairy

    7.1.2008 14:28 #72

  • borhan9

    Quote:Many industry insiders have argued that Sony offered Warner a large incentive to go exclusive, somewhere in the ballpark of $400 million for one to two years of exclusivity.This is a massive incentive or you could call this a BRIBE!!! LOL!!! I had a feeling that if Warner made a choice everyone would get their knickers in a twist. :P

    Well I wonder how much the hd dvd camp would offer to bribe back :P

    8.1.2008 23:56 #73

  • ZippyDSM

    Quote:Quote:Many industry insiders have argued that Sony offered Warner a large incentive to go exclusive, somewhere in the ballpark of $400 million for one to two years of exclusivity.This is a massive incentive or you could call this a BRIBE!!! LOL!!! I had a feeling that if Warner made a choice everyone would get their knickers in a twist. :P

    Well I wonder how much the hd dvd camp would offer to bribe back :P
    I wonder if that would cover 1-2 years worth of production, if so then one can see why ,short term bottom line licking always screws out the consumer ^_~.

    9.1.2008 00:38 #74

  • leady

    WB made a wrong decision

    23.1.2008 23:08 #75

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