Sony announces golf ball sized surround sound

Sony announces golf ball sized surround sound
Companies are always trying to find ways to condense media centers into smaller more compact spaces without losing the quality that consumers demand. Sony has made another attempt at honing the smaller is better stigma with the announcement of their new 5.1-channel HT-IS100 HTIB surround sound speaker setup. What makes this setup special is that it touts golf ball sized satellite speakers receiving 45 watts each and support Dolby Digital / Dolby Pro Logic II / DTS and comes with a remote.

The roughly cube-shaped speakers, to go on sale in Japan next month, measure just 1.7 inches on each side, Sony Corp. spokeswoman Eiko Sato said Thursday. The 90,000 yen ($870) system includes five golf ball-sized speakers as well as a bigger, 17 inches tall box for the amplifier and subwoofer, a feature for producing bass sounds.

The Home Theater System HT-IS100 will go on sale in North America and Europe, but pricing and dates aren't decided yet. The technology for achieving the miniature size cannot be disclosed, Sato said.

The system connects to TVs, Blu-ray disc recorders, Sony's PlayStation 3 video game consoles and other gadgets through a trio of HDMI and optical digital audio jacks, coaxial digital audio, composite (x2) and stereo outs as well.

Written by: Dave Horvath @ 22 May 2008 13:28
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  • c1c

    at least the sub isn't a golf ball

    22.5.2008 13:37 #1

  • DXR88

    when will they learn, smaller isn't always better.

    22.5.2008 14:08 #2

  • iluvendo

    Golf ball size sound too. A_Klingon, my right and honorable ,friend, ally (and handsome too) where are you and your comments on this dish of felderkarb ?

    If it wasnt for bad luck, Id have no luck!
    "The flimsier the product,the higher the price"
    Ferengi 82nd rule of aquisition

    22.5.2008 14:22 #3

  • Gradical

    Wow!!! this is just what i needed for the 1mm thick plasma on the other news ;)

    22.5.2008 15:13 #4

  • engage16

    hey you never know... it might actually sound good...

    22.5.2008 15:29 #5

  • iluvendo

    Originally posted by Gradical: Wow!!! this is just what i needed for the 1mm thick plasma on the other news ;)
    1 mm sized speakers ?

    If it wasnt for bad luck, Id have no luck!
    "The flimsier the product,the higher the price"
    Ferengi 82nd rule of aquisition

    22.5.2008 15:31 #6

  • georgeluv

    uh.... i fail to see how this is news when sony started selling this system last fall under the name "DAV-IS10", only diference being it is 550 watts not 1000 and it came with an upscaling dvd player. ps its only 570 right now and when this new ones comes out itll be even cheaper.

    i am all up to date on the current home-theater-in-a-box offerings because i just shopped for one to compliment my 42" aquos, elite 360 and ps3 + time warner's crazy expensive HD service.

    i settled on the best sony theater system without a player, because i already have a ps3. i stayed with sony because they all claimed some fancy uncompressed conection with blu-ray players. it was only 250 or 350 or something, pretty much the most you should spend on a system unless you like spending money.

    looking back i wouldnt sugest plopping down hard earned loot on a fancy name brand theater. you can get an onkyo 7.1 system (future proof and instant win in pissing contest) that has bigger woofers for the same price as your middle of the line sony systems that are only 5.1.

    22.5.2008 15:43 #7

  • iluvendo

    Originally posted by georgeluv: uh.... i fail to see how this is news when sony started selling this system last fall under the name "DAV-IS10", only diference being it is 550 watts not 1000 and it came with an upscaling dvd player. ps its only 570 right now and when this new ones comes out itll be even cheaper.

    i am all up to date on the current home-theater-in-a-box offerings because i just shopped for one to compliment my 42" aquos, elite 360 and ps3 + time warner's crazy expensive HD service.

    i settled on the best sony theater system without a player, because i already have a ps3. i stayed with sony because they all claimed some fancy uncompressed conection with blu-ray players. it was only 250 or 350 or something, pretty much the most you should spend on a system unless you like spending money.

    Quote:looking back i wouldnt sugest plopping down hard earned loot on a fancy name brand theater. you can get an onkyo 7.1 system (future proof and instant win in pissing contest) that has bigger woofers for the same price as your middle of the line sony systems that are only 5.1.

    $0ny , ouch !

    If it wasnt for bad luck, Id have no luck!
    "The flimsier the product,the higher the price"
    Ferengi 82nd rule of aquisition

    22.5.2008 15:48 #8

  • georgeluv

    ^ dont get me wrong i love sony, especialy the digi cams and the tv's. my housemates dad just bought a 52" bravia and a ps3. nearly crapped my pants when he told us that, he just wanted to beat our aquos!

    its home theaters specificly that you shoudlnt spend extra loot on unless you have the dough and the desire to be all machy machty. they are all made in the same province in china, they all use indentical parts on the inside. tvs are diferent, home theater systems realy arent. the quallity diference between a name brand and an off brand is very slight, if at all. speaker technology realy doesnt change much.

    my personal system back at my parents house; tv, 5.1, dvd changer, and vcr are all sony. my parents wanted it all to be the same color and brand for fancyness reasons. one plus side is that the tv remote will automaticly controll everything right out of the box, but if you set up your system right you should be able to do that no matter what mix of brands you are using (as long as your tv "passes through" digital suround signals from hdmi sources and has an outbound fiber jack, but thats a little bit more complicated and depends entirly on the tv).

    22.5.2008 16:04 #9

  • redux79

    The whole point of making these speakers smaller is to make them less noticeable right? You still have to run speaker wire to all of these, so that pretty much defeats the purpose of ultra small speakers. The only real question is what matters more to you performance or aesthetics.

    If you're going to sacrifice performance for aesthetics then just get a virtual surround sound bar system. Yamaha makes a couple of these and while all the sound comes out of one speaker it simply can't be compared to a quality multi-speaker system.

    It looks like Sony is trying the Bose 3 step strategy.
    1. Make products smaller and less cumbersome (new and different/less intimidating)
    2. Claim to have better performance than conventional systems (lying through their teeth)
    3. Charge exorbitant prices just because they can (laugh all the way to the bank)

    22.5.2008 17:35 #10

  • 7thsinger

    I would still have to hear to believe.

    "Sir, i would not harm thee for the world...but thou art standing where i'm about to shoot."

    22.5.2008 17:44 #11

  • iluvendo

    As for my money, I still prefer definitive technology speakers, especially the 7001 sc line with a 3000 c/l/r center, powered by some some nice Bryston 7BSST mono amps and an Anthem statement D2 pre/pro. And plug in a real subwoofer as a JL Audio f-113 fathom powered sub.

    If it wasnt for bad luck, Id have no luck!
    "The flimsier the product,the higher the price"
    Ferengi 82nd rule of aquisition

    22.5.2008 18:52 #12

  • DXR88

    In other news,PGA releases a speaker sized golfball.

    i couldn't resist.

    22.5.2008 20:05 #13

  • iluvendo

    Originally posted by DXR88: In other news,PGA releases a speaker sized golfball.

    i couldn't resist.

    1) that golf ball has gotta have 1 heckuva sweet spot
    2) will the new ball meet PGA regulations ?
    3) what kind of driver will be needed ?
    4) how far can you drive the ball ?

    If it wasnt for bad luck, Id have no luck!
    "The flimsier the product,the higher the price"
    Ferengi 82nd rule of aquisition

    22.5.2008 20:10 #14

  • H0bbes

    Quote:Originally posted by DXR88: In other news,PGA releases a speaker sized golfball.

    i couldn't resist.

    1) that golf ball has gotta have 1 heckuva sweet spot
    2) will the new ball meet PGA regulations ?
    3) what kind of driver will be needed ?
    4) how far can you drive the ball ?


    23.5.2008 00:06 #15

  • Icanbe

    Originally posted by iluvendo: Originally posted by DXR88: In other news,PGA releases a speaker sized golfball.

    i couldn't resist.

    1) that golf ball has gotta have 1 heckuva sweet spot
    2) will the new ball meet PGA regulations ?
    3) what kind of driver will be needed ?
    4) how far can you drive the ball ?

    2 points my friend, that was priceless.
    Used to put up with it, I will not be anymore.

    23.5.2008 08:35 #16

  • 7thsinger

    Originally posted by iluvendo: Originally posted by DXR88: In other news,PGA releases a speaker sized golfball.

    i couldn't resist.

    1) that golf ball has gotta have 1 heckuva sweet spot
    2) will the new ball meet PGA regulations ?
    3) what kind of driver will be needed ?
    4) how far can you drive the ball ?
    Good call bro!

    "Sir, i would not harm thee for the world...but thou art standing where i'm about to shoot."

    23.5.2008 08:37 #17

  • DXR88

    I thwink i Make Mods Mad.

    i dunno we could test it out on the technology at hand.

    tiger woods won't hear this one comming

    23.5.2008 09:17 #18

  • iluvendo

    Originally posted by DXR88: I thwink i Make Mods Mad.

    i dunno we could test it out on the technology at hand.

    tiger woods won't hear this one comming
    He won't have to, even the blind can see that (the size of)golf ball coming !

    23.5.2008 22:26 #19

  • Icanbe

    Quote:Originally posted by DXR88: I thwink i Make Mods Mad.

    i dunno we could test it out on the technology at hand.

    tiger woods won't hear this one comming
    He won't have to, even the blind can see that (the size of)golf ball coming !

    Or if you listen real good, you might hear BBBBBOOOOOOSSSSSEEEEEEE, SMACK!!!!!!

    23.5.2008 22:41 #20

  • iluvendo

    Originally posted by Icanbe: Quote:Originally posted by DXR88: I thwink i Make Mods Mad.

    i dunno we could test it out on the technology at hand.

    tiger woods won't hear this one comming
    He won't have to, even the blind can see that (the size of)golf ball coming !

    Or if you listen real good, you might hear BBBBBOOOOOOSSSSSEEEEEEE, SMACK!!!!!!

    LMAO !!! 3 points !!

    If it wasnt for bad luck, Id have no luck!
    "The flimsier the product,the higher the price"
    Ferengi 82nd rule of aquisition

    23.5.2008 22:50 #21

  • Icanbe

    Originally posted by iluvendo: Originally posted by Icanbe: Quote:Originally posted by DXR88: I thwink i Make Mods Mad.

    i dunno we could test it out on the technology at hand.

    tiger woods won't hear this one comming
    He won't have to, even the blind can see that (the size of)golf ball coming !

    Or if you listen real good, you might hear BBBBBOOOOOOSSSSSEEEEEEE, SMACK!!!!!!

    LMAO !!! 3 points !!

    Bows and says thanks
    Used to put up with it, I will not be anymore.

    23.5.2008 23:06 #22

  • Ghostdog

    45w from golf ball-sized speakers? Sounds fishy, but Sony usually delivers.

    25.5.2008 11:58 #23

  • iluvendo

    Originally posted by Ghostdog: 45w from golf ball-sized speakers? Sounds fishy, but Sony usually delivers.
    Error, $ony ment to say "milliwatts"

    I bet thse 45 watts are not RMS, but actually peak, with at most a 2-3 WRMS output (even 5WRMS would be high considering the thermal management problems in a 1.7" cube)

    If it wasnt for bad luck, Id have no luck!
    "The flimsier the product,the higher the price"
    Ferengi 82nd rule of aquisition

    25.5.2008 17:37 #24

  • thomasz12

    I Can't imagine golf ball size. It will look cool.

    29.5.2008 02:58 #25

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