Indonesia wants YouTube ban for Koran video

Indonesia wants YouTube ban for Koran video
Indonesia is requesting that Internet Service Providers (ISP) block access to YouTube in response to a video posted by a Dutch lawmaker. The video in question accuses the Koran of inciting violence. Geert Wilders, leader of the Dutch "Freedom Party", made the film which sparked radical Muslims to call for his death during protests outside the Dutch embassy in Jakarta.

Indonesia's information minister, Muhammad Nuh, contacted YouTube asking it to remove the film, according to Cahyana Ahmadjayadi, the ministry's director general for information technology. "Our efforts include asking Internet service providers to block access to YouTube. They have started doing it now," Ahmadjayadi told Reuters.

If you have been following the news lately you will know that this latest episode has seen some scattered violence which we won't go into in this article. One interesting point however is that Mydin Mohamed Holdings, a supermarket chain in Malaysia which sells many electronic goods, has flagged "Dutch-origin" products in its stores across the country and is urging its own customers to boycott the goods in protest.

The video, which includes pictures from the September 11th, 2001 attacks in New York City, as well as several other Islamist bombings along with quotations from the Koran, is not the first to bring political pressure to YouTube. Just in February, Pakistan ordered its ISPs to block YouTube access due to videos deemed offensive to Islam.

A similar action was taken in Thailand last year after a video surfaced on YouTube that was deemed to be offensive to King Bhumibol Adulyadej.

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Written by: James Delahunty @ 3 Apr 2008 0:42
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  • cousinkix

    Here we go again, ALLAH's fascists demanding more censorship. This is typical of intolerant relious fanatics who worship the AK-47 and pretend that committing terrorist acts is their ticket to Heaven.

    Go ahead and ban YouTube. Then wake up an realize that some people will get there using international proxy servers in foreign countries. Such futility reminds me of those recent failed attempts to block use of torrent sites in certain countries!

    3.4.2008 01:38 #1

  • windsong

    But..but..Islam means "Peace"!

    3.4.2008 02:33 #2

  • iluvendo

    Originally posted by windsong: But..but..Islam means "Peace"!
    No,No,No, a thousand times No.

    Islam means SUBMISSION

    If it wasn't for bad luck, I'd have no luck!
    "The flimsier the product,the higher the price"
    Ferengi 82nd rule of aquisition

    3.4.2008 02:43 #3

  • oappi

    just shows which countries are still living in the stoneage. If you canīt openly discuss and show videos then you should think there is something wrong with your country. Forsomereason those "ALLAhīs fascists" as cousinkix called them dont realise that everything written on internet is not true. IF your religion is so weak that you have to defend it from every video or picture,etc i would start to think is it really worth of defending.

    If someone made fun on what i believe i wouldīt care.. thats their opinion. That still doesīt mean it is so.

    3.4.2008 03:37 #4

  • wasprider

    That's it. I am going to the store to buy a Koran. Then I will set it on the cabinet next to the toilet. Then I am going to get my video recorder out. I will take a crap and wipe with a page from the Koran. Then I will post it on youtube. Stay tuned.

    3.4.2008 07:47 #5

  • SDF_GR

    Unfortunately fascism has many faces from west to east.
    As long people dont do anything about it this things will be more often. They accept it cause there religion, and in some other country's cause their stupidity or cause they like to live in a lie.
    Democracy is dying day by day.

    3.4.2008 07:49 #6

  • wasprider

    Democracy is dying day by day.


    Democracy is a stupid idea. It is two lions and a sheep voting on what is for dinner.

    The United States is supposed to be a REBUBLIC. Not a stupid democracy. The founders HATED democracies.

    3.4.2008 07:57 #7

  • tefarko

    Jewish group seeks to purge YouTube of anti-Semitic videos
    By DPA
    Tags: Germany, anti-Semitism

    Hamburg - Germany's national Jewish body said Thursday it has filed suit against YouTube and its parent company Google, demanding a court order for the site to be permanently purged of anti-Semitic videos.

    Stephan Kramer, secretary general of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, said in Hamburg, "we charge Google with aiding and abetting racial hatred and discrimination on its YouTube video- platform subsidiary.

    "We applied this week for an injunction from a court in Hamburg."

    He said one example was a video clip that showed a late president of the Central Council, Paul Spiegel, being burned alive [in effigy]. He charged that it had been available for download for months on end.

    YouTube allows users to flag videos as inappropriate, leading to a review by YouTube editors who can delete videos that breach the platform's terms of use.
    two sides of the same coin...

    3.4.2008 12:50 #8

  • SDF_GR

    Originally posted by wasprider: Democracy is dying day by day.


    Democracy is a stupid idea. It is two lions and a sheep voting on what is for dinner.
    Stupid is your example, you don't even know what democracy is.
    I am sure that you don't even know where Democracy borned in first place.

    Originally posted by wasprider:
    The United States is supposed to be a REBUBLIC. Not a stupid democracy. The founders HATED democracies.
    ...the founders hated democracies...and that made the US the perfect country that it is today...
    They bombing the planet, they kill innocent people, US is No1 country at environment pollution.

    Yeap you are right they hated democracy, and for sure they still do.
    But as you said "democracy is stupid" and thank luck that US knows that, and people all around the glob (see Serbia,Iraq,Cuba) can enjoy the good actions that USA offers them.

    Now i advise you to Go stick your head in to a book and read, read a lot! You need it.

    3.4.2008 18:11 #9

  • wasprider

    You say I don't know what a democracy is. You are the ignorant one. A democracy could vote slavery into law. A democracy can vote to attack and kill other countries.

    A republic with democratically elected representatives on the other hand is good. You see a Republic has principles that can't be violated to protect the rights of people. For example free speech. You can't violate that even with a vote.

    So if you favor democracy than you favor restrictions of free speech if that is what is voted for.

    There are lots of other examples. It is you that needs to get your head out of the dark hole and do some reading.

    3.4.2008 20:15 #10

  • iluvendo

    It is neither a democracy or a republic that matters, but the will of good men and women.

    PRC the Peoples Republic of China is a good counter example of a poor republic.

    Good people do what is right and just. Bad, greedy and selfish people do not do what is right and just. Never have and never will.

    If it wasn't for bad luck, I'd have no luck!
    "The flimsier the product,the higher the price"
    Ferengi 82nd rule of aquisition

    3.4.2008 20:26 #11

  • _Icarus_

    Democracy is a wonderful thing. The US was founded on a democracy, and because of the growth of population within the colonies became a republic that which it is today. Don't condemn a type of government because of shitty foreign polices. We elect our leaders to carry out what we believe is right, but sometimes our leaders fuck up hard core. The power of a republic lyes with the people to vote leaders out of office, and elect new leaders to change what was fucked up. The problem is education!!! If the US was not a republic things would never change, but we are so things can change. Its just harder to vote someone out of office then to elect a new official...I know. Study up guys the US has a great government. As for the actual topic discussed...wheels off. People really need to grow up and take a little criticism and shrug it off. If need be debate it, but don't destroy freedom!!!

    3.4.2008 21:08 #12

  • jutsu

    Islam is Peace.

    none of its teachings tell to do bad things.

    the problematic video here is take the meaning of Islam in partly, incomplete. The words must be understand as one, NOT partially like the video showed.

    this just like when someone say a long explanation, and you only quote it partially, IT WILL create miss understanding.

    you should try reading Qur'an / Koran
    its telling peace, telling us to live in harmony.

    no matter what is your religt, or you an atheist,
    just try read Koran / Qur'an.

    btw about the youtube banning,
    its efective if the government really do it.
    because many Indonesian are an noob in PC and internet.

    PC and Internet is still an Expensive thing in Indonesia.

    but, the problem is, the government ands ISP, NOT block youtube,
    the govgernment is telling the ISP to block youtube, but none doing it


    4.4.2008 04:02 #13

  • SDF_GR

    Originally posted by wasprider: You say I don't know what a democracy is. You are the ignorant one. A democracy could vote slavery into law. A democracy can vote to attack and kill other countries.

    A republic with democratically elected representatives on the other hand is good. You see a Republic has principles that can't be violated to protect the rights of people. For example free speech. You can't violate that even with a vote.

    So if you favor democracy than you favor restrictions of free speech if that is what is voted for.

    There are lots of other examples. It is you that needs to get your head out of the dark hole and do some reading.
    Democracy has Speech restrictions??hahahah you are a joke.
    You dont know what you are talking about hahaha.
    You are posting to a forum and you dont even know the roots of the word "Forum".
    plus i didnt just say that you dont know what democracy is, you proved that you dont know what democracy stands for.

    Originally posted by jutsu: Islam is Peace.none of its teachings tell to do bad things.I have reed the Koran (long time ago tho) and i agree with you, their religion/Koran doesn't say anything like "beat your woman to death"
    But as in every thing/idea/religions if you become fanatic you get that things.
    ...and all comes down to what _Icarus_ well said , lack of Education.
    I don't meen only the people from Muslim country's.
    e.x. Most people think that Koran say's Kill-kill-kill.Thats wrong.

    example 2 People like wasprider thinks that democracy = Fasicm(lack of education) and they post thinks like this
    Originally posted by wasprider:
    That's it. I am going to the store to buy a Koran. Then I will set it on the cabinet next to the toilet. Then I am going to get my video recorder out. I will take a crap and wipe with a page from the Koran. Then I will post it on youtube. Stay tuned.
    and he thinks that he will become a hero.
    That is what lack of education do.

    4.4.2008 05:59 #14

  • koifuku

    "Democracy is a wonderful thing. The US was founded on a democracy.."

    Yeah. I just remember, that the holy US congress, who are the champion of Democracy and Free World, voted to go to war because of Iraq has a weapon of mass destruction.. So what is good of free speech when they can control the policy regardless of what people said.

    4.4.2008 15:04 #15

  • goodswipe

    Quote:Here we go again, ALLAH's fascists demanding more censorship. This is typical of intolerant relious fanatics who worship the AK-47 and pretend that committing terrorist acts is their ticket to Heaven. LMAO...

    "look honey, it said goodswipe! oh wow, that's amazing."

    4.4.2008 15:15 #16

  • dufas

    Help me understand this.....

    The Koran and Islam is for peace yet when something happens that is against the Koran or Islam, the peaceful Islamists put out a death contract on the offender???? Then came an announcement that everyone shall become Muslim or face the threat of death. While it is said that it is only the radicals that are making these threats and/or carrying them out, the majority of the Islamic population is is very silent in condemning such things. In fact, when one of our local Islamic leaders was interviewed about this very subject, he stated that the very act of asking such a question was, in itself, an act of bigotry and a reason for Muslims to be against America......

    I am having difficulty in understanding this type of peace.

    5.4.2008 16:30 #17

  • _Icarus_

    Originally posted by koifuku: "Democracy is a wonderful thing. The US was founded on a democracy.."

    Yeah. I just remember, that the holy US congress, who are the champion of Democracy and Free World, voted to go to war because of Iraq has a weapon of mass destruction.. So what is good of free speech when they can control the policy regardless of what people said.
    Like I said the issue is lack of education as with most people. A good example is your comment because that demonstrates that you are not familiar with the politics of democracy. In a democracy people have the power, and they have the power to control the representatives who make and uphold policy. The problem is that there are so many people that have no clue how to go about exercising this power. Everyone should study and be active in their countries government, but it just does not happen as much as one would expect.

    6.4.2008 21:07 #18

  • FreqNasty

    Islam is a pungent stench on Western society. All Muslims stay in your own lands where you can have your Islam rules and beliefs until the day you die!

    We all wonder why Muslims flock to Western countries when they supposedly love Islam so much?

    8.4.2008 02:20 #19

  • Wolf873

    Originally posted by FreqNasty: Islam is a pungent stench on Western society. All Muslims stay in your own lands where you can have your Islam rules and beliefs until the day you die!

    We all wonder why Muslims flock to Western countries when they supposedly love Islam so much?
    Well I can say the same about keeping those sorry excuse for soldiers that is U.S. army to your own land. After seeing the unreleased photos from Iraq how U.S. army treated every man and child of that country, it is simply the most barbaric of the so called "Civilized Society". Praise your country all you want, it is nothing but a big bully with power, that pleases its own citizens and spills the blood of others. Just for the record, I accuse its politicians and not the people because I have seen some good people in that country who are much more open minded than people I have met here.

    I ask the mods to take care of this before its turns into a flame war.

    8.4.2008 16:40 #20

  • dewolf

    Although the video might have been offensive to muslims, its not like its the only one! i mean seriously! there have ben many cases where videos offend a group of people or race, and them getting angry at it, but banning the WHOLE site is freaking ridiculous. I am a muslim too, and although im offended by the video, its not like i care because its just one stinking video out of thousands of more. I dont know what the hell the authorities of indonesia's problem is. This is really stupid. Just cos some RANDOM dutch dude comments about his own opinion (his OWN RITE of speech) it doesnt mean tht the rest of the cople hundred million people in indonesia be included in it and also receive the sacrifice of banning the site from the country. I, personally think tht the government is just looking for trouble to make stupid excuses and make themselves look like they know everything and all. If i were them, id jsut ignore it because i kno tht its just 1 freaking video tht wont afect the world unless they bother, and plus its his own rite to talk about his own crappy opinions.
    This country is NOT religiously run. Its a country of logic and politics, and not of religion. It is sooo stupid for the governent to have included religion into politics! It is wrong because it unblances the whole social envrionment and rite movements. Religion should never be into politics and the ATHAURITIES OF INDONESIA has said so themselves that there will be no personal cases concerning religion with the way how we live in this country! I am furious about the whole banning thing and if i had the chance to, i would get replace the goverment with foreign politicians whom are more open minded and not concentrated to put their RELIGION as their own personal, polotical affairs.
    And i have every rite to say this and plus i am not saying bullcrap that is wrong. Facts are permitted.
    I hope that Indonesia will soon realize how stupid they are for banning Youtubea and all the rest of the networks.
    Who cares if a dutch talks bull about a religion!! its his own problem and if people cant just ignore him and not make such a big deal about it, then they are the people that screw this world wth trouble and hatred. All we have to do is ignore! its simple!!
    Its not COOL and RESPONSIBLE LOOKING when a muslim person says,"hey!! that guy is wrong! and im gonna do somthing about it because islam is my religion and he offended it!!"
    it doesnt make anyone feel impressed by his actions, because they know that sooner or later, that person is gonna end up in trouble and will realize that it was all jsut a waist of time.
    If people are smart, then they would jsut ignore this random video and continue on with their lives, and not waist their time trying to do somthing about it, especially such as banning a website from the WHOLE COUNTRY!!
    Its just dum!

    9.4.2008 11:46 #21

  • dewolf

    and btw for al the rest of u guys whos arguing bout the muslim religion and tht american has "cleanest environment", just te remind u tht the religion itself has got nothing te do with the killing of this world. Its all people. the religion is just an excuse. So dont just start blabbering off saying tht "muslim kills" and everything cos its not tru. Its all people. Do not add religion into all this. Its the people's own minds; religion is merely an excuse. and btw the U.S is known to be one of the most POLLUTED places in the world and its not perfect. i can give u examples of many things goin on there such as the businesses of extreme, hardcore drugs, and gangs and mobs shooting each other.
    and plus Indonesia has many people who are nerds. we arent noobs=p we know alot about computers and internet and compters are freaking cheap here man!! although im dutch and only live in Indonesia, i ca see that there is alot of sense going on here.

    9.4.2008 12:05 #22

  • Wolf873

    While I agree with some of what you have mentioned up there dewolf, I, however, have to say that Muslims have the right to defend their religion. It is not about making yourself look stupid or asking for trouble, but how much are you willing to defend your religion in more peaceful manner. If some Dutch guy decides to voice his opinion on a religion worldwide and that guy is influential and able to affect the image of someone, or religion in this case, people have the right to respond so as to not to make their religion look like the source of all troubles.It is hard to explain, but this is delicate world we live in, people question things and Islam requires high degree of faith, so if people start asking too many questions and too much of proof then what's the point in believing? I'm not saying Islam forbids questioning, but you have to be careful of what you're actually questioning because that shows your faith towards your beliefs.

    10.4.2008 09:52 #23

  • dufas


    The problem is that many Muslims do not approach the defense of their religion peacefully. They will call for the death of the offender and the majority of the other Muslims will stand silent as they continue to condone this type of practice. The same silence that is displayed when a bomb is strapped to a child and he/she is sent into a crowd to commit suicide... Or killing a daughter when she wants to marry someone that her father didn't pick out for her.

    I guess one has to keep the faith....

    10.4.2008 13:07 #24

  • dufas

    edited because of double posting..............

    10.4.2008 13:11 #25

  • Wolf873

    I can understand what you mean. But you have to take other factors into account don't you. Since Sept-11, Muslims have been widely popular for terrorist acts, there are some who would really love to believe all this is Islam's fault and there are some who would like to find out the truth, but who wants to listen to the truth when it's just easy to point fingers at some famous terrorist figure, a figure created by U.S. government itself: but who wants to listen to that? No one likes to take responsibility anymore, just point fingers and be off the hook. Now you tell me, people who have been condenmed as terrorists, their countries blamed for mass producing weapons of destruction to be used "supposedly" against the West and their lives turned to hell, how would they react? Enraged, don't you think. How much one can tolerate? Being peaceful does not mean for ever tolerant of these insane acts. I mean first it was Iraq, ok Saddam was ruthless and got what he deserved, but now onto Iran? When is it going to stop, when U.S. has taken complete control of the world (it has already left Afghanistan in ruins), now isn't that an act of totalitarianism government? If Iran is indeed creating Nukes for its own safety, shouldn't it have a right to do so? Or U.S. is so dellusional that it thinks every other country is its enemy?

    Now about suicide bombing kids, you tell me exactly how do they control that when the country's own political situation is flipped over? In hour of hopelessness, don't you think people will turn to whatever that gives them hope? They will right. There are people of every race and religion that would like to take advantage of this situation to start their own war against who they deem their enemy. Fathers who kill their daughters if they go against their will, are simply insane. They believe they are protecting their honor by doing so, following their "tradition": not religion keep in mind, but that's just folly. Read the Quran (not Koran), and it will tell you what you want to know. Quran is not a simple book that you read like a bedtime story or anything, there's more meaning to it between the lines, there are institutes that deal strictly with understanding its meaning so that should alone tell you how complicated Quran is.

    When it comes to staying silent or speaking out, there are those who voice their opinions peacefully and demonstrate in peacefully manner. How much more people can do, really? They can only go as far as protesting and voicing their opinions and anything beyond that is considered "terrorism". Even voting can be alterted in favor of parties that want to win, so there is really no democracy in these ruined countries.

    I can't go on forever, I simply want everyone here to know you can't just point fingers and look at the books cover, take some time and do extensive research, if you don't have time to do that don't blame others without finding out certain facts. You should know by now that this world is not so easy to understand, so it is in our best interest to always keep an open mind to avoid conflicts.

    10.4.2008 14:31 #26

  • dufas

    Message deleted by author

    10.4.2008 15:09 #27

  • dewolf

    Wolf 873 you are correct. Dont judge a book by its cover.
    but u kno there are lmits on what to do on what. Although religion should have its freedom to defend themselves, there i also the freedom of speech where people can talk shit about anything and not get tried. Its not worth killing someone because sounds of opinion came out of a man's mouth.
    And the video is all fact; there are no false asumptstion concluded in it. If the dutch politician is able to compare terrorizm with the Quran, then it means that there are some problems with the book. Not that im against it or anything; i respect the Quran and yes i know that it was written centuries ago where day to day lives were different than now. but the thing is that some authorities take the book so seriously, that they want religion to be the law. ITs isnane. This is where the actions of extremness takes place; because of wrong conclusions from the Quran.

    what im trying to say here, is tht the whole of the Quran shouldnt be taken seriously because it is an age where daily life a couple centuries back were different. You have to think for yourself and decide what is right and wrong. And for you people who think tht the Quran is bullshit and all just cos there like only 2 or 3 senteces talking about killing, you have to realize that the book is all one and you cant just pick little pieces of it to make it look negative. THAT is BULLSHIT.

    this video was a waist of time and yes it is offensive, but so are a couple 1000 others. Its just crap coming out of someones head. so is it worth killing this man and banning youtube from a couple 100 million people just cos he told his opinion??
    i hope tht ud surely say no...

    11.4.2008 07:05 #28

  • varnull

    The problem with religion.. across the board is the motives behind it in the first place.

    It is a method of control, and a method of enforcing submission to a set of rules that may or may not be right.

    It is good to hear the voice of an intelligent and educated muslim for once. dewolf I congratulate you for having the guts to speak your mind. It is refreshing to hear a sensible and educated opinion rather than the rabid screaming we all too often hear in the West.

    The big problem is when religion becomes a function of state. Now that other bunch.. you know the ol' stars and stripes brigade keep going on about democracy and freedom.. BS.. in 2000 they didn't even get to elect their president. They are supporting the fascist christian right (exactly the same bunch that did so much harm from 1932-45) but they are brainwashed and blinded to what crimes their country is doing to others on a global scale.

    In the west we like to think we are free, but actually we are oppressed just as much as in most islamic states, and in some cases.. because it is covert and hidden beneath layers of lies and secrecy it is actually worse than an open declaration of non-free status.

    The USA currently is a republic run by a megalomaniac madman. His puppeteers want a global USA where the fat cats get richer and nobody can stand up and be anything but subservient to the gods of consumerism and profit for the few. Freedom.. pull the other one. It's been seen through by those of us that the USA and Britain now seek to silence by spying on all our communications. I KNOW they will come for me one day soon because of what I write online. They don't like the truth.

    Quote:PRC the Peoples Republic of China is a good counter example of a poor republic.
    A better example would be North Korea closely followed by the USA.

    Good examples are Italy and Greece, who actually care about their citizens rather than seeing them as subjects.

    Free open source software = made by end users who want an application to work....

    11.4.2008 07:28 #29

  • dewolf

    vurnull i couldnt hve said it better!=) u r absolutly correct. The faith of ones belief can always lead to unimaginary devastation.

    12.4.2008 02:33 #30

  • Wolf873

    Originally posted by dewolf: vurnull i couldnt hve said it better!=) u r absolutly correct. The faith of ones belief can always lead to unimaginary devastation.Yes, I find that correct to some degree, but I know people who are hardcore religious and it doesn't drives them to bombing up the neighborhood. Faith in ones beliefs alone doesn't justifies ones actions, rather what that person desires or wants to achieve in respect to his/her beliefs and how is he/she willing to achieve it.

    I respect your opinion, but I have to contradict you about what you said about Quran. The Dutch man is no position to relate anything with Quran since, as I said before, it is much too complex for any mere person to study. I wish I could explain more about this but I am not educated in deciphering meaning of Quran but I have heard those who are and believe me, it is harder to understand. I know times have changed and Quran was written centuries ago, but it's guidelines are ageless. Everything that is written in Quran is written while taking everything thing into perspective, even modern times.

    The only people who I have heard complaining are those who want to have it their way, including myself. Sometimes even I see things mentioned in Quran as harsh but when I take other things into perspective, they seem sensible. You can't just look at the negatives, observe the positives. There's nothing wrong in implementing "selected" laws from religion because that's what characterizes a state as a Islamic State, right? Governments don't utilize those Islamic laws very well into the system and that's what makes it troublesome. Some only use it as a cover.

    The main problem comes down to money, there's nothing much more desirable than money these days, and those big guys would do anything...anything to gobble up as much as they can. While we argue about such things, those guys laugh in their heaps of money.

    Again, my intentions are not to look down on others beliefs or religions or their opinions, rather I'm just trying to clarify as much misconceptions there are about Islam as I can. If I offend anyone, I apologize.

    12.4.2008 20:16 #31

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