No Spring dashboard update coming, says Microsoft

No Spring dashboard update coming, says Microsoft
According to general manager of Xbox Live Marc Whitten, there will be no spring dashboard update for the Xbox 360 and that poor selling or poorly reviewed XBLA titles will be removed from the service.

Whitten adds that the titles must have been "out for more than six months, have a Metacritic score of less than 65%, and have a conversion rate of less than 6% will be eligible for delisting." The software giant will then give three months of warning before the titles are finally removed.

When speaking about the so far missing dashboard update, Whitten says "we have taken a different approach this spring and spent a lot of our time and resources of building the proper infrastructure and scale for the service not just today but also into the future. So while most users will not notice any significant changes to the dashboard this spring, I can tell you that the team will be releasing a new digital rights management (DRM) tool next month that will allow you to better consolidate your licenses for downloaded content to a single Xbox and allow you the freedom to be able to play your content both online and offline."

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 25 May 2008 2:55
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  • b18bek9

    all i can say is update might be do to lack of sells this year why the ps3 and wii are outselling.....dont think they want to piss more ppl off or keep ppl offline from buying marketplace stuff or paying for live i'm guessing i dont know just my look at it.....i like the offline thing for playin aracade games tho....

    25.5.2008 04:59 #1

  • pwhite23

    the marketplace stuff are peices of crap. Who makes it that you can rent a movie on your xbox for money. M$ and there silly schemes

    25.5.2008 13:41 #2

  • ZippyDSM

    " and that poor selling or poorly reviewed XBLA titles will be removed from the service. "

    this sounds like anything they do not like be it rent or buy will be removed leaving the buyer SOL....

    25.5.2008 13:50 #3

  • ripxrush

    What? so if i spent my $ on points to buy a game that didnt do good i may not have the right to play it anymore cause not enough people like it? BS! F$#K M$ then! a$$hol3s unless they make it so i can play it off line & keep it on my hdd i am cool with that! i dotn see the huge deal! if it isn't hugely popular maybe make a section of older titles & keep it there! unless they r trying to cut bandwidth usage by killing apps that aren't making enough $!

    25.5.2008 18:09 #4

  • DXR88

    Quote:So while most users will not notice any significant changes to the dashboard this spring, I can tell you that the team will be releasing a new digital rights management (DRM) tool next month that will allow you to better consolidate your licenses for downloaded content to a single Xbox and allow you the freedom to be able to play your content both online and offline." Thanks MS, i know i am so shit faced stupid that i cant manage my own media,I'm glade to have you to tell me what to do with my $400 console.

    MS your the BEST.

    25.5.2008 19:14 #5

  • iluvendo

    M$ = $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

    If it wasnt for bad luck, Id have no luck!
    "The flimsier the product,the higher the price"
    Ferengi 82nd rule of aquisition

    25.5.2008 21:35 #6

  • xSModder

    haha..i'm trying to figure out if this thread is full of M$ haters or genuinely pissed off M$ customers..

    still funny either way.

    26.5.2008 04:00 #7

  • varnull

    Same here.. At least we shouldn't be getting the E66 situation that we had last year.. Was that dash related? ;)

    Free open source software = made by end users who want an application to work.... #1 image again.. check it out ;)

    26.5.2008 04:04 #8

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