John Loiacono, senior vice president of Creative Solutions at Adobe, said in a press release “With Acrobat 9 we’ve combined the power, reach and richness of two ubiquitous technologies, Adobe Flash and PDF, to empower customers to create engaging experiences, prepare high-quality PDF files and collaborate more efficiently.”
Embedding Flash video in PDF documents will require Acrobat 9 Pro or Pro Extended. Playback will be possible across the entire family of new Acrobat products, including the free Acrobat Reader. Acrobat 9 Pro will also be included in the upcoming release of Adobe Creative Suite 3.3. Both Acrobat 9 and Creative Suite 3.3 are scheduled for a July release.
In 2005 Adobe purchased Macromedia, the creator of Flash. Since that time the format has increased in popularity, thanks in no small part to its use on websites like YouTube.
Written by: Rich Fiscus @ 2 Jun 2008 13:10