Crysis maker abandons PC exclusivity, citing piracy

Crysis maker abandons PC exclusivity, citing piracy
Crytek, the developer of the hit game Crysis, has announced that it will no longer be PC exclusive in the future, citing growing piracy as the reason why.

For those not into computer gaming, Crysis was arguably one of the most highly praised PC-exclusive for 2007 and even one some awards for its stunning graphics.

In an interview with the magazine PC Play, the studio's director and founder, Cevat Yerli noted that there are a number of problems besetting his studio, the worst of which is growing piracy.

"We are suffering currently from the huge piracy that is encompassing Crysis. We seem to lead the charts in piracy by a large margin... PC gamers that pirate games, inherently destroy the platform.

"Similar games on consoles sell factors of 4-5 more. It was a big lesson for us, and I believe we won't have PC exclusives as we did with Crysis in future. We are going to support PC, but not exclusive anymore."

After that answer Yerli was asked if Crysis would be ported to consoles in the near future. Unfortunately not added Yerli, stating that it would be nearly "impossible," and that the game would have to be "largely changed to bring it to Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3."

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 1 May 2008 15:47
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  • tgok

    They also may have been able to increase their profit margins by making their game not rape 99% of computers

    1.5.2008 15:53 #1

  • Pop_Smith

    Originally posted by tgok: They also may have been able to increase their profit margins by making their game not rape 99% of computersTrue, they forgot to admit that the small sales maybe due to the insane system requirements for the game.

    1.5.2008 16:00 #2

  • DXR88

    are you stupid crytec, crysis failed because 1. insane requirements 2 the game limited functionality. and 3. no Replay value.

    you dug your own grave, but piracy seems to be everybodys scape goat.

    i loved farcry but crysis sucked balls.

    Quote:highly praised PC-exclusive were in praised does it say game of the year..

    1.5.2008 17:39 #3

  • viny1313

    Lol Just downloaded it a few days ago...

    I can't run it on my computer properly...

    Good thing I didn't give them my money for this sh!t :)

    1.5.2008 20:00 #4

  • NexGen76

    I looking forward to Crysis coming to PS3 now.

    1.5.2008 21:44 #5

  • DXR88

    Originally posted by NexGen76: I looking forward to Crysis coming to PS3 now.I doubt That. Farcry 2 will be. im looking foward too a few games cooming out soon. Farcry 2,Fable 2 and hopefully A mass effect expansion.

    1.5.2008 22:10 #6

  • viny1313

    Originally posted by NexGen76: I looking forward to Crysis coming to PS3 now.
    I bet the PS3 will have difficulties playing it too ;)

    1.5.2008 22:51 #7

  • varnull

    Really... talk about a stupid excuse.. blame the pirates again!

    the fact of the matter is.. they released a game which probably 5% of real hardcore gamers rigs will run.. then give no help and support for people who have systems which in theory should be able to run it, and wonder why people download before buying?

    Way to go.. There is probably more total unit piracy of console games, because of the stupidly inflated prices, than of pc games which are usually a little harder to deal with than download iso and burn.

    It doesn't seem to hurt the consoles that much, and modability probably increases overall sales of hardware... If somebody cracked the ps3 the sales would probably increase by 10-15% overnight. It saved the 360, it made the xbox, and is a great boost to the Wii.

    These guys obviously live in the same fantasy world as the mpaa/riaa and the rest of the whining cartel gangsters. (and farcry was rubbish as well... held my attention for about a level and a half... another boring old FPS... roll on the next Tomb Raider to remind people how good games are made.)

    Free open source software = made by end users who want an application to work....

    1.5.2008 23:03 #8

  • viny1313

    Originally posted by varnull: If somebody cracked the ps3 the sales would probably increase by 10-15% overnight.Definitely. I now tons of people praying for that Holy day :P

    Originally posted by varnull: It saved the 360,I don't now about that... Most of the people I now with 360s are M$ loyalists... They wouldn't touch a PS3 with a 10-foot poll... My friends are really gay (no offence) :P


    1.5.2008 23:07 #9

  • chaos_zzz

    it would take them months to do the coding for another plataforms, and what he meant i think it's that in the next crytek project they will include consoles also

    and some comments here asre just dumb, insane requirements well sorry for not having a good enougth computer

    that's just wrong u ppl have to admit that this plataform is expensive, if u wanna see upgrades on the games ur a gonna have to upgrade ur computer too, that's why ppl don't use psTwos anymore as ppl shouldn't use p4 at least for serious gaming

    And the game is just amazing I own this core 2 duo with an 8800 ultra looks amazing but i have a friend running it under a quad with a gx2, wow i mean wow how dare would u call crysis a Sh!t that's a 100% envy

    1.5.2008 23:17 #10

  • fgamer

    Funny how these companys work hard on a game and then it comes out and doesn't do as good as they expected. Maybe they should put more time into optimizing their games to work with a wider range of hardware then they wouldn't completely block out the mid-low range PC user. Although I do believe in technology moving forward at least make it where if you turn the settings on med it'll run at decent FPS, something Crysis wasn't capable of doing. If Crytek feels that abadoning the main group of people that more than likely made them who they are is the best route then so be it. I'm not defending piracy but I think both sides are to blame. Piracy AND Crytek's lack-there-of creating a more optimized engine.

    1.5.2008 23:18 #11

  • chaos_zzz

    Quote:Originally posted by varnull: If somebody cracked the ps3 the sales would probably increase by 10-15% overnight.Definitely. I now tons of people praying for that Holy day :P

    Originally posted by varnull: It saved the 360,I don't now about that... Most of the people I now with 360s are M$ loyalists... They wouldn't touch a PS3 with a 10-foot poll... My friends are really gay (no offence) :P

    about the ps3 - so true, 360 maybe the live experiencie also save it but that's about it (for me is a ps2 with hdmi- ok ok some extra ram)

    1.5.2008 23:24 #12

  • ZippyDSM

    I have also been posting feverishly in the gamespot comment system.

    Let me go over why Cryisis failed to be a "BLOCK BUSTER"

    1.Niche in a niche focus.

    2.Did not want to spend the big bucks for multi deving ahead of time then blame the magical one legged pirates for it not saling(aahr matyes) like farcry then getting denied imaginary funds to further dev a game they gave up on...

    3.Cryisis is more bland and repetitive than FC or fear for that matter,it lacks story and enough weapon and suit upgrades to keep things interesting, hell Dark messhia was more fun throughout the whole game and offered at least some replay value(on mute ZOMG dialog do you have it motherfoocker?).

    4.The polish on the engine and control is nice however it still has...DX10 quricks.

    You can make all the console games you want..but the 360 is the most easiest device to hack and run copies on, in fact it works from day 1 no waiting for a week or a month like on PC, hell I got pissed at the crack for BioShock bought it and felt raped as I got further into the game to realize its consoltard poo, fodder for casual zombies its a game meant for gamers...

    IMO blaming pirates is weak when it is your own flawed business practice that is damaging you, to you and to the rest of the game industry mindless greed will destroy you like it did Rome only you will have more law breaking, coke fulled, stripper chasing moments than the fall of a random burnt out hollywood studio....
    speaking of which they herd the casual zombies better than you ever can because they have learned to price point products.

    Support and nurture your products until you release a new one, cashing in to poo it out and forget it will only lead more sheeple to tinfoil hats and black paint....

    *stands up proud to show his no wool black paint tinfoil hat wearing self*
    Represent y'all!

    ...oh god not a new voice.....oh hey..I found some shells.....*click*

    EvIl GiRn...................

    2.5.2008 00:49 #13

  • windsong

    Some games are worth buying, like Dragon Age, Baldurs Gate 2, Mass Effect and Mafia 2.

    Crysis isn't worth 20 bucks let alone 50. The gameplay lacks artistic direction, and lets face it the whole game was like a tech demo for the 8800GT. The AI was abysmal as were the linear paths on the island.

    2.5.2008 01:00 #14

  • ZippyDSM

    Originally posted by windsong: Some games are worth buying, like Dragon Age, Baldurs Gate 2, Mass Effect and Mafia 2.

    Crysis isn't worth 20 bucks let alone 50. The gameplay lacks artistic direction, and lets face it the whole game was like a tech demo for the 8800GT. The AI was abysmal as were the linear paths on the island.
    IMO Bioshock aint worth 20$, Cryisis is a solid 20-30 title, no worse than Dark messiah,Prey or turok...

    2.5.2008 01:19 #15

  • ZippyDSM


    *falls off chair*
    the only "piracy" capable of damage sales is bootlegs, downloads are such a small number(on a world wide scale) and of that number a disproportionate amount are not consumers they would EVER have.

    Statistically speaking it dose not add up, one can not get blood from a stone...or money from a dum ba bish......

    anyway is just falsehoods and falsity to say piracy can damage a game 90% of the time.

    2.5.2008 01:27 #16

  • ZippyDSM

    Originally posted by chaos_zzz: it would take them months to do the coding for another plataforms, and what he meant i think it's that in the next crytek project they will include consoles also

    and some comments here asre just dumb, insane requirements well sorry for not having a good enougth computer

    that's just wrong u ppl have to admit that this plataform is expensive, if u wanna see upgrades on the games ur a gonna have to upgrade ur computer too, that's why ppl don't use psTwos anymore as ppl shouldn't use p4 at least for serious gaming

    And the game is just amazing I own this core 2 duo with an 8800 ultra looks amazing but i have a friend running it under a quad with a gx2, wow i mean wow how dare would u call crysis a Sh!t that's a 100% envy
    I built a PC for a friend a P4 2 core 95X something it was 2.XGhs,2 GB of ramm and a 7600 512 PCI EVGa card, I ran both Cryisis and ut3 on it on low and medium both ran fine.

    2.5.2008 01:30 #17

  • skopas

    I heard that it did sell over a million world wide. I say that is a good feat considering what it takes to run it. I must agree with some of ya that Far Cry was better than Crysis. I dont think pirating is the issue here, it's the SPECS for the game. To much work went into this for PC and the sales didn't make up for it. They refuse to see the obvious.

    2.5.2008 10:26 #18

  • pensfan12

    pleaaaassseeee make it ps3 exclusive to annoy Nobrainer!!!

    2.5.2008 10:26 #19

  • Icanbe

    I personally think it just wasn't a very good game.
    I tried the demo, I was bored of it in about 20 min's.
    All the hype in the world is not going to make a bad game good.

    2.5.2008 10:46 #20

  • emugamer

    I wouldn't have purchased it even if I could play it. I had a slightly noticeable framerate lag on medium after upgrading my card to a 7800GT (and no, I didn't upgrade my card just for this game, it just so happened to coincide with the release). Plus it wasn't even fun on low settings. I had a better time playing Timeshift on high settings.

    Once again, the boy who cried "piracy." Can they prove that piracy was the cause? Because then they would need to do a study of all of the studios that released titles at around the same time that were peddling for customers.
    1. Do they think people have the $$$ to buy every game that comes out?

    2. They would have to find out a way to determine how many in the demographic they are targetting own both a PC and a console. Because then their game is competing with a whole other platform. Make that a really expensive PC and a really expensive console.

    3.And then combine that with the fact that a large % of people just can't play it due to insufficient funds to upgrade their PC specs - cost of game - $60; cost for a new build to play game - $1,000.

    I'm going to make a bold statement, and it's just my opinion. Most "pirates" who download these games would not have paid for them anyway. The real pirates are the bootleggers who are profitting. Because they are the ones selling it to people who would apparently actually pay $$$ for a specific game.

    Likely scenario:

    Cevat Yerli stops by likely Pirate home:

    Cevat Yerli - "Hey man, I see you're playing my game. Did you pay for it??
    Pirate - "No, I'm a Pirate."

    Cevat Yerli - "Not cool man. Please pay me."

    Pirate - "No thanks, I can't afford it. I'll just delete it."

    Cevat Yerli - "But you have to pay me! You have my game!!!"

    Pirate - *deletes game* - "No I don't."

    "Pirate" goes on his way and eventually forgets about the game because he couldn't afford it in the first place. Either way, Cevat Yerli would have never seen Pirates $$$.

    Let's throw people in a large pot and give them all a fixed amount of money. Now let's throw at them bluray, consoles, LCD TV's, LCD monitors, PC's, PC and console games, music players, media players, etc. Now, let's increase gas prices, food prices and the overall cost of living - taxes go up, health insurance goes up. Aside from those who will buy everything else with their credit card, middle class people generally are only going to buy what they can afford. It's the people who rely on plastic and try to live above their means who got the US in the mess it's in now.

    2.5.2008 12:16 #21

  • ZippyDSM

    PC game developer has radical message: ignore the pirates

    2.5.2008 13:08 #22

  • navi1199

    Crysis is an excellent game, problem is it's a little too ahead of it's time... this is one game for the rich boys

    2.5.2008 14:00 #23

  • ZippyDSM

    Originally posted by navi1199: Crysis is an excellent game, problem is it's a little too ahead of it's time... this is one game for the rich boysYa they say the same about Bioshock but I still discount it as a watered down bland minmilized shooter.

    Crysis's main flaws is its bland sandbox nature with no real mod/suit upgrades as the game progresses, it gives you a so so amount of gameplay mechanics to finish the WHOLE game with, because there is no depth in the design past the sandbox nature the game grows boring and bland.

    its a 6 above average but nothing great and I would not call it good ..and I run it on high at 30FPS....

    2.5.2008 14:10 #24

  • navi1199

    Quote:Ya they say the same about Bioshock but I still discount it as a watered down bland minmilized shooter.

    Crysis's main flaws is its bland sandbox nature with no real mod/suit upgrades as the game progresses, it gives you a so so amount of gameplay mechanics to finish the WHOLE game with, because there is no depth in the design past the sandbox nature the game grows boring and bland.

    its a 6 above average but nothing great and I would not call it good ..and I run it on high at 30FPS....
    well if you really think about it, a fps really can't get all that good... all fps games has it going for them are the fast paced, fast action with dust flying in your face feel... So I was just rating it as a fps game... Even after the suit upgrades the game mechanic won't change much, only the strategies you use to complete the game... Crysis is nothing more than your average fps just with more better graphics, I expected nothing more or nothing less than that, so in opinion it did it's job well. Well except for the fact that it needs a killer machine just so you can have the joy of cloaking and messing around with the AI...

    2.5.2008 17:44 #25

  • mrmad2001

    They really shouldn't have passed the blame onto the pirates. They drastically limited the offering, by making it almost unplayable to gamers. It ate my computer and literally barely ran.

    2.5.2008 17:46 #26

  • ZippyDSM

    Quote:Quote:Ya they say the same about Bioshock but I still discount it as a watered down bland minmilized shooter.

    Crysis's main flaws is its bland sandbox nature with no real mod/suit upgrades as the game progresses, it gives you a so so amount of gameplay mechanics to finish the WHOLE game with, because there is no depth in the design past the sandbox nature the game grows boring and bland.

    its a 6 above average but nothing great and I would not call it good ..and I run it on high at 30FPS....
    well if you really think about it, a fps really can't get all that good... all fps games has it going for them are the fast paced, fast action with dust flying in your face feel... So I was just rating it as a fps game... Even after the suit upgrades the game mechanic won't change much, only the strategies you use to complete the game... Crysis is nothing more than your average fps just with more better graphics, I expected nothing more or nothing less than that, so in opinion it did it's job well. Well except for the fact that it needs a killer machine just so you can have the joy of cloaking and messing around with the AI...
    you have not played many FPSs.... with large levels and depth in level design, doom is at its core an adventure class shooter yet doom 3 mimilized E V E R Y T H I N G about doom but the dark atshophere

    Blood,,Dues ex,System shock 2 Duke3D, Clive backers undiying, Quake 2, Unreal 1,Half life all these games have a level of depth that is missing in todays casual based corridor gun and run titles...... even Qauk3 has better level layouts than most of todays shooters....

    Far cry and fear have better pacing than Cryisis,and because of bad pacing the game is needlessly repetitive and bland.

    2.5.2008 17:56 #27

  • stevexbox

    I understand that piracy leads to the sales downfall of the game. One thing that angers me is that people criticise and use Crysis hardware requirements as a scape goat to talk shit about the game, yet fail to realize that it is possible to turn down the settings of the game. I mean who the hell is trying to run this on very high on their $600 dells and then complains about it lagging?

    2.5.2008 22:09 #28

  • ZippyDSM

    Originally posted by stevexbox: I understand that piracy leads to the sales downfall of the game. One thing that angers me is that people criticise and use Crysis hardware requirements as a scape goat to talk shit about the game, yet fail to realize that it is possible to turn down the settings of the game. I mean who the hell is trying to run this on very high on their $600 dells and then complains about it lagging?
    Talk sht? statical fact maybe, how many people know how to build a PC cheap or what a game really requires?

    then add the rub you wont get the best of the game unless you have a 1K+ rig, its just a snow ball effect they target a small niche (PC market running the game on non sm2 card with a hearty CPU and ramm), the game sold fine just not a prefect block buster like far cry, they are whining and distracting from the need of patches that vista is a nightmare and that they do not want to dev this game for the console.

    Piracy is more a scape goat than anything else, you ave 30% of the populace whoas just never going to buy new, on a world wide basis you can have 100K+ people not buying the game and the game sales fine because they marketed it right from the start.

    As for the game itself its ok but good lord its alil bland...

    2.5.2008 22:25 #29

  • mike.m

    Im glad that they are making games for consoles now, for not many people have a PC built for games such as Crysis. Only thing is that I hope games like Crysis would look as good on the Xbox 360 and PS3 as it does on a suped-up PC.

    3.5.2008 01:18 #30

  • Joshewah

    I built my roommate a PC that runs Crysis at 25-30 fps constant on all highs. After playing it for a while I can tell you that the problem with Crysis isn't the hardware required to run it... but that its just a damn boring game. Its a neat game to see how far graphics have come, but the characters suck and don't hold the gamer captive and he adventure/story seems forced rather than letting it unfold on its own. In the Half-Life series Valve has created an elaborate world around Gordon Freeman with interesting characters that actually make the games a worthwhile experience and well worth the money spent on the games. Crysis is just eyecandy, a benchmark, nothing more.

    3.5.2008 03:43 #31

  • ZippyDSM

    Originally posted by Joshewah: I built my roommate a PC that runs Crysis at 25-30 fps constant on all highs. After playing it for a while I can tell you that the problem with Crysis isn't the hardware required to run it... but that its just a damn boring game. Its a neat game to see how far graphics have come, but the characters suck and don't hold the gamer captive and he adventure/story seems forced rather than letting it unfold on its own. In the Half-Life series Valve has created an elaborate world around Gordon Freeman with interesting characters that actually make the games a worthwhile experience and well worth the money spent on the games. Crysis is just eyecandy, a benchmark, nothing more.Pacing is Cryisis acilchies heel well story 2 if HL2 gave you everything fro the start at least the story would keep you awake, the sandbox nature of cryisis makes it so tees alot of repetitivity going on , the game mechanics are good better than most shooters BUT with no direction or pacing its just a bland sandbox shooter.

    3.5.2008 11:47 #32

  • evilh0ly

    Quote:For those not into computer gaming, Crysis was arguably one of the most highly praised PC-exclusive for 2007 and even one some awards for its stunning graphics. since no one has caught the error, well it's Won not one.

    3.5.2008 14:39 #33

  • ZippyDSM

    Quote:Quote:For those not into computer gaming, Crysis was arguably one of the most highly praised PC-exclusive for 2007 and even one some awards for its stunning graphics. since no one has caught the error, well it's Won not one.I dun nanny posts for quality of grammar just quality of content.(lick) ^^

    3.5.2008 14:40 #34

  • nobrainer

    Ok then reading between the lines!

    games with super duper graphics require more coding and a software house full of ppl omg we have to pay more wages, we have to make more money to remain at the cutting edge of graphics as this is what the PR staff tells us sells, we see that you can flog any crap to kids and THEY mainly own consoles, you can charge £20 more for console titles, and then we can issue maps for £5 a piece and extra weapons for £2.99 each hallelujah lets join the rip off consumer march! it all equates to lets blame pirates!

    Far cry was awesome but wtf happened to crysis, it wasn't even worth downloading!

    games probably sell more on consoles as kids are more vulnerable to flashy marketing and titles sold purely on graphical merit with a large busted woman somewhere in the frame.

    most pc users are a little older and have seen this game many times before over the last 20 years, and was frankly very MEH

    as i keep stating it takes more than awesome graphics to make a decent game/movie.

    Lets hope far cry 2 doesn't suck so much!

    The IFPI Are: The same anti consumer lot as listed above!

    4.5.2008 13:54 #35

  • ZippyDSM

    Originally posted by nobrainer: Ok then reading between the lines!

    games with super duper graphics require more coding and a software house full of ppl, we have to make more money to remain at the cutting edge of grapics, we see that you can flog any crap to kids and THEY mainly own consoles, you can charge £20 for console titles, and then we can issue maps for £5 a piece and extra weapons for £2.99 each hallelujah lets join the rip off consumer march! it all equates to lets blame pirates!

    Far cry was awesome but wtf happened to crysis, it wasn't even worth downloading!

    games probably sell more on consoles as kids are more vulnerable to flashy marketing and titles sold purely on graphical merit with a large busted woman somewhere in the frame.

    most pc users are a little older and have seen this game many times before over the last 20 years, and was frankly very MEH

    as i keep stating it takes more than awesome graphics to make a decent game/movie.

    Lets hope far cry 2 doesn't suck so much!


    I have not finished Cryisis but I played enough of it to know pacing and some missing gamepaly elements(IR gogles,item/weapon alert for hud,more upgrades to weapons and abilities)is what made it bland, the game is above average but IMO its unfinished as it is.

    4.5.2008 14:05 #36

  • nobrainer

    I think i'm just very cynical zippy :-/

    the game deteriorates even further when you get to the aliens/quarry, it ain't worth finishing.

    The IFPI Are: The same anti consumer lot as listed above!

    4.5.2008 14:10 #37

  • ZippyDSM

    Originally posted by nobrainer: I think i'm just very cynical zippy :-/

    the game deteriorates even further when you get to the aliens/quarry, it ain't worth finishing.
    Farcry falls apart after awhile but even so its better,FEAR can get repetitive but the story keeps.

    Cryisis has issues but ti bores me less than Q4 and D3 :P

    4.5.2008 14:14 #38

  • varnull

    Quote:and some comments here asre just dumb, insane requirements well sorry for not having a good enougth computer And I'm sorry you are a spoiled brat retard with money to burn... Give some to starving children in Africa ***edited***, instead of playing stupid games with it!!

    4.5.2008 14:41 #39

  • ZippyDSM

    Originally posted by varnull: Quote:and some comments here asre just dumb, insane requirements well sorry for not having a good enougth computer And I'm sorry you are a spoiled brat retard with money to burn... Give some to starving children in Africa dickhead, instead of playing stupid games with it!!Come M'lady do you not find it funny when they have high requirements for it, and then whine about profits when everyone can not use it?

    For all the console/game fanboys out their.
    Oh god I can't stop laughing!!!
    And for the format nazi's I bring you HHD DVVD BVD's!!

    4.5.2008 14:47 #40

  • DXR88

    Yes Zippy Very Contradicting

    4.5.2008 17:29 #41

  • chaos_zzz

    Quote:Quote:and some comments here asre just dumb, insane requirements well sorry for not having a good enougth computer And I'm sorry you are a spoiled brat retard with money to burn... Give some to starving children in Africa ***edited***, instead of playing stupid games with it!!
    dude i have a job so i can afford my own stuff,ppl buy ferraris instead of 20k sedans why can't I buy a powerfull pc, if u wanna help ppl in africa, join some help program instead of reading my posts

    5.5.2008 00:46 #42

  • ZippyDSM

    Quote:Quote:Quote:and some comments here asre just dumb, insane requirements well sorry for not having a good enougth computer And I'm sorry you are a spoiled brat retard with money to burn... Give some to starving children in Africa ***edited***, instead of playing stupid games with it!!
    dude i have a job so i can afford my own stuff,ppl buy ferraris instead of 20k sedans why can't I buy a powerfull pc, if u wanna help ppl in africa, join some help program instead of reading my posts
    you miss the point the game requires a good PC and because of it they did not sell as many copies.

    5.5.2008 01:11 #43

  • DXR88

    In a way the game itself was a test to see if sandbox could handle the up coming FC2,

    also a 600 dollar rig could play this game on all medium if you wanted it too.

    in any case i don't think this game was meant to be in many households.

    also they say that it was PC exclusive when ever has Crytek been a PC exclusive Company. Sure they always release on PC first, but Farcry was turned into a 3 game franchise for Xbox. the PC didn't see these expansions at all.

    the game failed, they know it, i know it. there should really be no excuse at all, but blaming pirates is all the rage. hell the attorney general said pirates a funding terrorist.

    when i turn in my exam report for School tomorrow i will just say the pirates ate it.

    6.5.2008 15:04 #44

  • Joshewah

    Originally posted by DXR88: In a way the game itself was a test to see if sandbox could handle the up coming FC2,

    also a 600 dollar rig could play this game on all medium if you wanted it too.

    in any case i don't think this game was meant to be in many households.

    also they say that it was PC exclusive when ever has Crytek been a PC exclusive Company. Sure they always release on PC first, but Farcry was turned into a 3 game franchise for Xbox. the PC didn't see these expansions at all.

    the game failed, they know it, i know it. there should really be no excuse at all, but blaming pirates is all the rage. hell the attorney general said pirates a funding terrorist.

    when i turn in my exam report for School tomorrow i will just say the pirates ate it.
    Far Cry 2 has nothing to do with Crytek or the Crysis game, The "Far Cry" name is no longer the intellectual property of Crytek.

    I believe Ubisoft Montreal now owns the rights to "far Cry," and because Ubisoft is a multi platform developer/publisher they went ahead and made some crappy ports and expansions from the PC version to the consoles.

    X360 - iXtreme1.4 ||| Xbox - EvoX Dash ||| PS2 - CC 2.0 PRO SLE ||| Dreamcast ||| PSP - 3.90 M33-3 ||| NDS - M3 Simply/EZ Flash 3-1

    6.5.2008 17:14 #45

  • ZippyDSM

    Originally posted by Joshewah: Originally posted by DXR88: In a way the game itself was a test to see if sandbox could handle the up coming FC2,

    also a 600 dollar rig could play this game on all medium if you wanted it too.

    in any case i don't think this game was meant to be in many households.

    also they say that it was PC exclusive when ever has Crytek been a PC exclusive Company. Sure they always release on PC first, but Farcry was turned into a 3 game franchise for Xbox. the PC didn't see these expansions at all.

    the game failed, they know it, i know it. there should really be no excuse at all, but blaming pirates is all the rage. hell the attorney general said pirates a funding terrorist.

    when i turn in my exam report for School tomorrow i will just say the pirates ate it.
    Far Cry 2 has nothing to do with Crytek or the Crysis game, The "Far Cry" name is no longer the intellectual property of Crytek.

    I believe Ubisoft Montreal now owns the rights to "far Cry," and because Ubisoft is a multi platform developer/publisher they went ahead and made some crappy ports and expansions from the PC version to the consoles.
    ya I heard about that, should be interesting to see how ubi rapes it, it was multi system deved so the PC version should lose out.

    For all the console/game fanboys out their.
    Oh god I can't stop laughing!!!
    And for the format nazi's I bring you HHD DVVD BVD's!!

    6.5.2008 17:19 #46

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