Local media firms warm to YouTube Mexico

Local media firms warm to YouTube Mexico
A YouTube Mexico service was launched back in October as a result of heavy traffic on the English YouTube page and Spain country page from Mexico. Entertainment companies in the country are hoping to turn Yahoo Mexico's focus on local content into a revenue stream. YouTube is currently touring the country with representatives demonstrating how to upload videos to the service.

"Before we think about the monetization aspect, we need to make sure the community finds the site interesting," YouTube international product manager Luis Garcia said. Entertainment cable channel Exa TV, newspaper El Universal, modeling agency Contempo Models and soccer site Medio Tiempo have signed on as local content partners to the service.

YouTube Mexico is also an important source for the local music companies. Warner Music Mexico talent executive Alejandro Abaroa said that YouTube Mexico increases exposure for local acts."It's a beginning effort," Reuters reports Abaroa as saying. "Maybe next month it's not going to be a hit anymore. The minute you hear about it, you have to grab it."

Written by: James Delahunty @ 16 Jan 2008 0:13
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  • mfgnet

    utube waz cool, but now that every edited by ddp is on there and corporate googhell bought it, it now is edited by ddp! I love these corperates hwo think der cool by tapping in to popular edited by ddp! God has a special place in hell for Yooze! edited by ddp you corperate edited by ddp who try to jail us for copyright infringement! I am taking a edited by ddp, why don't yoose eat it!

    17.1.2008 19:28 #1

  • ddp

    mfgnet, watch the language, post edited

    17.1.2008 21:19 #2

  • borhan9

    Wow to me this sounds like everyone has becomes partners to get this off the ground. Must have some big numbers.

    15.2.2008 17:06 #3

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