AfterDawn RSS feed improved

AfterDawn RSS feed improved
For years, one of the most popular ways to follow our news has been through our RSS feed. The RSS feed hasn't been improved in years and in today's terms, the old RSS 1.0 without any associated styles or features, was a little bit tired to be honest.

Today our RSS news feed has moved to a new address and has an improved look and features. Most importantly, the feed now contains the complete news stories with pictures. The old way of having only a "teaser text" available for the RSS subscribers is gone.

To make the transition as smooth as possible, the old feed URL simply redirects to the new feed, so you shouldn't need to change anything in your favorite feed reader application.

If you haven't subscribed to our RSS feed yet, please do so -- our RSS news feed is available here:

If you are looking for a good, free RSS / Atom reader, take a look at Feedreader. It's very easy to use and quite versatile. If you are new to RSS feeds, please take a look at our RSS feeds guide/tutorial for more information on how to use RSS feeds with, for example, Firefox, Internet Explorer or Google Reader.

Written by: Petteri Pyyny @ 8 Feb 2008 6:33
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  • DXR88

    Uh...Thanks for the heads up.

    Why Did you change it Anyway.

    if it works dont screw with it right...?

    9.2.2008 20:47 #1

  • yimmmy

    sweet . i run my threads with it threw news crawler i think its a pretty neat program

    9.2.2008 21:40 #2

  • borhan9

    Great job never letting things go and always keeping up with the times thats why aD is one of my top sites.

    2.4.2008 04:43 #3

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