US Attorney General claims piracy funds terrorism

US Attorney General claims piracy funds terrorism
During a speech to Silicon Valley executives at the Tech Museum of Innovation, Attorney General Michael Mukasey warned that the "enormous" profits made from counterfeiting and piracy is flowing into the hands of terrorists and terrorist organizations.

Mukasey added that the "economy and national security of the United States are increasingly threatened by violations involving copyrighted software code, patented inventions and trademarked properties."

Terrorists are starting to perform more like organized crime and are increasingly using piracy and counterfeiting money to fund their operations, Mukasey says.

The Attorney General also noted that his department was now giving more resources to prosecuting intellectual property crimes, which has led to a 40 percent increase in IP cases since 2005.

"Criminal syndicates, and in some cases even terrorist groups, view IP crime as a lucrative business and see it as a low-risk way to fund other activities,"
Mukasey said. "A primary goal of our IP enforcement mission is to show these criminals that they're wrong."

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Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 29 Mar 2008 16:45
Advertisement - News comments available below the ad
  • Toonz1

    I thought it funded blank media companies.

    29.3.2008 16:57 #1

  • navi1199

    my @** funds terrorism. Every time i take a $h** i pollute the world. I say that is a type of terrorism right there.

    29.3.2008 17:10 #2

  • booblax

    any money going towards the republicans is supporting terrorism.
    they should smarten the f*ck up. pull their heads out of their asses.

    29.3.2008 17:50 #3

  • xSModder

    ugh politics politics politics..
    single minded party members should quiet down..

    but aside
    it's like saying you downloading porn supports rape.

    29.3.2008 18:02 #4

  • Edikiss

    This is the funiest S!!! I have herd. but I fear this is a way that Big Bro will be able to slo down The world of Warez.
    Because Boys and girls if this statment(US Attorney General claims piracy funds terrorism) gets adopted by the United States Senate.
    The Goverment will be able to shut down a site just in the name of national securty. no if's ands are buts.

    29.3.2008 18:16 #5

  • varnull

    Arms to Iran anybody?? For many years the USA funded Irish terrorist groups directly responsible for murder and disruption over decades.

    I really wouldn't be surprised to find one day that the US military has been supplying terrorists in the Middle East to justify keeping the defence budget high, and making armaments sellers like Rumsfeld even more money.

    Do you have middle fingers?? ( I wasn't born with enough.. another 8 will be nice) Show them to idiots like this by pirating everything.. death to the riaa/mpaa

    Free open source software = made by end users who want an application to work....

    29.3.2008 18:20 #6

  • rayals

    This is nothing more than another way for the 'Feds' to support thier illegal Patriot Act. The wost terrorists I know of is our own government. Their scpecultaions and assumptions strike fear into the common person. There for most people are willing to give up everything to be 'safe'. Including their constitutional rights. What america really needs to understand is that safety is a state of mind. We will never stop terrorism nor does the government want to. If thier was nothing to fear 'Big Brother' would lose it's control over the populace.

    EDIT: LOVE my country; FEAR my government

    29.3.2008 18:26 #7

  • windsong

    Just for anyone wondering..this is not a Democrat or Republican thing. This is a right and wrong thing. Both political parties are to blame for these sort of infractions against liberty and privacy. On both sides of the aisle we find hucksters like these trying to further their own careers at the expense of everyone else.

    They will not rest until everyone is tracked/monitored 24/7.

    When Social Security was first enacted decades ago, it was said repeatedly that it would never ever EVER be used for purposes of identification. Yet try renting a car without it, taking out a student loan, bank loan, DSL service, etc.

    29.3.2008 18:36 #8

  • DXR88

    Γιατί soes thes να μην με εκπλήξει στη μίσθωση.Όπως είπα προτού να πάρει έναν άλλο εμφύλιο πόλεμο για να σπάσει αυτήν την έξαλλη συμπεριφορά.Κατόπιν πάλι μπορεί ήδη να είναι αργά να σταματηθεί

    29.3.2008 18:57 #9

  • spiesfan

    lol same article new people same posts new posters

    29.3.2008 20:41 #10

  • DXR88

    Originally posted by spiesfan: lol same article new people same posts new postersΤι;

    29.3.2008 20:54 #11

  • canuckerz

    Who pays for stolen movies? lol... seriously only dumb asses pay for counterfeit movies and such. No one buys anything when they pirate, so therefore how do the terrorists gain from nothing unless... OMG terrorist invented torrents to terrorize the movie industry!

    29.3.2008 21:06 #12

  • ZippyDSM

    terrorism how? maybe in small ways like most illicit things do but frankly them brining contraband into their own countries is more profitable the piracy aspect... thats like saying every copy copied is a 1=1 loss of profit.....

    29.3.2008 21:14 #13

  • strife10

    Ohh Lord!!! Yea Right.. I would think buying the actual product would support terrorism. The U.S. is the world's biggest terrorist orginzation!

    29.3.2008 21:31 #14

  • kk7913

    i wonder what percentage of the cases of ip crimes that have been prosecuted since 2005 have had a direct impact on the finances of terrorists? where are THOSE statistics, hmmm?? how many of you want to bet less than 1%, if that? i'm sorry, but the attorney general is just blowing smoke up johnny q. public's ass. what a waste of time - one can only hope that the majority of people aren't listening to this guy.

    29.3.2008 21:42 #15

  • DXR88

    You know those terrorist of gone bankrupt when when they Swap a Cruze Missile with A 747 poor poor terrorists. i bet Ja;heed Whould not be pleased at all.

    29.3.2008 22:00 #16

  • B33rdrnkr

    Originally posted by Toonz1: I thought it funded blank media companies.
    LoL... Sooo true

    29.3.2008 22:08 #17

  • engage16

    quick poll... has anyone here made money off pirating a movie, game, music etc... not enough to fund a terror camp, i've lost money technically, between power, discs, time, internet, etc... hmmmm????

    Custom built AMD XP 2200+, 80gb HDD, 200gb HDD, 764mb RAM, SONY CD-RW 52x CRX230E, SONY DVD-RW 16x DL DRU-800A, ATI Raedon 9600 128mb
    Laptop- 1.46 Dualcore Pentium, 2gb ddr2 533 mhz, 80 gb hd, intel x3100 graphics, 8x DVD-DL Burner, 15.4 widescreen HD
    V9 PS2 with clear blue fliptop& swapmagic 3.6
    At&t V9 Razr2
    30gb Black Video iPod

    29.3.2008 23:13 #18

  • ripxrush

    i guess if i go to 7-11 & buy my Riped movies i am really supporting it then! huh?

    30.3.2008 02:39 #19

  • Ryu77

    Guys... Whooooaa. Slow down. Let's look at the article objectively.

    This article is not referring to people that pirate for their own purposes or even the person down the road that has a catalog set up on word that he/she distrubutes via e-mail etc.

    This article is referring to the professional underground operations that have factories equipped with machines that press discs (not burn) that look almost as good as the original. These underground operations are rampant in places in the World where violence and terrorism are of major concern. Also, it is important to note that they don't churn out 20 or 30 a day, like the person running the dodgy little business down the road. We are talking about hundreds (if not thousands) of discs every day. Many of those discs are exported illegally and find their way off shore to flea markets, street vendors etc.

    It is actually quite well known (well maybe not so well known by looking at these posts) that terrorist organisations and gangs are turning to DVD pirating as a more lucrative business than drugs. If you don't believe this, please do some research. I think you will be astonished at the results of your findings.

    How many of you here making these comments have been to a developing or war stricken Country?

    In some of these developing Countries it's actually almost impossible to find legitimate DVD's, CD's etc. even if you wanted to. How much corruption do you think exists in places like that? Where do you think the funds go to? It certainly isn't used for planting trees!

    "Dream... Believe... Achieve"

    30.3.2008 02:45 #20

  • cousinkix

    Quote:For many years the USA funded Irish terrorist groups directly responsible for murder and disruption over decades.Most of those guns were purchased by Irish Nationalists. Pubs had tip jars for raising blood money. IRA members visited these places while here on vaction regularly. We still have an INLA supporter with his commie terrorist heroes posters on the wall of his beer joint.

    Quote:Just for anyone wondering..this is not a Democrat or Republican thing. This is a right and wrong thing.

    NO! Its been going on for decades since the end of World War 2

    Quote:When Social Security was first enacted decades ago, it was said repeatedly that it would never ever EVER be used for purposes of identification. Yet try renting a car without it, taking out a student loan, bank loan, DSL service, etc.No kidding! Our corrupt rulers have never tried to enforce this law. Their immigration laws are ignored too. Just the other day, I saw an article about how damned rarely that federal gun laws are enforced, when convicted criminals are caught red handed with an illegal firearm!

    Quote:Who pays for stolen movies? lol... seriously only dumb asses pay for counterfeit movies and such.We sure don't; but foreigners often sell them at flea markets. They come from countries where nobody much cares about copyright laws; so they'll do it in the USA too. Asia is full of pirated movies. I saw a police raid on the news; where some Mexicans got busted for bootleg DVDs in California just a few months ago...

    30.3.2008 03:12 #21

  • Ryu77

    @cousinkix, it looks like we were posting at the same time. My post is just above yours ^. I think you will find that I share a more realistic viewpoint, much like yourself.

    "Dream... Believe... Achieve"

    30.3.2008 03:21 #22

  • rdmercer1

    i don't know about anybody else, i have bought a lot of dvd's from a lot of places, flea markets, pawn shops, yard sales, and i have yet to come across a bootleg dvd, and i have at least six Thousand and just as many backups, but i have never meet anyone who has paid for a bootleg dvd, but i do know what to look for when i am buying dvd's

    30.3.2008 03:48 #23

  • nobrainer

    Piracy, Paedophiles and Terrorism is how they are destroying our liberties with us all peacefully accepting it.

    YOU all do know that before the illegal invasion of Iraq there were NO terrorists in the country, PPL you really need to read history because the rhetoric and propaganda that is put out by the western governments with the aid of corporate media is mostly LIES.

    great movie about the destruction of UK rights by the labour government.

    If you live in the USA, well you are F****D as your gov does not care what you or congress thinks, they will continue to act as they have been for years.

    American foreign policy funds terrorism not piracy.

    NEVER forget Rachel Corrie murdered by an Israel bulldozer.

    Military AID is free weapons, 30 billion $ worth for Israel on top of the $24 billion America has already given, to continue, to illegally occupy Palestine and slaughter its inhabitants paid for by the American tax $!

    In the official American 9/11 report Khalid Sheikh Mohammed's main motivation behind the attack was Americas continued support for ISRAEL this is in black and white freely available to anyone that can read! The pdf 9/11 report, its very heavy reading but i can help *5.2 The Planes Operation report page 154 about half way down "U.S. Support for Israel"*

    Report download page:

    There was the public 9/11 commission on c-span stating that the main reason for the 9/11 attacks was the continued support for Israel in their quest to cleans the occupied state "Palestine" C-Span video can be found on youtube and here is the link:

    Israel Violates UN Security Council, Occupying Syria's Land with Noam Chomsky: CLICK

    Analysis: New US-Israeli arms deal (BBC)
    Originally posted by bbc link: Thursday, 16 August 2007, 16:02 GMT 17:02 UK
    This new agreement sets increased levels of US military aid for Israel over the coming decade.
    In broad terms, Israel will receive a total of some $30bn (£14.8bn) in military aid, a significant increase over $24bn (£12bn) it received over the past 10 years.
    $30bn over 10 years
    1st payment of $2.55bn in 2008
    Annual payments rising to $3.1bn by 2011
    26.3% can be spent in Israel
    Rest must be spent on US arms



    The IFPI Are: The same anti consumer lot as listed above!


    How do you stop anti consumer = its easy purchase only second hand media and avoid their propertarian hobbled by DRM hardware!

    30.3.2008 04:53 #24

  • Ryu77

    Originally posted by rdmercer1: i don't know about anybody else, i have bought a lot of dvd's from a lot of places, flea markets, pawn shops, yard sales, and i have yet to come across a bootleg dvd, and i have at least six Thousand and just as many backups, but i have never meet anyone who has paid for a bootleg dvd, but i do know what to look for when i am buying dvd'sFirst of all, I would like to point out that my previous post indicated that some of them are done so professionally that it's identical to the real thing. If you know exactly what to look for, that's great! :-D

    Also as I mentioned previously, the level of this problem varies greatly depending on where in the World you are. In some countries (Asia especially) it is hard to find legitamate DVD's & CD's, even if you wanted to! As an example, I was in Vietnam about 4 months ago and in every store you could only find pirated DVD's, VCD's and CD's etc. They openly sell these discs as if they were the real thing. Nobody cares! It is completely normal there. Even PS2's are sold pre-modded! As you can only buy bootlegged games.

    Keep in mind that I am not referring to anything done for personal use. I am also not innocent of this. However, one thing I can not stand is underground organisations or people that make a huge profit out of Piracy. These are the people that are truly crippling the industry.

    "Dream... Believe... Achieve"

    30.3.2008 05:05 #25

  • domie

    Originally posted by Ryu77: Guys... Whooooaa. Slow down. Let's look at the article objectively.

    This article is not referring to people that pirate for their own purposes or even the person down the road that has a catalog set up on word that he/she distrubutes via e-mail etc.

    This article is referring to the professional underground operations that have factories equipped with machines that press discs (not burn) that look almost as good as the original.
    what you say is true , no doubt but looking at the complete article - he is no doubt referring to that and also including p2p users in the equation also - look what he said more closely

    Quote:The Attorney General also noted that his department was now giving more resources to prosecuting intellectual property crimes, which has led to a 40 percent increase in IP cases since 2005. "Criminal syndicates, and in some cases even terrorist groups, view IP crime as a lucrative business and see it as a low-risk way to fund other activities," Mukasey said. "A primary goal of our IP enforcement mission is to show these criminals that they're wrong." now I take that as not referring to dvd mass copying factories in China etc but a direct swipe at online sharers - after all - why would mass production of copied dvds etc need an IP ?

    30.3.2008 06:10 #26

  • Ryu77

    Originally posted by domie: I take that as not referring to dvd mass copying factories in China etc but a direct swipe at online sharers - after all - why would mass production of copied dvds etc need an IP ?Have you ever bought one of those bootleg DVD's from Asia? Some of them look very professional but when you play them you discover they are either a telecine, screener, telesync or at the worst a cam release! Where do you think they get their source material from? It has never been easier to obtain such material as it is today through p2p, but yes you are right also. Since it involves p2p to a very minimal extent. That means that if they get their own way, we will all suffer because of a few greedy underground operations. :-(

    "Dream... Believe... Achieve"

    30.3.2008 06:28 #27

  • RNR1995

    Isn't OIL the largest money maker for terrorist nations?
    Lets see.....If we quit using many countries would dry up and die?
    HMMM I think ALL the one's supporting terrorism.....

    30.3.2008 16:06 #28

  • 21Q

    >_> ... Nuff said.

    30.3.2008 16:28 #29

  • pmshah

    Originally posted by Edikiss: This is the funiest S!!! I have herd. but I fear this is a way that Big Bro will be able to slo down The world of Warez.
    Because Boys and girls if this statment(US Attorney General claims piracy funds terrorism) gets adopted by the United States Senate.
    The Goverment will be able to shut down a site just in the name of national securty. no if's ands are buts.
    And if they can't get them to shutdown within a short notice period they will simply bomb the host data center into oblivion.

    30.3.2008 22:50 #30

  • EMIR


    31.3.2008 00:35 #31

  • iluvendo


    31.3.2008 02:02 #32

  • ogden2

    I hope those terrorists seed

    31.3.2008 07:24 #33

  • gramm1952

    Your post shows that you really don't know as much as you think you do. You say that Bush can do anything he wants, and to hell with what Congress thinks. As for the gov not caring what the US people or Congress think, Congress IS part of the gov. Not only that, Congress can stop the war in Iraq any time it wants to. They have the purse strings, and can refuse to pay for it! Then it would come to a screeching halt, and there is NOTHING that Bush can do about it but cry! And Israel is not the problem in the Middle East. They gave the Gaza Strip back, even pulling some Israeli citizens out of their homes, and what did the Palestinians do then?! Say "Thank you"? Or "It's about time"? No. To show their appreciation, they ATTACKED Israel! See, if you give in to terrorists, they are not satisfied. They want more! I saw a web site that showed a timetable. The terrorists want the whole world (YES, the WHOLE WORLD!) to be under Islam by the year 2020. The timetable showed the various things that the terrorists would do to accomplish this, and they are on track. One way they are trying to accomplish this is by moving into various countries, and changing the people's mindset, and even governments. Much of Europe is ALREADY experiencing this. Remember the problem they had with artists? That is only part of it. they are trying to get people to bow to their will in ANY country. If the US stopped supporting Israel, and pulled out of Iraq, you probably think that everything would be okay. NO! The terrorists are not going to just stay home. And the US is NOT a terrorist org. FYI, another reason that the terrorists gave for 9/11 was that the US appeared to be weak, after being attacked many times and not fighting back. Can you say 'USS Cole' or '1993 tower bombing' and dozens of other attacks? I dare you to google all of the times that the US was attacked and didn't fight back. As far as Saddam goes, it is public knowledge that he was supporting terrorism. He was housing terorists in his own country, and paying for the actual acts! Look it up! There are other things misleading or untrue about your post, but that is enough for now. But of course, you are like all of the other sheep. Just know that you can not believe everything you read in the mainstream media, which is controlled by the left, and would LOVE to see Bush fail. I can't wait for Bush to be gone, so I am not a supporter. Don't even go there. I will also add one more thing, just in case you are a Democrat or believe as they do. President Putin, who is no friend of the U.S., said a few years ago that ANY Democrat who criticizes Bush for Iraq is a hypocrite, because Clinton did the same thing in Yugoslavia (only on a smaller scale). And he is in a position to know! What he said is also public knowledge, and you can google to find it. I did.

    Quote:Piracy, Paedophiles and Terrorism is how they are destroying our liberties with us all peacefully accepting it.

    YOU all do know that before the illegal invasion of Iraq there were NO terrorists in the country, PPL you really need to read history because the rhetoric and propaganda that is put out by the western governments with the aid of corporate media is mostly LIES.

    great movie about the destruction of UK rights by the labour government.

    If you live in the USA, well you are F****D as your gov does not care what you or congress thinks, they will continue to act as they have been for years.

    American foreign policy funds terrorism not piracy.

    NEVER forget Rachel Corrie murdered by an Israel bulldozer.

    Military AID is free weapons, 30 billion $ worth for Israel on top of the $24 billion America has already given, to continue, to illegally occupy Palestine and slaughter its inhabitants paid for by the American tax $!

    In the official American 9/11 report Khalid Sheikh Mohammed's main motivation behind the attack was Americas continued support for ISRAEL this is in black and white freely available to anyone that can read! The pdf 9/11 report, its very heavy reading but i can help *5.2 The Planes Operation report page 154 about half way down "U.S. Support for Israel"*

    Report download page:

    There was the public 9/11 commission on c-span stating that the main reason for the 9/11 attacks was the continued support for Israel in their quest to cleans the occupied state "Palestine" C-Span video can be found on youtube and here is the link:

    Israel Violates UN Security Council, Occupying Syria's Land with Noam Chomsky: CLICK

    Analysis: New US-Israeli arms deal (BBC)
    Originally posted by bbc link: Thursday, 16 August 2007, 16:02 GMT 17:02 UK
    This new agreement sets increased levels of US military aid for Israel over the coming decade.
    In broad terms, Israel will receive a total of some $30bn (£14.8bn) in military aid, a significant increase over $24bn (£12bn) it received over the past 10 years.
    $30bn over 10 years
    1st payment of $2.55bn in 2008
    Annual payments rising to $3.1bn by 2011
    26.3% can be spent in Israel
    Rest must be spent on US arms

    31.3.2008 08:15 #34

  • Mez

    rdmercer1, what country do you live in? I knew someone that lived in Asia. All the software and movies in the store were counterfit. He could guess because it was all so cheap and much of the software was US and Canadian versions of the software.

    31.3.2008 12:27 #35

  • xSModder

    politics should be left out..i agree it's a stupid move for our government figures to be speaking something so boldly, but for christ's sake, let's not drag Bush into it..

    the matter at hand is that someone important thinks piracy funds terrorism. I agree with somebody above that it is simply ridiculous if you go out and buy your pirated sh*t because it's all free online. I have only bought one DVD that was a R5 with laggy audio and that was only before I knew how to DL online.

    However, I don't think I just put $2 towards a AK47 or some bullsh*t like that. it may be a lucrative business but if you'd show me some evidence of piracy supporting mass murder, rape, and kidnapping, then i'd care.

    until then, it's all bullsh*t to me.

    31.3.2008 13:11 #36

  • johnny121

    Nice bit of rhetoric- that I'd dismiss it off-the-cuff....IF it weren't an attempt at promoting a personal agenda by using a buzz-word mentality. If politicians can create even a 'perceived' link between their pocket-lining lobbiests' special interests and the big, bad face of terrorism, they've won.

    The sad fact is, if they can get enough mindless politicians to get onboard with it, they could cause some REAL change. And what politician doesn't want to jump on a bandwagon and proclaim they're "fighting terrorism"....especially when elections are near?

    Keep your eye on the REAL ball here, people.

    31.3.2008 13:28 #37

  • hermes_vb


    US Attorney General links piracy to Cancer, AIDS, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and Flatulence...

    31.3.2008 14:22 #38

  • dvdsndict

    What an absolute joke. Just goes to show how low the gov is willing to stoop

    31.3.2008 15:23 #39

  • dvdsndict

    What an absolute joke. Just goes to show how low the gov is willing to stoop

    31.3.2008 15:23 #40

  • tefarko

    Originally posted by johnny121: Nice bit of rhetoric- that I'd dismiss it off-the-cuff....IF it weren't an attempt at promoting a personal agenda by using a buzz-word mentality. If politicians can create even a 'perceived' link between their pocket-lining lobbiests' special interests and the big, bad face of terrorism, they've won.

    The sad fact is, if they can get enough mindless politicians to get onboard with it, they could cause some REAL change. And what politician doesn't want to jump on a bandwagon and proclaim they're "fighting terrorism"....especially when elections are near?

    Keep your eye on the REAL ball here, people.

    31.3.2008 15:54 #41

  • goodswipe

    Quote:Piracy, Paedophiles and Terrorism is how they are destroying our liberties with us all peacefully accepting it. Don't forget about drugs!

    Quote:BREAKING NEWS...

    US Attorney General links piracy to Cancer, AIDS, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and Flatulence...

    "look honey, it said goodswipe! oh wow, that's amazing."

    31.3.2008 15:59 #42

  • SProdigy

    Quote:The Attorney General also noted that his department was now giving more resources to prosecuting intellectual property crimes, which has led to a 40 percent increase in IP cases since 2005. "Criminal syndicates, and in some cases even terrorist groups, view IP crime as a lucrative business and see it as a low-risk way to fund other activities," Mukasey said. "A primary goal of our IP enforcement mission is to show these criminals that they're wrong." Quote:now I take that as not referring to dvd mass copying factories in China etc but a direct swipe at online sharers - after all - why would mass production of copied dvds etc need an IP ?By IP, he means INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY not INTERNET PROTOCOL. In other words, copyright laws.

    I see people selling bootleg CD's and DVD's even in my small town, typically at the flea market or a corner store. It's ridiculous to make money off of this. At least I have enough tact to buy/pay/rent a CD/DVD and then make a backup copy of it, and not distribute it to anyone. I know I'm giving back to the industry making the IP and not terrorists! LOL

    31.3.2008 16:24 #43

  • Ryu77

    I'm not going to post all my points again as they contain more than enough material to support my thoughts but most of you are missing the point.

    You are only looking out your window at your own backyard. We are talking on a gloabal scale here. If any of you have travelled to a developing or troubled (violent, terrorised etc.) Country then you will see a completely different culture where piracy is a huge business. It thrives so well that in many cases it is more lucrative than drugs! Many of the terrorist or criminal syndicates have their links to these operations in order to fund their activities. Now of course the article isn't stating that is the only way they make money... But... Getting a job certainly isn't on the agenda! :-P

    "Dream... Believe... Achieve"

    31.3.2008 20:06 #44

  • Zeos

    Who BUYS a bootleg anymore?

    New Slogan the US Gov't can use.

    Use BitTorrent! Or the Terrorists win!

    1.4.2008 21:30 #45

  • DXR88

    The bomb has been diffused

    1.4.2008 21:41 #46

  • Mez

    hermes_vb, you have my sense of humor!

    2.4.2008 14:42 #47

  • hermes_vb

    You've got to have a twisted sense of humor nowadays. With all the crap that's happening now, the alternative would be shipping some bombs via FedEx. LOL.

    3.4.2008 00:37 #48

  • Phatfatd

    Piracy Does Not Fund Terrorism US Government Funds Terrorism they use humvees at the war in Iraq Humvees take city 13 Highway 16

    they take up too much gas and where do they get it from the oil companies which fund terrorist groups plus who the hell buys pirated movies

    15.4.2008 20:43 #49

  • nobrainer

    @ Ryu77 ##

    he is using terrorism as a way to clamp down on rights even further and introduce tighter control and higher penalties as there are already laws in place to deal with mass IP infringement on a large scale for criminal gangs/mafia.

    you think this is a new phenomenon, America clamped down on IP years ago, why do you think the Large pharmaceuticals based in the US are allowed to pedal death to 3rd world countries by blocking cheap generic drugs (IP copywrite).

    what would be interesting is to find out what lobbyists Michael Mukasey has been speaking to lately or recent bank transactions! As i'm sure the IFPI/MPAA would love all IP violations to be a criminal offence so the tax payers had to pay for their mass suits.

    Originally posted by link: Published: April 15, 2008 - 10:50PM CT

    For over a year, the RIAA has been going after file sharing on college campuses via the courts (it sent out another 569 "prelitigation settlement letters" just last week). Last year saw Big Content turn the pressure up on Congress to do something about P2P on college campuses: namely, trying to get legislation enacted that forces schools to act as copyright cops on the industry's behalf. A bill that includes this language passed the House of Representatives in February, while at least two states are considering bills with suspiciously similar language. The academic world seems to have become concerned about these bills, and is starting to do its own lobbying.
    college kids turn terrorists, who pays for bootlegs?



    The IFPI Are: The same anti consumer lot as listed above!


    How do you stop anti consumer = its easy purchase only second hand media and avoid their propertarian hobbled by DRM hardware!

    16.4.2008 05:38 #50

  • Mez

    nobrainer, the first statemt is fairly extreme
    Quote:you think this is a new phenomenon, America clamped down on IP years ago, why do you think the Large pharmaceuticals based in the US are allowed to pedal death to 3rd world countries by blocking cheap generic drugs (IP copywrite).
    pedal death? That sounds like a quote from one of the sueing lawyers. They can get pretty creative for a half billion dollars. I have no relationship to drug campanies nor do I have their stock but I happen to remember 2 of those 'pedal death' drugs.
    One was the active ingrediant in Nyquill that made you drowsey and in hundreds of other over the counter drugs on the market for decaides. Women taking that drug during a heavy period had a 1 in a half million chance of stroking out. However, men and childern have a better chance getting hit by lightning than getting a stroke. I am pissing they took that one off the market. Another one killed persons who took the drug, drank alcohol and ate a certain normally, non posionuos mushroom. The mushroom doen't grow out side US and CA. What kind of harm could there be to export that? Every drug on that list had been used in the US for years before they were taken off the market. They are all esentially safe. There has been no evidence that (the US banned in the 60s) cyclomates cause any health hazzard what so ever. The data is big because the rest of the world never banned it. That law is a VERY GOOD law. It allows counties to ban a drug if they want to instead of having the US ban drugs for them. They have their own laws. Without that law we could not sell cyclomates to other countries even though we all know it is perfectly harmless. Just because he are totally f@cked up by lawyers doen't mean we have to inflict our insanity on the rest of the world unalaterally. ALL that law does is stop that. Pedded death I LOVE it! I would not take everything our law makers do or say as gosple like Michael Mukasey. Most of what happens is not about right and wrong but about how much money they were paid!

    nobrainer, do you really thing the US is the only place that can make intelligent desisions and the rest of the world has only morons?

    what would be interesting is to find out what lobbyists Michael Mukasey has been speaking to lately or recent bank transactions! As i'm sure the IFPI/MPAA would love all IP violations to be a criminal offence so the tax payers had to pay for their mass suits.
    A bill in the justice committee like that was killed as soon as they announced their intentions last Sept. It was likely shelfed until after the elections.

    16.4.2008 09:35 #51

  • ZippyDSM

    was it venezuela that got so fed up with corporate dckyer they went into the generic drug making business and "overlooked" IP law in order to get the drugs to the people at the best cost?

    Thats American class ingenuity right there, its sad to see American has gotten fat lazy and to eager to to cry holier than thou every chance hey get.

    16.4.2008 09:40 #52

  • goodswipe

    I love how terrorism is the scape goat for everything now. All you ever hear about is terrorism this, terrorism that. Whatever, look at the real underlying problems.

    "look honey, it said goodswipe! oh wow, that's amazing."

    16.4.2008 09:45 #53

  • ZippyDSM

    Originally posted by goodswipe: I love how terrorism is the scape goat for everything now. All you ever hear about is terrorism this, terrorism that. Whatever, look at the real underlying problems.
    one of my fav zipyisims yet
    Quote:Zippyisim: The terrorists have given the US government everything they need to set democracy back 100 years.A zippyisim is a misconstrued/warped sentence/word group mixing meanings and themes for humor or to make a point or both or sometimes to just be incomprehensible.

    For all the console/game fanboys out their.
    Oh god I can't stop laughing!!!
    And for the format nazi's I bring you HHD DVVD BVD's!!

    16.4.2008 09:50 #54

  • goodswipe

    Originally posted by ZippyDSM: Originally posted by goodswipe: I love how terrorism is the scape goat for everything now. All you ever hear about is terrorism this, terrorism that. Whatever, look at the real underlying problems.
    one of my fav zipyisims yet
    Quote:Zippyisim: The terrorists have given the US government everything they need to set democracy back 100 years.A zippyisim is a misconstrued/warped sentence/word group mixing meanings and themes for humor or to make a point or both or sometimes to just be incomprehensible.
    LOL, zippyism..I like that. Yea, I can go on and on for hours about this topic. But this might would be like trying to argue religion. Some people will not listen.

    "look honey, it said goodswipe! oh wow, that's amazing."

    16.4.2008 09:55 #55

  • ZippyDSM

    Originally posted by goodswipe: Originally posted by ZippyDSM: Originally posted by goodswipe: I love how terrorism is the scape goat for everything now. All you ever hear about is terrorism this, terrorism that. Whatever, look at the real underlying problems.
    one of my fav zipyisims yet
    Quote:Zippyisim: The terrorists have given the US government everything they need to set democracy back 100 years.A zippyisim is a misconstrued/warped sentence/word group mixing meanings and themes for humor or to make a point or both or sometimes to just be incomprehensible.
    LOL, zippyism..I like that. Yea, I can go on and on for hours about this topic. But this might would be like trying to argue religion. Some people will not listen.
    Religion is like sex, it should not be "done" in public, however this dose not mean one cannot be sexy or devout in public.:ZippyDSMlee

    Jesus was the greatest hippie to walk the earth, wondering the land doing odd jobs getting in trouble with authority and imparting his odd sense of wisdom on those that lended them their ears, all hail the hippie king MMMAAnnnnnn!. :ZippyDSMlee


    For all the console/game fanboys out their.
    Oh god I can't stop laughing!!!
    And for the format nazi's I bring you HHD DVVD BVD's!!

    16.4.2008 09:59 #56

  • goodswipe

    LOL! Man, what kinda meds are you taking? I need're way too chippy or shall I say, Zippy!

    "look honey, it said goodswipe! oh wow, that's amazing."

    16.4.2008 10:03 #57

  • ZippyDSM

    Originally posted by goodswipe: LOL! Man, what kinda meds are you taking? I need're way too chippy or shall I say, Zippy!No meds moods might stabilize 0-o
    lest I can keep self sane with these

    For all the console/game fanboys out their.
    Oh god I can't stop laughing!!!
    And for the format nazi's I bring you HHD DVVD BVD's!!

    16.4.2008 10:20 #58

  • nobrainer

    @ Mez

    i do not mean pedal death by supplying dangerous drugs, i mean that America abuses the life of the earth's inhabitants by constantly trying to block cheap drugs by abusing the WTO, as pharmaceutical drugs fall under IP/Copywrite laws. What American policy continually shows is that its only ok for ppl to survive if they pay the US the right to do so!

    U.S. blocks trade agreement on generic drug access in poor countries
    Quote:On December 20, international trade talks in Geneva, Switzerland failed to resolve the major remaining issue on access to generic versions of patented medicines in developing countries to meet public-health needs. All 143 other countries were ready to accept a compromise text negotiated on December 16. But the U.S. insisted on an additional restriction--to limit the agreement to AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria, and similar major epidemics. Cancer, heart disease, asthma, and hundreds of other illnesses would have been excluded. Developing countries would not accept this restriction, and European countries did not want to re-open the difficult negotiations.US firms try to block cheap Aids drugs
    Quote:The US, under pressure from its giant pharmaceutical companies, is trying to undermine the use in poor countries of cheap, copycat Aids drugs, made by "pirate", generic companies but validated by the World Health Organisation, campaigners claim.

    US drug companies want the money promised for President George Bush's Aids plan to be spent on their products.

    The American department of health and human sciences has now convened a conference in Botswana at the end of the month that will question the WHO's approval process for generic drugs, known as "pre-qualification".

    If the cheap drugs, which sell for less than £165 per patient per year, are discredited and the more expensive brand-name drugs are bought instead, the limited money available for treatment will help fewer people
    there is more to copywrite than movies and music. courporate media usually does not mention the blocking of "pirate medicine" but this is one of the main forms of IP theft that America constantly tries to block, as they hold most of the patents of drugs, which is why i say "pedal death", you can live if you pay the USA otherwise just die!

    Brazil to break Aids drug patent
    Quote:Brazil's president has authorised the country to bypass the patent on an Aids drug manufactured by Merck, a US pharmaceutical giant.

    The country will import a cheaper, generic Indian-made version of the patented Efavirenz drug.

    The decision came after talks between Brazil and the US company broke down.

    Merck had offered Brazil a 30% discount on the cost of the drugs but the country wanted to pay the same price as Thailand, which gets a larger discount.

    Small royalty

    Merck offered Brazil almost a third off the cost - pricing the pills at $1.10 (£0.55) instead of $1.59.

    But Brazil wanted its discount pegged at same level as Thailand, which pays just $0.65 per pill.

    Now, though, it will source Indian-made versions of Efavirenz for just $0.45 each.
    imho, good for Brazil as LIFE is more important than money but the USA pahrma think that cash is more important than life.



    The IFPI Are: The same anti consumer lot as listed above!


    How do you stop anti consumer = its easy purchase only second hand media and avoid their propertarian hobbled by DRM hardware!

    16.4.2008 10:33 #59

  • goodswipe

    Quote:What American policy continually shows is that its only ok for ppl to survive if they pay the US the right to do so! Amen to that! There's no money in the cure man. It's all about the comeback. America is a bunch of space age drug dealers. How do drug dealers stay in business? Like I said, it's all about the comeback. Magic Johnson is a prime example of that. If he was your average Joe, he would be dead by now.

    "look honey, it said goodswipe! oh wow, that's amazing."

    16.4.2008 10:35 #60

  • ZippyDSM

    Quote:@ Mez

    i do not mean pedal death by supplying dangerous drugs, i mean that America abuses the life of the earth's inhabitants by constantly trying to block cheap drugs by abusing the WTO, as pharmaceutical drugs fall under IP/Copywrite laws. What American policy continually shows is that its only ok for ppl to survive if they pay the US the right to do so!

    U.S. blocks trade agreement on generic drug access in poor countries
    Quote:On December 20, international trade talks in Geneva, Switzerland failed to resolve the major remaining issue on access to generic versions of patented medicines in developing countries to meet public-health needs. All 143 other countries were ready to accept a compromise text negotiated on December 16. But the U.S. insisted on an additional restriction--to limit the agreement to AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria, and similar major epidemics. Cancer, heart disease, asthma, and hundreds of other illnesses would have been excluded. Developing countries would not accept this restriction, and European countries did not want to re-open the difficult negotiations.US firms try to block cheap Aids drugs
    Quote:The US, under pressure from its giant pharmaceutical companies, is trying to undermine the use in poor countries of cheap, copycat Aids drugs, made by "pirate", generic companies but validated by the World Health Organisation, campaigners claim.

    US drug companies want the money promised for President George Bush's Aids plan to be spent on their products.

    The American department of health and human sciences has now convened a conference in Botswana at the end of the month that will question the WHO's approval process for generic drugs, known as "pre-qualification".

    If the cheap drugs, which sell for less than £165 per patient per year, are discredited and the more expensive brand-name drugs are bought instead, the limited money available for treatment will help fewer people
    there is more to copywrite than movies and music. courporate media usually does not mention the blocking of "pirate medicine" but this is one of the main forms of IP theft that America constantly tries to block, as they hold most of the patents of drugs, which is why i say "pedal death", you can live if you pay the USA otherwise just die!
    One of the problems with the IP/CP racket, they are trying to get blood from stone.

    16.4.2008 10:37 #61

  • varnull

    Some freedom fighter...

    "give unto Caesar what belongs to Caesar"

    (apparently {quote} some beardy bloke called Jesus, who wandered around Judea with a gang of big hard men frightening the law abiding populace while running an agenda of telling the masses what they wanted to hear)..

    In the context "roman taxes are unfair".. is that money, respect, disdain or the finger??

    As for asia where commercial piracy exists on a massive scale (and in the UK).. It's a supply and demand thing. If the movie business would be prepared to supply product at a fair and not vastly over inflated price then the pirates would find it hard to compete..

    And yes.. I have profited from pirate movies from. Usually when they aren't available to buy... supply and demand.

    Free open source software = made by end users who want an application to work....

    16.4.2008 10:41 #62

  • goodswipe

    Quote:If the movie business would be prepared to supply product at a fair and not vastly over inflated price then the pirates would find it hard to compete..

    I don't think that would stop it. People are ruled by money. It will never stop as long as there are Benjamin's to be made.

    Cash Rules Everything Around Me...

    C.R.E.A.M get the money...

    Dolla dolla bills ya'll...

    Word to yer mother son!

    "look honey, it said goodswipe! oh wow, that's amazing."

    16.4.2008 10:47 #63

  • ZippyDSM

    Originally posted by varnull: Some freedom fighter...

    "give unto Caesar what belongs to Caesar"

    (apparently {quote} some beardy bloke called Jesus, who wandered around Judea with a gang of big hard men frightening the law abiding populace while running an agenda of telling the masses what they wanted to hear)..

    In the context "roman taxes are unfair".. is that money, respect, disdain or the finger??

    As for asia where commercial piracy exists on a massive scale (and in the UK).. It's a supply and demand thing. If the movie business would be prepared to supply product at a fair and not vastly over inflated price then the pirates would find it hard to compete..

    And yes.. I have profited from pirate movies from. Usually when they aren't available to buy... supply and demand.
    the problem is industry regoinlizes things and tries to price fix the process, hey should to larger aeras covering 2-4 languages with version of it.

    getting multilingual dvds out in a timely fashion work on the the 5 main languages then fill in with regional multilingual there after and do all this within 15 months of the film hitting the big screen.

    For all the console/game fanboys out their.
    Oh god I can't stop laughing!!!
    And for the format nazi's I bring you HHD DVVD BVD's!!

    16.4.2008 10:50 #64

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