Michael Jackson and other artists sue The Pirate Bay

Michael Jackson and other artists sue The Pirate Bay
The Web Sheriff has announced today that Michael Jackson, Prince, the Village People, UB40 and the estate of Bob Marley have joined together to sue the infamous torrent tracker The Pirate Bay for alleged losses they have suffered.

Pirate Bay’s admin Brokep wrote in the Pirate Bay blog that “The common thing for all of these artists of course is that no one listens to them anymore.” Brokep added as a parting shot, "And hey Michael - do you want us to pay you in small kids maybe?"

WebSheriff, whose real name is John Giacobbi, announced last November that he was planning to sue the site in the US, France and Sweden for infringing the rights of the artist Prince. Brokep replied to that comment as well. "Websheriff says he wants to sue us in Sweden and in the US. Most of us civilized people understand that people cannot be sued outside their own domicile - aka we can not be sued outside of Sweden. So good luck with that. It proves that the sheriff is just after making some headlines!"

Besides suing for $100 million USD the Web Sheriff is trying to get the historically popular Swedish group ABBA to join the other artists. “It would also be good/appropriate if the members of ABBA could take up the fight against these pirates, as they personify the Swedish music industry’s successes and are renowned ambassadors for Sweden, contrary to The Pirate Bay.”

Brokep disagrees with that statement. “All over digg.com and other cool social networks there is always the comment “last place on earth with true freedom is Sweden” or ‘I really want to move to Sweden’.” That quote is from earlier this year, but the words still ring true.

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 18 May 2008 20:29
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  • david89

    not fully The Pirate Bay fault it's easy blame album or a movie that crappy on piracy for not saling they need making something people want hear or watch plus they don't see the bigger problem like failing encomney in usa high gas prices etc all effects sales. i know there so rich so it don't effect them but people work for jobs don't make as much money as they do it effects them by not having enough money buy latest movie or cd etc

    18.5.2008 22:21 #1

  • jetyi83

    pirate bay is awesome. I still hope they make their own country. Id donate for the cause.

    18.5.2008 22:34 #2

  • cyprusrom

    Lol, they ran out of money to pay for weed and booze, no one listens to their music anymore, so they have to do something! Even if they don't get a cent from TPB, they'll be on the news for a while...

    18.5.2008 23:19 #3

  • jove

    "And hey Michael - do you want us to pay you in small kids maybe?"

    What kind of disrespect is that? I hope he's a teenager so he wont be so embarrassed of himself... damn.

    19.5.2008 00:25 #4

  • Gradical

    [sarcasm] I think michael from all people shoul sue them, if you analize deep enough, since the pirate bay is up he's life is going through the floor, so they should be the only responsible for this [/sarcasm]

    19.5.2008 00:33 #5

  • TBandit

    hahaha yeah all dey want is weed money i think suing p2p sites is for those artist goin broke but i can see that piracy does effect them

    19.5.2008 00:40 #6

  • cyprusrom

    Originally posted by jove: "And hey Michael - do you want us to pay you in small kids maybe?"

    What kind of disrespect is that? I hope he's a teenager so he wont be so embarrassed of himself... damn.

    If Michael had any self-respect, wouldn't be begging for money from TPB! He used to be good, used to be a master of his domain, had it all! Did some excellent music actually, but that's all in the past, it all happened when he used to be black! Now, he's a freak of nature, hasn't done any music in ages,he's forgotten, wants attention again, and money to pay his lawyers fees probably!
    Get a job!

    19.5.2008 01:04 #7

  • iluvendo

    Just crazy.

    19.5.2008 01:35 #8

  • Craftybox

    and the estate of Bob Marley

    bob marley , would be turning in his grave.

    He didnt care about money...

    19.5.2008 04:25 #9

  • nobrainer

    A search engine is not illegal in sweden and its also not illegal to link to files hosted on someone else's computer.

    The pirate bay is not located in the USA so their law does not apply.

    @ Craftybox

    copywrite is NOT there to protect the artists or composers its been implemented to screw over all, by the IFPI so they can steal all the revenue. READ THE LINK!

    What the IFPI tries to conceal about its origins in fascist Italy Originally posted by hyper: Not so with the IFPI, the international lobby group of the record industry (closely affiliated with the RIAA). That their 75th anniversary takes place in 2008 is not only ignored by themselves. In fact, they actively try to conceal and suppress information about when and where they was founded. Copyriot today has the pleasure of telling the history that the IFPI does not want you to know – and of showing how they try to supress it.the only way to stop anti-consumer ppl is to boycott all their DRM riddled, crippled media and hardware, and who do you boycott, all the companies in my signature as these are the ones making the laws.

    The IFPI Are: The same anti consumer lot as listed above!

    19.5.2008 04:41 #10

  • cousinkix

    Quote:Lol, they ran out of money to pay for weed and booze, no one listens to their music anymore, so they have to do something!Michael Jackson; that's funny. Nobody in their right mind listens to a child molester let alone buy his crappy music. Prince is another freak. Bob Marley's relatives wanna sit on their azzes and colect the industry eqvivalent of a wlfare check for life...

    19.5.2008 06:34 #11

  • pensfan12

    Nobrainer in every post:

    blah blah blah i hate *insert company*
    backs up hatred with article
    then finishes with mentioning "anti-consumer"

    Every single reply, its allllways the same and its so annyoing.

    19.5.2008 06:54 #12

  • llongtheD

    I agree with most of the posts here. A bunch of has beens, going for a little free publicity. They're doing just what the record company's are doing, if they can't get there customers to buy it, sue them. I might even buy CD's again, if I could get a CD with more than one good song, and a bunch of filler formula music.

    at least post something relating to the article dude, no one wants to hear your whining about other members posts.

    19.5.2008 08:02 #13

  • SDF_GR

    Originally posted by pensfan12: Nobrainer in every post:

    blah blah blah i hate *insert company*
    backs up hatred with article
    then finishes with mentioning "anti-consumer"

    Every single reply, its allllways the same and its so annyoing.
    hahah agree, i am surprised tho that he didn't mentioned sony.

    Quote:Michael Jackson, Prince, the Village People, UB40 and the estate of Bob MarleyThis is the only way that all this fossils can get advertise.

    ***colorful comments removed***

    19.5.2008 08:30 #14

  • 7thsinger

    It's not the end of society, but you can see it from here.

    I think the article summed it up pretty nice in one statement...

    Quote:“The common thing for all of these artists of course is that no one listens to them anymore.”

    19.5.2008 08:30 #15

  • dockk

    micheal jacksons skint so hes trying to get cash anywhere

    19.5.2008 09:26 #16

  • lawndog

    wow this is truly rediculas, I think it's funny though, I would assume that these musicians have people that would represent them like......the RIAA maybe, but yet they are goin after TPB on their own, is maybe cause they have no faith in the RIAA anymore?? Didn't Micheal Jackson just release a new CD? Guess it's time to get in the media again and get his name out there, at least this time there's not child molestaion accusations to go along with it.
    Oh ya he moved to anouther country or something. It's to bad so just beat it.
    Prince......lol a joke did a superbowl and still can't get record, sales...... your time has passed it's not the 90's anymore.must be cring tears of purple rain. Time to go cry where her horses run free.
    UB40 ummmmmm....... Been what a decade or more
    The estate of Bob Marley......sad sad sad. Get off your butts and earn a living by doing something other than bunishing people that enjoy the music of the peoples property you take care of. If you took care of the estate instead of dwindleing away all his money you wouldn't care who was getting what for free. Look at Nirvana and Elvis, both dead, but still make money.
    Sad sad sad

    To those bashing Nobrainer,
    Don't get mad at him for being passionate. He hates those companies and is boycotting them. He's actually doing something about it and not sitting back in his chair wondering what he can do ....Hes doing it. You all read the forums, agree that the RIAA, MPAA, IFPA, and the BPI are a bunch of money hungry putz' but yet you sit back and do nothing.
    But when somebody does do something you tell him to drop it.
    Grow a set.

    19.5.2008 09:30 #17

  • Hyasuma

    well, i think the artist are just using this as excuse, they ant making music or much money right now and they just want to sue pirate bay because is easy and they dont have to do much work because everyone who works for the artist does it for them. If they win, they get some moey, if they dont, they be like whatever. They got all the money in the world -_-; they got nothing eles better to do in their time, they are just like the living dead.

    19.5.2008 10:01 #18

  • pcrazy99

    I thought it was worth it just hearing that Michael Jackson, Prince and the Village People have joined forces. Sounds like some sort of retarded Justice League.

    19.5.2008 11:59 #19

  • emugamer

    MJ was a brilliant artist and performer in his time IMO. Unfortunately he's extremely screwed up. It's a shame that his actions overshadow his accomplishments. It's public image. Isn't he holed up somewhere? I think he actually lost everything - even Neverland Ranch and his little love-monkey. Being broke would explain the lawsuit.

    Looks like this WebSheriff is hunting for has-beens to back him up. The Bob Marley estate probably doesn't even know what p2p is. I don't think it's a matter of people not listening to them anymore. It's that people don't care about them anymore. Any one of the Village People who honestly depends on sales of music to make a living is probably sniffing glue because they can't afford the crack anymore. Any artist who thinks you can link a downloaded song to lost profit should get out of the business.

    Too many people want a free ride.

    19.5.2008 12:03 #20

  • goodswipe

    Originally posted by pensfan12: Nobrainer in every post:

    blah blah blah i hate *insert company*
    backs up hatred with article
    then finishes with mentioning "anti-consumer"

    Every single reply, its allllways the same and its so annyoing.
    Yea, just about as annoying as seeing people like you complain day after day. It really does get old! If you have nothing to contribute to this news article, please keep it to yourself.

    They will get nowhere with this lawsuit. Like others have said, it's not illegal to link to D/L's. Also, US law does not apply to people in Sweden. What are they thinking?


    Clap your hands folks, c'mon!

    Sing it with me!


    LMFAO @ the Village People! That stuff shouldn't even be distributed over P2P or any other network for that matter.

    19.5.2008 12:30 #21

  • cyprusrom

    LMFAO @ the Village People! That stuff shouldn't even be distributed over P2P or any other network for that matter.

    Exactly LOL! That's the equivalent of a freacking virus infesting the network, and the torrents should be reported as "offensive"!

    19.5.2008 12:45 #22

  • BludRayne

    Originally posted by pensfan12: Nobrainer in every post:

    blah blah blah i hate *insert company*
    backs up hatred with article
    then finishes with mentioning "anti-consumer"

    Every single reply, its allllways the same and its so annyoing.
    Lol, yeah, but I agree with him 100%.

    19.5.2008 13:11 #23


    Please use the offensive report button if you have a problem with what someone has posted. There are many here very close to violating rule 6...the rules are in my sig if anyone needs a refresher.

    SDF_GR, keep the colorful comments to yourself please.

    ***irc.stormchat.org - #afterdawn - come say hi!***
    The rules ~ http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/2487

    19.5.2008 13:15 #24

  • DVDdoug

    Quote:bob marley , would be turning in his grave.

    He didnt care about money...
    So TRUE!!! Musicians & artists don't care about MONEY... All they want is drugs, girls, several expensive cars, a few big houses around the world, lots of "bling", and fame...

    19.5.2008 13:54 #25

  • goodswipe

    Originally posted by DVDdoug: Quote:bob marley , would be turning in his grave.

    He didnt care about money...
    So TRUE!!! Musicians & artists don't care about MONEY... All they want is drugs, girls, several expensive cars, a few big houses around the world, lots of "bling", and fame...
    Ugh, the last time I checked it takes money to get all those things.

    "I hope Newbies that come across your signature bar do not become intimated and decide this forum is for wisecracks and stick to other ones." -ofield

    19.5.2008 14:10 #26

  • bangor09

    It's sad to see that all those artist are way on the "has been" genre, and instead of begging for money, (or in "Marley's state" case just try to living off the work of somebody else) they should be GLAD that some people still search for their old material, since they haven't released a SINGLE album worth buying in YEARS IF NOT DECADES,all they do it's releasing "best hits" stuff, and I say this as a 80's music addict..

    If you want attention and need money write new good stuff and people will come to you, simple as that...

    19.5.2008 14:28 #27

  • beanos66

    Quote:Originally posted by DVDdoug: Quote:bob marley , would be turning in his grave.

    He didnt care about money...
    So TRUE!!! Musicians & artists don't care about MONEY... All they want is drugs, girls, several expensive cars, a few big houses around the world, lots of "bling", and fame...
    Ugh, the last time I checked it takes money to get all those things.
    Woosh! Right over his head

    19.5.2008 14:35 #28

  • xSModder

    "And hey Michael - do you want us to pay you in small kids maybe?"
    I loled

    haha, this is pretty good. it seems like the US is firing the cannons at The Pirate Bay, and they really couldn't care less. I love to see just how much they don't give a f*ck, gives me the sense that there are still some righteous beings out there that don't lie down and take the law up the *ss

    nice, though
    i must admit, brilliant scheme at trying to get ABBA to join. however, what exactly is it going to do? suing on soil won't get them any further. it's just going to be as pointless and ridiculous as now.

    19.5.2008 15:03 #29

  • varnull

    Who the hell would download Abba?? Every record they ever made is easily available for nothing in a skip near you now!!

    Al Qaeda really missed the boat.. they should have set up trackers. hahahaha

    Free open source software = made by end users who want an application to work.... #1 image again.. check it out ;)

    19.5.2008 15:14 #30

  • iluvendo

    The true front persons behind all these shenanigans are nothing but "colorful comments" and "more colorful comments".You get my drift

    If it wasnt for bad luck, Id have no luck!
    "The flimsier the product,the higher the price"
    Ferengi 82nd rule of aquisition

    19.5.2008 15:45 #31

  • varnull

    Yeah.. I get you..

    Jacko probably isn't as attractive to the parents who would "lend" him their children now he is broke.

    Free open source software = made by end users who want an application to work.... #1 image again.. check it out ;)

    19.5.2008 15:54 #32

  • goodswipe

    Man I crack up every time I see that picture!

    "I hope Newbies that come across your signature bar do not become intimated and decide this forum is for wisecracks and stick to other ones." -ofield

    19.5.2008 16:08 #33

  • venomX05

    Suprised that the estate of Bob Marley is listed...I agree, Bob never really cared about the money, it was all about the music for him. The whole thing is just based on greed, I mean come on, half of the list that was stated doesn't get much exposure anymore, so no wonder...that is like putting in The Commodores in the list as well...

    To me it is just crying wolf and in all honesty, it sickens me that they would even name Bob Marley in that list, as being from jamaican ethnicity, I know damn well that Bob didn't care too sense about the money because for him, it was all true...the music and the people. To unite as one...funny, how things just fall apart like that, now these money grubbing fools have to dredge up old name bands as if it will cause an up roar...no thank you, now if they named current ones or whoever, I can understand that.

    MJ was good, back in the day, and yeah as one poster put it, he is totally messed up...sucks for him, but hey, you roll with it.

    BTW, that comment was priceless about the payment in small kids...had me lmao at work!

    Great article btw.


    20.5.2008 09:29 #34

  • nobrainer

    come on guys stop the anti homosexual and paedophile remarks please. has michael jackson ever been found guilty?

    RE: prince, ub40, they have made a fortune. prince even turns up from time to time and gives free concerts in London, he really doesn't need any money. Ali Campbell has a huge house near bentley heath, w,midlands that is worth over 9 million excluding his riding stables and farm, so i doubt he cares.

    Bob marley was very anti capitalist, who also on many occasions played for free, bob marley if you listen to his songs were very political spreading love & unity & freedom from tyranny & oppression from the corrupt governments and about the rastafarian religion, sion(zion) the promised land.

    i think he would be rolling in his grave if he knew his messaged to mankind was only available for a $ but copyright lasting 170 years is not there to protect the artists!

    The IFPI Are: The same anti consumer lot as listed above!

    20.5.2008 10:36 #35

  • c1c

    I can say that the Marley estate is milking Bob for everything. They throw around his name and put it on everything. I was working on a website for Bob Marley School for the Arts Institute in Jamaica. I quit when I found out that it is a big scam where they steal people's money. There is no school. People go down there and go on a tour where they spend money on stupid crap.

    20.5.2008 20:40 #36

  • 7thsinger

    Originally posted by varnull: Who the hell would download Abba??Lmao!

    Good question.

    20.5.2008 21:57 #37

  • ZooGrA

    Originally posted by pcrazy99: I thought it was worth it just hearing that Michael Jackson, Prince and the Village People have joined forces. Sounds like some sort of retarded Justice League.lol cuz everyone listens to the village people...

    i agree with everyone, its stupid, artists that are dead are just trying to get noticed again.

    i'd keep buying cd's if it wasn't hit or miss all the time.

    but the media is too controlled, so ima get off my ass and load all my stuff unto the pirate bay, we gotta try and do something, otherwise these forums wont help anything... yo

    22.5.2008 12:55 #38

  • hermes_vb

    Oh my God! Michael Jackson of all people. I stopped listening to his music after the second "incident". I find the guy, if we can call him that, repulsive.

    26.5.2008 23:47 #39

  • Mez

    It make sense, he has no where left to go but down.

    28.5.2008 18:27 #40

  • ramosfet

    MJ sux so much now. He should just quit.

    28.5.2008 18:34 #41

  • homesick

    wow, all i know is i skimmed this post and saw someone singing Y-M-C-A, and a picture of the home alone kind. too funny i gotta go back and read it all. btw, they prolly asked them cash or kids? lol too funny.

    31.5.2008 00:05 #42

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