Wii Fit is coming to the US

Wii Fit is coming to the US
The blockbuster hit game Wii Fit was finally made available in the US this morning, after selling over 2 million units in Japan over only a matter of weeks. The game is available in New York right now only and then the rest of the US beginning May 21st.

Nintendo's latest hit allows users to check their body mass index and do various routines such as strength training, aerobics, yoga, skiing, and snowboarding, all in the comfort of their homes.

"Wii Fit will get you moving whether you've been playing video games for years or this is your first time,"
Cammie Dunaway, Nintendo of America's executive VP of sales and marketing, said in an announcement. "Wii Fit is easy for anyone to try and is yet another example of how Nintendo continues to expand the world of video games to new audiences."

The $90 USD game comes with "a hefty balance board that wirelessly communicates with the required Nintendo Wii Console. Measuring 20.5 inches by 13 inches by 3 inches, the board which is basically a complex floor-based game controller, senses the user's weight as he steps on it and uses the information to control and synchronize the onscreen games and exercises designed to improve your balance, posture and fitness."

Personal trainers around the world have said the game is a good way to get started on your personal fitness, especially if you are embarrassed to join a traditional gym.

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 19 May 2008 18:43
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  • SuckRaven

    Imagine how many people in the U.S. will be called 'fat' by Wii Fit... He heeeeee... LMAO


    "Wii Fit calls Girl "Fat""


    19.5.2008 23:07 #1

  • maryjayne

    At $90 this new game will most likely be the next item set aside in one's closet next to the other dozen revolutionary exercise equipment. I wonder what the return rate will be once parents see the game is calling their already self conscience children "fat".

    20.5.2008 04:04 #2

  • MrXenu

    Well doen nintendo, once again, your continual disregard for the gaming industry, has lead you to create a product that will be bought my the mass casual and non gaming market! Well done, I only hope devs don't actually start shifting to making gimmicks like this, and instead try and concentrate of making good games, with gamers, will want to play!

    Why can't nintendo bring out some good GAMES, tbh its only shovelware on teh system atm, with aaround 5 decent games! If anyone says nintendo has won this war, is clearly ignorant of the facts, there hardware sales per console is something even worse than the ps3(the blue ray player that can also play games) at soemthign like 1.9!

    The Wii is not a gaming console, its a trend whore gadget, I think nintedo are true forgetting their roots, and going after console sales, which wont actually produce a long term profit! It is a known fact that game sales are the main revenue for companies!

    Get your act together nintedo, and coem back to the true customers, not these trend whores, would will only buy one or two games!

    20.5.2008 06:29 #3

  • SuckRaven

    @ MrXenu:

    "trend whore gadget" LMAO...

    I'll have to remember that. Nice one.

    20.5.2008 08:50 #4

  • 7thsinger

    This won't go too far. More crap to go in the closet.

    It makes me want to giggle a little bit.

    20.5.2008 09:24 #5

  • emugamer

    Originally posted by MrXenu: Why can't nintendo bring out some good GAMES, tbh its only shovelware on teh system atm, with aaround 5 decent games!!Cus it's a shovelware system! lol.

    As far as people getting offended by this....if an electronic device is telling a girl that she's fat, then it's probably the same thing a doctor would tell her after taking similar measurements. The only people buying this should be Wii owners who recognize that they have a weight problem and would like a "fun" way to exercise. You've got to be pretty low on the evolutionary scale to get offended by this game if it calls out your fat arse.

    Nintendo is letting me down. So sad. They didn't even join the console war. They thumbed their noses at Sony and M$, and the gaming community who wanted something fun and visually exciting. I don't see anything in terms of games to look forward to for the Wii.

    But for what it is and what it does, it's pretty darn good at it.

    20.5.2008 12:28 #6

  • DVDBack23

    Nintendo is letting me down. So sad. They didn't even join the console war. They thumbed their noses at Sony and M$, and the gaming community who wanted something fun and visually exciting. I don't see anything in terms of games to look forward to for the Wii.

    But for what it is and what it does, it's pretty darn good at it.
    I agree with you on that last point, for what the Wii is, its a great console, and tbh I have more fun games on my Wii then I do on my PS3 at the moment and the more expensive console is being used a blu-ray player most of the time. (GTA is helping a bit though :-)) Im also sure Nintendo doesnt care that the "gaming community" isnt buying it, their 1 billion dollar net profit in the last 6 months should be able to hold them down :P (Playstation division is still over 200 million in the hole and the Xbox division just finally showed a tiny profit)

    20.5.2008 14:45 #7

  • Jake_C


    why do you all hate nintendo :S
    what have they done to hurt you?

    just about all of you have got to be sony or M$ fanboys

    the facts are

    Wii is selling the best

    Xbox360 has got problems and takes alot of your money for live extra

    Ps3 i dont think theyve relised the life time of it if they play blue ray and games on it.

    but back to the point wii fit is good and im guessing that none of you attualy have it youll like it. Its not one of those games youll play all day everyday. but you will once in a while and for half hour to an hour. Personal trainners are even recommomending it as well. and if you know anything about being healthy which im guessing none of you do as you all sit around all day getting fat and playing games, this game helps. and even if you just want a laugh with it watching people play it is fun as well.

    so its fun and helps get you/keep you fit.

    so will M$ fan boys and sony just shut up just cause your companies dont try origonal and new things!

    and before people say im a nintendo fan boy im not

    ive got a wii and a xbox360 and a psp and i play all three of them.

    21.5.2008 05:17 #8

  • xblade132

    I just bought the game today and played it for about 20 minutes and it was fun. I think I'm going to be using it to check out my BMI and weight and keep intough w/ myself and not screw it up.

    And for everone that's suddenly hating on Nintendo. You guys must be Sony or Microsoft fanboys. Or just contradictory a**holes. I happen to own both a Wii, PS3, and a PSP and play them all.

    22.5.2008 14:43 #9

  • jburrow

    I tried to buy this today, but everywhere i went was sold out! They must have decided the U.S needed the excercise more.

    31.5.2008 07:30 #10

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