BCI drops HD DVD

BCI drops HD DVD
BCI/Eclipse, an indie movie distributor, has announced they have canceled all HD DVD titles and will be moving onto Blu-ray for future releases.

In 2006 BCI became the first indie distributor to announce HD DVD support but delays have slowed distribution to a few select titles. The company says the HD DVD Title 'My Favorite Brunette'/'Son of Paleface' will be the last release in the format and all future support is over.

Any fans of BCI titles can still look forward to seeing the titles on Blu-ray as the company is "planning a more aggressive Blu-ray line-up for later this year, although exact titles and street dates have yet to be determined."

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 27 Mar 2008 16:48
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  • tripplite

    how many more times will this news page yell in my face DUMB A*S WHY DID YOU GET THAT HD-DVD PLAYER!

    27.3.2008 17:10 #1

  • goodswipe

    BCI who?

    After taking a look at some of the movies they backed, it's highly unlikely that the masses would have even cared whether or not they backed HD DVD.

    27.3.2008 17:21 #2

  • tripplite

    goodswipe look here: http://www.google.com/search?client=fire...G=Google+Search

    ......theyre are a LOT of BCI's:)

    27.3.2008 17:44 #3

  • goodswipe

    Damn, I thought it meant Brain-computer interface...

    Yea, that's exactly why I did a search. I'm guessing this would be them:

    Only cool thing I saw on there was He-Man And The Masters Of The Universe. Still wearing your trusty He-Man underwear trippy?

    "look honey, it said goodswipe! oh wow, that's amazing."

    27.3.2008 17:48 #4

  • Pop_Smith

    Originally posted by tripplite: how many more times will this news page yell in my face DUMB A*S WHY DID YOU GET THAT HD-DVD PLAYER!Non-sense, sure HD DVD lost but they were on top for a while and Sony was just lucky that the PS3's trojan horse gamble paid off.

    27.3.2008 18:04 #5

  • Ryu77

    Originally posted by Pop_Smith: Non-sense, sure HD DVD lost but they were on top for a while and Sony was just lucky that the PS3's trojan horse gamble paid off.Is it lucky or is it smart business?

    "Dream... Believe... Achieve"

    27.3.2008 20:24 #6

  • drach

    Quote:Originally posted by Pop_Smith: Non-sense, sure HD DVD lost but they were on top for a while and Sony was just lucky that the PS3's trojan horse gamble paid off.

    Is it lucky or is it smart business?
    True, HD-DVD would probably still be alive and kicking if M$ had decided to include an internal HD-DVD drive in the xbox 360. On the other hand, at least now you can get those "obsolete" upscaling HD-DVD players and movies at fire sale prices.

    27.3.2008 21:44 #7

  • PantherM

    Who the heck is BCI?

    And why is this even news?

    I guess it is kinda funny that some obsure lable has "announced" that they are going Blu.....6 weeks after the format war already ended.

    27.3.2008 22:41 #8

  • NexGen76

    Quote:Originally posted by tripplite: how many more times will this news page yell in my face DUMB A*S WHY DID YOU GET THAT HD-DVD PLAYER!Non-sense, sure HD DVD lost but they were on top for a while and Sony was just lucky that the PS3's trojan horse gamble paid off.BDA had a better marketing plan than HD-DVD.

    28.3.2008 00:31 #9

  • Pop_Smith

    Originally posted by Ryu77: Is it lucky or is it smart business?I definitely would not call it smart business yet. But I wouldn't call it bad business yet either.

    According to this article, published Feb 21 2008, Sony has spent ~$3 billion on its format, including payments to studios to go exclusive, marketing, and losses taken on the PS3.

    Thats over 450% more than Toshiba's loss and it may or may not be finished adding up yet.


    28.3.2008 01:12 #10

  • Ryu77

    Originally posted by Pop_Smith: Originally posted by Ryu77: Is it lucky or is it smart business?I definitely would not call it smart business yet. But I wouldn't call it bad business yet either.

    According to this article, published Feb 21 2008, Sony has spent ~$3 billion on its format, including payments to studios to go exclusive, marketing, and losses taken on the PS3.

    Thats over 450% more than Toshiba's loss and it may or may not be finished adding up yet.

    Well it most certainly isn't a case of luck!

    "Dream... Believe... Achieve"

    28.3.2008 03:51 #11

  • SDF_GR

    Quote:Originally posted by Ryu77: Is it lucky or is it smart business?I definitely would not call it smart business yet. But I wouldn't call it bad business yet either.

    According to this article, published Feb 21 2008, Sony has spent ~$3 billion on its format, including payments to studios to go exclusive, marketing, and losses taken on the PS3.

    Thats over 450% more than Toshiba's loss and it may or may not be finished adding up yet.

    3bil's? Sony will get it back in no time, if they havent already.

    Dont forget that with BD win sony actually will benefit x4.
    1st The BD patent, They will even get money from MS eventually.
    2nd PS3, will and does sale more than before the BD win.
    3rd PSP, with the feature of transferring movies from PS3 to PSP, IMO PSP will get some boost too.
    4th Sony Movie Studios.

    Originally posted by drach: at least now you can get those "obsolete" upscaling HD-DVD players and movies at fire sale prices.Teach garbage.

    28.3.2008 05:28 #12

  • PantherM

    Quote:Originally posted by Ryu77: Is it lucky or is it smart business?I definitely would not call it smart business yet. But I wouldn't call it bad business yet either.

    According to this article, published Feb 21 2008, Sony has spent ~$3 billion on its format, including payments to studios to go exclusive, marketing, and losses taken on the PS3.

    Thats over 450% more than Toshiba's loss and it may or may not be finished adding up yet.

    Looks like smart business to me. Toshiba has no way to recoup that loss...Sony does.

    28.3.2008 08:35 #13

  • SProdigy

    I doubt HD-DVD's failure had anything to do with the 360. Sony locked up studios exclusively and markets their product like crazy.

    I just read an article that said HD-DVD discs are still outselling Blu-Ray and even American Gangster on HD-DVD outsold all other movies the week it came out.

    Just goes to show you, that even though the people have a Blu-Ray capable device, such as the PS3, they aren't necessarily buying movies.

    And from the overall HD disc market (HD-DVD + Blu-Ray) they haven't made a dent in DVD sales yet.

    28.3.2008 12:17 #14

  • juankerr

    Originally posted by SProdigy: I just read an article that said HD-DVD discs are still outselling Blu-Ray and even American Gangster on HD-DVD outsold all other movies the week it came out.Still outselling BluRay? According to the Nielsen numbers HD DVD has never outsold BluRay since late 2006.

    AG and Beowulf on HD DVD both did well as expected but overall Bluray still had the lead in the Nielsens.

    This week's Nielsen numbers are out:
    BluRay - 88%
    HD DVD - 12%


    Amazon still has its HD DVD movie firesale on and Best Buy had its 30% off sale so people are still buying HD DVD's.

    Sorry if I sound argumentative but your implication that HD DVD is outselling BluRay at this point has to be corrected.

    28.3.2008 13:04 #15

  • SProdigy

    No, it's a fact that the WEEK American Gangster came out (few weeks ago) it OUTSOLD all Blu-Ray titles that week, including the 2nd place Michael Clayton, which it outsold 2:1. This was right after Toshiba officially killed off HD-DVD.


    In related news, HD DVD titles, now to be found for under $20 USD at most retailers continue to sell out and move at a vigorous pace after the format's demise last month.


    Okay, so still outselling was the wrong verbiage for what I was trying to say, so clearly I stand corrected.

    28.3.2008 16:19 #16

  • juankerr

    Originally posted by SProdigy: And from the overall HD disc market (HD-DVD + Blu-Ray) they haven't made a dent in DVD sales yet.It already starting:

    Report: Blu-ray Disc Sales Impacting DVD


    Quote:Thanks to the demise of HD DVD and increased Blu-ray retail momentum, next-gen disc sales are starting to carve out a bigger slice of the home video pie, a new report suggests.

    According to an analysis of Nielsen VideoScan First Alert numbers conducted by Home Media Magazine, Disney's Blu-ray chart-topper 'No Country for Old Men' drew 9.8 percent of its total unit sales from Blu-ray during its first five days in stores.

    Faring even better was Fox's 'Hitman,' which saw 12.6 percent of total customers taking home the Blu-ray version during its first five days.

    By comparison, high-def percentages during the height of the format war rarely topped 2 to 3 percent of a title's total disc sales. (Even 2007's biggest high-def seller, the HD DVD-only release of 'Transformers,' generated little more than 4 percent of its total unit sales from the next-gen version.)

    Adams Media Research analyst Tom Adams cited a newfound sense of confidence among consumers as the main reason for Blu-ray's recent siege on DVD market share, as many of those previously waiting out the format war may now be willing to dip their toes in the Blu waters.

    "Before, there was a tendency to play it safe and stick with the standard DVD," Adams said. "But now there's no longer anything to worry about."

    Adams also expects to see Blu-ray disc sales continue to boom throughout the rest of calendar year, fueled by increasing penetration of Blu-ray hardware and sales of Sony's Blu-ray-driven PlayStation 3.

    28.3.2008 16:49 #17

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