ABC and Comcast remove Fast Forward from VOD offering

ABC and Comcast remove Fast Forward from VOD offering
ABC executives have managed to convince themselves that viewers really don't care about fast forwarding, or at least that's the official company line, as voiced by Anne Sweeney, the president of the Disney-ABC television group. She was speaking about a new Video On Demand venture the Disney owned network is initiating with the cooperation of affiliate stations and cable carrier Cox Communications which will disable the fast forward capabilities normally associated with on demand offerings.

Sweeney told the New York Times “You don’t need TiVo if you have fast-forward-disabled video on demand. It gives you the same opportunity to catch up to your favorite shows.” Perhaps no one has told her that Americans would prefer to spend the 25% - 30% of each show's running time that's devoted to commercials doing something more interesting than watching the same commercials over and over.

The cluelessness of the executives who made this decision was summed up well by Ray Cole. He's the president of Citadel Communications, owner of three ABC affiliates, who said “As network and affiliates, we both have an interest in slowing down the explosive growth of DVRs.”

What's even more interesting than the position of ABC and their affiliates is that of Cox. If this new offering doesn't appeal to viewers they'll almost certainly bear the brunt of customer dissatisfaction. If you don't like their cable service you're likely to have other options, such as satellite. If you want to watch the latest episode of 'Desparate Housewives' or 'Ugly Betty' it will still be coming from ABC.

Written by: Rich Fiscus @ 25 Feb 2008 21:55
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  • Blackjax

    Just another fine example of the executive mentality who couldn't run a paper route properly!
    I will only say this to those CEO's .......

    Eventually you myopic bloodsuckers will learn one thing. You don't bite the hand that feeds you.

    Just my 6 cents. (It went up because of oil)

    26.2.2008 00:38 #1

  • ripxrush

    okay i dont even want to get into the real reasons for this but if i PAY for a PAYPERVIEW or ON DEMAND movie i WANT to be able to fast froward threw oh say i am watching a movie that is good but there is a scene that i don't want my kids to watch i cant FF threw it?! for get about the commercials there are other reasons & this just made there DR USELESS!!! lmfao!

    26.2.2008 04:10 #2

  • rvlikens

    Wow.. I was just about to switch from WOW to Comcast. Glad I read this. Even if I do save 7 bucks a month going to CC, I'll stick to Wide Open West. Now, lets see. Hasn't it always been the MASTER PLAN for big television to stop us from getting past those stupid ass comercials? Whatever heard of the feature "commercial skip"?

    26.2.2008 06:31 #3

  • SProdigy

    It's already bad enough that the networks zap banners across the screen AFTER the commercial break, promoting anything from products to the show that comes in 15 minutes.

    I'm just waiting for every sitcom and reality show personality to wear a shirt that resembles a Club America jersey, and hop into their "NASCAR".

    26.2.2008 08:43 #4

  • xdgen84

    I was worried when the title said Comcast, but after reading and Finding it was Cox, and not Comcast, I'm a bit reassured. They chose a bad road to go down, I hope it doesn't actually spread to other companies like Comcast, etc. It may be good to note a change in the misleading title, however.

    26.2.2008 08:56 #5

  • emugamer

    Quote:“As network and affiliates, we both have an interest in slowing down the explosive growth of DVRs.” Well, that sums up the Corporate mentality. Don't grow with technology. Stunt growth. Slow progress to keep the money filling the pockets.

    Corporate America...
    The Have's vs the Have-Nots...
    My yacht is bigger than yours...

    26.2.2008 12:11 #6

  • ddp

    title edited

    26.2.2008 12:18 #7

  • Zippy84

    OK.. the title says Comcast is removing it but the entire article says Cox and nothing about Comcast.... which company is it??

    26.2.2008 14:31 #8

  • ddp


    26.2.2008 14:41 #9

  • drach

    Quote:You don’t need TiVo if you have fast-forward-disabled video on demand. It gives you the same opportunity to catch up to your favorite shows.Is it just me, or is that a very good reason to get a tivo? Why would i want to pay the cable company for commercials? That is just as bad as the bastards that abuse Prohibited User Operations on DVDs for commercials. I am so sick of the constant bombardment of advertisements in any and every imaginable form of media. Whats next, the commercial channel? Pay-Per-View commercials? I think i will stick with broadcast TV, at least they have a reasonable excuse to show ads(you don't pay for it).

    26.2.2008 19:56 #10

  • DXR88

    Boy they just keep getting Dumber And Dumber everyday.

    26.2.2008 22:36 #11

  • RNR1995

    HMMM does ANYONE remember the days when you got cable because IT DID NOT HAVE COMMERCIALS!!!!! Bend over America here comes the corporation!

    1.3.2008 12:06 #12

  • RNR1995

    HMMM does ANYONE remember the days when you got cable because IT DID NOT HAVE COMMERCIALS!!!!! Bend over America here comes the corporation!

    1.3.2008 12:06 #13

  • sguss

    Here around Houston Cox was bought out by Comcast, so they are now one in the same.

    9.3.2008 00:34 #14

  • borhan9

    Fastforwarding is key thing to have when dealing with online video content. I just wish executives realize this fact that yes we do want this function so that we can fast forward past the crap ads you put before the actualy video that we wanna watch.

    19.4.2008 19:36 #15

  • rvlikens

    Well no fast forward.. what's next, not being able to change the channel during a comercial break? Well people, it's time to get our BIG FAT assess off the couch and take a walk around the block. Don't hear anyone bitching about not being able to fast forward DVD's past the FBI warning and some trailers to go right to the menu. Thank god for 1clickcopy.

    25.4.2008 02:59 #16

  • phobet

    I could understand them disabling the fast forward function if the video was to be streamed via the Internet. After all, *someone* has to to pay for bandwidth, and if this is a free service, then it would be a legitimate way to go.

    But if this is to be a *pay* service, then the media company execs need to wake up, and get a clue. No one wants to pay for video they are *forced* to watch. This is akin to putting ads on the DVDs you buy, advertising other movies - and they play *before* you you even get to the DVD menu(s). The only thing this is used for is for people to get their popcorn ready for the movie they originally bought the DVD for.

    13.5.2008 17:29 #17

  • iluvendo

    Cheaters. Shame on you !!

    If it wasn't for bad luck, I'd have no luck!
    "The flimsier the product,the higher the price"
    Ferengi 82nd rule of aquisition

    13.5.2008 18:21 #18

  • chicnshit

    Originally posted by RNR1995: HMMM does ANYONE remember the days when you got cable because IT DID NOT HAVE COMMERCIALS!!!!! Bend over America here comes the corporation!
    that's so true I can remember when cable barely had any comercials.Now you have to watch them on on demand aswell.

    19.5.2009 19:00 #19

  • varnull

    That's so you won't be able to fast forward through the adverts they will start shoving in the pay per view programming...

    ^^^ if i'm not allowed to have slugfuk (because though it contains NO swearwords but offends certain sensibilities of people old enough to have heard the term before...) as a user name then where does chickns**t come from.

    Free open source software = made by end users who want an application to work.
    I would rather you hate me for who I am than love me for what I am not.
    “It is poor civic hygiene to install technologies that could someday facilitate a police state.” - Bruce Schneier

    19.5.2009 19:27 #20

  • zing99


    Well it's May of 2011 and I can't use my fast forward with on demand now! I'm an extremely ticked off about this! And I get that it's all about making us see commercials. THAT alone is enough to make cancel comcast. However, it's worst than that. You can't even fast forward the show you are watching!! In fact, wait... It's worst than that. Let's say you've watched 25 minutes of your show and don't understand something and want to re-watch the first 5 minutes of the show.

    So you rewind it (yes rewind works). So you go back and and watch those 5 minutes. Now that you are done doing that it will NOT allow you to fast forward back to where you where even if you already saw it three times! So you have to re-watch those 20 extra minutes over again. That means, most people will be afraid to try backing up their DVR in order to check things. And that means less enjoyment. But does comcast care? No, they don't care a single bit! They are POS losers! I looking into other solutions like maybe getting Fios. Or if that won't work, maybe another 3rd party DVR.. At any rate this is awful! And it's just the beginning. They are just getting us used to this a little at a time. Pretty soon this will be more wide spread!

    10.5.2011 22:35 #21

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