Best Buy completely drops all HD DVD stock

Best Buy completely drops all HD DVD stock
It seems that Best Buy is completely dropping HD DVD, and is pulling all titles and players from its retail stores.

Instead of putting the remaining discs through a firesale, Best Buy managers have received a memorandum to remove all HD DVD products from store shelves. The memorandum reads, “Mosaic [field marketing company] will be in all stores before open on March 26 to pull and send back all HD-DVD titles. The representative will fill out the sendback paperwork and create a manifest for each individual tote. They'll also flex all Blu-ray inventory across the space where HD-DVD was featured.”

The memo even goes as far as to day that all signs promoting HD DVD must go as well. “Mosaic will remove any header signs that list both Blu-ray and HD-DVD, as they are no longer valid signs in the store. Stores will be responsible to order additional Blu-ray sign rails to fill in the space Left by the removed HD-DVD signs.”

Those looking for great deals on HD DVD titles will have to continue to find them on online retailers such as Amazon, DeepDiscount and in brick and mortar stores such as Circuit City.

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 28 Mar 2008 14:22
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  • r0b0t3ch

    Bestbuy is a jackass store and jackasses run it and manage it. And................although I do enjoy going there and looking at all the goodies I only WISH I could buy, it's poorly run and poor decisions are made daily. Worked there so I can say this from an "insider" perspective too. Twit kiddies who don't know sh*t from shinola and prices that are just not that competitive anymore.

    28.3.2008 14:34 #1

  • CrowDUDE

    HA! My wife and i were at BB the other day and i told her "These are all gonna be GONE soon..." Danm! was i right...

    28.3.2008 14:40 #2

  • milkyoreo

    smart of em...

    28.3.2008 14:45 #3

  • Vr0cK

    Hey i was curious, u kno how Bestbuy said they give $50 giftcard to anybody that bought an HD-DVD player from Jan 1st 2007 or later, if i bought the HD-DVD player they had for $89.99 like last week, would they also give me the $50 giftcard? Thus the HD-DVD player wouldve only cost $39.99? cuz that wouldve been sweet deal regardless that HD-DVD is gone.

    28.3.2008 15:19 #4

  • Icanbe

    I was hoping for a firesale.
    O well guess I'll just have to go to amazon.

    28.3.2008 15:24 #5

  • SDF_GR

    I dont like them too,that was a stupid move
    They should dedicate a corner with rare/antique staff and place there Betamax,VHS,HD-DVD,Minidisc,5.25" diskettes, Commodore etc
    But what can you say? some people just dont know how to run a business.

    28.3.2008 15:57 #6

  • domie

    Originally posted by SDF_GR:
    They should dedicate a corner with rare/antique staff and place there Betamax,VHS,HD-DVD,Minidisc,5.25" diskettes, Commodore etc
    But what can you say? some people just dont know how to run a business.
    well if you think that is how to run a business then why not try it yourself - stock it full of all that crap and then tell us how many thousands you lose in the first 6 months

    28.3.2008 16:02 #7

  • r0b0t3ch

    Quote:Originally posted by SDF_GR:
    They should dedicate a corner with rare/antique staff and place there Betamax,VHS,HD-DVD,Minidisc,5.25" diskettes, Commodore etc
    But what can you say? some people just dont know how to run a business.
    well if you think that is how to run a business then why not try it yourself - stock it full of all that crap and then tell us how many thousands you lose in the first 6 months

    There's a difference a difference between "stocking full of crap" and keeping a small section of residual merchandise to cater to those who got screwed but I do agree with you about his comment but I think it may have been sarcastic. If so then the attack at him is below.

    As for SDF_GR.............not quite sure if you're being a sarcastic punk prick but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume not. Because of course you're a smart person and no doubt already know that Minidisc is far from dead. From the end-user's perspective, it's totally usable and more practical and better than cd and recording from radio HD radio or XM/Sirius is flawless and virtually forever. But that all's REGULARLY used in recording studios and the choice of musicians for removable recording media.

    28.3.2008 16:12 #8

  • core2kid

    Originally posted by SDF_GR: I dont like them too,that was a stupid move
    They should dedicate a corner with rare/antique staff and place there Betamax,VHS,HD-DVD,Minidisc,5.25" diskettes, Commodore etc
    But what can you say? some people just dont know how to run a business.

    I would totally come there and pick up a lot of antique stuff.
    Originally posted by domie: well if you think that is how to run a business then why not try it yourself - stock it full of all that crap and then tell us how many thousands you lose in the first 6 months
    You don't have to be so rude about his idea, I think its a good idea. People do buy antiques and he said a "corner" which would be a small area of a large store.

    28.3.2008 16:13 #9

  • SProdigy

    Quote:Originally posted by SDF_GR:
    They should dedicate a corner with rare/antique staff and place there Betamax,VHS,HD-DVD,Minidisc,5.25" diskettes, Commodore etc
    But what can you say? some people just dont know how to run a business.
    well if you think that is how to run a business then why not try it yourself - stock it full of all that crap and then tell us how many thousands you lose in the first 6 months
    Whoa, cool down. I think he was being sarcastic towards the first post.

    Dude, I worked at Best Buy too, and although I hated most of my co-workers and the cult-like environment I worked in, it is by FAR one of the better retail operations. They are constantly evolving. Just because they don't wish to become Wal-Mart, by selling a ton of cheap Chinese brands that cut corners and break down in weeks, doesn't mean they aren't competitive or don't know what they're doing.

    As for the employees, most of them only do what they're told. They're only product knowledge is from company memos. If Best Buy sold a box of crap in a shiny box, and told them employee it was the best thing since sliced bread, they would blindly believe it.

    28.3.2008 16:25 #10

  • r0b0t3ch

    Quote:Quote:Originally posted by SDF_GR:
    They should dedicate a corner with rare/antique staff and place there Betamax,VHS,HD-DVD,Minidisc,5.25" diskettes, Commodore etc
    But what can you say? some people just dont know how to run a business.
    well if you think that is how to run a business then why not try it yourself - stock it full of all that crap and then tell us how many thousands you lose in the first 6 months
    Whoa, cool down. I think he was being sarcastic towards the first post.

    Dude, I worked at Best Buy too, and although I hated most of my co-workers and the cult-like environment I worked in, it is by FAR one of the better retail operations. They are constantly evolving. Just because they don't wish to become Wal-Mart, by selling a ton of cheap Chinese brands that cut corners and break down in weeks, doesn't mean they aren't competitive or don't know what they're doing.

    As for the employees, most of them only do what they're told. They're only product knowledge is from company memos. If Best Buy sold a box of crap in a shiny box, and told them employee it was the best thing since sliced bread, they would blindly believe it.

    Actually...........I didn't make the above statements.

    I would like to say "Well Said!". You are right about BB and their little robotic, yes-men managers, supervisors and low-on-the-totempole employees. BUT........the company has made some seriously bad business decisions that their notoriety and established rep has carried them through. All-in-all.........I agree with you.

    28.3.2008 16:49 #11

  • trexxus

    HD-DVD quickly became the ugly step child didn't it?

    28.3.2008 16:55 #12

  • SDF_GR

    Quote:Quote:Originally posted by SDF_GR:
    They should dedicate a corner with rare/antique staff and place there Betamax,VHS,HD-DVD,Minidisc,5.25" diskettes, Commodore etc
    But what can you say? some people just dont know how to run a business.
    well if you think that is how to run a business then why not try it yourself - stock it full of all that crap and then tell us how many thousands you lose in the first 6 months
    Whoa, cool down. I think he was being sarcastic towards the first post.
    Exactly Sprodigy, Thanks.
    This is why i mentioned people 5,25" diskettes and commodore but i believe that you've only reed the HD-DVD part.

    Originally posted by SProdigy:
    As for the employees, most of them only do what they're told. They're only product knowledge is from company memos. If Best Buy sold a box of crap in a shiny box, and told them employee it was the best thing since sliced bread, they would blindly believe it.
    I believe that this is not just BB phenomena, all shops of that kind works like

    28.3.2008 18:03 #13

  • i1der

    the reason is simple.... How much does the entertainment Business will make selling a DEAD format for $5 bucks and how much will they make selling the winner format for $25? off course, what they want is that people start spend the full amount for HD movie...

    28.3.2008 20:10 #14

  • CrowDUDE

    Originally posted by i1der: the reason is simple.... How much does the entertainment Business will make selling a DEAD format for $5 bucks and how much will they make selling the winner format for $25? off course, what they want is that people start spend the full amount for HD movie...
    That about sums it up!

    28.3.2008 21:36 #15

  • gallagher

    Originally posted by i1der: the reason is simple.... How much does the entertainment Business will make selling a DEAD format for $5 bucks and how much will they make selling the winner format for $25? off course, what they want is that people start spend the full amount for HD movie...Last time I checked HD-DVD is selling and they are NOT selling for $5.00! If they are, please let me know where.

    28.3.2008 21:46 #16

  • ZimHosein

    Quote:Originally posted by i1der: the reason is simple.... How much does the entertainment Business will make selling a DEAD format for $5 bucks and how much will they make selling the winner format for $25? off course, what they want is that people start spend the full amount for HD movie...
    That about sums it up!
    Very true, but I still would like to know where all of BB's HD DVD's stock will end up.

    28.3.2008 21:48 #17

  • CrowDUDE

    Quote:Originally posted by i1der: the reason is simple.... How much does the entertainment Business will make selling a DEAD format for $5 bucks and how much will they make selling the winner format for $25? off course, what they want is that people start spend the full amount for HD movie...Last time I checked HD-DVD is selling and they are NOT selling for $5.00! If they are, please let me know where.
    He meant that figuratively and not literally!

    28.3.2008 22:16 #18

  • CrowDUDE

    Quote:Quote:Originally posted by i1der: the reason is simple.... How much does the entertainment Business will make selling a DEAD format for $5 bucks and how much will they make selling the winner format for $25? off course, what they want is that people start spend the full amount for HD movie...
    That about sums it up!
    Very true, but I still would like to know where all of BB's HD DVD's stock will end up.

    “Mosaic [field marketing company] will be in all stores before open on March 26 to pull and send back all HD-DVD titles."

    28.3.2008 22:19 #19

  • ZimHosein

    Quote:Quote:Quote:Originally posted by i1der: the reason is simple.... How much does the entertainment Business will make selling a DEAD format for $5 bucks and how much will they make selling the winner format for $25? off course, what they want is that people start spend the full amount for HD movie...
    That about sums it up!
    Very true, but I still would like to know where all of BB's HD DVD's stock will end up.

    “Mosaic [field marketing company] will be in all stores before open on March 26 to pull and send back all HD-DVD titles."
    I read the article CrowDUDE, but where are the HD DVD's being sent to by Mosaic?

    28.3.2008 22:40 #20

  • error5

    Originally posted by ZimHosein: I read the article CrowDUDE, but where are the HD DVD's being sent to by Mosaic?The excess stock is either routed to other retailers that are still willing to sell them. Otherwise I imagine the inventory would be destroyed and written off for tax purposes.

    29.3.2008 02:37 #21

  • core2kid

    Originally posted by error5: Originally posted by ZimHosein: I read the article CrowDUDE, but where are the HD DVD's being sent to by Mosaic?The excess stock is either routed to other retailers that are still willing to sell them. Otherwise I imagine the inventory would be destroyed and written off for tax purposes.
    Hopefully not destroyed. There are many people that would still pay $20 for an HD DVD.

    My PC: Core2Quad Q6600 2.4 GHz|Asus P5K-E Deluxe Wifi|4GB RAM|6800GT|250GB|200GB|
    My Game Systems(Order of Release): Atari 2600|GB Original|PS|GB Pocket|N64|GB Color|Dreamcast|PS2 w/ HD Loader|PS2|XBOX Halo Edition|GBA SP|Slim PS2|DS|PSP @ 3.90M33|GB Micro|XBOX 360 HD DVD Player

    29.3.2008 08:11 #22

  • PirateDan

    Funny I remember a posting by a Best Buy employee that said that Sony had paid them big money to have their product front and center.
    And they went as so far that the Blu-ray player was connected to a TV so that you could see the picture, and the HD-DVD was sitting on the shelf with the other players.
    I'll say this every time I went in to purchase a HD-DVD disc there was on of the checkers that questioned as to why I am going with HD-DVD.
    When I told him that the add-on player for the 360 was so cheap, his response was that Blu-ray players were coming down in price and that you a number of free movies if you buy one.
    If I wasn't running late for work I would have asked him which isle are all the SACDs are on, or do you have any blank Mini-discs, I couldn't find my favorite movie on UMD.
    Maybe that is why I am going with something that wasn't backed by Sony.

    30.3.2008 16:05 #23

  • wetsparks

    Best Buy probably owns a knock off company that will sell the hddvd movies and players as well as tvs that don't meet standards or are returned.

    30.3.2008 18:29 #24

  • ZoSoIV

    all this stuff will probably end up on E-Bay

    30.3.2008 22:31 #25

  • DieMPAA

    Strange move on their part. Ebay? Amazon? In that landfill where all the Atari 2600 "E.T." games went to?

    31.3.2008 01:04 #26

  • orbitor

    Best Buy uses dealtree to liquidate most of its old stock and refurbished/open items.

    31.3.2008 01:49 #27

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