Swedish political party votes for legal piracy

Swedish political party votes for legal piracy
The Vänsterpartiet, translated to the Left Party of Sweden, held its annual congress last weekend and passed a motion that will legalize the online sharing of copyright material.

During the debate on whether to pass the measure, the infamous torrent tracker The Pirate Bay was cited as why current copyright legislation is outdated.

“The farce that is the ongoing legal procedures against The Pirate Bay also shows how legal security is in risk of being compromised by those trying to enforce the current ban on file sharing.”

Members continued on, “To many of us in the Left Party, file sharing is something positive in the same obvious way that public libraries are.”

Additionally, the measure asks for the end of "big brother" tactics such as surveillance, entrapment and lawsuits for alleged pirates.

The party only holds 22 seats in the Swedish parliament currently but hopefully this measure will see the light with the other political parties in Sweden.

Written by: Andre Yoskowitz @ 11 Jun 2008 14:53
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  • nintenut

    Oh, hell yes! This is the best day ever.

    11.6.2008 16:21 #1

  • shummyr

    Finally someone sees the light

    11.6.2008 16:31 #2

  • Solo_Tek

    More reasons to love Sweden.

    Hot Chicks and Legal Piracy as well as Free college, hate paying student loans.

    11.6.2008 17:22 #3

  • Pr3

    you should come to denmark, where you get money to study ;P

    11.6.2008 17:45 #4

  • shummyr

    Originally posted by Pr3: you should come to denmark, where you get money to study ;POriginally posted by Pr3:
    More reasons to love Sweden.

    Hot Chicks and Legal Piracy as well as Free college, hate paying student loans.;P
    The USA Needs to get rid of the mpaa riaa fbi anti piracy units
    and any other companys/divisions/sectors of the goverment

    11.6.2008 18:06 #5

  • domie

    not to put a dampener on anything but let's not get carried away

    Quote:The party only holds 22 seats in the Swedish parliament currently but hopefully this measure will see the light with the other political parties in Sweden. oh yeah , of course .....the centre parties and right wing who make up almost 95% of the Swedish Parliament are sure to follow this idea aren't they ?

    This party have 22 seats out of 349 - that's just over 5% of the total - hell of an influence huh ? lol .

    11.6.2008 18:18 #6

  • nobrainer

    @ domie

    The one thing in common that the Vänsterpartiet and the other parties share, is the Orwellian, police state, above the law tactics the media industry is using to spy on us all, and control the distribution of information, so even if free information for all is not achieved the topics of fascist behaviour will be raised.

    The IFPI Are: The same anti consumer lot as listed above!

    11.6.2008 18:43 #7

  • iluvendo

    They could pool resources with the new "Pirate" party.

    11.6.2008 19:23 #8

  • rlessmue

    ...doen't look good (odds):
    Current party representation in the Riksdag
    Parties¹ Leaders¹ Seats² Votes³
    Social Democratic Party Mona Sahlin 130 34.99%
    Moderate Party Fredrik Reinfeldt 97 26.23%
    Centre Party Maud Olofsson 29 7.88%
    Liberal People's Party Jan Björklund 28 7.54%
    Christian Democrats Göran Hägglund 24 6.59%
    Left Party Lars Ohly 22 5.85%
    Green Party
    Maria Wetterstrand and Peter Eriksson 19 5.24%
    Total 349 94.32%
    ...so is the "Left Party" strong & have much influnce?

    12.6.2008 18:43 #9

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