BREIN, the Dutch anti-piracy agency that has started a crusade against public
torrent trackers,
has another site in its sights, the world's most popular torrent site,
The organization has announced that it will be taking Mininova to court hoping that the court will
force the site to filter its search results and effectively remove all unauthorized content.
Mininova, which boasts 30 million unique visitors every month, allows for user submitted torrents as well as authorized content from publishers such as the
CBC. More importantly, the site does not have its own
tracker, which has gotten
the Pirate Bay in trouble recently.
Erik Dubbelboer, one of the co-founders of Mininova added the following:
“We will proceed to court with full confidence. We operate within the law, as we maintain our ‘notice and take down’ policy. That is, we remove search results if a copyright holder asks us to.”
That should be all that is necessary under
DMCA obligations, but of course BREIN does not see it that way. The site does not even host the unauthorized content, just the .torrent files to help peers connect.
Tim Kuik, managing director of BREIN, talked out about Mininova's business model.
“A notice and take down procedure is absolutely insufficient for a site that makes use of unauthorized files, structurally and systematically, he added.
The court case could have huge repercussions around the Web if BREIN has its way. They want Mininova to censor their search results, the site does not want to. If BREIN were to win, what is stopping them from starting cases against
YouTube or even
Google and
Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 22 May 2008 16:07
Pray for victory for MIninova !
22.5.2008 16:13 #1
This is unfortunate, Mininova definately has been my torrent site of choice. I would hate to see them go, but sites like that walk a thin line and they could easily go the way of sites before them like sharereactor, only to be replaced by some other site that blurs the lines of legality. I hope they win and stay around, but if not, they will be replaced probably by something better.
22.5.2008 16:28 #2
Well of course they became a target... Mininova themselves painted the bullseye mark on their site by saying how many people comes to download stuff from their site... only was a matter of time...
22.5.2008 18:10 #3
Quote:The court case could have huge repercussions around the Web if BREIN has its way. They want Mininova to censor their search results, the site does not want to. If BREIN were to win, what is stopping them from starting cases against YouTube or even Google and MSN? It will be interesting to see how this turns out. Cases like this that are being won are the building blocks for BREIN and others to target google or YouTube.
22.5.2008 18:38 #4
The more of these sites these groups try to mow down, the more that will replace it; better or worse. 'Tis the way of the new age.
22.5.2008 21:37 #5
Quote:The more of these sites these groups try to mow down, the more that will replace it; better or worse. 'Tis the way of the new age.They're like hydras; cut off one head and two more grow back.
22.5.2008 22:25 #6
Quote:The more of these sites these groups try to mow down, the more that will replace it; better or worse. 'Tis the way of the new age.tell that to suprnova hehehehe
even if you close mininova, there is always gonna be some software, some webpage, some friend who bought the original and will invite you to hear it ;),
23.5.2008 01:12 #7
public trackers are still full of trojans and viruses ppl.
i guess that eztv has finally pssed off fox enough with all the HD releases to start a take down. Unless BREIN, which is the combined RIAA and MPAA members in my sig have a plan to change the law, mininova are not breaking any laws.
all you need to do is at your college or town or with friends on the net is start a darknet. you share files with ppl you know and the riaa/mpaa will never know about you. you know its good to share!
Originally posted by wiki: A darknet is a private virtual network where users connect only to people they trust. In its most general meaning, a darknet can be any type of closed, private group of people communicating, but the name is most often used specifically for file sharing networks. "The darknet" can be used to refer collectively to all covert communication networks.uTorrent & private trackers ftw, public trackers ftl.
The IFPI Are: The same anti consumer lot as listed above!
23.5.2008 03:00 #8
We don't always get what we want.
23.5.2008 03:38 #9
what a waste of time and money,chasing torrent sites..
i dont see the point in attacking any of these sites,people just move to another major torrent site once one is closed down...
its the public that they need to target,there the ones sharing..
and what the public wants they will get.
id wouldnt use torrent if i could watch tv shows the day they are aired (not 12months later)
the only thing i get on my tv is 1970s cop shows,repeated every day
when i know torrent sites are riddled with 1000,000s of tv shows and movies,none are ever passed to the tv companys
thats why torrent is popular,were sick of waiting,
if mininova was a tv channel,id pay a monthly subscription,so i could watch something id wana watch.. not what a tv company thinks i wana watch...SORT IT OUT!!
23.5.2008 11:20 #10
Quote:public trackers are still full of trojans and viruses ppl.
True. Not near as many as can be found on P2P networks like Kazaa and Limewire though.
Like anything else, some places are better for quality aquisitions than others.
23.5.2008 11:34 #11
Quote:True. Not near as many as can be found on P2P networks like Kazaa and Limewire though.
Like anything else, some places are better for quality aquisitions than others. torrents are the reason i switched. of course if you don't read the feedback in the comments and look at overwhelming seed to peer ratios, then you're in for some trouble.
i've always hated kazaa and all that p2p bullsh*t.
but damn, i've just started really using mininova
it's a shame to see my country going to hell, maybe it's time to move?
23.5.2008 12:04 #12
id wouldnt use torrent if i could watch tv shows the day they are aired (not 12months later)i dont fully understand.. but if you mean that tv shows arent posted same day your wrong.. EZTV has been known to release tv shows 2 hours after first aired! =]
23.5.2008 12:46 #13
Enough with this!!!!
Forget moving your trackers, website, torrent files and links from place to place just to have them scrutinized again and again. The only course of action is for BitTorrent sites to band together and relocate to countries THAT DON'T FRAKKIN' PARTICIPATE IN THE UNITED STATES' COPYRIGHT AGENDA. I'm sayin' move the stuff PERMANENTLY to Pakistan or the Middle East, China, or Mongolia or better yet............any other country's outpost besides the U.S. in Antarctica.
Realistically........I'm thinking Pakistan is the most viable choice.
Oh............and Goodswipe...........MA BOY! How are ya'???
23.5.2008 12:47 #14
id wouldnt use torrent if i could watch tv shows the day they are aired (not 12months later)i dont fully understand.. but if you mean that tv shows arent posted same day your wrong.. EZTV has been known to release tv shows 2 hours after first aired! =]what i mean is i wouldnt use torrent sites if i could get whats available on EZTV through my tv.. but tv doesnt have any selection,they just pump out the same repeats over and over again..
im talking UK TV..seriously crap
torrent offers me a solution to my problems..movies and tv shows on demand.. i still even go to watch a decent movie at cinema just to get the effect,most of the stuff i download id never pay to watch anyway,most film are film companys wouldnt loose my money..
id pay well to watch a good film on an imax screen
23.5.2008 14:06 #15
Amazing, all these rescources being spent on this crap and yet ZERO rescources being spent to combat those virus posters, spammers and the like.
You know, in my day to day life the fact that Johnny downloaded the newest movie release does not affect me in the least...
But SPAM and viruses take hours out of my work week and affect my bottom line dramatically.
Who is combating this? Where's my MPAA or VirusFighterAssociationofAmerica???
23.5.2008 18:52 #16
I guess my other complaint is that most media is corparate garbage that is the same old recycled old formula's. If I didn't downloaed the crap that I download, most of it I wouldn't even waste my time with. I would buy someone's independent CD out of the trunk of their car before I'd buy most of the crap that gets radio play. I think movie's do enough to get people in the box office and buying dvd's despite piracy, but most people could care less about music now-a-days.
23.5.2008 19:43 #17
like this would happen, if mininova gets shut down it just starts again with a differend name and place
24.5.2008 17:14 #18
If Brien and the MPAA had it's way, they'd shut down aD here.
If it wasnt for bad luck, Id have no luck!
"The flimsier the product,the higher the price"
Ferengi 82nd rule of aquisition
25.5.2008 21:37 #19
Originally posted by iluvendo: If Brien and the MPAA had it's way, they'd shut down aD here.Brein is the same companies pushing for the same anti-consumer restrictions citing piracy as the cause for more DRM, DMCA type legislation and the move towards licensing over ownership.
Brein is just the MPAA and RIAA combined the same as the IFPI, ect every country has a lobby paid by big media to screw us all over with the same agenda.
The IFPI Are: The same anti consumer lot as listed above!
26.5.2008 05:14 #20
Here's an odd thing....I've bought stuff -mostly audio -hires surround stuff -yep I ACTUALLY PAID MONEY for i have I've found that others would like to listen to it..trouble is they live miles away in other what do I do? spend a fortune that I dont have on several hundreds of discs..then shipping them out to everyone on the planet?...well the damn thing is is known fact that after someone has had a listen to something (after all there are trial and demo bits not all of then just bits either they can be close to the real thing and....they do actually go out and buy the real thing afterwards) would you spend money on something that turned out to be junk?..they get the packaging too..I can well understand the authors wanting to get paid for their own work.that makes sense..that's if indeed they do get the text it does state that commercial stuff goes on sites like mini and others...what bothers me is that behind this crackdown might be the intention or replacing the 'freebie stuff with ONLY commercial stuff.thus once again business rules..its a know fact that there are interested parties who would prefer that the internet was used for business ONLY.if you heard the comment by the CEO of PHORM lately who seemed to be irritated by the fact that 80% of internet were 'hobbyists' he'd much prefer 99% of it business only! -business of late it seems to me has become far to intrusive in our daily lives..we cant get away from it..we're phoned up by companies..we're advertised to all the far as those bloody advert popups they are all over the place..its like we cant get away from slows the net down for gods sake..and so to remove some happy amateur wanting to share or swap his latest purchase has been going on for years...its what we've always done..its called 'by recommendation' we dont trust adverts but we will trust a mate...
so to clobber these sites with the intention to make them commercial only with charges etc..smacks of that concept of 'the internet' should only be there at the behest of commerce..i do have one BIG gripe.and its SCAM sites like DOWNLOAD NOVA please avoid this site!!! its just a scam...they are trying to sell you back your own stuff..and claim that you will be downloading it from germany/usa/canada etc nope you will be downloading it from your own pc to er...your own pc!.i typed in nonsense and it came back with the same nonsense in different 'flavours' (1)complete (2)tested (3)cracked with keygen (4)2008 ie the 'latest' version...check out the phoney claims on the screen..they are laughable..these are the people who should be closed down!!...charging people for their own stuff...leave mini alone and target the real villains.....
27.5.2008 04:03 #21
Here's an odd thing....I've bought stuff -mostly audio -hires surround stuff -yep I ACTUALLY PAID MONEY for i have I've found that others would like to listen to it..trouble is they live miles away in other what do I do? spend a fortune that I dont have on several hundreds of discs..then shipping them out to everyone on the planet?...well the damn thing is is known fact that after someone has had a listen to something (after all there are trial and demo bits not all of then just bits either they can be close to the real thing and....they do actually go out and buy the real thing afterwards) would you spend money on something that turned out to be junk?..they get the packaging too..I can well understand the authors wanting to get paid for their own work.that makes sense..that's if indeed they do get the text it does state that commercial stuff goes on sites like mini and others...what bothers me is that behind this crackdown might be the intention or replacing the 'freebie stuff with ONLY commercial stuff.thus once again business rules..its a know fact that there are interested parties who would prefer that the internet was used for business ONLY.if you heard the comment by the CEO of PHORM lately who seemed to be irritated by the fact that 80% of internet were 'hobbyists' he'd much prefer 99% of it business only! -business of late it seems to me has become far to intrusive in our daily lives..we cant get away from it..we're phoned up by companies..we're advertised to all the far as those bloody advert popups they are all over the place..its like we cant get away from slows the net down for gods sake..and so to remove some happy amateur wanting to share or swap his latest purchase has been going on for years...its what we've always done..its called 'by recommendation' we dont trust adverts but we will trust a mate...
so to clobber these sites with the intention to make them commercial only with charges etc..smacks of that concept of 'the internet' should only be there at the behest of commerce..i do have one BIG gripe.and its SCAM sites like DOWNLOAD NOVA please avoid this site!!! its just a scam...they are trying to sell you back your own stuff..and claim that you will be downloading it from germany/usa/canada etc nope you will be downloading it from your own pc to er...your own pc!.i typed in nonsense and it came back with the same nonsense in different 'flavours' (1)complete (2)tested (3)cracked with keygen (4)2008 ie the 'latest' version...check out the phoney claims on the screen..they are laughable..these are the people who should be closed down!!...charging people for their own stuff...leave mini alone and target the real villains.....
27.5.2008 04:15 #22
I would like to be a billionare!
I don't think BREIN has what it takes to bring that baby down. I bet he doesn't even know where the server is. (as in what country it is in) I think he is just an empty barrel.
27.5.2008 10:42 #23
Originally posted by bobchew: Here's an odd thing....I've bought stuff -mostly audio -hires surround stuff -yep I ACTUALLY PAID MONEY for i have I've found that others would like to listen to it..trouble is they live miles away in other what do I do? spend a fortune that I dont have on several hundreds of discs..then shipping them out to everyone on the planet?...well the damn thing is is known fact that after someone has had a listen to something (after all there are trial and demo bits not all of then just bits either they can be close to the real thing and....they do actually go out and buy the real thing afterwards) would you spend money on something that turned out to be junk?..they get the packaging too..I can well understand the authors wanting to get paid for their own work.that makes sense..that's if indeed they do get the text it does state that commercial stuff goes on sites like mini and others...what bothers me is that behind this crackdown might be the intention or replacing the 'freebie stuff with ONLY commercial stuff.thus once again business rules..its a know fact that there are interested parties who would prefer that the internet was used for business ONLY.if you heard the comment by the CEO of PHORM lately who seemed to be irritated by the fact that 80% of internet were 'hobbyists' he'd much prefer 99% of it business only! -business of late it seems to me has become far to intrusive in our daily lives..we cant get away from it..we're phoned up by companies..we're advertised to all the far as those bloody advert popups they are all over the place..its like we cant get away from slows the net down for gods sake..and so to remove some happy amateur wanting to share or swap his latest purchase has been going on for years...its what we've always done..its called 'by recommendation' we dont trust adverts but we will trust a mate...
so to clobber these sites with the intention to make them commercial only with charges etc..smacks of that concept of 'the internet' should only be there at the behest of commerce..i do have one BIG gripe.and its SCAM sites like DOWNLOAD NOVA please avoid this site!!! its just a scam...they are trying to sell you back your own stuff..and claim that you will be downloading it from germany/usa/canada etc nope you will be downloading it from your own pc to er...your own pc!.i typed in nonsense and it came back with the same nonsense in different 'flavours' (1)complete (2)tested (3)cracked with keygen (4)2008 ie the 'latest' version...check out the phoney claims on the screen..they are laughable..these are the people who should be closed down!!...charging people for their own stuff...leave mini alone and target the real villains.....Yes I agree 100%. If they could possibly get any money from this then it would be ok and left alone. Just like if the government could "legally" prosper from drug sales then they would let them be legalized. I'd hate to see mini go, but if it does it will only be a matter of weeks before something else pops up. Also, if the selection of music and tv were anything but complete trash then we wouldn't be d/l as much anyways. Also, if the programs weren't as high price AND delivered as promised, we wouldn't be d/l it anyways. Most albums only have 2 good songs, most tv shows are horrible, and movies are just as bad...there has not been a stampede of good movies since 15 years. You may get one good movie per summer and winter, or 2. Here's a suggestion to the artist, MAKE THE MEDIA YOUR SELLING FREAKING BETTERRRRRRRRRRRRRRR...then maybe we would not have a problem with buying it.
I heard someone say the other day that If people would stop d/l then the media that is available would be better, ohhhhh yea? well, media entertainment hasn't really been good since the 80's...what happened then? Where were the d/l'rs that diluted the strength of good media then? Bottom line is if you quit putting trash out then we might, and I say MIGHT take a chance at buying it.
27.5.2008 13:02 #24
"I think movie's do enough to get people in the box office and buying dvd's despite piracy, but most people couldn't care less about music now-a-days." Oh yes they do! from recent experiences they care a great deal..I've seen rock classics to classical music downloaded on huge conclusion is that people would sooner go look for some quality on a torrent site rather than put up with rubbish that passes for music these days...people even convert their old vinyl records and upload them..stuff which is hard to find and may well have gone out of production..and no cd version ever released..people are very precious about music...the fact that go 'torrenting' shows how choosy they are!!.
27.5.2008 19:04 #25
btw has anyone noticed something about software? about how reviews go on how brilliant this program is and how much it would change your life and its 'oh so clever' because of this and that...well, whats the first thing you see when you go to install it? THE DISCLAIMER! saying basically well mate, you are on your own if it screws up your computer....
thanks for that...makes yer think eh?.
27.5.2008 19:16 #26
bobchew, you don't see many disclaimers for free/share ware. That is because the developer is the boss. Most software is made in companies were none of the decision makers have any technical skill. There main skill is the ability to lie convincingly. That is why most of out software sucks! Stuff that used to be good software is not filled with so much junk it is bugy.
28.5.2008 13:41 #27
No I do realise that the discaimer notice is put there at the behest of the company bosses who dont want to get sued but still serves as an admission that there might be something wrong with the program..Just recently I posted om Yahoo ask about the nature of digital technology and was it wise for us to kep gong down this route when there is enough evidence to show that our dependance on digital was seriously misplaced when you see examples like planes falling out of the sky (computer error) systems crashing,- records destroyed..etc..all usually because of a line of code being wrong and causing the problems which could even be fatal.The complaint from torrent users is that often the companies charge far to high a price for the programs..true, some software items are indeed absurdly priced..I dont know how they arrive at these prices and how they are based..and even the disclaimer begging the question about its it possible then to write_a 'perfect' program that doesnt crash. mess up your machine and lives up to all that is expected...and is affordably priced...would people then decide to buy it rather than download it for free on a torrent site?
29.5.2008 01:40 #28
No I do realise that the discaimer notice is put there at the behest of the company bosses who dont want to get sued but still serves as an admission that there might be something wrong with the program..Just recently I posted om Yahoo ask about the nature of digital technology and was it wise for us to kep gong down this route when there is enough evidence to show that our dependance on digital was seriously misplaced when you see examples like planes falling out of the sky (computer error) systems crashing,- records destroyed..etc..all usually because of a line of code being wrong and causing the problems which could even be fatal.The complaint from torrent users is that often the companies charge far to high a price for the programs..true, some software items are indeed absurdly priced..I dont know how they arrive at these prices and how they are based..and even the disclaimer begging the question about its it possible then to write_a 'perfect' program that doesnt crash. mess up your machine and lives up to all that is expected...and is affordably priced...would people then decide to buy it rather than download it for free on a torrent site?
29.5.2008 01:42 #29
Perhaps it's in the nature of the technology itself that is flawed..perhaps it's impossible to produce a 'perfect' program that lives up to all expectations and never goes wrong/or crashes or screws up your which case why do we continue to pursue the impossible...
Ok questions to all you torrenteers...just lately Ive uploaded a good part of my audio collection..this is what I observe...(a) the 'pickers' those that pick at stuff, then go away and leave a few megs uploaded (b) the 'come back laters' the ones that start to download , go away and come back and download a bit more and so on (c) the 'stayers' hell or high water once that download has started they will stay with it for hours or days...or keen is that? I was just wondering what the thinking behind all that was..perhaps its their work or meeting mates..or the wife or gf ??
ok, last question...any one heard of 'globalacross' should i be concerned about them? they seem to be 'following' me , if I go onto a website and explore something...or contact someone to do with that website..within days up comes 'globalacross' offering pretty much the same product/service ..are they some 'phishing' outfit? trying to extract some info out of me? ignore them? just recently they've emailed me..and it was to do with something I was exploring some months ago..and hadnt got round to sorting out, which tells me they've been nosey...but not nosey enough..since Ive done other stuff any ideas?
29.5.2008 05:19 #30
Bob.. about globalacross.
It sounds like they have latched on to you because of some form you filled in somewhere sometime. Known spammers of "snake oil ware" and other pointless garbage.
Others report similar happenings, emails, popups etc. Adding the name to your email spamblocks and running some half decent anti spyware application should see them off.
If you are getting the email from them through your ISP provided email account (and you haven't put the details in any online reply form) then suspect that your isp has been using phorm software and illegally spying on your browsing habits, then selling that information to 3rd parties.
If other funny things are happening then treat as spyware and follow the guides in the windows malware section.
a quick example of the "perfect" program
##delete all##
rm -rf

Free open source
software = made by end users who want an application to work.... #1 image again.. check it out ;)
29.5.2008 05:36 #31
Very few things in this world are perfect. You ought to have figured that out by now. I do believe having technical persons making software decisions will produce a superior product.
As reguard to your question option c is the only smart option. Either you want it or you don't. Option b may be users that leave themselves open to attacks like from Sandvines. If there are two competing torrents maybe the user starts downloading both then kills the one when the other is complete. That would be a good explaination for option a.
29.5.2008 07:27 #32
sandvines? another new word ...i have this nightmare that one day I will wake up and find everyone is talking a different language to me...
one day I had 'pushbike' 'GPO' and 'off licence' now I have 'mocap' 'bojo' (nickname for the new mayor of london) and 'spammers' this how society progresses 'bojo' 'mocap' and 'spammers' ? ah well I'm getting old i yeah anyone know who this 'globalacross outfit is? I'm not even sure hey have a website..I did check but I cant seem to find if I want to...but it's damn weird..anyone else get these b*ggers? sounds a bit sinister to me...why do torrents 'stall' then when they are 75% seem a lot of effort to give up just as you've gone that far..I've a few of them..I know the stuff is torrent portal kosher? i mean is it has some info about my stuff..which contradicts the results I get..stuff like 'dead' torrent when a load of people have downloaded it...and 45% leechers when mini says there arent any and also 'no seed' er yes there is ME! only concern is that on their site there is that link to the scumbag site Download Nova..the people who rip you off by selling you your own stuff back to you..I was hoping that they werent working hand in hand with them..the stats dont make sense..
29.5.2008 12:36 #33
bobchew, things change Sandvines was unknown to torrent users until this year. Now I am surprised you are not familiar with the name. It does not matter if you are downloading legaly or not torrent user have been hit by this freight train. Not everyone uses the name Sandvines but it is the likely culpret. It is the new bully in town. Sandvines is a very smart and powerful AI that monitors internet traffic in its domain. Its mission is to reduce network flow by reducing torrent activity. It will attack torrent users that meet a certain threshold. Comcast started using it as an attack dog this year. They have been slapped by the FCC for illegal practices. They promised to stop but did not say when. Now Cox has unleased Sandvines to attack as well. Actually, it may be something else but the attacks are very simelar to the Comcast attacks. I personelly suspect they have been using that app to monitor usage for the last year. I have heard Cox maintained torrent activity for many of its users. I have talked with someone last summer that saw every thing he down loaded with start and stop times. Cox knew more about what he was doing than he did. Cox suspended him then he had to agree not to down load anything more. At that time he had to scroll though his month's activity. That unnerved him.
While Comcast attacks grew slowly Cox has squeeled rubber with its attacks. Cox customers have been blown out of the water. I suspect Cox got help from Comcast. Obviously, the illegal attacks at Comcast have been successful. If the torrent node is not encrypting its flows Sandvines can forge a packet that will terminate that connection. It may send the packets to both sides. Comcast has admitted they were targeting the one side of the connection with 'kill packets'. I can't see why they would not attack both sides for a 'good kill'. Apparently, this is only one of many kinds of attacks it can deliver. It will go to plan B,C,D,E,F,and G if the node is using encrypted flows. Apparently, they can take most nodes eventually out but it may take a while. I can only assume the level of effort for the different attacks is greater. I find the application amazing. It is kind of like Sky-Net.
Bob, in this game what you don't know can hurt you. Even if you don't have Cox or Comcast you will be effected if the other side is using one of these two ISPs. Comcast is the biggest ISP in the US and Cox is another biggie. Most likely you have been attacked if you use torrents for what ever reason and do not encrypt your flows. I have no idea what it will do to 'the other side' of an encryped node.
Bob, I forgot to completly answer your question. Many torrent users are encrypting their flows even if they are not using Cox or Comcast. Who really wants their ISP to be maintaining a databese on what you are doing? Cox gathered data for a year before it started attacking users. If all the seeds were only seeding encrypted information and you are not set to recieve encrypted streams, you can not use any of those seeds. So you are either screwed directly or indirectly from Sandvines. Hopefully, you know what Sandvines is now.
29.5.2008 14:10 #34
ok first of all, don't be surprised..about sandvines name and me as I've only been at this torrent business for only a few its all new to me...what was puzzingly me was the contradictory nature of it all.
example: just after a torrent file upload.on mininova it comes back with '4 downloads' i wait a few minutes , do a refresh and it will say 20 after a week or more it will say ' 120 downloads' which sounds quite good...but when i check the actual activity -either the file had just sat there and done nothing or only about 10-20mb had gone up....also i check the peer list and count them - i had about 50 peers on one item and sometimes its only about 8 or 9 .so it puzzles me why mini reports 120 downloads..are they real or just the intention to download...or attempted downloads...also some torrents seem to stall either halfway or 3/4 way , some are so close like only 30mb to go and its done and no matter what i do (update tracker to 'bring them back) they'll come back and drift away -i dont know how to either 'get it started' or 'restart' the thing..also this torrentportal site, thats contadictory too..stats like 'dead torrent' or 'bad connection' when ive had a lot of activity on that item...and 45% leechers when mini has no reports of that..its truely either theres misreporting. or users are just damn picky or have better things to do or your 'plan b'ie the sinister hand of big business..well apart from my continued 'cant find the server at' or 'server timed out' which had been going on for weeks now..and the fact that im sure ive got a virus/spyware as i have to wait sometimes for the words to appear on the screen after i typed them..ive also got this 'globalacross' thing which is very suspicious..i had one just now..
i got this:
Does your computer seem to be running slower than usual? Well, if you've downloaded any music, movie clips, or games in the past 2 months, then your computer may be infected with "Ad-Ware" and "Spy-Ware"!
Advertisers use downloadable music as a vehicle to "legally" add "Spy-Ware" and "Ad-Ware" to consumer PCs. If you're suspicious that Internet Advertisers have added "Ad-Ware" or "Spy-Ware" to your computer, then here's your chance to scan your computer at no charge.
Press Here to Begin Scan (YOU WILL NOT BE CHARGED FOR THIS):
the link they give you is to (no surprises) globalacross
should i be suspicious? let them scan my pc for viruses? hmmm dont think so...its all far too spooky for im talking about uploading my stuff and the odd download and then my pc acting a bit slow,,then these b*ggers turn up in my mailbox.with this message..very odd dont you think?....can anyone find out what the wtf is going on and who these ppl are.and if a problem warn others? .oh the other thing is sometimes i have users download an item and its got 2mb to go and i check and the availability says its done..of course you get the fact that it goes over the total i guess there are users wth just bits...ive lot to learn..but uits stil fascinates me that ppl are willing to download music like classical that does very not just the usual suspects like gamers and mtv crap...
29.5.2008 16:14 #35
I know this is off topic but this is good general information and this thread has been off topic for some time.
I didn't name it but I am sure it is descriptive. It can perform thousands of hunts and attacks simultaneously and can squeeze the piss out any resistant nodes. I am not an expert. I don’t even do much down loading. I am a database/applications developer. We have several downloading maniacs on our team. For us, Sandvines is a ‘to die for application’ to work on. It acquires data, analyses the data then takes action without human intervention. The humans probably alter its parameters and add new tools for the attack process. It is a learning system. There isn’t a week that goes by that we don’t talk about the application. Any new wrinkles are good topics for discussion if we are not busy.
Yes, Bob be suspicious. They inventory your software and who knows what else they do. They sell the information found on the computers they scan. They probably put their own spyware on your computer. I suspect you did not pick up any extra baggage in a few weeks of downloading. As long as you stay away from Varnull's stuff, torrents is probably safer than browsing the web.
Have you been using up all your harddisk space? Torrents move vast quantities of what ever. You need to check your disk space. I will assume you have a PC. If you have less than 20% of 20 gigs, I would perform the entire disk clean ups. The free disk space includes deleted files in your trash can. You can be out of disk space and still show a few gigs of free space. That is way the clean ups are so important if you are low on disk space. If you run out of space your computer will die.
After a reboot is the computer slow or does it slow down after you start your torrent client? A good client can sap all the resources from your computer. It might mess with the computer's memory so your computer can stay slow after you kill the process.
I don't follow the other questions exactly where do you see '4 downloads' and '120 downloads'. Could this be how many times mininova downloaded the torrent? That is all mininova does. I do not think it is a tracker. Trackers control the download process. They would 'know' what is happening with the actual down loads. The seeds and peer displays are probably links to the tracker. However these are 'answers' are pure speculation. I did not write the code and have not seen the code. There are many ways to skin a cat. Your client finds other clients that are working on the same job. Usually the tracker assigns who does what. It will assign a node or nodes to down load to you and for you to down load to other nodes. I suspect what you see in your client is seeds that you could use vs all the seeds that would hold true for the peers. There are 3 encryption modes unencrypted, unencrypted but encryption enabled and encrypted. The middle setting should allow you to see the most nodes since it will 'talk' to both encrypted and unencrypted nodes. Howerver, if you don't seed the trackers will make you a low priority user. Only try to down load from swarms where there is power to spare. Try downloading the Beatles or some hugely popular band with a torrent that has 50 or more seeds. See how that one goes. Then seed them for a long time. Remember you are supposted to be uploading as much as you down load. Mininova distributes for many different trackers so it might be good to use something like Bit torrent that can tell you when to stop seeding. Otherwise you may give too much to some trackers and not enough to others. Also, don't try to down load from private trackers. They have a 'P' to denote they are private. Those trackers will ignore you unless you are a member in good standing.
Torrents are confusing and complicated when compaired to a simple P2P app like LimeWire.
Good luck!
30.5.2008 07:55 #36
sandvines? another new word ...i have this nightmare that one day I will wake up and find everyone is talking a different language to me...
Bob i'm already living that nightmare. Ive read this entire thread and have no idea what you are all talking about only that i have to follow the guides in the windows malware section to get rid of globalacross, I think!!!! :(
25.8.2009 10:39 #37
Sandvines is the orignial P2P robot monster. Like its name inplies it is huge with many tenticles. It is a large AI that uses databases. It can moniotor and log every transaction of interest any user does in an ISP's domain. It tallies you P2P down loads. If they are big enough it starts logging your activity. It can attack your computer or throttle your flows. It was the first to block ports and destablize app and even your OS by sending massive streams of confusing blocks of information to your computer. Since mine can cut all down loads to 0 mechanically it stopped the petty anti stuff.
25.8.2009 13:08 #38