British police arrest 6 former OiNK users

British police arrest 6 former OiNK users
The British authorities have confirmed that at least 6 former users of the torrent site OiNK have been arrested, more than the single user that was reported on Friday.

All of those arrested were pre-release uploaders, people who shared full albums days or weeks before the official retail date. The arrest were all made between May 23rd and May 28th and include 5 men and 1 woman, all aged between 19 and 33.

Allegedly, all suspects were arrested on suspicion of “Conspiracy to Defraud the Music Industry” and were fingerprinted and forced to leave DNA samples.

The BPI left a statement about the matter, but for now most of the details remain vague. "The BPI and IFPI worked with the police in order to close down the OiNK tracker site last October. The illegal online distribution of music, particularly pre-release, is hugely damaging, and as OiNK was the biggest source for pre-releases at the time we moved to shut it down. We provided the information to assist this investigation, but this is now a police matter and we are unable to comment further at this stage."

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 3 Jun 2008 16:05
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  • 7thsinger

    "Yes sir Captain we're getting the Vermin off the streets."

    (Captain)"Show me your lockup."

    "No problem. There on the left is Buster McCracken who robbed a few liquor stores."

    (Captain) "Good, continue."

    "Next to him is Rowan Atkinson, arrested for poor acting. Next to him is Tony Dinkle, arrested as a suspect in an ongoing rape case. And finally, the sniveling college kid in the corner wetting himself as we speak was arrested for sharing music on the internet."

    (Captain) "Good work."

    3.6.2008 17:00 #1

  • BcMester

    Quote:all suspects were arrested on suspicion of “Conspiracy to Defraud the Music Industry”So it's now in the law books like that? Looks like the almighty "Music Industry" can do whatever they want. At the same time, the edited by ddp police won't even look for stolen cars or jewellery, which were worth a hella lot more than a edited by ddp CD last time I checked... What the hell is happening to this world, people?!

    3.6.2008 17:21 #2

  • ddp

    BcMester, watch the language as we do have little kids watching. post edited

    3.6.2008 17:28 #3

  • iluvendo

    Originally posted by 7thsinger: "Yes sir Captain we're getting the Vermin off the streets."

    (Captain)"Show me your lockup."

    "No problem. There on the left is Buster McCracken who robbed a few liquor stores."

    (Captain) "Good, continue."

    Quote:"Next to him is Rowan Atkinson, arrested for poor acting.

    But,but, it's his poor acting that makes him a superior actor (?)

    Next to him is Tony Dinkle, arrested as a suspect in an ongoing rape case. And finally, the sniveling college kid in the corner wetting himself as we speak was arrested for sharing music on the internet."

    (Captain) "Good work."

    If it wasnt for bad luck, Id have no luck!
    "The flimsier the product,the higher the price"
    Ferengi 82nd rule of aquisition

    3.6.2008 17:33 #4

  • joe777

    My missus got her mobile phone stolen from work, contacted the police who said she could fill in a form on the internet to reg her theft complaint!!! Then we phoned the phone provider(it was a contract phone) and got the sim blocked. Then asked what the company can do. They said nothing. I asked what about the EMI number and phone security. They said we can only do that for criminal actions and by way of a legal doc from the police. So back to the police, who said we only do that for big crime. Excuse me!!! come again!!!!! Yes sir if the crime was more dangerous then we would get the phone traced or text bomb it. No one gave a toss, but I bet if there was some pre release albums on the phone they would have pulled out all the stops. Get that criminal thats really dangerous crime that is!!!!
    Heres 1 for the unlucky peeps from the UK. If its not retail yet, then technically it doesnt exist maybe. As in yeah officer the company who collected the IP's must be smoking the peace pipe cause the albums your talking about dont exist, and if they really do exist then it must have been someone from the record industry who released them!!
    As the saying goes "stick that in your pipe and smoke it sonny"

    3.6.2008 17:53 #5

  • 7thsinger

    Quote:But,but, it's his poor acting that makes him a superior actor (?)
    My apologies to any and all Rowan Atkinson fans. I just pulled a random name out the air and his was it. Since then i've thought of a handful of actors i could've thrown out there. And let's face it...who hasn't laughed at Mr. Bean once or twice?

    It's garbage like this:

    Quote:all suspects were arrested on suspicion of “Conspiracy to Defraud the Music Industry”That just really ticks me off. Let's face it, there's more serious and violent crimes being committed and the feds are chasing people down for music sharing.

    "Sir, i would not harm thee for the world...but thou art standing where i'm about to shoot."

    3.6.2008 18:09 #6

  • BcMester

    Originally posted by ddp: BcMester, watch the language as we do have little kids watching. post editedMy apologies, got a little carried away there by thinking about the possible consequences if those people get convicted under “Conspiracy to Defraud the Music Industry”...

    3.6.2008 19:54 #7

  • pensfan12

    Its the record labels fault for letting their pre-release cds be handed out so freely and not kept tight.
    So in reality its there fault? haha

    5.6.2008 10:11 #8

  • zorb43

    Quote:Quote:But,but, it's his poor acting that makes him a superior actor (?)
    My apologies to any and all Rowan Atkinson fans. I just pulled a random name out the air and his was it. Since then i've thought of a handful of actors i could've thrown out there. And let's face it...who hasn't laughed at Mr. Bean once or twice?

    It's garbage like this:

    Quote:all suspects were arrested on suspicion of “Conspiracy to Defraud the Music Industry”That just really ticks me off. Let's face it, there's more serious and violent crimes being committed and the feds are chasing people down for music sharing.
    That reminds me of Roweena Aktsinton the late actress of 1930's fame. She was beautiful then, and I am sure would be striking today and would be in her early eighties if she were not killed in an automobile accident in Chicago sometime following WW II. She was known as "The People's Dream Girl" by her fans of that era. Some of her most popular films include ... "Promise me the World", "Chopsticks and Fiddlesticks" and of course the ever popular "A Home of my Own".

    8.6.2008 02:38 #9

  • F4HAD

    Wow, its amazing what the power of the police can do isnt it?
    40 years ago, there was no such thing as fingerprint scanning. echnology keeps getting more and more advanced, soon, police will have methods to catch everyone who downloads or uploads illegally

    Always happy to help :)

    8.6.2008 05:33 #10

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