Online piracy group member gets convicted

Online piracy group member gets convicted
According to the U.S. Department of Justice, Barry Gitarts, a "key member" of the online music piracy group release group Apocalypse Production Crew (APC) has been convicted of conspiracy to commit criminal copyright infringement and faces up to five years in prison, a $250,000 USD fine and three years probation at sentencing.

The DOJ added Gitarts was a member in 2003 and 2004 and paid for and administered the computer server used to upload "hundreds of thousands of copies of pirated music, movies, software and video games."

"Music piracy is stealing and, unless you want to end up in a federal prison, don't do it," Chuck Rosenberg, U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia, said in a statement.

The RIAA praised the government for brining the case to trial and praised the conviction as well.

"The crimes committed here -- as well as the harm to the music community -- are severe, and so are the consequences," Brad Buckles, the RIAA's executive vice president for antipiracy, said in a statement. "Groups like APC that specialize in leaking pre-release music are at the top of the piracy pyramid, and the efforts of federal law enforcement have dealt a real blow to these kinds of operations."

The case was part of the federal investigation known as Operation Fastlink, which is looking into organized piracy groups, those known to be at the top of all warez before it trickles down to the home BitTorrent and P2P user. The operation has already seen 56 total convictions for release group members.

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 25 May 2008 22:10
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  • xSModder

    another group down.
    however, they can't stop us all.

    26.5.2008 03:56 #1

  • clamUp

    Quote:Music piracy is stealingI'm sick of hearing this claim. It's not stealing. It's Copyright Infringement. Breaking into their corporate warehouses and removing all of their original copies... that's stealing.

    If it was some schmoe lawyer getting the two confused it'd be one thing, but this is a State's Attorney who's bastardizing the law in the name of corporate profit, and at the expense of the citizenry in their own homes. What's next, arresting people for trying to find new sources of energy? ...oh, wait. that's already happened too.

    26.5.2008 04:47 #2

  • ZippyDSM

    "Music piracy is stealing and, unless you want to end up in a federal prison, don't do it,"

    ooo scary we got drug dealers,murders and rapists that don't get fed time, priorities its nice to know the elite can still misplace them.

    Also I wonder if you blame bad business discussions on "stealing" to...well you are trying to steal extra profits from the consumer by not changing your business practices.... ah the the "noble" mentality.... will you know what screw the "nobles" eat the rich!

    26.5.2008 10:46 #3

  • MightyOne

    I do have a little voice in my head that says downloading music or movies for free (dvdRips or high quality mp3/Flac) is wrong. That is true. Yet i still do it. Why is that ?

    Well...the corporate world who pays the lawyers have them calling it stealing. The thing is, i am only "stealing" what you have been stealing from us all along.

    26.5.2008 13:37 #4

  • DXR88


    Quote:convicted of conspiracy to commit criminal copyright infringement and faces up to five years in prison, a $250,000 USD fine and three years probation at sentencing. hahahah....Conspiracy to mean they didn't do anything yet.

    boy, i could tell you some conspiracy's.

    26.5.2008 16:39 #5


    Corporate paranoia at its finest!

    26.5.2008 18:20 #6

  • cousin80

    Quote:What's next, arresting people for trying to find new sources of energy? ...oh, wait. that's already happened too.
    No you get murdered for that.

    26.5.2008 22:53 #7

  • 7thsinger

    Ridiculous that there are still every form of vile perpetrator out there and the powers that be are chasing a few "music copyright infringers."

    26.5.2008 23:17 #8

  • iluvendo

    Order of dangerous people to society

    1) music and movie down loaders
    2)people that peddle bootleg music/movies

    Next Next from dead last ) terrorists
    1 from dead last ) drug dealers/bank robbers/rapists
    Dead Last) Murders/ serial killers/child abusers

    Q. Do you think we may possibly have our priorities backwards ?

    If it wasnt for bad luck, Id have no luck!
    "The flimsier the product,the higher the price"
    Ferengi 82nd rule of aquisition

    27.5.2008 01:54 #9

  • duke8888

    The feds are always busting dealers and kiddie porn guys for years so why do you say they get off? Go to the DOJ website and look at their press releases and you will see all of them, they are at the top of the list and very few people with Warez sites but that is soon to end. They are now making an effort to go get them all. They will go after the big ones first and the litte guys later. People over react when they take legal action as they think this is depriving our rights when really the bootleggers are stealing money away from the artists. How would you like someone going into your bank account and take your money you wouldn't like it!

    27.5.2008 08:03 #10

  • lynchGOP

    Quote:Quote:Music piracy is stealingI'm sick of hearing this claim. It's not stealing. It's Copyright Infringement. Breaking into their corporate warehouses and removing all of their original copies... that's stealing.

    If it was some schmoe lawyer getting the two confused it'd be one thing, but this is a State's Attorney who's bastardizing the law in the name of corporate profit, and at the expense of the citizenry in their own homes. What's next, arresting people for trying to find new sources of energy? ...oh, wait. that's already happened too.

    Man, could not agree more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I've been saying this for the longest time. Pirating, duplicating and downloading software/music IS NOT STEALING. "Stealing" is the act of "theft" and "theft" is the removal from another that is just not how the digital world works. I'm not taking away from you and keeping for myself.

    Maybe someone should sue cloning companies.............they're "stealing" from GOD. Stealin' frakkin' sheep.

    27.5.2008 10:41 #11

  • dysart147

    Quote:The feds are always busting dealers and kiddie porn guys for years so why do you say they get off?I don't think that any one is saying that. People get busted for those offenses all of the time. I think that the point is that there are so many people doing much much worse than downloading music, why don't we spend more time on keeping them off the street.

    For instance, I have downloaded some music that I have bought on a different format in the past. So because technology keeps changing and making these older formats obsolete, why should I have to spend more of my hard earned money to get a digital version of a song I own on tape or vinyl? I paid for the right to listen to that music. I can't even remember the last time i saw a record player or 8-track player. I say enough is enough.

    Let my people go!

    27.5.2008 11:05 #12

  • grkblood

    Quote:The feds are always busting dealers and kiddie porn guys for years so why do you say they get off?I don't think that any one is saying that. People get busted for those offenses all of the time. I think that the point is that there are so many people doing much much worse than downloading music, why don't we spend more time on keeping them off the street.

    For instance, I have downloaded some music that I have bought on a different format in the past. So because technology keeps changing and making these older formats obsolete, why should I have to spend more of my hard earned money to get a digital version of a song I own on tape or vinyl? I paid for the right to listen to that music. I can't even remember the last time i saw a record player or 8-track player. I say enough is enough.

    Let my people go!
    While thats a valid argument you'd have to be pretty naive to believe that there would be a way to enforce that. It would definately be nice but what would be stopping someone from buying the hard copy right before a case and going, look, I already own this!!! Maybe like a universal barcode scanner or something that you can take to a record store. Like scan your hard media and get the digital version emailed to you. LOL, who am I kidding, this isnt Eutopia! Seriously though, that would be awesome if that happened.

    27.5.2008 11:56 #13

  • emugamer

    Originally posted by duke8888: The feds are always busting dealers and kiddie porn guys for years so why do you say they get off? Go to the DOJ website and look at their press releases and you will see all of them, they are at the top of the list and very few people with Warez sites but that is soon to end. They are now making an effort to go get them all. They will go after the big ones first and the litte guys later. People over react when they take legal action as they think this is depriving our rights when really the bootleggers are stealing money away from the artists. How would you like someone going into your bank account and take your money you wouldn't like it!These weren't bootleggers. They didn't make hard copies and sell them on the street. They weren't selling the music. Bootleggers should get the book thrown at them. These guys were sharing. And unless the RIAA can provide solid proof that sharing a song with somoene translates to lost revenue, then they have no right calling it stealing. It is what it is though - Copywrite Infringement. Because in the end, an artist should have the final word as to how their songs are distributed. Even if the shared songs actually help generate sales, there is no way to keep track of it, just like there is no way to determine if money was actually lost. You just don't know what a person is going to do once the song has been downloaded - delete, keep or buy - or if he/she ever intended on buy the song ever. So the solution is to plant the word "stealing" in everyones head. Scare and make honest people feel guilty. It's the only way to put a stop to something like this, or at least try instead of sitting back and doing nothing. Because then, they can't justify their paychecks.

    27.5.2008 12:00 #14

  • dysart147

    grkblood, I think you totally missed my point on that one. I was not suggesting that there would ever be anything like that. I was merely stating that it is like making back up's of your DVD's.

    If it is mine then I can copy it and share it. I am not reproducing it and making money from it. I paid for it there fore it is mine. And if I want to get a digital copy of some thing I already own, why is that illegal? The record companies are all greedy, that is why they keep pushing this issue. Is it illegal to record the broadcast from a radio station, or record a tv show? How could they stop that? Tape recorders and VCR's are all you need.

    27.5.2008 12:26 #15

  • DXR88

    Originally posted by dysart147: grkblood, I think you totally missed my point on that one. I was not suggesting that there would ever be anything like that. I was merely stating that it is like making back up's of your DVD's.

    If it is mine then I can copy it and share it. I am not reproducing it and making money from it. I paid for it there fore it is mine. And if I want to get a digital copy of some thing I already own, why is that illegal? The record companies are all greedy, that is why they keep pushing this issue. Is it illegal to record the broadcast from a radio station, or record a tv show? How could they stop that? Tape recorders and VCR's are all you need.
    Easily something called broadcasts flags, to tell the stream to your tv what to do,whether it be to turn you tv off or on with out your consent all the way up to frying your tv.

    27.5.2008 19:01 #16

  • bobcro

    Quote:What's next, arresting people for trying to find new sources of energy? ...oh, wait. that's already happened too.clamUp, What's this about, please enlighten me.

    2.6.2008 05:04 #17

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