PS3 firmware update ignores Grand Theft Auto IV issues

PS3  firmware update ignores Grand Theft Auto IV issues
Since the blockbuster games release on April 29th, Grand Theft Auto IV has broken all types of sales records on its way to over $500 million USD in sales in just a couple of weeks. There have however, been reports that PS3 gamers have repeatedly had inexplicable freezes occur during their gaming experience. There were similar issues on the 360 version, but for the most part both companies have stayed mum on the technical problems.

Many hoped though, with the upcoming release of PS3 firmware 2.35 that GTA IV would be patched and they could go on their merry way in Liberty City. According to Al De Leon from Sony Computer Entertainment America however, this is not to be. The official PlayStation blog adds "this update isn’t related to GTA IV”. He did however add that customer services has a solution for the GTA issues. If you are interested, please check here: Sony Customer Services.

As for what the firmware update will entail, Eric Lempel, director of PlayStation network operations, says it is “a relatively minor update to improve stability of some PS3 titles”. Although Sony hasnt said what games, it is clear that GTA IV is not one of them.

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 16 May 2008 15:28
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  • iluvendo

    Not much help $ony.

    16.5.2008 15:34 #1

  • nobrainer

    Its odd that you can only be told the fix if you contact the customer services and not just a general release, so do you have to pay the premium rate phone call if you want an answer quick or is this a free number and is there a European solution?
    Originally posted by link: Offline Game Play Issues
    For players who are experiencing offline freezing problems when attempting to load GTA IV from the beginning, please contact Consumer Services at the number below. Our agents will be ready to assist you with a solution after speaking with you to confirm some information.
    seems its sony giving the fix is this a ps3 hardware issue, like pc drivers ect, and not the games as rockstar's patch has been released but failed to fix the freezing errors it seems?

    i think the whole matter of updating consoles and having to install on them is a complete joke, the idea of a console is simplicity and plug and play, not plug, update restart, update, format, reinstall, update ect, its not like, its a pc with every unit being made of different components its one bit of kit ffs.

    i did see someone post a temporary fix for the ps3 was that you disconnect your network and it is supposed to work fine but this may be fud.

    Take-Two suggests PS3 GTAIV fix
    Originally posted by link: Please run through the following, go through in order.

    1) Delete the game's install data. This is done via the PS3 options. Scroll along the cross media bar until you reach the 'Game' tab, now scroll up / down the list until you reach the 'Game Data Utility' Enter this and locate the GTA IV option. Highlight this and press triangle once, from the menu select Delete. This will delete the game's install information.

    2) Delete the game's save files. To delete any save files you will need to do the following. Scroll along the cross media bar until you reach the 'Game' tab, now scroll up / down the list until you reach the 'Save Data Utility' Enter this and locate the GTA IV option. Highlight this and press triangle once, and from the context menu select Delete.

    3) Disable your Internet connectivity for the PS3. To do this scroll along the cross media bar until you reach the 'Settings' tab, now scroll up / down the list until you reach the 'Network Settings'. Now scroll down to the Internet connection option and press x, now select the disable option. Once this has been done unplug the ethernet cable if you are connecting to the Internet if using this.

    4) Disable the console's information board. To do this scroll along the cross media bar until you reach the 'Network' tab, now scroll up / down the list until you reach the 'Information Board', highlight this and press triangle. From the menu select 'Do not display' Press X to confirm this.

    5) Disable Media Server functionality. Scroll to Settings, now scroll up / down to 'Network Settings' select Media Server connection. Once this has been done press triangle and change the option Disabled.

    6) Delete all of the system's Internet cache. To do this scroll along the cross media bar until you reach the 'Network' tab, now scroll up / down the list until you reach the 'Internet Browser', highlight this and press X. Once you browser opens press the triangle button once, from the new menu highlight the 'Tools' option and press X. Scroll down the menu until you reach 'Delete Cookies' and press X. Confirm the files deletion. Repeat this for 'Delete Cache'.

    7 ) Turn off the PS3 screen saver. Use the cross media bar to scroll to 'Settings', select 'Display Settings'. Now highlight 'Screensaver' and set this to 'Do not use'.

    8 ) Once this has been done, manually restart you PS3 by holding down the power button for 5 seconds it will beep once and then shut down. Release the power button and re-press it and hold for about 5 seconds. The system will then boot and reset all display settings. You will be prompted to reset your display settings to how you require them.

    9) Once restarted please try the game again, you will be prompted to reinstall.

    Once the game has started please turn off the following features:

    1) The game's auto-save. Press Start, Game, and locate the Auto-save option. Turn this off.

    2) Turn off the game's flicker filter. Press Start, Display and locate the Flicker Filter option. Turn this off.

    3) Turn off the controller vibration feature. Press Start, Controls and locate the vibration option. Turn this off.
    the only thing they forgot to say was type msconfig into the run command and .........

    The IFPI Are: The same anti consumer lot as listed above!

    16.5.2008 15:43 #2

  • hulud86

    I'm glad i went with GTA IV for Xbox 360 and not PS3. You would think they would be all over this situation since it's the best game out for the PS3. Hmm

    16.5.2008 16:44 #3

  • emotif

    I must say that this GTA IV not working is a pretty amazing scenario.

    On 5/13, Sony's forums were the first to acknowledge in print that there was a problem and that there was 'a solution identified'

    I purchased the game on release day. The thing crashed on my 12/06 60 gb machine immediately after the cut scene. I tried the '12 step' bs and didn't get anywhere. More than 2 weeks later, Take 2/Rockstar Support has NO public answer from their reps as to what the problem is, how many people are affected nor what their ETA resolution is.

    This week, however, I get an email from SCEA -- who I never contacted -- saying to contact them because Take 2 has suggested they Sony might be able to help. The operator takes my information and suggests that even though I have no other problems with my console (all my games and demos and bluray play perfectly) Sony wants to exchange my console!!

    I'm stunned. While I'm not thrilled with the potential of NOT being able to get my 60 gb PS2 compatable machine back (I'm assured that WON'T Happen...I won't bet heavy money on that) the idea seems, on the surface to be acceptable.

    But seriously, if Exxon sold me crappy gasoline, would Ford even remotely consider giving me an exchange on the vehicle?? Am I really such a valued customer to Sony? What gives? What would make Sony do this? I'm confident it has nothing to do with my bitching (because I really was calm about this on the phone).

    So, curious... how many folks are getting this deal? How much is it costing Sony to field the calls, pay for the shipping, do the 'fix' or exchange and warranty the new units? I'm going to be out of my console for at least a week I'll imagine...

    Btw, once I made this committment to do the exchange, I bit the bullet and restored my PS3 default software --erasing all saved games, demos, what have you -- other than the firmware 2.35 which remained.

    I must report that the game crashed only later after I leave Roman's apt for the first time -- at some point when I change from one area of town to another... fascinating.

    So is Sony taking responsibility here? Did they work out a deal with Rockstar to charge them for this service (after all -- Rockstar has half a billion dollars gross revenue right now if you believe it so what's a hundred thousand on repair costs....)? I hope that somewhere down the line someone will reveal what's happening because, corporately, it's been a well kept secret.

    -from San Francisco

    16.5.2008 17:10 #4

  • TBandit

    da hell you mean minor issues on the 360? it seems like the same problems is occurring as often as the ps3s. When are they gonna patch it up for 360?

    16.5.2008 17:22 #5

  • canuckerz

    This is all ridiculous; rockstar has released a patch for the PS3 which fixed the freezing problem, and its not Sony's job to fix other company's screw ups.

    16.5.2008 17:23 #6

  • pirkster

    Zero issues for me and my PS3.

    There are no more problems for the PS3 than the 360, but it appears the usual Sony bashers love to make a field day of it.


    It's probably older iterations of hardware that have issues, which is making the issue (for a very limited number of customers based on the number of complaints) harder to pin down. I must admit, mine is a fairly new model. But again, zero issues. Absolutely none, and know of no one with the problem, either.

    Still, so far it appears to be a developer issue. Take two made the GTA patch, it's not a Sony patch. Probably hard for the developer to fix unless they have the specific batch from the specific model that are experiencing problems. It's also notable that there has been no patch released for 360. Eerily quiet on that one. Talk about customer "service"...

    16.5.2008 17:36 #7

  • pirkster

    Originally posted by emotif:
    This week, however, I get an email from SCEA -- who I never contacted -- saying to contact them because Take 2 has suggested they Sony might be able to help. The operator takes my information and suggests that even though I have no other problems with my console (all my games and demos and bluray play perfectly) Sony wants to exchange my console!!

    They probably want your console so they can examine the components to try to pin down what production batch may be failing, so they can fix whatever "problem" you're having.

    So by not sending them your console, you're actually keeping them from being able to find a solution.

    Not many people think of this. I work in a support related IT field QA'ing hardware and software, so I do.

    16.5.2008 17:40 #8

  • spydah

    I have not had one issue with my PS3 freezing. I wish people stop either going overboard with the blame game and either fix the problem or at least say hey we are at least working on it.

    16.5.2008 18:46 #9

  • PantherM

    I also have a 60gb freezing for me. But I did drive home drunk from the bar....the cops were all over me.

    16.5.2008 19:51 #10

  • DoomLight

    i have the 360 version. never had any issues. it froze once. but it hasn't since i got it. the game runs pretty flawless on the 360.

    16.5.2008 23:44 #11

  • shaffaaf

    nobrainer, concoles are PCs, jsut their OS is optimised for gaming and nothing more, until this gen.

    17.5.2008 08:09 #12

  • plextor05

    If you think about it, you probably paid a fairly high prive for that messed up console. The least the company could do is send you a new one , as long as they have your credit card info, and let you send the crappy one back when you get the box from the replacement. Fell & HP do this all the time.

    17.5.2008 09:25 #13

  • 7thsinger

    So far, zero issues with GTAV on my 80gig.

    *touches wood*

    But, i've had very little time to play it so far.

    17.5.2008 12:08 #14

  • SDF_GR

    How i see it, Sony & MS have nothing to do with this, they didnt develop the game, rockstar is the issue, they made the game and they should fix it, they got the $500 mil's and its "their" responsibility "their" game to work.
    You can find hundred games for both consoles that works perfect to both consoles.
    Thats congrats for Sony and MS or for [e.x.] Capcom, Ubisoft, EA that they know how to make a game work? IMO the 2nd.
    Also see Assassins Creed, Ubisoft released a patch not Sony.

    Some developers will remain small and useless even if they sell 200zilion copy's.
    You cant blame the Hardware for crapy software.

    17.5.2008 12:30 #15

  • ripxrush

    i have a 360 & am looking into a PS3, i think that sony tryes to ignore the problem& dosent do jack about it! another thing is that sony fans act liek it wont happen to them cause they have a PS3 & wehen it does i think 360 fans rub it in a little more
    crap baby gettign into stuff later

    17.5.2008 19:54 #16

  • Vr0cK

    The title of this article should be "Take Two ignores GTA IV issues for PS3". It just makes it seem like Sony is the one to blame for these issues. Developers make games for the system already created, not the other way around. Such examples such as Orange Box and Lair, it wasnt Sony that needed to fix it but the developers themselves. IMO

    17.5.2008 20:02 #17

  • DXR88

    It failed on my 40 gig unit. i think it may be something they did with the console itself. as people are getting allot of mixed results.

    I'm no expert but i don't think its the games fault, as my friends ps3 plays it just fine.

    17.5.2008 20:45 #18

  • NexGen76

    My 60 work just fine from day one.How is it that one game is screwing up on PS3 & its Sony fault.But all the other games on PS3 work just fine sound like people are trying to make this a Sony issue.

    Quote:PS3 firmware update ignores Grand Theft Auto IV issuesFirmwares are made months in advance they didn't ignore the issue so i think that is a little misleading.Its clear this effect both systems this is a R* issue not Sony or Microsoft.

    17.5.2008 20:52 #19

  • DXR88

    NexGen I don't want to sound harsh but the game was delayed to get it to work correctly for PS3 was it Not.

    it could very well be trash code on Rockstar's end, but getting mix results from the same game on multiple PS3 Consoles. it just sounds to iffy to me.

    Perhaps a lack of communication or tests from rockstar. did they test it on all major Reversions of ps3's or did they do there testing on just one. did Sony provide the information rockstar needed to make a highly reliable game.

    we will never no the truth.

    17.5.2008 21:18 #20

  • viny1313

    My game crashed once when I first put it in and did one f the first Roman missions... 42% later and I haven't had any other problems what so ever. I don't see what the big deal is :S

    I'm on a 60GB too...

    17.5.2008 21:23 #21

  • hulud86

    Originally posted by spydah: I have not had one issue with my PS3 freezing. I wish people stop either going overboard with the blame game and either fix the problem or at least say hey we are at least working on it.Don't jinx yourself

    17.5.2008 21:35 #22

  • SDF_GR

    Originally posted by Vr0cK: The title of this article should be "Take Two ignores GTA IV issues for PS3". Exactly.
    Something else, people that owns the Arcade version of 360, how the hell will be able to patch the game?(if a patch ever exists)
    Arcade version doesn't have an HDD.
    I never liked GTA series but now rockstar and T2 proved their incapability all the way.
    The best selling game so far with the greatest issues so far.

    Originally posted by DXR88: Perhaps a lack of communication or tests from rockstar. did they test it on all major Reversions of ps3's or did they do there testing on just one. did Sony provide the information rockstar needed to make a highly reliable game.Dont forget that GTA has issues to 360 too.
    Just a matter of luck or RS wanted to take it out ASAP to get the money? I think is the money.

    A question tho....
    Has anyone ever asked a fix patch from Nvidia or ATI for a PC game?
    How the hell you ask for a fix from MS and Sony?

    17.5.2008 21:46 #23

  • DXR88

    Quote:A question tho....
    Has anyone ever asked a fix patch from Nvidia or ATI for a PC game?
    How the hell you ask for a fix from MS and Sony?
    actually yeah there have been some games that wouldn't run until the driver updates came from the GFX manufactures which had the information needed to correctly render the game.

    17.5.2008 23:16 #24

  • NexGen76

    Originally posted by DXR88: NexGen I don't want to sound harsh but the game was delayed to get it to work correctly for PS3 was it Not.

    it could very well be trash code on Rockstar's end, but getting mix results from the same game on multiple PS3 Consoles. it just sounds to iffy to me.

    Perhaps a lack of communication or tests from rockstar. did they test it on all major Reversions of ps3's or did they do there testing on just one. did Sony provide the information rockstar needed to make a highly reliable game.

    we will never no the truth.

    Question is there any other game on the PS3 console that has this issue? NO

    Why is it(not you)but the first thing that come out people mouth is Sony.Sony didn't make the game only the system.So every game title that comes out that crash on this system is Sony fault because Dev don't want to take the time & test every possible solution that could go wrong.

    Sony getting more press for this mess when R* should admit they didn't do there job right they rush this game to get there money plain & simple.This isn't a Sony only issue 360 having the same problem so thats got to come back on R*

    17.5.2008 23:25 #25

  • DXR88

    haha nice try but im not gonna get caught up with your fanboy arguments.
    keep them to yourself.

    if you would read my comment as a hole and stop picking things out that suit you ideals, i said it Quote:could very well be trash code on Rockstar's end i bolded it so that you could read it better.

    i don't believe its one sided however, as lack of communication beetween rockstar and Sony may have led to an unpolished product.

    17.5.2008 23:37 #26

  • NexGen76

    Originally posted by DXR88: haha nice try but im not gonna get caught up with your fanboy arguments.
    keep them to yourself.

    1.Before you call someone a Fan boy read AD rules because comments like that you wont be around here much longer my friend.There is zero tolerance on this fan boy crap.

    6. No foul language, insults, personal attacks or otherwise rude messages.

    Originally posted by DXR88: if you would read my comment as a hole and stop picking things out that suit you ideals, i said it

    Quote:could very well be trash code on Rockstar's end

    i bolded it so that you could read it better.

    i don't believe its one sided however, as lack of communication beetween rockstar and Sony may have led to an unpolished product.
    Please read your post or beware of the things you say because in one post you clearly said.

    I'm no expert but i don't think its the games fault, as my friends ps3 plays it just fine.

    2.As i and other members here have try to explain to you that how irony that the game crash on both systems not just PS3.So what does that tell you if Sony or Microsoft hasn't had any issue with software crashing.I'm sorry your having these issues & i hope you get it fixed but please read posts clearly before you accuse someone of being a Fan boy which i find highly childish thing to say.

    18.5.2008 10:17 #27

  • DXR88

    Whatever you say,Nexgen.Whatever you say.

    18.5.2008 12:01 #28

  • shaffaaf

    Originally posted by DXR88: Whatever you say,Nexgen.Whatever you say.what a well structured rebuttle, i think nexgen, you lost


    nexgen, wipe the floor please :D

    18.5.2008 14:29 #29

  • Oner

    Keep it up & all of you will have a temp suspension (some more than others or if at all)...

    18.5.2008 16:12 #30



    *** - #afterdawn - come say hi!***
    The rules ~

    18.5.2008 16:17 #31

  • DXR88

    Not my intention to keep it up, Oner.

    18.5.2008 18:04 #32

  • Gradical

    well, i see many people saying that is the publisher's fault, but even if it has anything to do with some speciffic revision of the console having the probs, it sounds like its sony's problem, just because the consoles where never ment to be like they're now, how many nes revisions and firmware where there? on snes? on ps1 on N64, Ps2 GC or Xbox?, as compared to PS3 or Xbx360??? its just ridiculous its obvious publishers wont be able to keep it up

    18.5.2008 23:17 #33

  • Hunt720

    Originally posted by Gradical: well, i see many people saying that is the publisher's fault, but even if it has anything to do with some speciffic revision of the console having the probs, it sounds like its sony's problem, just because the consoles where never ment to be like they're now, how many nes revisions and firmware where there? on snes? on ps1 on N64, Ps2 GC or Xbox?, as compared to PS3 or Xbx360??? its just ridiculous its obvious publishers wont be able to keep it upI think the firmware on the NES, SNES, N64, PS2, and GC was pretty static to say the least. The current gen of consoles offers much more in the way of capabilities, and I think it was smart to add firmware upating capabilities to the consoles as their potential can be increased. I don't think this is a firmware issue however.

    I'm wondering what the process is exactly, that the developers go through to make sure that this game runs smoothly on both consoles. Take two originally cited the release of Halo 3 as the main reason they didn't want to release the game in the fall. Then later changed their story to having "technical challenges" with the PS3. I don't doubt either story is at least partially true, as Halo was HUGE, and publishers have been focusing primarilly on the 360 DK since they started making this game as that system was out first.

    I just want to know who it was that said "The game checks out" and then sent it off to be published.

    BUT, if for some reason it IS a firmware issue that is messing up the game, then both companies have an option to update the firmware and solve the problem. That is the beauty of having an updateable firmware to me.

    19.5.2008 08:18 #34

  • embo22000

    I've been reading post from this site since 2003 and i think its a great site. I almost never post that's why its says newbie. But why the problem with personal attacks i mean sometimes you have to and its not that bad. As long as people don't go to overboard i think it should be ok. I think it's just everyone in this age is trying to be politically correct hey we are animals too by being civil we are going against our instincts. I know I'm way off topic but I've always wanted to say that. Love afterdawn by the way. It has tought me many things that i've memorised and used for my own entertainment.

    19.5.2008 21:28 #35

  • FredBun

    My son just got a ps3, he will rent grand theft later, will post on how it goes.

    11.6.2008 23:25 #36

  • NexGen76

    Grand Theft Auto IV patch finally here

    Quote:Well, finally. We were hoping this would come sooner, but better late than never, no? The widely reported problems of "freezes during certain modes" and "multiplayer connectivity issues" finally have a remedy - a patch has just been released by Rockstar for Grand Theft Auto IV. An apology was also included in the patch notes, along with details of each problem resolved.

    Just like i said this was a R* issue not Sony.They owe Sony a major apology for throwing them under the Bus because R* last firmware didn't solve the issue & they past blame on Sony.

    23.6.2008 14:39 #37

  • varnull

    I do like the idea of throwing $ony under a bus.. I can see Ken bouncing under the wheels as I type.. heheheheh..

    But seriously.. This is a strange affair. M$ started all this firmware/dash/other junk updates to your hardware installed from games, and now sony have followed. I don't see the point unless it is to try and keep one step in front of the game copiers out there. While it adds no consumer visible benefit it does run the risk of a patch rendering all your previously bought and paid for games unplayable until another rushed patch is found..

    Come back the days when you bought your console and your games and gave it no more thought. I think these corporations have got too clever for their own good.

    Free open source software = made by end users who want an application to work. Im going outside now.. and I may be some time........

    23.6.2008 15:03 #38

  • stu665

    Ahhh, good ole SoNy....the PS3 has been a bit of a riot since release. I used to be a SoNy fan but now i stick to Xbox360 for my online gaming. No need to install anything from disc to it, no messing about just sling the disc in and play. The amount of people that slagged me off when i got a 360 was unbelievable, now the same people are gutted that they wasted their hard earned cash on the PS3 instead of buying a 360. Most of them have sold their PS3's(for quite a loss too) and have now purchased a decent console ie the 360. Fair dos, the 360 does have problems of its own, mainly the 'three red lights of death' but at least they offer a 3 year warranty, no quibbles repair or swap for a new base unit.

    As far as i can see xbox360 has given the PS3 a right good butt-kicking, i for one will not be purchasing the ugly decrepit PS3.

    24.6.2008 09:33 #39

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