Paramount maps Blu-ray roadmap

Paramount maps Blu-ray roadmap
Paramount Pictures has mapped out its Blu-ray roadmap, marking its re-entry to the Blu-ray business a year after it signed exclusively to the now defunct HD DVD format.

The first three movies to hit Blu-ray will be "Face/Off," "Next" and "Bee Movie" which will hit retailers on May 20th. "Bee Movie" was a highly anticipated HD DVD title but was scrapped after Toshiba dropped production and support for the format in early March.

Two other box office hits, "Cloverfield" and "There Will Be Blood" will hit Blu-ray on June 3rd. Both were recently released on standard definition DVD. "Cloverfield" will also hit the international market in August, added the studio.

Another important date to note is June 24th when Paramount will "issue its first day-and-date Blu-ray Disc release," "The Spiderwick Chronicles."

Paramount was originally a format neutral studio, along with Warner Home Video, but then moved HD DVD exclusive last August after allegedly receiving up to $150 million USD in compensation.

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 30 Apr 2008 18:14
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  • domie

    face off , next and bee movie ?

    WOW that's sure to set the wolrd aflame with interest LOL

    30.4.2008 19:00 #1

  • error5

    Paramount is also reactivating their previously discontinued catalog on BluRay:

    I guess they found the keys to the warehouse.

    Quote:Two other box office hits, "Cloverfield" and "There Will Be Blood" will hit Blu-ray on June 3rd.There Will Be Blood is a definite purchase.

    I just hope their next announcement will include release dates for Sweeney Todd and the Jack Ryan Collection.

    Pioneer Kuro 50" PDP-5010FD 1080p Plasma With 24fps input and 3:3 72Hz Playback - ISF Calibrated
    Toshiba HD-XA2 HD DVD Player// Sony PS3 60GB - soon to be replaced by the Panasonic DMP-BD50
    Marantz SR6001 Surround Sound Receiver With HDMI// B&W604/602/LCR600 // Hsu Research VTF3 Subwoofer
    HD DVD Titles - 85 // BluRay Titles - 63 (and counting)

    30.4.2008 21:11 #2

  • sgriesch

    Originally posted by domie: face off , next and bee movie ?

    WOW that's sure to set the wolrd aflame with interest LOL
    You said it. Way to go Paramount.

    30.4.2008 23:13 #3

  • nobrainer

    Originally posted by sgriesch : Originally posted by domie: face off , next and bee movie ?

    WOW that's sure to set the wolrd aflame with interest LOL
    You said it. Way to go Paramount.
    you do realise, that it was sarcasm don't you.

    anyways there will be blood is worth purchasing.

    why do you think the MPAA block you from format shifting, maybe because they get to sell you content all over again, and its pure profit at $30 a go for a 10+ year old film. What is DRM used for exactly?

    Originally posted by Prof Peter Gutmann: This is by design: as Jack Valenti, former head of the MPAA, put it, “If you buy a DVD you have a copy. If you want a backup copy you buy another one”). It's obvious why this type of business model makes the pain of pushing content protection onto consumers so worthwhile since it practically constitutes a license to print money.

    The IFPI Are: The same anti consumer lot as listed above!

    1.5.2008 02:16 #4

  • c1c

    Originally posted by domie: face off , next and bee movie ?

    WOW that's sure to set the wolrd aflame with interest LOL
    I know I cant wait to stand in line for these HD releases!! Ha! What a joke. They need to start remastering the older classics in this format and forget about these trash new movies. Taking garbage movies and making them HD and more clearer of an image does not make the movie any better.

    1.5.2008 11:06 #5

  • goodswipe

    Originally posted by c1c: Originally posted by domie: face off , next and bee movie ?

    WOW that's sure to set the wolrd aflame with interest LOL
    I know I cant wait to stand in line for these HD releases!! Ha! What a joke. They need to start remastering the older classics in this format and forget about these trash new movies. Taking garbage movies and making them HD and more clearer of an image does not make the movie any better.
    Exactly...I want to see something like Scarface or Indiana Jones in HD. Oh and don't forget the LOTR's trilogy!

    "Hey lady, you call him Doctor Jones!"

    LMAO @ Next, that movie was horrible! The only thing that kept me slightly interested during the whole movie was Jessica Biel.

    "look honey, it said goodswipe! oh wow, that's amazing."

    1.5.2008 11:19 #6

  • eatsushi

    Originally posted by error5: Paramount is also reactivating their previously discontinued catalog on BluRay:

    I guess they found the keys to the warehouse.

    Quote:Two other box office hits, "Cloverfield" and "There Will Be Blood" will hit Blu-ray on June 3rd.There Will Be Blood is a definite purchase.

    I just hope their next announcement will include release dates for Sweeney Todd and the Jack Ryan Collection.
    June 3rd will be D-Day for me with respect to purchases. Just look at these BluRay movies that will come out on that day:

    June 03, 2008
    *Battle of Britain (MGM)
    *A Bridge Too Far (MGM)
    Cloverfield (Paramount)
    Dirty Harry (Warner)
    *Dirty Harry: Ultimate Collection (Warner)
    The Eye (2008) (Lionsgate)
    Fearless Planet (Image)
    *The Longest Day (Fox)
    Meet the Spartans (Fox)
    *Patton (Fox)
    *The Recruit (Walt Disney)
    *The Sand Pebbles (Fox)
    Semi-Pro (New Line)
    Signs (Walt Disney)
    *There Will Be Blood (Paramount)
    *Weeds: Season Three (Lionsgate)

    The ones with the * will be on my shopping list.

    1.5.2008 11:26 #7

  • goodswipe

    Weeds season 3 will be added to my collection shortly! I can't wait for season 4...

    What do you think it going to happen in season 4 sushi? Where are they going to start now that she burnt the house down? Think they will move to another town?

    Go ahead, make my day!

    "look honey, it said goodswipe! oh wow, that's amazing."

    1.5.2008 11:33 #8

  • atomicxl

    Quote:Originally posted by sgriesch : Originally posted by domie: face off , next and bee movie ?

    WOW that's sure to set the wolrd aflame with interest LOL
    You said it. Way to go Paramount.
    you do realise, that it was sarcasm don't you.

    anyways there will be blood is worth purchasing.

    why do you think the MPAA block you from format shifting, maybe because they get to sell you content all over again, and its pure profit at $30 a go for a 10+ year old film. What is DRM used for exactly?

    Originally posted by Prof Peter Gutmann: This is by design: as Jack Valenti, former head of the MPAA, put it, “If you buy a DVD you have a copy. If you want a backup copy you buy another one”). It's obvious why this type of business model makes the pain of pushing content protection onto consumers so worthwhile since it practically constitutes a license to print money.
    You fail to realize that 100% of blu-ray players play DVDs. DVDs are still made and sold. DVDs also have DRM.

    Why is that every post you make is little more than super left-wing anti-technology ranting about how Blu-Ray is the format of Satan or that buying music is the same as writing blank checks to the International Church of the Anti-Christ.

    1.5.2008 11:56 #9

  • nobrainer

    @ atomicxl

    all analogue connections can be easily bypassed as can dvd, what the MPAA are doing is locking everything down using HDCP HDMI and blocking or reducing the quality to less than current dvd on all other connections. lets say when blu-ray requires you to log onto a server before it allows playback and in 10 years time when those drm check, servers are switched off because a new a better format is the thing, what you going to do?

    try researching "the broadcast flag" when this is turned on you will yet again need to purchase new equipment to view the content.

    The DVD War Against Consumers (old but still valid)
    Originally posted by above link: But all software-based copy-protection schemes can be broken. The only way a DRM can really work is to control all of the hardware the video data flow through, including the monitor. The problem is that at some point an unencrypted video signal is sent to a display device. It can be split off before it gets there or videotaped once it's on the screen.

    The AACS (Advanced Access Content System) standard supported by both the Sony and Microsoft camps addresses this problem. The standard calls for scaling down HD content to a low resolution if the player isn't hooked up to an HDCP-compliant connection. HDCP (High Bandwidth Digital Content Protection) is a DRM system invented by Intel (INTC) that attempts to control video and audio as it flows out of a player and onto a display. In other words, if the player is connected to a monitor without the right cables, the quality of the image will be deliberately degraded.

    Blu-ray, however, goes beyond the AACS, incorporating two other protection mechanisms: The ROM Mark is a cryptographic element overlaid on a "legitimate" disk. If the player doesn't detect the mark, then it won't play the disc. This will supposedly deal with video-camera-in-the-theatre copies.

    Even more extreme is a scheme called BD+ that deals with the problem of what to do when someone cracks the encryption scheme. The players can automatically download new crypto if the old one is broken. But there's an ominous feature buried in this so-called protection mechanism: If a particular brand of player is cryptographically "compromised," the studio can remotely disable all of the affected players. In other words, if some hacker halfway across the globe cracks Sony's software, Sony can shut down my DVD player across the Net.

    The Blu-ray's DRM scheme is simply anti-consumer. The standard reflects what the studios really want, which is no copying of their material at all, for any reason. They're clearly willing to take active and unpleasant measures to enforce this. Last year's Sony/BMG rootkit fiasco comes to mind (see BW Online, 11/29/05, "Sony BMG's Costly Silence"). The possibility that they would disable thousands of DVD players, not because they're hacked but just because they might be vulnerable, would have been unthinkable a few years ago; it's clearly an option today.

    HDMI, the Manchurian DRM - a Broadcast Flag dormant until 2010

    Originally posted by cory: Hollywood studios and some CE manufacturers have reportedly entered into an informal agreement to hold off on using the "image constraint token" in HDMI DRM until 2010 or 2012. The image constraint token is a flag in a video signal that instructs receivers, DVD players and other high-definition sources to "down-rez" their output to a low-definition signal when connecting to an "untrusted" screen or other sink.

    The effect is that if your screen or recorder isn't blessed by Hollywood, they can limit the video they send to it to a low-resolution image. Manufacturers who want the full signal have to enter into the HDMI license agreement and agree to cripple their hardware in lots of ways -- and have to promise not to make their equipment compatible with anyone else's, unless they, too, agree to cripple their hardware.

    The agreement to stay away from the image constraint token for four or six years is a way to get around this. If the DRM is kept switched off for the first 4-6 years, there's an opportunity to lure people into accepting it -- to buy into devices, media, players, screens, storage and other components with HDMI crippleware within, but inactive.

    This is a classic Manchurian Candidate strategy. These devices behave like normal gear until the studios pull the trigger, then they turn on you. The studios talk a big game about wanting to operate in a free market, but then you get stuff like this: back-room deals, restraint of trade, and attempts to subvert the market by fooling customers into buying crippled kit.
    Quote:Blu-ray media, the graphics card (hardware, drivers and playback software)—does not support HDCP, then a connection cannot be established. As a result, a black picture and/or error message will likely be displayed instead of the video the EFF (Electronic Frontier Foundation) pages to see just how the MPAA/RIAA are trying to lock every device down .

    1.5.2008 13:17 #10

  • eatsushi

    Originally posted by goodswipe: Weeds season 3 will be added to my collection shortly! I can't wait for season 4...

    What do you think it going to happen in season 4 sushi? Where are they going to start now that she burnt the house down? Think they will move to another town?
    Who knows? Weeds is one of the most entertaining, quirky, and unpredictable comedies on cable today and the writers are definitely on top of their game. I'm sure we'll be in for a few surprises in the 4th season.

    Nice pic of Dirty Harry there. ;)

    1.5.2008 14:26 #11

  • goodswipe

    Yea man, that series always keeps me on my you said, you never know what's going to happen.

    "look honey, it said goodswipe! oh wow, that's amazing."

    1.5.2008 14:33 #12

  • sgriesch

    Quote:Originally posted by sgriesch : Originally posted by domie: face off , next and bee movie ?

    WOW that's sure to set the wolrd aflame with interest LOL
    You said it. Way to go Paramount.
    you do realise, that it was sarcasm don't you.
    Yes, I was being sarchastic too. But I guess YOU didn't realize.

    1.5.2008 22:34 #13

  • error5

    Originally posted by eatsushi: June 3rd will be D-Day for me with respect to purchases. Just look at these BluRay movies that will come out on that day:

    June 03, 2008
    *Battle of Britain (MGM)
    *A Bridge Too Far (MGM)
    Cloverfield (Paramount)
    Dirty Harry (Warner)
    *Dirty Harry: Ultimate Collection (Warner)
    The Eye (2008) (Lionsgate)
    Fearless Planet (Image)
    *The Longest Day (Fox)
    Meet the Spartans (Fox)
    *Patton (Fox)
    *The Recruit (Walt Disney)
    *The Sand Pebbles (Fox)
    Semi-Pro (New Line)
    Signs (Walt Disney)
    *There Will Be Blood (Paramount)
    *Weeds: Season Three (Lionsgate)

    The ones with the * will be on my shopping list.
    I'll have the same shopping list as yours eatsushi - but how can you leave off Meet The Spartans?????

    It got a whopping 2% rating on

    Pioneer Kuro 50" PDP-5010FD 1080p Plasma With 24fps input and 3:3 72Hz Playback - ISF Calibrated
    Toshiba HD-XA2 HD DVD Player// Sony PS3 60GB - soon to be replaced by the Panasonic DMP-BD50
    Marantz SR6001 Surround Sound Receiver With HDMI// B&W604/602/LCR600 // Hsu Research VTF3 Subwoofer
    HD DVD Titles - 85 // BluRay Titles - 63 (and counting)

    1.5.2008 23:24 #14

  • dblbogey7

    Originally posted by eatsushi: Originally posted by error5: Paramount is also reactivating their previously discontinued catalog on BluRay:

    I guess they found the keys to the warehouse.

    Quote:Two other box office hits, "Cloverfield" and "There Will Be Blood" will hit Blu-ray on June 3rd.There Will Be Blood is a definite purchase.

    I just hope their next announcement will include release dates for Sweeney Todd and the Jack Ryan Collection.
    June 3rd will be D-Day for me with respect to purchases. Just look at these BluRay movies that will come out on that day:

    June 03, 2008
    *Battle of Britain (MGM)
    *A Bridge Too Far (MGM)
    Cloverfield (Paramount)
    Dirty Harry (Warner)
    *Dirty Harry: Ultimate Collection (Warner)
    The Eye (2008) (Lionsgate)
    Fearless Planet (Image)
    *The Longest Day (Fox)
    Meet the Spartans (Fox)
    *Patton (Fox)
    *The Recruit (Walt Disney)
    *The Sand Pebbles (Fox)
    Semi-Pro (New Line)
    Signs (Walt Disney)
    *There Will Be Blood (Paramount)
    *Weeds: Season Three (Lionsgate)

    The ones with the * will be on my shopping list.
    Thanks for the heads-up eatsushi. I got everything on your list preordered from amazon.

    ...and NO - I didn't include Meet the Spartans, but I will put it on my Netflix queue just to see for myself how awful it is. BTW, what's the lowest score ever given on

    1.5.2008 23:59 #15

  • DVDBack23

    Quote:Originally posted by eatsushi: Originally posted by error5: Paramount is also reactivating their previously discontinued catalog on BluRay:

    I guess they found the keys to the warehouse.

    Quote:Two other box office hits, "Cloverfield" and "There Will Be Blood" will hit Blu-ray on June 3rd.There Will Be Blood is a definite purchase.

    I just hope their next announcement will include release dates for Sweeney Todd and the Jack Ryan Collection.
    June 3rd will be D-Day for me with respect to purchases. Just look at these BluRay movies that will come out on that day:

    June 03, 2008
    *Battle of Britain (MGM)
    *A Bridge Too Far (MGM)
    Cloverfield (Paramount)
    Dirty Harry (Warner)
    *Dirty Harry: Ultimate Collection (Warner)
    The Eye (2008) (Lionsgate)
    Fearless Planet (Image)
    *The Longest Day (Fox)
    Meet the Spartans (Fox)
    *Patton (Fox)
    *The Recruit (Walt Disney)
    *The Sand Pebbles (Fox)
    Semi-Pro (New Line)
    Signs (Walt Disney)
    *There Will Be Blood (Paramount)
    *Weeds: Season Three (Lionsgate)

    The ones with the * will be on my shopping list.
    Thanks for the heads-up eatsushi. I got everything on your list preordered from amazon.

    ...and NO - I didn't include Meet the Spartans, but I will put it on my Netflix queue just to see for myself how awful it is. BTW, what's the lowest score ever given on

    Worst ever lol

    2.5.2008 00:44 #16

  • nobrainer

    @ DVDBack23

    wasn't it just, did alone in the dark actually get released, i though it was so bad they just uploaded it to torrent sites, well i suppose now they can release it on blu-ray as its bound to improve?

    300 sucked until it was released on Blu-Ray then it was the best movie ever!

    The IFPI Are: The same anti consumer lot as listed above!

    2.5.2008 05:51 #17

  • juankerr

    Originally posted by eatsushi: June 3rd will be D-Day for me with respect to purchases. Just look at these BluRay movies that will come out on that day:

    June 03, 2008
    *Battle of Britain (MGM)
    *A Bridge Too Far (MGM)
    Cloverfield (Paramount)
    Dirty Harry (Warner)
    *Dirty Harry: Ultimate Collection (Warner)
    The Eye (2008) (Lionsgate)
    Fearless Planet (Image)
    *The Longest Day (Fox)
    Meet the Spartans (Fox)
    *Patton (Fox)
    *The Recruit (Walt Disney)
    *The Sand Pebbles (Fox)
    Semi-Pro (New Line)
    Signs (Walt Disney)
    *There Will Be Blood (Paramount)
    *Weeds: Season Three (Lionsgate)

    The ones with the * will be on my shopping list.
    Good shopping list eatsushi. I just did the amazon preorder on 7 of those titles myself including Paramount's There Will Be Blood.

    2.5.2008 09:30 #18

  • emugamer

    Quote:Originally posted by domie: They need to start remastering the older classics in this format and forget about these trash new movies. Taking garbage movies and making them HD and more clearer of an image does not make the movie any better.I hear ya. I would buy Back to the Future immediately. I own the trilogy on DVD, but I had to resort to the HDTV 720P release for my HD television.

    2.5.2008 12:35 #19

  • goodswipe

    Quote:I hear ya. I would buy Back to the Future immediately. I own the trilogy on DVD, but I had to resort to the HDTV 720P release for my HD television.
    Ahhh yes, how could I have forgotten about the BTF trilogy..good idea.

    "look honey, it said goodswipe! oh wow, that's amazing."

    2.5.2008 12:48 #20

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