MGS4 PlayStation 3 bundle details revealed

MGS4 PlayStation 3 bundle details revealed
Now that GTA IV has launched, undoubtedly the most anticipated new game for the PlayStation 3 is Metal Gear Solid 4 . As a way to tie in the hype to sales, Sony had previously announced that they would be bringing a limited edition Gunmetal PlayStation 3 bundle that will include the game as well as the new colorway.

As the games June release date approaches both Sony and Konami have released some specifications about the limited edition bundle and its standard 80GB model bundle.

The gunmetal grey 40GB model will feature the exclusive colorway, and will come with "a soundtrack and a Blu-ray disc with a behind-the-scenes documentary."

The standard black-finish 80GB model will only include a free download of the Pain minigame from the online store as an added feature. Of course the 80GB model has backwards compatibility for PS2 titles, which is not available on the 40GB model.

The limited edition bundle will retail for $600 USD while the standard edition bundle will be available for $500 USD.

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 17 May 2008 22:41
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  • ZippyDSM

    40GB unit?

    17.5.2008 23:35 #1

  • hulud86

    I can think of a million better ways to spend $600 bucks.

    17.5.2008 23:41 #2

  • DXR88

    LOL... zippy mad another post i do believe the worlds going to end.

    17.5.2008 23:47 #3

  • viny1313

    I think the 40GB is for MGS Ultras only lol

    17.5.2008 23:50 #4

  • ZippyDSM

    Originally posted by DXR88: LOL... zippy mad another post i do believe the worlds going to end.But friend I am mad , us black sheeple do not don the magical black paint after having off the wool and tin foil to fry out lil minds for nothing...and to just be sure we are never happy we have splinters in our bum from sitting on the fence making fun of the herd.

    but is a tradition we iz happy with

    Zippy definition:
    Traditionalism:A security blanket for the old the lonely and/or the maladjusted.:ZippyDSMlee)


    17.5.2008 23:55 #5

  • canuckerz

    I'm confused about why the normal one is the 80gig model yet the limited edition game uses the 40gig model. And yet the limited edition game costs considerable amount more, yes its gunmetal and yes it essentially comes with the LE version of MGS4 but there is no way that makes a $100 between an 80gig model and a 40gig model. The difference between the regular and LE edition of MGS4 is rather substantial I paid $90.39 CAD for my copy; but still not near enough for the price difference.

    18.5.2008 00:22 #6

  • ZippyDSM

    Originally posted by canuckerz: I'm confused about why the normal one is the 80gig model yet the limited edition game uses the 40gig model. And yet the limited edition game costs considerable amount more, yes its gunmetal and yes it essentially comes with the LE version of MGS4 but there is no way that makes a $100 between an 80gig model and a 40gig model. The difference between the regular and LE edition of MGS4 is rather substantial I paid $90.39 CAD for my copy; but still not near enough for the price difference.Its call price gouging deary, either you question it or bend over. :P

    18.5.2008 00:26 #7

  • cee43ja1

    the LE 40gig will probably still sell out. maybe not as fast as the japanese launch, but it'll be rare to find them.

    ps2: v7 scph-39001 - independence exploit - hdloader 0.8b - maxtor 300gb hdd
    (+[__]%) psp slim: 3.90 m33-3
    nintendo ds: limited edition zelda gold

    got a whole lot more to list . . .

    18.5.2008 00:39 #8

  • SSSJDanny

    You can always upgrade your Hard Drive Size dummy.

    18.5.2008 01:14 #9

  • DVDBack23

    Originally posted by canuckerz: I'm confused about why the normal one is the 80gig model yet the limited edition game uses the 40gig model. And yet the limited edition game costs considerable amount more, yes its gunmetal and yes it essentially comes with the LE version of MGS4 but there is no way that makes a $100 between an 80gig model and a 40gig model. The difference between the regular and LE edition of MGS4 is rather substantial I paid $90.39 CAD for my copy; but still not near enough for the price difference.It comes with special limited colorway, a soundtrack and double layer blu-ray addon (not worth $100 i know but thats why it costs so much)

    18.5.2008 01:30 #10

  • mrtoast2

    The 80GB is NOT backwards compatible. I repeat, NOT backwards compatible.

    18.5.2008 01:46 #11

  • viny1313

    Originally posted by mrtoast2: The 80GB is NOT backwards compatible. I repeat, NOT backwards compatible.Uhh.. Ya it is...

    18.5.2008 01:56 #12

  • ooZEROoo

    The 80 is bc. Please know what you are talking about before you post.

    18.5.2008 02:35 #13

  • jutsu

    abnd then many will sell the 40GB Limited edition to ebay for very high price..........

    18.5.2008 02:57 #14

  • area_51

    Originally posted by hulud86: I can think of a million better ways to spend $600 bucks.Agreed

    18.5.2008 04:51 #15

  • psplvanub

    Quote:Originally posted by hulud86: I can think of a million better ways to spend $600 bucks.Agreedis these bundles coming out in uk

    18.5.2008 05:41 #16

  • nobrainer

    Originally posted by viny: Originally posted by mrtoast2: The 80GB is NOT backwards compatible. I repeat, NOT backwards compatible.Uhh.. Ya it is...Its only backwards compatible via software emulation it has had the B/C hardware removed to cut costs and as far as i'm aware all game ps2 updates have been stopped since the release from sony stating that you can purchase PS2 titles again via the PSN and fully compatible with the PS3.

    Sony Hints At Downloadable PS2 Games On PS3 Originally posted by hyperlink: New York (dbTechno) - Sony has hinted that even though the new models of the PS3 do not do backwards compatibility, PS3 owners may soon be able to download full original PS2 games over the PlayStation Network, fully playable on the PS3.

    The PS3 launch models are starting to go away, and with that, PS2 backwards compatibility is going out the window, or so we thought.
    anyways the mgs4 bundle is a waste of cash just purchase a 2nd hand 60gig with the 100% fully backwards compatible hardware in and buy the game. bundles are as bad as having to purchase extra content like maps and weapons, ITS A RIP OFF!

    @ SSSJDanny

    the hard drives for sony cost less than $1 between models and they should give ppl a decent amount of hard drive space seems that many games now have a mandatory 5gig+ install but they use larger hard dirive space to wow the populous to make them think its a bargain when infact the larger hard drive models are just a rip off when you can simply purchase your own drive and install it at a quarter of the cost, but as all things sony the price is jacked up "because if it costs more it must be better and you are not cool if you can't afford a ps3 now, you must live in a dumpster" (lmfao install on a console).

    The IFPI Are: The same anti consumer lot as listed above!

    18.5.2008 05:44 #17

  • ZippyDSM

    Originally posted by nobrainer: Originally posted by viny: Originally posted by mrtoast2: The 80GB is NOT backwards compatible. I repeat, NOT backwards compatible.Uhh.. Ya it is...Its only backwards compatible via software emulation it has had the B/C hardware removed to cut costs and as far as i'm aware all game ps2 updates have been stopped since the release from sony stating that you can purchase PS2 titles again via the PSN and fully compatible with the PS3.

    Sony Hints At Downloadable PS2 Games On PS3 Originally posted by hyperlink: New York (dbTechno) - Sony has hinted that even though the new models of the PS3 do not do backwards compatibility, PS3 owners may soon be able to download full original PS2 games over the PlayStation Network, fully playable on the PS3.

    The PS3 launch models are starting to go away, and with that, PS2 backwards compatibility is going out the window, or so we thought.
    anyways the mgs4 bundle is a waste of cash just purchase a 2nd hand 60gig with the 100% fully backwards compatible hardware in and buy the game. bundles are as bad as having to purchase extra content like maps and weapons, ITS A RIP OFF!

    @ SSSJDanny

    the hard drives for sony cost less than $1 between models and they should give ppl a decent amount of hard drive space seems that many games now have a mandatory 5gig+ install but they use larger hard dirive space to wow the populous to make them think its a bargain when infact the larger hard drive models are just a rip off when you can simply purchase your own drive and install it at a quarter of the cost, but as all things sony the price is jacked up "because if it costs more it must be better and you are not cool if you can't afford a ps3 now, you must live in a dumpster" (lmfao install on a console).
    how kind of sony to ignore BWC but for the new old games they resale you......
    when I get a PS3 I will be sure it has a mod chip in it....

    For all the console/game fanboys out their.
    Oh god I can't stop laughing!!!
    And for the format nazi's I bring you HHD DVVD BVD's!!

    18.5.2008 08:47 #18

  • canuckerz

    Quote:Originally posted by canuckerz: I'm confused about why the normal one is the 80gig model yet the limited edition game uses the 40gig model. And yet the limited edition game costs considerable amount more, yes its gunmetal and yes it essentially comes with the LE version of MGS4 but there is no way that makes a $100 between an 80gig model and a 40gig model. The difference between the regular and LE edition of MGS4 is rather substantial I paid $90.39 CAD for my copy; but still not near enough for the price difference.It comes with special limited colorway, a soundtrack and double layer blu-ray addon (not worth $100 i know but thats why it costs so much)The soundtrack and double layer bluray add-on is part of the LE edition of the game, its not something you can only get with the console bundle. The color is the ONLY special thing about this bundle otherwise it is simply a 40gig system that comes with an LE version of the game. And its not 100 dollars difference its 200 dollars because the 80 gig us normally $500 and the 40 gig is normally $400.

    18.5.2008 09:41 #19

  • chaos_zzz

    so halo edition was cool and mgs edition is a wase of money.. haters

    18.5.2008 09:48 #20

  • ZippyDSM

    Originally posted by chaos_zzz: so halo edition was cool and mgs edition is a wase of money.. haters
    Not really since halo ep3 ain't worth 60$....

    18.5.2008 09:52 #21

  • canuckerz

    Quote:Originally posted by viny: Originally posted by mrtoast2: The 80GB is NOT backwards compatible. I repeat, NOT backwards compatible.Uhh.. Ya it is...Its only backwards compatible via software emulation it has had the B/C hardware removed to cut costs and as far as i'm aware all game ps2 updates have been stopped since the release from sony stating that you can purchase PS2 titles again via the PSN and fully compatible with the PS3.

    Sony Hints At Downloadable PS2 Games On PS3 Originally posted by hyperlink: New York (dbTechno) - Sony has hinted that even though the new models of the PS3 do not do backwards compatibility, PS3 owners may soon be able to download full original PS2 games over the PlayStation Network, fully playable on the PS3.

    The PS3 launch models are starting to go away, and with that, PS2 backwards compatibility is going out the window, or so we thought.
    anyways the mgs4 bundle is a waste of cash just purchase a 2nd hand 60gig with the 100% fully backwards compatible hardware in and buy the game. bundles are as bad as having to purchase extra content like maps and weapons, ITS A RIP OFF!

    @ SSSJDanny

    the hard drives for sony cost less than $1 between models and they should give ppl a decent amount of hard drive space seems that many games now have a mandatory 5gig+ install but they use larger hard dirive space to wow the populous to make them think its a bargain when infact the larger hard drive models are just a rip off when you can simply purchase your own drive and install it at a quarter of the cost, but as all things sony the price is jacked up "because if it costs more it must be better and you are not cool if you can't afford a ps3 now, you must live in a dumpster" (lmfao install on a console).
    OK I have had it with your ignorant bs.

    1.) The software emulation on the 80 gig model has a compatibility rate of 70-80% and IS still being improved with software updates. Also that 20-30% of games that don't work are likely 3rd party games that we've likely never heard of. So DONT go and make it sound like the software emulation barely works because that is complete BS.

    2.) And to show how ignorant you re you assume that the 60 gig model is 100% compatible just because it has the EE chip in it; WRONG it is NOT 100% and it is only slightly better than the 80 gig's software emulation.

    3.) No ones asking you to buy this or downloadable content if you don't want extras please shut up and don't buy them. What people want to spend their money on is none of your business. If I can spend $10 to extend the amount of time I play a game by a few weeks it is well worth it to me rather than going out and buying an entirely new game.

    4.) The HDD install is "mandatory" because it works to help the game work more smoothly, unless you want 3 minute load times every time something changes I suggest you sit down and shut up. And the only game that comes close to having a 5 gig install is DMC4 and its something like around 4.8 gigs. More of your BS information manipulating to make it sound like all games have an install of over 5 gigs. Oh and did I mention you can just delete that data whenever you stop playing the game and it wont effect your game progress so if you want to play it later you can just pop the disk back in, reinstall the data and continue playing.

    5.) You don't quote crap you make up yourself.

    Will a mod or a staff member or anyone please put an end to all his information twisting and slander that has absolutely no grounds. Besides that this was suppose to be about information on a console bundle not a rant about every facet of the console itself. He violates the 0 tolerance for fanboy flame starting rule, constantly I might add. Also most of his posts count as thread-jacking as every time he posts something he gets the whole news discussion completely off topic. And these have all been done many many times over months, so I think there is reasonable grounds for action to be taken on the basis of the above and the length of time hes been doing it and the fact that he has been warned many times before.

    EDIT: Changed the compatibility rate for the 80gig model to the proper statistics.

    18.5.2008 10:09 #22

  • ZippyDSM


    No no and no software emulation on the 80GB model is 70-80%
    the 60GB model had 90% emulation.
    the 40GBmodel plays PSX games but not PS2 games.

    Now installing data is almost mandatory on any game, thus why you need to leave 4GB of space free on the 360 for cache work, so I could care elss is a game needs to be installed or not unless I need to waste 20 miinetes isntalling it.

    18.5.2008 10:14 #23

  • canuckerz

    Originally posted by ZippyDSM: canuckerz

    No no and no software emulation on the 80GB model is 70-80%
    the 60GB model had 90% emulation.
    the 40GBmodel plays PSX games but not PS2 games.

    Now installing data is almost mandatory on any game, thus why you need to leave 4GB of space free on the 360 for cache work, so I could care elss is a game needs to be installed or not unless I need to waste 20 miinetes isntalling it.
    My bad there but it is still both more and less than what nobrainer tried to regurgitate. And where is the third no from? I didn't touch the 40 gig model and its bwc, and I'm aware that it plays ps1 games but not ps2; but it didn't play a part in my argument. I'll change my previous statments to reflect the actual %'s.

    18.5.2008 10:33 #24

  • viny1313

    Originally posted by chaos_zzz: so halo edition was cool and mgs edition is a wase of money.. hatersDude the Halo ed. is sht green :P

    The MGS ed. PS3 is actually nice, just overpriced...

    18.5.2008 10:48 #25

  • DSWarrior

    Every PS3 is over-priced, but this one took the cake. I can think of a million ways to spend $600...

    Sony still needs to start thinking about cutting prices on that ludicrous artifact they call a PS3...

    And be aware that I don't give a sh*t about what other people think about what i posted here. The internet is a free place where we can actually say whatever the hell we want. So don't start with the crap!

    18.5.2008 11:05 #26

  • ZippyDSM

    Quote:Originally posted by ZippyDSM: canuckerz

    No no and no software emulation on the 80GB model is 70-80%
    the 60GB model had 90% emulation.
    the 40GBmodel plays PSX games but not PS2 games.

    Now installing data is almost mandatory on any game, thus why you need to leave 4GB of space free on the 360 for cache work, so I could care elss is a game needs to be installed or not unless I need to waste 20 miinetes isntalling it.
    My bad there but it is still both more and less than what nobrainer tried to regurgitate. And where is the third no from? I didn't touch the 40 gig model and its bwc, and I'm aware that it plays ps1 games but not ps2; but it didn't play a part in my argument. I'll change my previous statments to reflect the actual %'s.
    the PS3 is far of from prefect I'll give them points for not fcking over BWC at the start but they have screwed it over badly since then, they seem to fail to comprehend that PS2 titles can sale the PS3 as so PS3 titles can be bought.

    They would rather try and resale you a game you own than make the Gdamn unit play a game you already own, this kind of dckery I will not stand for.

    Sony and MS make it hard to give them a break when they screw up so much.

    IMO the 360,WII and PS3 are overpriced by 120$.

    18.5.2008 11:11 #27

  • canuckerz

    Originally posted by DSWarrior: And be aware that I don't give a sh*t about what other people think about what i posted here. The internet is a free place where we can actually say whatever the hell we want. So don't start with the crap!I agree, but opinions are one thing, manipulating information is another or falsifying for that matter.

    18.5.2008 11:15 #28

  • ghlili


    18.5.2008 11:25 #29

  • NexGen76

    Originally posted by ZippyDSM: canuckerz

    No no and no software emulation on the 80GB model is 70-80%
    the 60GB model had 90% emulation.
    the 40GBmodel plays PSX games but not PS2 games.

    Now installing data is almost mandatory on any game, thus why you need to leave 4GB of space free on the 360 for cache work, so I could care elss is a game needs to be installed or not unless I need to waste 20 miinetes isntalling it.

    There is no emulation on the 60GB all 60GB come with the emotion engine which was in the PS2.

    18.5.2008 11:49 #30

  • narmo

    that's a complete ripoff for the 40 gig ps3 gunmetal. $600! basiclly $100 for a different color. almost anyone nowadays can get the soundtrack from a torrent or limewire. and i think not a lot of ppl would even touch the behind the scenes documentary. at least i think the black one lookes slicker. i just saw some pics of a gunmetal ps3. it looks alright. better than the shit green halo 360 .:D.(in my opinion )

    ps3 40 gig $400
    Gunmetal $100
    game $ 80
    sountrack and behind the scenes 20$ (10$ each)

    don't forget tax! (its 15% tax where i am)
    so its $690

    isn't that a bit too much?

    also isn't the 80gig selling for 500$ now? with no game( or is it motorstorm) no DS3 no nothing? i think that might be a good deal.

    i'd rather get a regular 40 gig for 400$( when the DS3 will be a regular with the console, not 6axis) and then buy the game.( maybe return it after i'm done :D) saving myself a few hundred dollars.

    that's how i would break it down.

    18.5.2008 12:05 #31

  • DXR88

    PS3 custom cases any one, i was thinking of getting the hot-rod red.
    of coarse you would have to take it apart and put it back together.

    18.5.2008 12:10 #32

  • ZippyDSM

    Quote:Originally posted by ZippyDSM: canuckerz

    No no and no software emulation on the 80GB model is 70-80%
    the 60GB model had 90% emulation.
    the 40GBmodel plays PSX games but not PS2 games.

    Now installing data is almost mandatory on any game, thus why you need to leave 4GB of space free on the 360 for cache work, so I could care elss is a game needs to be installed or not unless I need to waste 20 miinetes isntalling it.

    There is no emulation on the 60GB all 60GB come with the emotion engine which was in the PS2.

    menceing words uu iz u iz :P

    its not quite the same theres a slight 5-10% gap on it,even the PSX BWC on the PS2 had a 3-8% gap on it.

    emulation is far more wonky even if it can be improved greatly the bastards never think of after care services...they wont even call you after bum wapeing you :P

    18.5.2008 12:11 #33

  • nobrainer

    oops sry 2x post

    18.5.2008 12:14 #34

  • nobrainer

    Originally posted by NexGen76: Originally posted by ZippyDSM: canuckerz

    No no and no software emulation on the 80GB model is 70-80%
    the 60GB model had 90% emulation.
    the 40GBmodel plays PSX games but not PS2 games.

    Now installing data is almost mandatory on any game, thus why you need to leave 4GB of space free on the 360 for cache work, so I could care elss is a game needs to be installed or not unless I need to waste 20 miinetes isntalling it.

    There is no emulation on the 60GB all 60GB come with the emotion engine which was in the PS2.
    that is incorrect, as ALL european and australian 60 gig models were made with emulation from the start. sony removed the hardware and charged us more for the privilege!

    the best option here is to avoid this overpriced 40gig bundle and get yourselves a second-hand US PS3 that is almost fully backwards compatible and purchase the game separately as this bundle is a total rip off especially seems you won't be able to play any ps2 titles on the bundle model and the brand new 80 gig is $200 cheaper for a better spec model.

    The IFPI Are: The same anti consumer lot as listed above!

    18.5.2008 12:16 #35

  • NexGen76

    I just talked to ebgames & the pricing is 499 for the MGS4 Standard Edition.Thats 80GB PS3,Dual shock 3,MGS4 game.

    here is the link from there web site also.

    Originally posted by Sony: To coincide with the much-anticipated North American launch of Metal Gear Solid®4: Guns of the Patriots in late Q2 2008, SCEA will introduce a PS3 bundle, which will includean 80GB PS3, the upcoming blockbuster Metal Gear Solid®4: Guns of the Patriots and a DUALSHOCK 3 wireless controller for $499 (MSRP)

    Originally posted by Nobrainer: that is incorrect, as ALL european and australian 60 gig models were made with emulation from the start.That is correct i forgot about that.But the system isn't over priced.Its clear the 80GB for 499 is the better deal.

    Link from Sonystyle also.

    18.5.2008 12:28 #36

  • canuckerz

    Quote:I just talked to ebgames & the pricing is 499 for the MGS4 Standard Edition.Sony not doing a 40GB bundle.Thats 80GB PS3,Dual shock 3,MGS4 game.This is because the only way to purchase the limited edition gunmetal bundle is apparently though Konami and not Sony. They did something similar with their special mgs:po edition PSP.

    18.5.2008 12:41 #37

  • nobrainer

    game pro are running a story about this.

    Metal Gear Solid 4 PS3 bundle orders begin May 19...only on
    Originally posted by link: The $600 Limited Edition PS3 Hardware Bundle, only available on, includes a 40GB PlayStation 3 with a gun metal gray finish, a DualShock 3 rumble-enabled controller, the limited-edition version of Metal Gear Solid 4, and a two-hour behind-the-scenes Blu-ray disc.a 40gig, none ps2 compatible which costs $200 more surely this ain't right.

    seriously ppl don't be duped by flashy marketing get yourselves a second hand 60gig ps3 that is almost 100% backwards compatible and the game on top then purchase a mgs4 stencil or make one yourself and get to work with a screw driver masking tape and spray paint. this "special" ps3 is a complete rip off.

    The IFPI Are: The same anti consumer lot as listed above!

    18.5.2008 15:30 #38


    Quote:Will a mod or a staff member or anyone please put an end to all his information twisting and slander that has absolutely no grounds. Besides that this was suppose to be about information on a console bundle not a rant about every facet of the console itself. He violates the 0 tolerance for fanboy flame starting rule, constantly I might add. Also most of his posts count as thread-jacking as every time he posts something he gets the whole news discussion completely off topic. And these have all been done many many times over months, so I think there is reasonable grounds for action to be taken on the basis of the above and the length of time hes been doing it and the fact that he has been warned many times before. Actually rule 6 seems a bit more appropriate here.

    Are we getting back to this BS now? Play nice with others or don't can choose or we can choose. This is a news article not a debate on the selling tactics of various console manufacturers.

    Originally posted by DSWarrior: And be aware that I don't give a sh*t about what other people think about what i posted here. The internet is a free place where we can actually say whatever the hell we want.Wrong...if it violates the site rules your opinion isn't allowed, period.

    *** - #afterdawn - come say hi!***
    The rules ~

    18.5.2008 15:57 #39

  • DSWarrior

    Expensive Flashy Crap.......that's all I have to say...

    18.5.2008 16:28 #40

  • pcrazy99

    I agree. I already have a PS3. Why would I want to shell out more cash just because it is a different color or in a different case.

    18.5.2008 17:06 #41

  • ABMone

    Does the 40 gig have wi-fi or was that stripped?

    18.5.2008 17:14 #42

  • rvinkebob

    Haha, the Halo 3 LE console looked like vomet :P

    I've already got an 80GB PS3, bought a DS3, and am planning on getting the normal edition MGS4. I got my 80GB right near the time they stopped manufacturing them, to sell the 40GB alone instead.

    If I waited any longer there would be none left, and I would've had to wait until now to buy the 80GB MGS4 bundle. It's a much better deal in my mind as I find use for the memory card slots and extra USB ports. I occasionally play PS2 games on it as well, so the 40GB was never a satisfying option.

    EDIT: Didn't Sony say that the 80GB was gonna have full BC again?

    18.5.2008 17:55 #43

  • ZippyDSM

    Originally posted by rvinkebob: Haha, the Halo 3 LE console looked like vomet :P

    I've already got an 80GB PS3, bought a DS3, and am planning on getting the normal edition MGS4. I got my 80GB right near the time they stopped manufacturing them, to sell the 40GB alone instead.

    If I waited any longer there would be none left, and I would've had to wait until now to buy the 80GB MGS4 bundle. It's a much better deal in my mind as I find use for the memory card slots and extra USB ports. I occasionally play PS2 games on it as well, so the 40GB was never a satisfying option.

    EDIT: Didn't Sony say that the 80GB was gonna have full BC again?
    they said a future revision might so far no word on it.

    For all the console/game fanboys out their.
    Oh god I can't stop laughing!!!
    And for the format nazi's I bring you HHD DVVD BVD's!!

    18.5.2008 17:57 #44

  • TBandit

    hahahaha anyway i thought the mgs4 ps3 would have designse on it at least but i can agree with others that the halo 3 xbox looked ugly

    19.5.2008 00:59 #45

  • rvinkebob

    Originally posted by TBandit:, they even had to go as far as using the casing for 360 only titles.

    19.5.2008 02:58 #46

  • ZippyDSM

    the halo 360 is not so bad but they would have been better off with the metal shiny green and mimic master chiefs armor,they kinda went cheap and its a darker green than it should be.

    19.5.2008 12:57 #47

  • rvinkebob

    Originally posted by ZippyDSM: "and its a darker green than it should be."Exactly, like vomet :P

    Can't wait until the game comes... it may or may not be Sony's year but it's still gonna be their best year. Too bad Killzone 2 had to be pushed to Feb 2009... I was really looking for to this September.

    19.5.2008 22:37 #48

  • Gnawnivek

    Wow, hold on a sec there...

    The MGS4 80gb bundle is actually the best value-wised PS3 for your buck. Of course, for those of us got the 60gb launch system, no current version of PS3s can top that if you care about PS2 games.

    Everybody, especially DSWarrior, everything is overpriced for god's sake! If you're in the market for houses or just trying relocate, you know better. I understand the complaints and the notion that the PS3 is expensive b/c it has the higher price tag comparing to the Wii and Xbox 360. However, looking at the over all picture, you're getting your money's worth for the PS3.

    All PS3 has the wifi build in (only the X360 doesn't have this). The only physical difference is the memory card slots and USB ports. The 40gb doesn't have memory card slots and only two USB ports, which is not a problem at all. You can use a USB hub to get more ports for games like Rock Band. You can use a memory card reader for the memory cards...

    Now, on to the Gunmetal PS3 bundle... This is an exclusive PS3, it's aimed at the collectors, so you can bitch all you want, cause chances are, you don't want one anyway. I do agree the gunmetal PS3 is overpriced, especially it's the 40gb version. I was able to pre-order one from Konami last week (gotta blow the rebate check on something right?).

    27.5.2008 10:11 #49

  • MonoSoft

    For all you americans out there who think you're getting a hard bargain on PS3's, it's far better than ours in UK, 80Gb PS3's cost 400-425 Pounds new (when they're released here!) which is the same as say... 800-850 USD and the Metal Gear game is £45-50 ($90-100) and the worst part is i think we dont even get the MGS4 Edition PS3. So we're all stuck with PS3's unable to play PS2 games, unless we got ripped at the beginning (buying the 60Gb PS3's for the equivalent of 850 USD).

    Hope that makes every NON UK PS3 owner happy..

    12.6.2008 15:28 #50

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