GTA IV hits $500+ million USD in sales

GTA IV hits $500+ million USD in sales
Take-Two Interactive Software has said in a press release today that the blockbuster multi-platform game Grand Theft Auto IV had surpassed all-time records for one day and weekly sales, even surpassing analyst estimates.

Released last Tuesday, April 29th, the game was a critical hit, receiving close to perfect reviews from most notable gaming outlets. It also seems that Take-Two has a monetary hit on their hands. The company says worldwide sales for the first week was about 6 million units with a retail value of $530 million USD. It shattered launch day records as well, selling 3.6 million units with a retail value of $310 million USD globally.

"We knew Grand Theft Auto IV would break new ground in terms of the player's experience, with its compelling story line, extraordinary gameplay and action that ranges over a broad urban canvas. Now, it has broken sales and rating records as well. Grand Theft Auto IV's first week performance represents the largest launch in the history of interactive entertainment, and we believe these retail sales levels surpass any movie or music launch to date. We congratulate the entire Rockstar team on creating a must-have experience that takes the legendary Grand Theft Auto franchise to a new level,"
said Strauss Zelnick, Chairman of Take-Two.

"Rockstar's goal is to make each new title in the Grand Theft Auto franchise even better than those that preceded it, and Grand Theft Auto IV is a smashing success on that score. Grand Theft Auto IV makes full use of the power of next generation technology, and offers players an experience unique in the interactive entertainment medium. This game sets a new standard in the industry, with critics hailing it as both an artistic and technological masterpiece,"
added Ben Feder, Take-Two's Chief Executive Officer.

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 7 May 2008 13:20
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  • Pop_Smith

    Nice job Take Two!

    While I haven't played GTA IV yet, I want to congratulate Take Two for seeing the wolf-in-sheep's-clothing that is EA and rejecting their offer to obviously take advantage of GTA IV!


    7.5.2008 13:50 #1

  • tavek

    Ofcrouse it beat Halo 3 sales, DUH its on multiplatforms, so regardless of SALES< HALO 3 still owns cause it sold only on 1 console!
    Besides, GTA4 is boring after 2 days of playing, the online is NICE but no co op sux & free roam is not all that.

    7.5.2008 15:28 #2

  • Vr0cK

    Quote:Besides, GTA4 is boring after 2 days of playing, the online is NICE but no co op sux & free roam is not all that.of course thats just your own opinion cuz i thought Halo 3 was boring. but thats just me.

    Good job Take-Two! woot woot!!!

    7.5.2008 15:53 #3

  • Hardwyre

    Because Halo 3 was such a disappointment, and Call Of Duty 4 can get old after you've played through the paltry selection of maps a few hundered times, people are picking up GTA IV and loving it. Fans of the series have been quoted as saying, "Everything you were ever like, 'Man, I wish they put xxxx in the game' is in there." (quote: customer at Las Vegas GameStop). They returned back to the winning formula of GTA 1, 2, London 1969, and GTA III, where the game is centered around the plot and actual in-game content, rather than a "sandbox" of mini games and celebrity voice-overs.

    Take-two has actually been developing GTA IV since 2004, forcing Rockstar Games to turn to their Canadian subsidiary, Rockstar North for San Andreas, re-using the GTA 3/vice city engine. GTA IV is on a whole new platform, and looking good for the future.

    Maybe this will keep Electronic Arts at bay for a while? (for those who don't know, they've put a bid on Take-Two Interactive, and informed them that if they don't accept the bid, they're going to attempt a hostile take-over.) Not that Electronic Arts doesn't make great games (i'm speaking about the more recent releases, of course), but if EA got their hands on the Grand Theft Auto franchise, we'd be seeing alot of in-game product placement and "T" ratings than the more risqué and controversial Grand Theft Auto we've grown to know and love.

    7.5.2008 16:00 #4

  • SDF_GR

    Originally posted by tavek: Besides, GTA4 is boring after 2 days of playing
    2 minutes sounds better for me, Never liked GTA series.

    7.5.2008 16:02 #5

  • G_Hubcap

    Quote:Originally posted by tavek: Besides, GTA4 is boring after 2 days of playing
    2 minutes sounds better for me, Never liked GTA series.
    All right Grandpa, thanks for your opinion... Go back to playing your Chinese checkers or D&Dragons that I'm sure your a huge fan of.

    7.5.2008 16:32 #6

  • iluvendo

    I guess everyone like stealing carss[.

    If it wasn't for bad luck, I'd have no luck!
    "The flimsier the product,the higher the price"
    Ferengi 82nd rule of aquisition

    7.5.2008 16:45 #7

  • tavek

    The only GOOD out of this game is it lets u do all those crazy things (kill, steal, gta,pick up pro - stitutes etc)that you are either A=too scared to do in real life or lack the skills to make a true profession as a true criminal.
    This game is so wack , yes its boring cuase theres no substance, its like playing a slayer match , rack up kill points, WOW ill take pac man over this game , points for pellets, big wow. Flame me all u want, your still a flamer!

    7.5.2008 17:34 #8

  • bdoggie08

    "The only GOOD out of this game is it lets u do all those crazy things (kill, steal, gta,pick up pro - stitutes etc)that you are either A=too scared to do in real life or lack the skills to make a true profession as a true criminal.
    This game is so wack , yes its boring cuase theres no substance, its like playing a slayer match , rack up kill points, WOW ill take pac man over this game , points for pellets, big wow. Flame me all u want, your still a flamer!"

    wow..tell that to the millions that bought the game, oh wait thats only 1 or 2 of people like you out of millions of fans out there...just saying. lol

    7.5.2008 17:59 #9

  • tavek

    Its funny how people defend a game like its life & death.

    7.5.2008 19:54 #10

  • Pop_Smith

    Originally posted by tavek: The only GOOD out of this game is it lets u do all those crazy things (kill, steal, gta,pick up pro - stitutes etc)that you are either A=too scared to do in real life or lack the skills to make a true profession as a true criminal.Ok, I am not flaming you but its comments like that (and the few people who actually try to copy the stuff you said in real life) that have caused games like this to come under such heavy fire and in some cases being banned in some countries as a result.

    People who play these do it for fun and know, to a greater extent, they shouldn't attempt anything from the game in real life, not because they are scared or lacking the skills but because they simply know they shouldn't do it.


    7.5.2008 19:55 #11

  • 713tex

    I'm with you on that Pop_Smith.

    7.5.2008 21:08 #12

  • Gradical

    mmm are you like a represed serial killer to afraid to play a game that will awaken your darker side or what?, i haven´t played this one yet, maybe wont play it ever or in a long time, since i dont like how they became so urban on the view, i used to love it in GTA3 being all Mafia but im sure it´s real fun if youre into that kind of being a big "G" and also im way to old school for it but you have to gice it to Take Two, they´ve certainly hit the right spot to a couple of people ;)

    7.5.2008 21:19 #13

  • hulud86

    That should buy the crew of Take-Two and Rockstar something nice.

    7.5.2008 22:06 #14

  • hulud86

    Quote:Quote:Besides, GTA4 is boring after 2 days of playing, the online is NICE but no co op sux & free roam is not all that.of course thats just your own opinion cuz i thought Halo 3 was boring. but thats just me.

    Good job Take-Two! woot woot!!!
    I also thought Halo 3 was boring. GTA IV is so much better.

    7.5.2008 22:09 #15

  • nobrainer

    well their stock just went through the roof.

    The IFPI Are: The same anti consumer lot as listed above!

    8.5.2008 02:42 #16

  • lxhotboy

    Halo is a great game i am sure though i played the Halo and Halo 2 a few times and never rt to it again. Just my preference as everyone has their right. But think about this Halo lovers. Halo 3 didnot win game of the year and wasnot even in the top 3 so the majority of peoples opinions must be that there are better games to play. As for the comments that Halo is only on one console, hey tuff luck so is Socum b/c the same people that make those games also make the gaming system. Congratulations to Take Two as this game will be the biggest selling game in history when it is all said and done. I dont see anybody matching the sales numbers b/c most of the contenders are stuck on one system. New versions of games like GOW2, Socum 3, Resistance 2, Metal gear 3, Ninja gaiden 2, Bioshock2, dont have a chance unless they are mulit-platform releases.

    8.5.2008 09:53 #17

  • Hardwyre

    Yeah, I loved Halo 3's single player, but after that, there's like... nothing. GTA IV has awesome multiplayer, I mean, how many other games allow you to get 10 people in a bus hanging out of the windows shooting at the cops chasing you down the street?

    8.5.2008 10:55 #18

  • xblade132

    I didn't realize there would be fanboyism in this, especially "tavek".

    It's a shame.

    8.5.2008 17:36 #19

  • wetsparks

    Originally posted by bdoggie08: "The only GOOD out of this game is it lets u do all those crazy things (kill, steal, gta,pick up pro - stitutes etc)that you are either A=too scared to do in real life or lack the skills to make a true profession as a true criminal.
    This game is so wack , yes its boring cuase theres no substance, its like playing a slayer match , rack up kill points, WOW ill take pac man over this game , points for pellets, big wow. Flame me all u want, your still a flamer!"

    wow..tell that to the millions that bought the game, oh wait thats only 1 or 2 of people like you out of millions of fans out there...just saying. lol
    the ps2 has sold 127 million and counting and the gamecube and xbox sold in the 20 million range and gta gets released on pc, yet the best selling gta game was san andreas at 15 million. I guess there are more millions that don't like this game than there are that do"...just saying lol."

    10.5.2008 02:24 #20

  • bdoggie08

    wow..tell that to the millions that bought the game, oh wait thats only 1 or 2 of people like you out of millions of fans out there...just saying. lolthe ps2 has sold 127 million and counting and the gamecube and xbox sold in the 20 million range and gta gets released on pc, yet the best selling gta game was san andreas at 15 million. I guess there are more millions that don't like this game than there are that do"...just saying lol."
    duh dude, he was talking shit about the GTA series as a whole, not me-what r u thinkin? So you're going to try to prove me wrong by telling me that I don't like the game after I quoted what someone said about them not liking the game compared to millions of people around the world and the few people like him don't...what's your point "wetsparks"?

    12.5.2008 10:50 #21

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