Xbox 360 hits 17.7 million sold

Xbox 360 hits 17.7 million sold
According to new sales figures released by Microsoft, their Xbox 360 console has sold 17.7 million units since its launch in late 2005.

Software sales were also solid, with Microsoft saying that the blockbuster Halo 3 game has moved 8.1 units since its release 2 months ago.

In a statement, the company declared: “Microsoft is proud of the contributions Xbox 360 is making to the gaming industry, and looks forward to an even more successful 2008.”

Despite their successes in North America and Europe, the Xbox 360 has lagged behind its rivals in Japan by a huge margin. The Nintendo Wii and Sony PlayStation 3 regularly outsell the 360 by hundreds of thousands of units per month and that gap doesn't seem to be tightening any time soon.

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Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 13 Jan 2008 18:53
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  • red2tango

    lol microsoft doesnt know the difference between sold and shipped

    13.1.2008 19:54 #1

  • jimmer

    i didn't expect 360 to still be kicking ps3's arse even though they are selling so poorly in japan

    13.1.2008 20:45 #2

  • saltynuts

    Originally posted by red2tango: lol microsoft doesnt know the difference between sold and shipped

    you must own a ps3

    13.1.2008 20:54 #3

  • saltynuts

    Originally posted by red2tango: lol microsoft doesnt know the difference between sold and shipped

    you must own a ps3

    13.1.2008 20:54 #4

  • milkyoreo

    xBox 360 has been having some good success in the past, but I don't believe it will do better now in 2008, a lot of people are now switching to PS3 because of the new 40GB model, cheaper. Also, PS3 is coming out with a new feature called Home, which is going to raise sales ALOT along with new games coming. Also, I feel kinda bad, cause PS3 has the blu-ray thing which is going well and the discs cant get scratched... 360 has HD and thats going bad.

    13.1.2008 21:20 #5

  • chubbyInc

    Are you trying to say the discs are scratch proof?

    Blu-Ray are more fragile than DVD or CD the information is stored closer to the surface.

    I think Microsoft has a better count on their systems than PS3 does
    It was the PS3 that claimed they sold x number of systems in the first couple months, but really it was just shipped consoles.

    I think all 3 systems will do well this year for their own separate reasons.

    13.1.2008 22:30 #6

  • ZimHosein

    Quote:Originally posted by red2tango: lol microsoft doesnt know the difference between sold and shippedyou must own a ps3I read red2tango's post as a comment on all the "repaired" Xbox 360's that MS has had to mail back to customers, but that's just me.

    For the record I do own an Xbox 360.

    13.1.2008 23:01 #7

  • Tecbot

    chubby got some links?

    Your saying near launch they were counting shipped consoles not sold...since it was hard to find near then wouldnt that be more accurate than M$ saying they sold this many 2 years in when everyone knows there sitting in piles at stores...

    Typical though nintendo did this then xbots got into a rage when this was debunked as not sold, claiming nintendos numbers were also wrong but then again nintendo actually sells what it ships.

    13.1.2008 23:31 #8

  • pomelo

    That ia a lot of units sold.

    14.1.2008 02:19 #9

  • chaos_zzz

    WOW that's about 5.9 million units that doesn't work

    plus an estimate of 1 of 508 ppl owning an xbox 360 right now.

    14.1.2008 09:48 #10


    Wii is short for weak(for kids and familys)and PS3=not much fun or content ,once you play on xbox live theres no turning back and achievements give you a sense of accomplishment that you dont get from any other console plus the greatest game selection available who cares about numbers sold its about having a great gamer expirence wich xobox has the best...

    14.1.2008 10:09 #11

  • chubbyInc

    Tecbot, sorry don't feel like looking up the links.

    It's simple to walk into any store and ask someone working there which system is the highest in demand.

    Wii, than 360, and PS3 tailing last. heck even the PS2 is selling more than the PS3......

    Once they start making some quality games I might consider getting a PS3, but the graphics and gameplay are better on the 360.

    At least Microsoft is fixing their mistakes, I couldn't send in my first 360 because I removed the seal to paint it metallic blue.

    When I got a read disc error on my PS2, did Sony replace it.... I think not.

    14.1.2008 11:21 #12

  • red2tango

    Quote:Quote:Originally posted by red2tango: lol microsoft doesnt know the difference between sold and shippedyou must own a ps3I read red2tango's post as a comment on all the "repaired" Xbox 360's that MS has had to mail back to customers, but that's just me.

    For the record I do own an Xbox 360.
    yes i do own a ps3 and a selling 17.1 million is bullshit since we is somewhere at that level.more bullshit brought to u buy MS.and microsoft never releases numbers on amount sold and thats a fact.

    14.1.2008 16:10 #13

  • vinny13

    Quote:Originally posted by red2tango: lol microsoft doesnt know the difference between sold and shipped

    you must own a ps3
    OMG it's this guy again.

    Anyways I agree. I remember the last time when they were boasting 10 million sold they were called off on it as the total of consoles shipped to retailers, not actually in homes, or in some cases the garbage.

    I wonder if they count those people who have had like 3 different 360s :S

    14.1.2008 16:57 #14

  • vinny13

    Originally posted by milkyoreo: xBox 360 has been having some good success in the past, but I don't believe it will do better now in 2008, a lot of people are now switching to PS3 because of the new 40GB model, cheaper. Also, PS3 is coming out with a new feature called Home, which is going to raise sales ALOT along with new games coming. Also, I feel kinda bad, cause PS3 has the blu-ray thing which is going well and the discs cant get scratched... 360 has HD and thats going bad.Ya my friend has had a 360 for a year and a half and he's already bored of it because he doesn't play Live that much, and the campaigns aren't doing much for him because most of the good ones he says are short. They screwed him when they put the $130 price tag on the Wireless adapter. When he want's to play live, he hast to play on this little 13 inch tube right beside his router instead of his new 50" or somethin XBR4 Bravia or whatever. Plus, he's a huge Metal Gear fan. He's getting a PS3 in a couple weeks for his birthday.

    14.1.2008 17:04 #15

  • saltynuts

    Originally posted by vinny13: Quote:Originally posted by red2tango: lol microsoft doesnt know the difference between sold and shipped

    you must own a ps3
    OMG it's this guy again.

    So i see now when you see me post on the same board as you there will be some kind of young stupid remark you must make.its all good though countinue to act your age.and for the record your remarks are not stupid because your 14 but because your just a smartass who think he funny.

    Anyways I agree. I remember the last time when they were boasting 10 million sold they were called off on it as the total of consoles shipped to retailers, not actually in homes, or in some cases the garbage.

    I wonder if they count those people who have had like 3 different 360s :S

    14.1.2008 20:55 #16

  • vinny13

    Originally posted by saltynuts: Originally posted by vinny13: Quote:Originally posted by red2tango: lol microsoft doesnt know the difference between sold and shipped

    you must own a ps3
    OMG it's this guy again.

    So i see now when you see me post on the same board as you there will be some kind of young stupid remark you must make.its all good though countinue to act your age.and for the record your remarks are not stupid because your 14 but because your just a smartass who think he funny.

    Anyways I agree. I remember the last time when they were boasting 10 million sold they were called off on it as the total of consoles shipped to retailers, not actually in homes, or in some cases the garbage.

    I wonder if they count those people who have had like 3 different 360s :S
    Oh... You must be a 360 owner :/

    Using your logic anyways. I find it retarded that you think everyone is a PS3 owner if they're not for 360 completely. Like, I'm for it, I just like the PS3 better :/

    I'll make stupid remarks when I see others making pointless ones for whatever reason.

    Nice to see your acting my age too.

    (+[PSP]%) = 3.52M33-4

    "I get no respect, I tell ya!"

    14.1.2008 23:26 #17

  • bdoggie08

    you people that compare systems are pathetic, don't you have anything better to do with your lives. Its like having a car, everybody drives a different car because it suits them better as far as comfort, mpg, acceleration, handling, stop fighting with the consoles-its pathetic. Let it go. Everybody likes things for certain reasons, thats what makes America great-the freedom to choose to vote, what to wear everyday, what to eat..etc. Stop it!! I've said my peace.

    15.1.2008 14:57 #18

  • dannykid8

    removed violates forum rules

    21.1.2008 18:59 #19

  • borhan9

    Quote:lol microsoft doesnt know the difference between sold and shippedI like that one. However if it is shipped Microsoft has sold them because the retail stores buy them in bulk so therefore Microsoft has made its money.

    26.1.2008 23:47 #20

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