iPhone not coming to China anytime soon

iPhone not coming to China anytime soon
Apple and China Mobile have called off all talks for a Chinese launch of the popular iPhone device, meaning the phone will not be hitting China anytime soon.

China Mobile has an outstanding 350 million subscribers and the two companies had been in talks since November. Talks broke down to due Apple's want of revenue sharing with any deal. The figure Apple wanted was apparently too high.

"It's not a surprise. China Mobile doesn't want to share its non-voice revenue,"
said Duncan Clark, chairman of BDA China, a Beijing-based telecoms research consultancy. "The two have very strong egos and, as in any relationship, that often doesn't work."

"Our parent has terminated talks with Apple over the iPhone,"
a China Mobile added.

The iPhone has been a hot selling device in the US as well as in Europe and Apple expects the growth to continue despite this latest setback.


Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 14 Jan 2008 18:58
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  • ste0087

    anyone know when the iphone come out in Australia

    14.1.2008 21:52 #1

  • 21Q

    Why the same article twice? This one is just a reiteration of the last one.

    14.1.2008 22:36 #2

  • bug1234

    link removed

    17.1.2008 11:43 #3

  • bug1234

    link removed

    17.1.2008 11:48 #4

  • borhan9

    Wow Steve has a real battle on his hands China is not just going to roll over. They mean business.

    14.2.2008 21:53 #5

  • varnull

    Woot.. one of the biggest markets on the planet.. well done Steve.. frightened they will open the case and make fair priced copies like they do with the "chipod"? Don't know what you are worrying about.. *whispers* they already got some.. hehehe..

    Free open source software = made by end users who want an application to work.... Commercial "pay for" software = made by software developers who want paying... see where I'm going with this?

    15.2.2008 04:33 #6

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