Record companies target Irish ISP Eircom

Record companies target Irish ISP Eircom
According to the Irish Examiner on Tuesday, the Irish arms of the four largest record companies in the world are taking the largest Internet Service Provider (ISP) in Ireland to the High Court. Eircom revealed in October to the music companies that it is in no position to install web filtering software on its network to tackle growing illegal file sharing in the state.

The Irish Recorded Music Association (IRMA) has previously targeted heavy sharers of illegal music files with litigation, but according to IRMA chairman, Willie Kavanagh, this selective targeting of file sharers proved to be very time consuming and costly. Meanwhile the music companies believe the action was not sufficient to safeguard their intellectual property.

CD sales in the country have suffered a €44 million loss in the past six years with a decline in total sales from €146 million in 2001 to €102 million in 2007, or a 30% decline overall, according to Kavanagh. Now the music companies seek to force Eircom to filter the traffic on its networks and stamp out illegal file sharing by its users.

In an affidavit, Kavanagh outlined public-awareness actions taken by the trade group in the country to discourage music piracy. However, he said Internet pirates come from all walks of life and that today some young people have never known a time when they have had to pay for sound recordings.

Written by: James Delahunty @ 11 Mar 2008 12:23
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  • engage16

    web filtering software... yay! its just like high school again!!! lol... wonder if its as easy to bypass as the security there. cause that was easy, where else are you supposed to fileshare without it being traceable directly back to you?

    11.3.2008 13:32 #1

  • nobrainer

    I'd be interested to know if anyone connected to the IFPI/MPAA is a part of the bilderberg group, as snooping on all humanity is one of their goals towards the new world order.

    anyhows this sucks and hope the court rules in favour of the isp.



    The IFPI Are: The same anti consumer lot as listed above!


    How do you stop anti consumer = its easy purchase only second hand media and avoid their propertarian hobbled by DRM hardware!

    11.3.2008 15:23 #2

  • spiesfan


    more desperation

    11.3.2008 18:30 #3

  • magnets

    The article states a decline in sales of 30$ in 6 years. I'd like to know whether the same volume of music was released in those 6 years. If the music producers released 30% less music than that would account for 30% less sales...

    i still don't see how it's the ISPs responsibility to stop it's users from file sharing illegal files. How do they know which ones are illegal? bittorent is a legal protocol, limewire can be used to legimately share files. I can understand they should be vigilant against it's users using their allotted webhosting space to put up warez sites, as they are the "publisher" and therefor it makes sense to protect themselves against prosecution. But not interfering between their customer and third party.

    i can't see the difference between this proposal and a proposal that your telecoms provider should monitor your conversations and beep out any references to crime/criminal acts. Which would be this proposal.

    11.3.2008 19:59 #4

  • cart0181

    OHoh, lookout. We're going to have another BraveHeart on our hands. "Freeeedoooooooooom!"

    (yeah, I know it was actually in Scotland, but whatever)

    11.3.2008 20:41 #5

  • dsgtrain

    The title should be 'Bullies target Irish ISP Eircom'

    12.3.2008 05:58 #6

  • jos22

    well they forget to mention a large portion of cds in ireland are bought from cdwow and when people were buying cds from them
    the same groups complained try block people from buying online forcing cdwow to raise its prices.
    it also difficult to buy cds other than the top 10 albums crap

    as most shops dont sells the non chart music and if they do they look for 20 Euro

    if the sold cds at 5-10 euro people might consider buying one

    12.3.2008 13:28 #7

  • Icanbe

    If the court does rule in favour of the IRMA, could the isp's go after or sue them for the extra costs they would incurr to maintain all these extra filters?

    Just a thought.


    Of course they always seem to leave the details out, afterall they are out to mislead us.

    13.3.2008 09:22 #8

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