Apple patches security flaws in iPhone, QuickTime

Apple patches security flaws in iPhone, QuickTime
Apple Inc. has fixed several security issues that affect the QuickTime media player, the iPhone and iPod Touch. The iPhone update fixes flaws with the Safari web browser, including one bug that could potentially be used to run unauthorized software on the device. The Safari bugs also affect the iPod Touch. Another iPhone bug could let unauthorized users bypass Passcode Lock and launch iPhone applications.

The security updates for the iPhone will be available through iTunes. The iPhone 1.1.3 software patch does affect those who have installed the Jailbreak software to open the iPhone to third-party applications, as did previous updates. A Jailbreak 1.1.3 script should make its way to the iPhone Wiki soon however.

As for the QuickTime updates, four critical flaws have been patched that could allow attackers to crash the media player and even run unauthorized software on a victim's machine. The QuickTime updates do not address a serious security flaw uncovered over the weekend yet however.

Written by: James Delahunty @ 16 Jan 2008 0:15
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  • 1 comment
  • borhan9

    Apple's goods seem to be a lil buggy for the last 2 years why can they just not get things right on the software side of things.

    15.2.2008 17:15 #1

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